Hello everyone, Karissa here. It's been a long ass time... so much has happened. First of all I apologize for abandoning my stories. It's been like 5 years and I was so shocked to see people still commenting from literally just like 2 weeks ago wanting more. A lot happened, I started writing this story when I was a sophomore and the last few years of my high school life really kicked my ass, a lot of personal shit went down and I fell out of love with writing for a little bit.

But that was years ago. And so much has changed you guys. I'll be 21 this spring (crazy!) and I'm going to school to teach English, BUT im currently taking this semester off and working on a novel!! Since college I've fallen in looove with writing all over again and just being a novelist is my dream, so I'm going for it!

I came on here this morning because I was sitting on my computer with a huge writers block spurt, started going through old stories on my google drive, and found this. I had totall forgotten! So I pulled up my page and started going through all the comments that were so encouraging to me! I know a lot of people want an update, and a part of me wishes I was coming on here to give one, but unfortunately I have to be the bearer of bad news and let you know I am not currently planning to update this story or others of mine left unfinished, it's just been too long. I apologize, but I hope everyone who encouraged me sees this and stays tuned for what is in store with my career in writing, if I'm successful and my book gets published I'll be sure to share!!

Thank you and I'm sorry.