Eren woke up in a haze. There was extra weight on his body and black head of hair just below his chin. The sleepy teen blinked a few times before realizing where he was an who was on top of him.

He felt conflicted as memories of the night before rushed back in. He didn't need to think about that shit in first thing in the morning but here he was.

Levi shifted on top of him and Eren remained still in an attempt to not wake him up. The brunet blushed slightly when the thoughts of kissing Levi popped into his head. It had felt so right, and he struggled to even control himself. It was clear there was a lot of pent up sexual tension.

Levi shifted again and managed to push himself up to rest on Eren's chest. He blinked lazily, his already narrow eyes now looked like the slits of a disrupted cat. Eren thought he looked cute with his bed head but he wouldn't say it out loud. Levi stifled a yawn, "G'mornin', what time is it?"

He looked around for a clock, and he groaned when he found one, "It's seven in the morning why are we awake?"

Eren chuckled as he shifted to a more comfortable position, Levi groaned as he had to change his position as well, "I've always been an early riser."

"Ugh why? It's so much better to sleep in."

Levi mumbled as he attempted to bury his face against Eren's side to keep the sun from hitting his face. "You're awfully cuddly and touchy for someone who has OCD with cleanliness.

The raven haired teen shrugged, "You're different. You've always been different."

Eren blushed. Levi didn't seem to have a problem speaking his mind anymore. Yeah Levi would stutter here and there when he gets nervous, but two years ago Levi would've never been able to say that. Eren turned to his side and Levi glared up at him, "Stop moving shithead."

The brunet laughed as the grumpy teen moved once more into Eren's chest, "You keep letting the sun hit my face, it's annoying."

"Wow I wonder if people would still think you are cool after seeing you first thing in the morning. So grumpy."

Levi ignored him, and his breath came out in longer intervals. Eren rolled his eyes at how fast the shorter teen went to sleep. That had to be a record. Eren decided he might as well go back to sleep too.

This time Levi woke up before Eren. An obnoxious ringtone stirred him from his sleep, and he scrambled to look for it. He was careful not to shake Eren awake as he found the phone on the nightstand and he noticed it was Eren's.

Levi hesitated to answer but he decided Eren deserved to sleep in after last night, "Eren's phone."

"Who is this?"

"Levi, who is this?"

"Eren's sister. Why isn't he answering his own phone? And why are you answering it? What did you do to Eren?"

Levi sighed and looked at the clock, only forty minutes had passed since he last woke up. He was not in the mood for this shit. "Slow the fuck down, I just woke up," Levi stretched, "Eren's fine, he's asleep on my bed."

"Why the fuck is he on your bed?!"

"Sleeping," Levi clucked his tongue, "You should listen better. We fell asleep watching a movie so you can stop worrying about his asshole."

There was momentary silence on the other end, Levi thought Mikasa must of hung up. "Put Eren on the phone."

"No, he needs to sleep."

"No he needs to explain to me why he cheated on Annie with you of all people. I've never trusted you, and now I have more of reason to not trust you."

Levi frowned, "Calm down it's not like he fucked me. He just made out with me once, I don't see why this is being blown up into a bigger deal than it is. This doesn't have to do anything with his rep with the ladies does it?"

There was silence on the other end, and there was a new voice beside him, "Levi? Who are you talking to?"

"Was that Eren? Put him on the phone."

Levi covered the phone with his hand, "It's your sister. She wants to talk with you, sorry if I woke you up."

He uncovered the device, "Here's your brother."


Levi waited patiently, and he could hear Mikasa scolding Eren on the other end. Eren started to frown and Levi cocked his head in curiousity. Eren shook his head in frustration, "Mikasa just listen to me okay? You need to hear my side of the story too. I didn't me-" Eren got interrupted, "No, listen. I didn't mean for her to get hurt. I didn't want her to find out like that."

His brows seemed to get closer together as his frown deepened and Mikasa's voice got louder, "Calm down. You'll wake up everyone at the house, and I know they are still sleeping. I promise I'll talk to Annie, but I won't be getting back together with her," His features softened, "It just didn't click with her. She's great don't get me wrong, but...I don't think I'm really gonna be going for anymore girls anytime soon."

Eren sat in silence as he waited for his sister to finish speaking, "I'll come home later. It's too early now and I would actually like to sleep. You should too. Good bye, Mikasa."

He closed the phone and put it on silent, "There nothing should wake us up now. Sorry about that."

Eren motioned for Levi to come lie back down with him. Levi hesitated, Eren's words ringing in his head for a few moments before he complied to lie back down. His head hit the soft pillows and Eren's warm arms wrapped around him. Levi let out a content sigh, "It's amazing how we were mortal enemies and now look at us."

He felt a chuckle on the back of his neck, "Yeah, it's kinda funny how that works," Eren scooted closer to Levi, his chest resting on the shorter teen's back, "But I really don't want to think about that right now. Right now I just want to sleep. Okay?"

Levi's eyes fluttered shut as he whispered, "Okay."

Sleep was their only peace and escape right now, and they were willing to live in that peace for a few more hours.

A/N: Oh wow it's been a while. Sorry for the long wait!