Chapter 23: Clouded Judgment

"Bokusenō." Naraku called out. His baboon cloak emerged from the shadows.

"I'm summoned?" Bokusenō inhale slowly. He could feel the evil pouring out the puppet.

"I need a favor." Naraku approached the yōkai Magnolia. "I only ask for seeds. I am willing to pay any price."

"Naraku, to insult me and ask for a favor in the same breath is rude. I know your tactics. Either way, you're going to find a way to get what you need."

"I'm humbled, you know of me."

"Compliments won't uproot my decision."

"I figured. I'm sure you're wondering about Sesshomaru though."

"Anything you give has poison. I'd rather wonder than listen to you."

"A stubborn tree aren't we?" Naraku turned his back. "Lucky for you, I don't need Sesshomaru focused on me..." Naraku looked over his shoulders, hoping his words stuck to him.

"Whatever you plot, I hope you fail..."

"You wouldn't be the first." Naraku smiled. Perfect... He made his way to another tree yōkai with same request. My job here is done...

Sango was quiet. She refused to even speak. She rode in an angry silence with Kuranosuke. She thought about diving off and making a run for it. The guards were directly behind him and Bada was on his right side. If I time this right, I could make a run for it. I would only have a ten second window, but it's better than sitting here. She readied herself to leap off the horse. She slowly scooted back on the horse. She was a bit nervous. She knew a sudden move would draw attention to her. She studied Bada's face. He was riding right next to her, but he hadn't so much as glanced at her. Sango started looking at Kuranosuke. His eyes were locked on the path ahead of him. She looked back at the soldiers. They seemed normal. Two of them met her glance. The others continued march in single-file lines. Sango looked back at Bada. He was was almost robotic. His face was dirty, like he had a black powder or smoke thrown in his face. Sango rolled her eyes and refocused on escaping. She then saw Kuranosuke had the black powder on the lining of his jaw and shoulders. Sango made a mental note and continued to slide back. She needed enough room for her leg to cross over to the left side. She took a small inhale and glanced around again. I'll take off in three,... two,... one…. Sango froze as the fleet came to a halt. A large animal was blocking their path. The soldier automatically surrounded Kuranosuke, Sango, and Bada.

"What's going?" Sango peeked over his shoulder. It looked like a large beaver or vole. It was bleeding and apparently dead. Sango looked around. There were no footprints, paw tracks, or any sign of another animal. It was almost like the creatures dropped dead and bled out. Sango's instincts were anxious. She started looking around. This wasn't an accident.

"Men, be on guard! This was no accident." A soldier announced. Sango took note that her question was ignored. Kuranosuke and Bada seemed unfazed. Two soldier cautiously swept the animal away and cleared the path. The soldier stayed in their new formation, circling Sango. Shit. I shouldn't have waited. If I go, I'll have to waste time fighting. They're too many and I don't want to hurt anyone. Why am I being concerned?! They just kidnapped me! Well.. They were under orders. The person I should attack is Bada. I can't strike Kuranosuke, but I want to. I hope Koga is ok.

"We're almost there, my Lord!" A soldier shouted. Sango rolled her eyes. She could see the castle and the surrounding buildings.

"Perfect! Take Lady Sango and have her prepped. Lady Hinka may be dismissed." Bada directed three guards. The helped Sango off the horse and escorted her into the city. Kuranosuke and Bada rode off to the castle. His soldier dispersed around the gate. She could tell they were still nervous about the dead animal. Sango was led into a large white building. She walked in with the intimidating soldiers. The atmosphere was ruined by their presence.

"Welcome." A nervous woman approached them.

"We come with orders from the Takeda Castle, Lord Takeda." A soldier started. That's a bit redundant. Sango fought off a smile and started observing the establishment. There was a soft smell of lavender wafting through the air. It was completely disengaging. "This is Lady Sango. She is royalty, the bride to be. She shall be prepared for her wedding this evening." The woman raised a questioning eyebrow and nodded. The soldier marched out together and stood in front of the door. There were citizens passing by. Their eyes were trying to see through the windows or the salon. Sango paused.

"Lady Sango, I humbly invite you to be catered to and pampered by the Takeda Family Salon and Winery." The women wasn't much younger than Sango. She took her hand and led her to a changing room.

"Wait this place is a salon and a winery?" Sango looked around. She didn't see any bottles or anyone drinking.

"Only for the royal family, it' just a salon for the citizens. This is your room. Place your garments in that basket. They will be cleaned for you. Suka will be in shortly to take your measurements. My name is Ammo, if you need anything." She bowed respectfully and left Sango alone in the small cozy room to undress. Sango took a deep breath. She grabbed the thin robe and laid it out across a small counter. She quickly undressed and slipped into the cool silk. Before she could toss her clothes into the medium sized basket, there was a soft knock at the door. Sango sighed.

"Hi, I'm Suka." The door opened. There stood an average height person with jet black hair stretching almost to the floor. Sango raised an eyebrow. The clothes were elegant, but loose fitting. Suka had on a cherry scarf, an indigo dress shirt, and black pants. Or maybe it was a skirt. Sango couldn't figure out Suka's gender. His or her voice was average pitch. She could be a guy or girl. Sango decided to wait for context clues or any kind of confirmation of gender before assuming anything.

"Sango, you have beautiful skin. Much better than Hinka. Follow me Ms. Bride to be." Suka waved for her to follow. Sango walked into dim well decorated room full of stations. There was a hair cleansing station. There were women in the same uniform as Suka handling clients. Each of the stations were full of the elite. Sango recognized the women's faces. One was Bada's older sister, with Kuranosuke's younger sisters and cousins. None of them noticed Sango. Well I'm glad they aren't paying attention. Last thing I want to do is talk to a family I don't plan on marrying into. Suka directed her to an indoor spring.

"You will soak here. Two assistants will be in to bathe you thoroughly." Suka turned around and left Sango at the door of the hot springs. Suka was out of sight before Sango could object. Sango rolled her eyes and entered the steam clouded room. Her lungs tightened to the adjustment. She walked over to the wooden tub. She hug up her robe and climbed in. Sango's skin ignited as she sank into the water. Her thoughts fell upon one person. Koga.

"Miroku… Listen…" Inuyasha was now standing between him and Koga. "If Koga did kill Sango, there was blood right?"

"That bastard ripped through her like she was nothing." Miroku was huffing in anger.

"Ok, I don't smell or even see any blood on him…" Inuyasha looked at Koga. Miroku's hand was still stretched out.

"No I saw him… I know I did…" Miroku started second guessing his thoughts.

"We don't have time for this!" Koga shouted. "Takeda took her to be his bride! We need to go get her now!" Koga's arms flexed with anger.

"What the hell?!" Inuyasha became frustrated. "Look, how about we go to Takeda's castle. If she's not there, then Koga…" Inuyasha looked at him and shrugged.

"That's fine! I know she's there! I would never harm her!" Koga took off first. Miroku eyed him and followed.

"I swear to God, Koga…" Miroku mumbled. He knew Koga heard him. Inuyasha took off with them.

Kagome mentally replayed her encounter with Sesshomaru. She started to walk upstairs. The house was quiet. Her mother took the kids to her house. She was dressed and ready to join them, but she wanted to talk to Sesshomaru. She could hear the water draining from his bath. She walked into the bedroom and waited for him to enter. Her thoughts were racing. He entered and paused to look at her. Kagome's eyes stayed at his face.

"I'll be ready soon." He walked over to the closet.

"We need to talk." She sighed. He stayed quiet.

"What is wrong?" Kagome started. "You don't actually talk to me. I feel like you're punishing me." Kagome's voice was steady. "Is it because I look like Kikyo?"


"It has to be..."

"I said no. "

"Then tell me."

"You can't answer me Kagome. Do you still love my half brother Inuyasha?" Her shoulders dropped. "Exactly. After everything I've done, pieces of your heart are still with him."

"That can't be all. How does looking at Sayuri make you so angry, but you have no problem looking at me?!"

"She is of Kikyo! I will never accept her!"

"You can't punish her for her mother's mistakes!"

"She is her mother's mistake. You may think I'm being cold, but nothing good will come from having her here."

"Then nothing good will come from me either... I'm of Kikyo too... I'm her reincarnation!"

"You're different!"


"You chose me."


"You're different, because you chose me." Kagome became quiet. "Kikyo never gave me a chance. I helped her defeat a wave of demons. She was outnumbered with the Shikon Jewel around her neck. Afterwards, I could smell she was injured. I tried to check on her and she aimed an arrow at me."

"Maybe she thought you were trying to take the jewel-"

"No, she knew that I had started to care for her. Prior to that day, I thought of her as a close friend. When she aimed at me, I told her my intentions. She laugh and said it didn't matter, she never trusted me. She said that I want good enough and she would never be with a demon. " Kagome quietly gasped. "I left. Days later, I hear about Inuyasha being pinned to a tree. That he was in love with her, but Naraku turned them against each other."

"So kikyo was with you and Inuyasha at the same time?"

"No, she was falling in love with Inuyasha and stringing me along."

"So Naraku was lying. He worded it completely wrong."

"Yes. Inuyasha never knew about my ties to Kikyo." He started to approach her. Kagome felt goose bumps. His arms snaked around her waist as he rested his face into her stomach. Kagome stayed focused. She started to back away so she could look at him.

"When you asked if I loved Inuyasha." She sighed as her brain started producing 349 words a second. "I love you. Nothing will change that, but Inuyasha… I do have some unresolved feelings for him. Everything's different now though. I'm trying to be there for him because he needs me. After this whole thing with Kikyo… He needs someone." Sesshomaru looked up at her with a blank face. He pulled her toward her. He knocked her over his shoulder onto the bed. Kagome gasped. She flung onto the bed like a rag doll. He crawled over top of her and hovered. Kagome stared into his eyes. His expression was soft. His hand pushed strands out of her face.

"I don't want him too close to you. I know my brother." Kagome could feel the heat coming off his body. "Like right now… This is too close." He kissed her forehead. She gave a small sigh. "This is also too close." He kissed her lips. Kagome was pinned down.

"We have to go to my mother's." Kagome tried to wiggle away.

"She told us to take our time." He started to kiss her neck.

"I don't think that's what she... meant..." Kagome lost herself. Shit...

"We're almost there." Inuyasha made sure to stay between Miroku and Koga. Is this what's it's like to deal with me and Sesshomaru? He shook the thought away as they approached the gates.

"They might now let us in." Koga sped up.

"Stop, I'll get us in there." Miroku called out. "She better be in there." He side eyed Koga as he passed him to speak to the guards. "Gentlemen, we're the guest of the brie-to-be." Miroku said in a professional tone.

"Of course, but we were instructed to allow people in after the ceremony. No more guest until the reception." One spoke. He seemed confused with his own words. He had an apologetic face for the three guests.

"That doesn't make any sense." Inuyasha shook his head. "He just sat in the restaurant and pretty much invited us?!" Inuyasha became frustrated.

"That's because his brie is Sango now!" Koga shouted. "He doesn't want us to ruin the ceremony because she doesn't want to marry the guy."

"Because you're a better option." Miroku scoffed.

"We don't have time for this!" Inuyasha interjected. The guards looked at each other. "Look, we just need to go in and talk to the bride. We could be dealing with a... kidnapping?..." Inuyasha looked over his shoulder. "You better be right about this Koga. These are friends of Kaede. I don't want to make her upset by pissing off Takeda."

"You didn't hear this from us." Started one guard. "On the trip back, the Lord and Bada were racing, fell into the bushes, and came out of the bushes completely different. All of a sudden he asked his fleet to turn around, take Sango, and then came here and gave us those orders. The men from the fleet wouldn't stop talking about it. They felt bad for taking her. I'm assuming you're the demon she had with her." He gestured to Koga. "We'll let you through, but if anyone asks, you fought your way in."

"I told you!" Koga smiled at Miroku.

"Then what the hell did you see Miroku?!" Inuyasha scolded.

"I... I don't know..." Miroku couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Your face." A guard added. "Was it black with powder?"

"Oh yeah..." Inuyasha looked at Miroku.

"Our Lord came back with his face with black powder on it, like he didn't notice it was there."

"Bada did too." Another solider added.

"I was sprayed in the face by something... I didn't think anything of it..."

"Well, that's when you saw Koga and Sango right?" Inuyasha started to see the pattern. "You remember anything else?"

"Buzzing. I had my eyes closed and I hear an insect flying straight for me... Right before the black smoked showed up.

"An insect that throws poisoned gas... I wonder who could be behind this." Inuyasha started stretching.

"This has Naraku written all over it." Koga growled. "The spotlight always ends up on him."

"Let's hurry. Thank for the info." Inuyasha put Miroku on his back. The trio rushed past the guards into the kingdom.

"I'm going to wash my hair." Kagome started to blush. "You made my hair frizzy..." He smiled at her.

"I'll wait."

"No go ahead." Kagome shook her head. "I don't want my mom waiting any longer."

"Fine." He left after kissing her.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." She called after him. Kagome quickly ran water through her hair and brushed it. She dabbed it dry. Took out her blow dryer and fully dried her hair. That's better. Nice and sleek... I guess we made up, but it doesn't feel like it. I need to fix things with Inuyasha. I haven't been able to talk him. After everything that's happened... I wonder if he even wants to talk to me?... Her eyes wondered to the window. She gathered her thoughts and made her way to the front door. Kagome locked the door behind her and started walking toward her mother's house. She couldn't help but at look at the shrine. The door was cracked open. She didn't care until she saw a flash of red. Inuyasha? Is he here? He probably wants to talk. She ran to the shrine and opened the door cautiously. It was darker than usual inside the shrine.


"Who are you." Kagome was startled by the unfamiliar voice.

"I am not an enemy."

"I'll be the judge of that." Kagome was nervous, but only a little. The presence was visible, but faint. It wasn't a powerful spirit, or whatever it was. "What business do you have here?" Kagome kept her voice strong.

"Don't shoot the messenger. I have a powerful gift that I only trust in your hands. Are you the descendant that defeated Kikyo?"

"I am. Why are you asking? What message?"

"The priestess asked me for these." A hand appeared hold two small seeds. One was black, but glittered. The other looked like a regular seed. "It took 60 years, by the time I finished I was told she was killed by the half demon Inuyasha."

"He didn't do that. Inuyasha was framed by Naraku." Kagome interrupted.

"Regardless, when she was reborn, she wasn't the same. I knew it wasn't safe to give her these. She tried to hunt me down, but I've eluded her. She new body hindered her from focusing on my spirit."

"What are these?" Kagome looked into his hand. "They're just seeds."

"The black one reverses time to a specific memory of your choosing. The other forces you back to the present, with whatever changes you made to past still intact."

"Why would she..." Kagome started. When she was string Sesshomaru along... Kagome held out her hand. The spirit dropped the seeds into her hand.

"I think she was trying to undo something. Whatever it was, I believed it got her killed. Well now I'm not sure. If Naraku was the one who slayed her, then she didn't really have a reason to use these." Kagome stayed quiet. She probably wanted to undo her relationship with Sesshomaru...

"I'll take them. I'll guard them with my life." Kagome held the seeds. I can't believe she was going to do this to him. "Are the effects permanent?"

"Yes. That's why I was so reluctant to give them to Kikyo after everything that has happened." There as a sigh of relief. "Hearing that a new priestess came for and slayed her was a burden lifted. This is my appreciation. I am only a tree yōkai, this spirit took everything to create. After this moment, I will pass into the afterlife. Priestess, your actions are bigger than you realize. Take the Seeds of Fate as a reward and symbol as my appreciation.

"Wait, what's your name?"


"Thank you Bōnesuko." Kagome could feel the spirit fading. "Rest easy. The Seeds of Fate are in good hands."

"Thank you Priestess..." The spirit fell back into the well. It's presence vanished. Kagome gripped the seeds. I have another responsibility because of her... But I must keeps these out of the wrong hands.

"I can smell her! She this way." Koga took lead running through the outer city, kicking up dust.

"Yeah I know." Inuyasha followed with Miroku on his back. They arrived to a large white building. "Her scent is mixed in with the lavender pouring out of here. She has to be here."

"Yeah, let's go inside and-"

"SANGO!" Koga yelled at the building.

"Or shout at the building like an idiot..." Miroku climbed off of Inuyasha and rolled his eyes.

"I'll go in." Inuyasha marched to the entranced. Miroku was already heading in. Koga folded his arms an followed. They entered the beautiful decorated lobby. Ammo and Suka approached the men.

"May we help you?" They said in unison.

"We're looking for Sango." Koga stated, unnecessarily aggressive.

"Can you just let her know we're here." Miroku added.

"You were really gonna fight two kids." Inuyasha glared at Koga.

"I just wanted to let them know we were serious." Koga sat down on the floor. His legs and arms all folded. He was riddled with aggression. Ammo and Suka interrupted Sango's bath.

"You have some men here for you Sango." Ammo sounded worried. "We can call for Takeda's soldiers if necessary."

"What do they look like?" Sango was enjoying the pampering. I really want to be rescued after the spa treatment, but I guess now or never. She started to get up and dry herself off. She already knew the cavalry arrived.

"Well one is a monk, and the other two, I'm not sure."

"They're definitely demons though." Suka added.

"One's in all red and the other is in brown furs?"

"Oh, I guess you do know them?" Suka couldn't help but to be surprised.

"Yeah..." Sango took the robe and wrapped herself accordingly.

"I guess it's a false alarm?" Ammo sighed a little.

"Yes, don't worry. They're not a problem in the least bit." Sango said carelessly. Well Inuyasha isn't... She walked out to the lobby and saw them.

"Sango!" Miroku and Koga said in unison.

"We can greet each other later. We have bigger problems." Inuyasha cut in. "The guards filled us in on what happened."

"What do you mean?" Sango asked.

"Naraku is up to something. He's affecting people with black gas or something. I'm not sure how it works though."

"Yeah, they had some black powder on their faces. What happened with you guys?"

"Well..." Inuyasha gestured towards Miroku.

"I was looking for you in the forest. I closed my eyes to see which direction you went. I heard a buzzing sound flying toward me, then the black gas was sprayed into my face..." Miroku started to trail off.

"Don't forget the part where you thought I killed her, then tried to kill me..." Koga stood up a tilted his head. "You almost forgot that part."

"What?!" Sango looked at Miroku. He avoided eye contact. She decided not to press on the subject. "Ok... Wait..." Sango looked at Inuyasha. "So Naraku is playing match maker or something?!" Sango couldn't help but laugh a little. "I mean, what was the point of all this?"

"It's probably a distraction." Miroku sighed.

"Ok, but from what?" Koga looked around for answers. "We should just hurry up and fix this mess and go."

"Yeah, but Miroku is right. This has distraction written all over it." Sango grabbed Koga's hand. Koga was bothered hearing her say he was right. Miroku looked away from her grabbing his hand.

"We should be able to fix this quickly." Inuyasha stretched. "I think the effects ware off after you wash the powder."

"I didn't wash my face... Did I?..." Miroku interrupted.

"Yeah, but you sweated and wiped your face." Koga pointed to Miroku's sleeve. You could see a dark spot on his sleeve.

"Alright, that's gonna be our plan then." Inuyasha turned toward the exit.

"It's our best bet." Miroku headed out first.

"I'll wait here. You guys go ahead." Sango smiled. "I'm sure you guys can handle it, plus I'm not fighting in a robe."

"Right." Inuyasha walked out.

"I'll be back." Koga hugged her.

"I know." Sango smiled at him. "Go ahead." She shooed him away. He headed out after the others. She turned around and went straight back the bathing chambers. I'll relaxed until I'm needed. I'm sure they can handle it all.

Kagome dropped the seeds into her pocket. I'll hang onto them. I need to get to my mom's house. She pulled the shrine open to find Sesshomaru standing there.

"What are you doing?" He scanned the room. She could see his nose sniffing the air.

"Nothing, I thought someone was in here. Just my imagination." She side stepped past him. "Let's go to mom's."

"You thought it was Inuyasha?" He looked lightly annoyed. "I'm just asking."

"I honestly wasn't sure, I thought it might have been Sango." Kagome was able to keep her heartbeat steady.

"So no one was here?" He sounded confused. Before she could answer he walked past her. "Either way, don't go in there alone nor without a weapon. Anything might be able to pass through that well."

"Alright." Kagome followed him to her mother's. THAT was close, dear God. At least he's not angry. I guess spirits don't leave a smell? Lucky me! Kagome couldn't help but become giddy. She followed into her mother's noisy house. The kids were playing with her brother. Her mother was cooking. Grandpa was telling his stories, even though no one was listening. The atmosphere was loud and inviting. Sesshomaru headed into the living room with Sota and the babies. Kagome joined her mother with prepping the food.

"SESSHOMARU!" Her grandpa shouted. "You're back just in time. You see when I was a young lad... Well I can't remember the whole story BUT I WAS A GREAT FIGHTER! You could learn a few things from me!" He flexed a bony arm.

"I'm sure." Sesshomaru sighed.

"Grandpa leave him alone! You know you're suppose to take it easy." Kagome yelled from the kitchen.

"OH I'M FINE! I drank an old family recipe. I feel 30 years younger! I'M INVINCIBLE!"

"Let him tire himself out Kagome." Her mother rolled her eyes. "Which will be soon." They laughed.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Kagome chuckled.

"Hey Sesshomaru, Kazue just started trying to talk. He talks when I make this face." Sota made a surprised face at Kazue. Kazue reached for his face and babbled and yelled at him. His little hands were reaching around. Sayuri smiling and kicked her feet around. She was happy to see Sesshomaru.

"He's learning." Sesshomaru smirked at his son.

"Look Sayuri is happy to see you." Sota pointed at her smiling at him. Sesshomaru's smirk faded.

"She seems to have become accustomed to me." Sesshomaru's voice was dry. Sota didn't notice. Kagome could hear them both in the living room. She started to get nervous. Don't start Sesshomaru, not here. Not like this. "Regardless, I guess she's starting to feel at home here." Kagome relaxed a little.

"Yeah!" Sota poked her stomach. Sesshomaru sighed deeply. "What's wrong?" Sota looked at his face. Kagome froze.

"When you poked her stomach... She pooped... Bad..." Sesshomaru picked her up. Kagome relaxed again.

"It's my fault, I'll help-" Sota suddenly smelled Sayuri. "Uhhhmhmm... You seem like you got it so I'll just look after Kazue."

"Fine." Sesshomaru frowned at Sota. Kagome could hear Sesshomaru changing Sayuri. She felt a wave of pride. It's a start. Maybe he's finally warming up to her? I can't help but be proud of him. He's really trying to accept her!

"There's no need. We're not getting married." Kuranosuke laughed lightly.

"Well that was anti-climactic..." Inuyasha scratched his eyes.

"We realized that we were being irrational. I don't know what came over us." Bada sat trying to focus on what caused the confusion. "We just sent a messenger to notify Lady Sango that she's free to go, with apologies."

"Well that's great..." Miroku became anxious. "I guess we'll just wrap this all up and go..."

"Did you guess wash your faces?" Koga asked.

"Oh right." Inuyasha looked at them. "I'm pretty sure you did and you realized what you were doing was wrong."

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Kuranosuke looked at all of them. " That's exactly what happened."

"Yeah, don't worry about it." Inuyasha started to stretch. "We think Naraku used you guys as a distraction. We don't know why."

"But we're going to find out." Koga growled.

"I understand. We'll back you guys whenever you need it." Kuranosuke nodded.

"Yes." Bada stood up. "If you don't mind I must speak with the Lord in private. You all are free to stay in the castle or leave. Whichever is suitable."

"Thanks, but we should all regroup in the village. We need to alert Kaede of these events and figure out the reason behind it." Miroku stated.

"Yeah let's go." Inuyasha led the way out. Miroku and Koga followed. "I'm not complaining, but that was too easy."

"Right." Koga cosigned.

"I wanted to fight some people." Inuyasha sighed.

"I'm just glad the wedding nonsense is over with." Miroku folded his arms.

"The only person who should be relieved is me, but sure, feel accomplished." Koga smirked.

"Here we go." Inuyasha sighed with a smile and waited for Miroku's response.

"So you want me to suck you into my wind tunnel."

"Like you could catch me."

"Big words from someone who's still injured."

"You're one to talk. You're human. I'm a demon. Don't try to put yourself on the same level as me." Koga shook his head. Inuyasha walked ahead to the spa building. He could see Sango coming out. She was fully dressed in her demon-slaying clothes.

"How mad would you be if I ditched you with these two?" Inuyasha squinted at SAngo.

"You wouldn't..." Sango looked into Inuyasha's eyes. "Don't... Please..."

"... Fine..." Inuyasha sighed. "How about we ditch them?"

"... They'll kill each other..." Sango sighed.

"Shit..." Inuyasha rolled his eyes and turned around. "Alright ladies, break it up, you're both pretty." He separated the two bickering men.

"Thanks Inuyasha." Sango grabbed Koga and pulled him away from them. "Can we go home now?"

"Fine." Koga huffed.

"Yeah can we go now?" Inuyasha pushed Miroku toward the gates.

"Fine." Miroku puffed.

Kagome snuggled into the bed next to Sesshomaru. The kids were in their beds. Everyone was tired out. Kagome started playing with his hair. His eyes were closed. She wasn't sure if he was asleep. Kagome got up anyway. He didn't move. She dug into her pocket and pulled out the seeds. She placed them in a satin sack she would use for the Shikon Jewel. She placed the small bag on her desk near the window. She looked out of the window toward the shrine. She thought about the flash of red. She thought about Inuyasha. Before she could think it, she saw that flash of red again. Inuyasha? She quietly left the home an ran for the shrine. She had to see if he was there. She needed to talk to him. She had to make sure he was ok. I'll be quick. I just need to check on him... He might not even be there... I still have to check really quick before Sesshomaru realizes I'm gone...

Sesshomaru was watching her from the window...

Alright. Here. I'm sorry for the ridiculously long wait.
After everything I've been through: Was cheated on, got a new bf, cheated on again, had a friend try to kill herself and had to fight with her family about it, had to fight with the government over my vehicle, my best friend moved to Texas(I'm in VA), a bitch I've known since middle school WHO I THOUGHT was my best friend back stabbed me, my best guy friend WHOM I NEVER SLEPT WITH also back stabbed me, and my dad gave us a scare(but we ended up arguing then getting into a better place so no more daddy issues lol), dealing with psycho family members THEN finding out were not actually related, and there are family members we don't know about annnnd I think those are the main things... I'm pretty sure you guys are wondering if I'll write about it... When I'm emotionally stable enough... lol no but check for The Explanation on FictionPress, same username and everything.

Anywho to the wonderful loyal readers... Thank you...

Kaze (Guest)
SheWolf Riley
Nekota Satoro Tashiro