So I said I was going to write a epilogue so here it is! :)


Tris and I watch as our little boy runs with the other kids his age, he grabs the rail of the train and swings himself up. His first day of school, it seems like just yesterday he was asleep in his crib after crying all night. "You think he will be okay?" Tris asks me, tears glisten in her eyes.

"He's our son of course he will be okay."

"You promise?"

"I promise." I pull her close to me and hug her tightly.

"I wish I was there for his first day."

"I know you do, but he is Dauntless through and through he doesn't need us helping him every step of the way."

"I know, I miss him already."

"Tris. Curt is going to come back, it's one day at school."

"I know, you don't know how it feels do you?"

"To miss him right now even though he just left?"


"I do know. Don't worry we will have someone else too keep us busy while he's gone." I say and place my hand on her belly where our next little one is. Tris looks up at me and smiles.

"This one is going to be my little girl."

"Never know, she might be a daddy's girl."

"What is Curt the mommy's boy?"

"I don't know he kind of looks more like you."

"No, he has your nose and eye's but my blonde hair."

"Your smile, and ears."

"He's a perfect mix than."

"WILLIAM GET OUT HERE NOW!" Tris and I turn to see Christina yelling for her son, he's a year older than Curt, Christina and Will go married a 6 years ago they had little Will two years before. "You are going to be even more late now that you have to walk!" Christina scolds.

"I wanted to play a little longer."

"Hiding from me isn't playing."

"If we were playing hide and seek than yes."


"What!?" The kid has got an attitude and is very sassy.

"Oh hi Four, Tris." Christina nods to us.

"Auntie Tris! Don't let mommy kill me!" He says running to Tris, Tris hugs him and releases him.

"I'm not going to kill you, get your butt to school."

"Go on William." Tris says.

"But I don't want to go I have no friends." He says quietly.

"Curt is there and he's going to need you to help him around." Tris says in a soft voice.

"He is!? I'm gonna go! Bye Mommy, Auntie Tris and Uncle Four!" He takes off running to school, that kid as some energy.

"What did you say to him?" Christina says putting her hands on her hips.

"I told him Curt needs his help getting around school." Tris says looking off to where the school is.

"You sent him to school today? I totally forgot!" Tris just nods, I can see the tears coming back in her eyes, I rub her back and she lay her head on my chest. "I'll let you guys be. Thank for getting William to school Tris." Tris nods again and Christina walks back inside.

"Hey you okay?" I ask Tris, she looks up at me tears running down her cheeks I wipe them away. "What wrong?"

"I just miss him. He was so small and now he's going to school, all alone."

"Yeah he's a big boy."

"I want him as my baby again."

"I know you do, come on lets go home." I hold her close as we walk.


I pace the kitchen floor waiting for Tobias to get back from work, he needs to hurry up, of all days to take his sweet time why now! Keep busy I think to myself. This child is coming any minute now.

He walks in the door with a smile. "How's my beautiful wife?" He come over and kisses me lightly on the lips. When he looks into my eyes he sees my irritation and pain. "Are you okay?"

"Oh just waiting for you to get her so I can have this damn child." He freezes and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Right now?"

"For the past twenty maybe thirty minutes."

"Come on come on!" He says rushing me out the door.

"If you would have come sooner we wouldn't be rushing." I say and walk as fast as I can.

"Why didn't you just go? Or come get me?"

"That would take to much time, and I didn't want to climb all those stairs, also I want you to be here for this one, you came late for Curt."

"Tris you really irritate me when it comes to your well-being."

"I'm fine, just a small human wants to get out of me like now!" I double over in pain as the contractions come closer and closer together. "Damn it!" I being to walk again.

Finally we make it to the infirmary. "Hi how can I help you today?" The perky nurse asks, I look at her as if saying 'really?' She waits with a smile for me to speak.

"I'm going into labor, as of thirty or forty minutes ago." I say through my teeth.

"Oh come on, you the daddy?" She asks Tobias.

"Yes!" Tobias says he rushes along side me in the while chair.

"First?" She says, I wish she would shut up!

"Second!" Tobias snaps.

"Oh nice, so do you know the sex of this little one?"

"She's a girl."

"Aw! Daddy's little girl!"

"Sure. Can you please stop talking and just help my wife!"

"Hey Four, I'm fine, I've done this before."

"You are not fine! You're about to push out a child!"

They finally get me onto the bed by then I can feel this baby coming out.

Tobias stands by my side while I scream at him, his hand holding tight to mine, the pain feels like someone is ripping me in half.

Finally most the pain is gone, I breath in heavy breaths. "Do you want to cut the cord daddy?" The doctor asks. Tobias looks startled then walks over, I close my eyes and sigh, the pain has subsided and it's more of an ache now.

"Oh my god," I hear Tobias says, I open my eyes and see him holding a little child in a small white and pink blanket. "She's so small. Look." He hand her to me, I hold our little girl and smile at him.

"Curt is going to be mad when he gets home, he wanted to be here to see her."

"He will get over it. What name did you pick out?"

"I thought you should have a say in it."

"What do you have in mind?"

"You tell me." He thinks for a minute than smiles.



"It mean brave warrior. Our little girl is brave." I'm not sure how he knows this but I like it.


"What did you have in mind?"

"Andrea. And Cassie. But I like Maia better, the name and meaning." He smiles and looks down at Maia.

"She looks just like you."

"You know you can't tell that yet, wait a few days and we can say who she looks more like, than when she gets older we can see who she looks more like then."

"Do go getting all Erudite on me." He kisses my head. "Either way shes beautiful." I hand her back to him, he moves the blanket from her face and smiles.

I lay in the white room with Tobias holding Maia in a chair when Curt comes running in with Christina. "You got sissy?!"

"Yeah I got your sissy?"

"Why didn't you wait to open her until I came home?" Tobias, Christina and I laugh.

"Honey, mommy couldn't wait that long." He crosses his arms.

"Well you should have tried." He said and walked over to Tobias. "Can I see her daddy?"

"Yeah buddy." Tobias leans over a little and Curt pulls the blanket down a little peaking in, the sight of my two boys huddled around my little girl brings a smile to my face. Curt looks over at me eyes big.

"Mommy! She's so small!"

"I know it." Curt looks back at Maia and smiles, Tobias looks up at me giving a small smile then looks back at Maia, he whispers to Curt telling him her name.

"I like that name." He says in a loud whisper.


I watch as Curt takes the small knife from Tobias, I watch as he cuts his hand and the blood drips into the Dauntless bowl, shouts and cheers come from the crowd, Maia jumps up and down.

"YAY!" She yells Curt smiles, and Tobias pats him on the back and whispers to him, Curt smiles and walks down to the other Dauntless initiates.

Just yesterday he was my little boy going to school now he isn't so small anymore, I remember crying wishing he didn't grown up but I can't stop him. I'm proud of him and the man he's become. I can feel tears coming but I push them aside and watch the next kid make his choice. Maia gets wiggly and jumps up from her seat.

"Can I go see Curt?"

"No not yet."


"After this is over we can say goodbye."

"Why so long? Why say goodbye?"

"Because that's when we can, and because he is going to become a Dauntless member."

"Are you a Dauntless member?"


"Is daddy?"


"Am I?"

"Well you are until you are 16 than you can choose if you want to be a Dauntless member or another faction member."

"What are the other factions."

"You will learn more about it in school."

"Fine, can I go see Curt?"

"Not yet." She sit silently but wiggles more. Then she gets up and runs down to Curt, I watch as he pulls her to his lap and whispers in her ear, she smiles than runs back up to me, she sits down and is silent for the rest of the ceremony.

When everyone is leaving I walk over to the stage where Tobias stands talking with other faction leaders, after Max had left Tobias took the role as head leader of Dauntless. Tobias holds up a finger to them and walks over to me, "Hey you," He says and kisses me lightly.

"Eww!" Maia says, Tobias covers her eyes with one hands and pulls me close to him and presses his lips to mine, I laugh a little and kiss him back.

"Don't kill her Four." A voice says, Tobias and I pull apart and look to see Caleb standing in Erudite blue he smiles.

"Two children and I haven't kill her yet." I elbow him hard in the ribs he just laughs.

"UNCLE CALEB!" Maia screams and runs at him, Caleb crouched down and falls over when Maia tackled him.

"Wow, strong girl you have here." He says and picks her up walking over to us.

"Takes after her dad." I say. Tobias kisses the side of my head.

"I should go back and finished talking to them."

"Okay, I'll be here." He walks over to Caleb.

"Nice to see you again." He says shaking his hand. Caleb nods and then walks over to me.

"Hey," He says, putting Maia down, than hugs me.

"Mommy, uncle Caleb says that you are going to get another little baby! Same with him and Lana!"

"Well I knew that mommy and daddy were going to have one but didn't know uncle Caleb was." I say and give Caleb a looks, he already has five kids, two are already chose faction, one stayed in Erudite the other chose Amity. Next year he has another kid choosing.

"Yeah, number six!"

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"

"You too!" By this time Tobias has joined.

"What?" Tobias says and puts him arm around me.

"Lana and Caleb having another."

"What really? wow! Congratulations."

"Yeah, well you and Tris too. Number 3?"

"Yeah." I say.

"Hope you're treating my sister right?" Caleb says then breaks to a smile.

"Treating her better than anyone else could." Tobias says with a smile.

"I'm right here and I'm hungry so we should get going."

"Okay, well Caleb it was nice seeing you again, congratulations on the baby!"

"Yeah you too! Bye Tris."

"Bye Caleb Congrats."

"Bye bye little Maia!"

"Bye bye Uncle Caleb." She hugs Caleb and then ran back to Tobias and grabbed his hand. Caleb waved and walk out the door. Together the 3 of us walk out to the train waiting for it to come and take us home.

Thank you all so much again, for reading! I love you all so much! This is going to be the last thing I will write for this story, if you want you can check out my other stories I'm writing a new one right now but not sure when I will post it. Anyway if you want check out the other stories.

Thank you all again so much! Just you guys reading this means the world to me even if you don't review, at least you guys are reading it and maybe liking it! Thank you so much! I can't say thank you enough! I am so thankful for you guys!

So someone asked how old I am; I am 17. :)

Keep Crazy And Fangirl/Boy On! ~Kim