A/N: My first Ugly Betty multi-chapter fic! Hope you enjoy!

Back to Basics

The New York skyline was just like she remembered. She still felt that mix of wonderment and awe as she gazed up at all the towering skyscrapers. Two years in London had done some to temper the city-wonderment, but she would never lose the anxious thrum in the base of her belly when she stood in front of Meade Publication's headquarters. She felt like it was her first day all over again – complete with heavy bangs and her Guadalajara poncho.

In a way it was her first day, again. But things had changed. She wasn't some fresh-from-college rube entering the wild jungle of fashion. That was something she never wished to experience again. She was now the editor-and-chief of a successful woman's magazine – one so successful, in fact, that Meade Publications had taken it under its publication umbrella.

Betty took a deep breath and tugged at the bottom of her suit jacket.

"You are an attractive, intelligent, confident business woman," she reminded herself softly.

But the nerves had little to do with her business skills, anymore. Those two years in London had built and solidified her confidence. She took an idea and with the help of her business partner Harry created a multimillion dollar magazine. No, her nerves had nothing to do with her work performance. It was something else - someone else, to be more exact. It was someone else with dark brown hair and a penchant for blue suits. It was also someone whose name graced the very building where she would spend many, many of her forthcoming days.

"You can do this," she said softly, walking through the lobby. She pressed her finger on the up button and waited impatiently. The more time she spent in open spaces inside the Meade building, the more opportunities there were for her to run into him. And although she promised herself that she would be professional, she didn't really want to run into him. At least not on the first day.

The doors opened and she slipped inside, pressing the button for the 15th floor. The doors slid closed and she was just about to let out the breath she had been unconsciously holding when a hand poked through at the last moment. The doors sprung opened and then there he was, looking just as she remembered with his dark hair and blue suit. He stood there for a moment, and the doors nearly closed again, but then he stepped forward and stood next to her.

"Hello Betty," Daniel said in a level voice.

"Hi Daniel."

She didn't know why this was so uncomfortable. It wasn't as if they hadn't spoken since he'd returned to New York. He had been an active participant in the negotiations before her and Harry signed over the magazine to Meade Publications. But then they had sales figures and advertising space to talk about, and there were at least three other people in the room to cover the tension.

"Ready for your first day?" he asked, voice formal. It was the same voice he'd used with Wilhelmina back in their Mode days, and it stung because she knew what that meant.

"I think we are," she returned, eyes trained on the elevator doors. She paused for a second and then glanced toward him. "It's strange to be back here, though."

He didn't say anything and she wanted so badly to step toward him and force whatever he was thinking out of him like before. She could always make him talk, but not anymore. Things were too different now.


The doors slid open on his floor and he mumbled a hasty "good luck" before slipping out. She stepped back and leaned heavily against the wall as the doors slid shut.

Running a magazine was hard work. She'd seen it firsthand at Mode, but she learned quickly that seeing it was very different than actually physically running the magazine. There was always something to do – an advertiser to court or a last minute layout to approve. She usually did it with Harry, but he'd elected to stay in London for the next few months and close up all the outstanding business there with the magazine. That meant the brunt of the new issue work fell on her shoulders, and it was a substantial weight.

She barely even knew it was lunchtime until Marc and Amanda showed up, practically dragging her from her desk to a sushi spot down the street. They sat in one of the corner tables, Amanda and Marc munching on edamame while she dug into her order of tempura crusted salmon rolls.

"Give us all the details," Amanda demanded, popping a soy bean into her mouth. Betty began to go into her day at work, but Marc cut her off with a wave of his hand and said, "Oh please, when have we ever cared about your work? Tell us about Daniel."

Betty frowned, stuffing a salmon roll into her mouth. She should have never told Marc and Amanda what happened.

"Don't think you can eat your way out of this," Marc pressed.

"It's not like we haven't seen you talk with a full mouth before," Amanda added. "You did it, like, all the time back at Mode."

"I did not," Betty returned impulsively through a full mouth.

Amanda shook her head. "Tragic. Anyway, give us all the dirty little details! Did you guys bang in the elevator? Oh! Or maybe you have a secret sex room like my awesomely awesome mom Faye Summers and you guys went at it in there!"

Betty shook her head. "We did not bang anywhere. It's not like that."

"Anymore, you mean," Marc said. "Seriously, though, did you see him?"

"And was it awkward?" Amanda interjected. "Because I could definitely see it being awkward. Or, you know, sexual."

"Yes, I saw him. We were in the elevator together this morning."

"I knew there was elevator sex!" Amanda said triumphantly.

"There was no elevator sex," Betty said firmly. "There was just…awkwardness. And his Wilhelmina voice."

Marc gasped. "He used his Wilhelmina voice on you?"

Betty nodded. "He used his Wilhelmina voice on me."

Just the memory of it made her stomach twist. What happened to them? They had been close. He was her best friend, and she was pretty sure that she was his, too. Hell, he'd followed her to London. And then he left London. Because of her.

"I guess some awkwardness is expected," Marc said reasonably. "You did dine and ditch him."

"I did not dine and ditch him."

"Betty," Amanda said slowly. "You slept with him and then told him you wanted to be just friends. You dine and ditched him."

"Is it so bad that I wanted to just be friends? I have a right to feel the way that I feel."

Betty knew she was being stubborn, and she also knew that someone who only wanted to be friends didn't sleep with said friend. But she was missing home, and he was there, and the mixture of the wine and his deft hands made her forget a lot of things, namely why what they shouldn't have been doing what they were doing, and then it happened.

"I still can't believe you did it," Marc said. "I have to say, when you told me, I was a little proud." He glanced at Amanda and added, "Our little Mexican bird is growing up."

"I don't know what to do," Betty lamented. "I don't know how to make it right."

"You can't," Marc said. "This is something he has to move past. And, since it's been almost two years…"

"It's pretty unlikely he will ever want to look or speak to me again," Betty finished glumly. "But then why would he buy my magazine? If he hates me that much, why?"

"Because Daniel is a smart business man," Amanda filled in, garnering a snort from Marc.

"Probably more like Claire suggested it and then pushed until he said yes," Marc said. "If anyone was on your side here, Betty, it was Claire Meade. She liked you even before you got rid of those God-awful bangs."

"They were not that bad," Betty argued.

"Really Betty? Do you need us to show you a picture to jog that awful memory?"

Betty gave him a look. They weren't that bad. Would she want to have them again? No, but that was more a marker of her evolution of style than anything else. They weren't – okay, they were pretty bad.

"Anyway, I just wish things weren't so awkward. I thought maybe being in the same city...I don't know…"

"You'd pick up where you left off like nothing happened?"

Betty shrugged. "Kind of?"

"Betty, things changed before you slept together," Marc said. "He left Mode for you."

"I know," Betty said glumly.

"He flew all the way to London to be with you."

Amanda sighed. "I forgot how romantic that was."

"So, basically I'm screwed?"

Together Amanda and Marc returned, "Basically."

A/N: This is a teaser of things to come! Let me know if you want to see more!