(A/N: Third chapter I've written without posting… I think I should respond to some of my pms… but I don't think I will right away. I'll do it when I feel good and ready. No offense, it's nothing personal. Anyway, please enjoy the story. I realize this fic has a lot of issues in the information department, so I changed this to rated T, one reason because it's not as bad as I planned for, second, no one can see M rated stories unless they actually look. I'm also changing the genre off of angst because I realized I don't want to kill off Russia -_- derp. There still is going to be some suggestive themes though as well as swearing because, for some reason, I always write with swear words -_-

So just read now please~)

It was really warm when America woke up, a bit warmer than it was last night when he'd pressed himself against Russia inside his coat with him, but still warm. He cracked his eyes open and looked up at Russia, who'd somehow wrapped his arms around him at some point in the day. It was nighttime now, and it was dark in the room except for a bit of moonlight that trickled through the window. Russia was still asleep, which was to be expected since he did lose a mass amount of blood, but America knew he was still alive by his body heat and the beating of his heart. It was soothing to him, to feel it against his head as he lay against his chest, feeling their two heartbeats in sync with one another.

He looked up to Russia's face, running his fingers through his hair, feeling the soft silver locks between his fingers. He ran two fingers down the side of Russia's face, which had a surprisingly smooth complexion that complimented the feel of his hair. And then his lips, slightly parted but not drawing in air like his nose. He stared at them for a long moment, wondering just how soft they'd be compared to the rest of him. He tried to resist the urge to find out for himself, but he didn't have the willpower to. He reached up and fit his lips with Russia's like a perfectly put-together puzzle. He smiled in his little kiss and kept moving gently on Russia's mouth. And little did he know that Russia had his eyes slightly opened and watched his every move.

America flinched when he felt Russia kiss him back, and he also felt his arms tighten around him. He let his hands explore the Russian's body, the muscles just below his skin, everything. Russia had done the same thing; only he was teasing America with light strokes with one hand and holding his butt in the other hand. Russia was a lot better by then; his cuts were subsiding and his energy was up again. And he showed it by pinning America down on his back, pulling his legs around his waist, and running his fingers over his nipples with a slight smirk.

America couldn't take his teasing anymore, although it hadn't gone on for very long. "Take me." He whined, feeling Russia's hard shaft against his ass.

Russia smiled and stuck two fingers into the blonde boy underneath him, scissoring him lightly to make him want it even more. As he did that, he licked and nipped at America's nipples again, smiling somewhat satisfied when America arched his chest up to him. He pulled his fingers out of him and held himself up to America.

"Ready?" He whispered in his ear, and when America nodded, he slipped himself inside of him.

A few tears brimmed his eyes and he winced from the pain. He didn't expect Russia to be so big, but it hurt because it stretched him out a bit. He sunk his fingernails into his shoulders and his legs tightened around Russia's waist.

Russia looked down at the blonde under him and ran his fingers through his hair, seeing that pain was noticeably written on his face. "Shh…" He said, sitting absolutely still as to let America adjust to his size.

America slowly became bent to Russia's will, and his grip loosened slightly. "Ride me." He moaned.

Russia pried America's claws out of his shoulders and pinned his arms down, moving slowly back and forth in him. He sped up when America begged him to go faster and harder until eventually he came inside of him, and America came all over his lower half.

He gently pulled out and fell to the side, panting from pleasure. America did the same for a few minutes, then turned and pulled himself to Russia's chest, snuggling close to him. Russia smiled and brought the boy's lips up to his own and shared a passionate kiss with him.

America yawned; He'd only been awake for about an hour, but sex made him sleepy.

Russia thought it was cute. "Did you have fun?"

America smiled and licked a small trail up to Russia's neck. "Yeah."

Russia pulled him close like a little teddy bear and wove his fingers through his hair again, this time leaving his hand in his hair and the other on his waist.

He leaned close to the blonde. "I love you." He whispered.

(A/N: Okay, let me be the first to say this; I'm bad at this. Please let me know what you think though, I'm dying to know. Anyway, keep chilled like the peeps you all are~)