Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Torchwood nor Smallville, sadly.

Hi guys, thanks for dropping in :) I'm sorry if they're any inaccuracies or holes in the timeline but I'm not fantastic at that kind of stuff haha I would love it if you guys let me know what you think as it's a new story, even if it's negative.

It was late in the morning, almost the afternoon and the sun was shining strong in Star City. Most of the city was up and making their way through their days in the heat of summer but currently there were no sounds coming the occupants of the apartment nor signs of waking from their slumber. For in a rather large king sized bed lay a pair of blondes, both sleeping as far away from each other, without falling off the bed, as possible. The duvet was wrapped around the woman while the man was left out in the cold, not that you would know it as his body language told nothing of it. The woman slept in the foetal position, her hands underneath her face, while the man lay on his back, his limbs spread in a awkward starfish position. It was obvious that he had rolled over in his sleep and judging by the wonky pillow he often shifted during the night. The woman seemed entirely the opposite, having barely moved a muscle since she had dropped from consciousness. She didn't reflect the situation however. For the moment, it was the calm before the storm. Or maybe after the storm? That didn't matter; because while they were blissfully unaware now, it was time for their lives to change forever without return.


Chloe Sullivan woke up but didn't open her eyes, savouring for once the feeling of complete rest and slightly gooey eyes. She didn't do this enough. From being promoted at the Planet to a full reporter to staying up at night consuming every journal and academic piece she could get hold of, against the conventions of her society, she rarely managed more than five hours of sleep a night. It was a habit that she was used to but it was nice to break it once in a while.

But now she wanted to get up. Her bed never felt this comfy nor did she ever have so much room. The covers wrapped around her were heavier and thicker than she was used to and smelt different. Her pillow was more plumped than usual, it was actually supporting her head instead of limply existing underneath it. It was quieter than she was used to and the light pouring into the room came from the wrong side of the bed. Finally the blonde decided she should open her eyes. She had things to do, responsibilities to uphold. Stretching her arms above her head and yawning, Chloe opened her eyes. That wasn't her ceiling. As if that was the only clue that fitted into place, she came to the conclusion that this wasn't the bed she had gone to sleep in. How had she not noticed that earlier?

Chloe sat up sharply and took in her surroundings. This room was much bigger than her bedroom and had a large window that spanned a whole wall had been the source of the aforementioned light. There were three doors along two of the walls and the bed leant against the third. There were no wardrobes and her dressing table, understandably, wasn't present. But that wasn't what shocked her most.

Somehow she had failed to notice she was sharing the room, in fact the bed, with someone else! /Wow I must have slept really well last night not to have noticed that. And judging by the comfy position he seems to be in, this is probably his place,/ she thought as she looked at the man lying next to her. He was shirtless and had pajama pants on over his legs. He was very good looking in a boyish, charming way and had a body that Chloe had only ever seen in dirty magazines that her co-worker Cat Grant had shown her as a laugh. Chloe was surprised that she wasn't freaking out more considering she definitely wasn't the kind of girl who woke up in stranger's beds often, or ever really. But strangely enough, she wasn't losing her mind but instead calmly assessing the situation. Maybe this is a dream? Chloe decided she didn't want to wait to find out and started untangling herself from the duvet, which proved surprisingly difficult.

The escape attempt didn't last long however as her movements caused her fellow sleeper to wake up and sit up straight instantly- mirroring her exact actions from earlier. The mattress accommodated accordingly and unlike her, he weighed quite a bit. The mattress dipped significantly in the middle causing a already tied up in blankets Chloe to fall over from the sudden shift in the surface below her and she dropped promptly head first into his lap.

The man shouted in shock at having a stranger fall into his crotch first thing in the morning as Chloe struggled to free herself so she could remove herself from this horribly awkward situation. After what seemed like an age, the petite woman managed to sat up and gawped at the man giving her an identical look. "Who are you?" They both asked simultaneously.

The man cleared his throat. He wasn't used to people not recognising him, especially in Star City. "You don't know who I am?" He asked.

"No," Chloe flatlined, "but I do want to know how I got into this bed."

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," the man admitted.

"Is this your bedroom?" inquired Chloe, shifting his her covers, still covering herself but sitting in a more comfy position.

"Yeah, I own the whole building. You really don't know who I am do you?" Questioned a very confused host.

"No and I was really hoping you'd clear that up for me."

"Oliver Queen," the blonde informed his bed-companion, half hanging his hand out to her.

"As in Robert and Laura Queen of Queen Industries?" Replied Chloe, untangling her hand from under the sheets and taking his. Despite the fact that she had kept it under the duvet for all this time, it was still warmer than hers and seemed to apply the exact right level of pressure.

"Yes," replied Oliver uneasily. This girl was starting to weird him out.

"Oh I just interviewed them! You're Mother's expecting isn't she? Something I'm sure you've heard of already," Chloe rambled, slightly flustered that she hadn't even done enough research to find that Robert Queen had a brother. And a very handsome one at that...

"Expecting? You must be confused, my parents are dead," Oliver informed her. It still hurt him to say it even after two decades.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry for your loss. This is going to completely change my write up," Chloe consoled Oliver while getting out of bed, completely missing the fact that he had said his parents were dead. "I need to call my editor, can I borrow your phone?"

"What do you mean call your editor? And who are you anyway?" Oliver questioned, raising his voice as he followed her out of bed.

Chloe had her hand on the door handle and turned back, smiling at his bed hair. "Chloe Sullivan, just been promoted to mainline reporter at the Daily Planet," she introduced herself. Not waiting for him to comment she opened the door into the large space that housed a living room with dinning space, a couple of sofas and a modern, open kitchen in the background. "Woah, this is a odd design. Why are there no colours? It's all white. And where's your fridge? Is that a sink? Where is your kettle?"

Oliver had to laugh as he walked through the door, watching Chloe going around the kitchen in confusion. Many girls he had briefly dated had been impressed by the true size of his wealth and the apartment that came with it but none of them had reacted like this. It was cute. "I have a coffee machine although I rarely use it so we might have to go down to the coffee shop."

"You have whole stores just for coffee here? I know it's against the fashion for us to drink coffee, 'I'm not drinking anything my grandad does,' but I can't get enough of the stuff," Chloe marvelled, her addiction eating away at her at the thought of it. "Where are we anyway?"

"My apartment, like I said before," Oliver repeated.

"No I mean are we in Upper Metrolpolis? Downtown? I need to tell my editor how far away I am. Where is your phone?"

"We're in Star City. And no one has a landline anymore," Oliver informed her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Just send him an email."

"Woah woah woah slow down. One: how on Earth did I end up in Star City? I went to bed at one thirty in the morning in my bed in Metropolis. Two: landlines are the only thing that exists, what do you mean no one uses them? Three: What is an email? And while we're at it, what is that?" Chloe reeled off at quite a pace. Oliver turned behind him to see what she was pointing at.

"That's my flat screen tv. It's a little bigger than the average but most people can still recognise it," he laughed. This girl was nothing short of crazy and somehow that was adorable to him.

"But where's the back of it?" Chloe pondered, a look of disbelief on her face. "This is definitely a dream."

"I don't think so, everything seems to be in order to me. What makes you think that?" Oliver questioned, slightly annoyed.

"I'm in a strange place where coffee is sold in specific shops; the Tv's don't make sense and I woke up in a bed with a handsome stranger in a city I couldn't even reach even if I traveled all night by car! So you try tell me that this isn't a dream because I can't make head or tail out of it," Chloe shouted, her arms shooting out to emphasise each point to a stunned Oliver.

There was a pregnant pause before he replied: "You think I'm handsome?"

Chloe brushed her hair, which had fallen onto her face during her rant, out of her eyes and gave him a look that could kill. "Is that seriously what you took from that?"

"Err," Oliver stumbled, recognising that he probably shouldn't have said that. "What are you wearing? A nightshirt?"

It was true that Chloe was wearing something incredibly old fashioned. "Everyone wears these. And you can talk; no one goes to bed shirtless, its unsanitary."

"In Star City, I'm overdressed in bed!"

"And how did you find that out? Go around looking at sleeping naked men? I think I need to leave, you're a freak," Chloe shot back at him, looking around for a viable exit but finding none. "Where is your door?"

"I'm sorry but I can't let you leave until you tell me how you got here. You weren't the only person who woke up with a stranger in their bed and I certainly didn't put you there." Chloe stopped and looked at him. "Maybe we can rustle something up and get you some of that coffee I promised you a minute ago?"

"Ok, but then you tell me what's going on," Chloe conceded, walking towards the kitchen.

"I'm sure you'll have a better idea than me..."


Author's Note: Hi guys thanks for checking out this new story. This idea came to me while re-watching the Torchwood episode of the same title and it inspired me to write this. I hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think :) I'll post in my other story next week but because I'm back to school, my chapters will drop in length I'm afraid. Anyway, please let me know what you think and see you next time. Cheers!