Daddy I Need You!

Author: twilightlovengirl

Disclaimer: I don't own The Vampire Diaries or The Twilight Saga, I wish I did it would be nice to own Edward, Damon, and Stefan. JK! :)

Summary: Isabella Swan is actually Isabella Salvatore, Damon and Katherine daughter. Katherine left once she was born. Bella is Damon's 'Danger Magnet'. Damon is the overprotective dad and Stefan is always there for them. But what happens when Edward leaves and all she wants is her Daddy. What will Damon do to the Cullen's? And most important will there ever see the Cullen's again, and does Edward still love her?

He left me! He fuzzing left me! After all the shit we went through! How could he! I love him and he left me! I love him. This is what my mind is saying to me as I sit on my bed. I'll start out sobbing get mad then get sad again and start sobbing again, because I'll never see him again. I've been with Charlie for 2 hours since he left and I can't stop sobbing and getting angry. I told Charlie not to call my Daddy because he doesn't need to hear this he might think I'm week. Man, my mind it's going crazy I have so many things on it its crazy. I'm tired. Finally I just fell into a dream full of nightmares.

Damon's POV

I was at the grill talking to the 'gang' as they like to call themselves. I think there their all crazy, I can tell you right now someone we like will die soon because of their stupidity. Then my phone started vibrating, I didn't cheek the caller ID.

"What?" I snapped.

"Why are all the Salvatore's moody today." He mumbled.

"Charlie?, what is she hurt, is she okay? Dammit Charlie answer!" I said while getting up and going to the bar to sit, I haven't told anyone about Isabella, my daughter. Except Stefan, since she is her niece.

"Shut up! I'm not supposed to be calling you right now, but she is asleep and safe but I need to talk to you-"

Then I heard the worst sounds that brook my heart. My daughters blood curling scream. She was saying stuff like'No! Please don't leave! I love you! How could you!' then more screaming

"CHARLIE WHATS HAPPENING!" I yelled! At him ignoring the weird looks I got from people.

Stefan heard me and led me outside with him to hear the conversation too.

"Bell's honey it was just a dream no need to worry. It's okay, it's okay."

"Ahhhhhhh! Oh my gosh Charlie I'm so sorry! It's just been hard since you know." Bella said and she started crying.

He signed "I'll call you back. Then we will talk about her okay? Bye!" he said and hung up.

"Dammit! Stefan did you hear that! I have to get her! She needs me, obviously. I knew something would happen to her." I said to Stefan

"Damon, you need to wait. He said he wasn't supposed to call you so maybe Isabella wants to fix it herself, first." Stefan said.

"Yep, I'm going to get her." I said, ignoring Stefan. Then went to my house to pack and then I'm going to get my baby girl!

Meanwhile at Charlie's house (3rd POV)

Bella was sobbing again. She needed her Dad. She can't go through this without him he would understand, right? I'll leave in a couple of years after all I do have an eternity. I'll do about 4 more years then leave once I'm ready this time I'll go to a big city, Paris, New York, anywhere after that. Bella decided to call Damon.

Damon's POV

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, Daddy." Bella said sounding really sad.

"Oh Honey, I've missed you so much! What's up?"

"I umm can I umm go home with you and Uncle Stefan, I had a problem."

"What! Honey what happened? And of course you can come home."

She sounded like she was about to cry soon. So she whispered. "I'll tell you later and come pick me up at Forks, Washington. I love you got to go bye" I heard faint sobbing before she hung up. I signed. What she didn't know is I'm almost there; I'll be there in 2 hours.

2 hours later.

I was knocking on Charlie's door. What people didn't know is he is a warlock, a very powerful on at that. I wouldn't leave my figlia unprotected. What kind of father would I be then? I scoffed at my thoughts. Right then Isabella came down wearing what looked like Charlie's shirts and PJ pants. Looking very red-eyed. Her eyes widened when she saw me and said "Da-Daddy what are you doing here so early?"

"The real question is what are you wearing?" I said kind of pissed.

"Umm I umm" I cut her off with

"Go change while I talk to Charlie so we can leave." I ordered in my 'argue with me and I'll kill' you voice.

She nodded and I went in the kitchen to talk with Charlie about what Isabella has been up to.

"Damon nice to see you!" Charlie said.

"You too Charlie. What is up with Isabella?" I asked getting right to the point.

"She had a-" right then Isabella came in the doors glaring at me. I smirk. She rolls her eyes then returns to glaring at me. Then I notice she looks different with her contacts and wig.

"Isabella you know you look beautiful in anything but you look too much like your mother take off the wig and contacts, and nice outfit, but go change no one can see you in those cloths." I say earning an eye roll from Isabella.

She is wearing a Blood Red belly shirt with a leather jacket, and black skinny jeans with red high-heals. With just a touch of make-up.

"Nope" she says. Making me roll my eyes, she continues "I haven't dressed like this since I lived here. I had to act human and I even had a rusty truck. It sucked!"

I chuckled, "Lets go" I say. She nods and goes and hugs Charlie and whispered "Thanks Charlie, once I'm better I'll do something for you. Love you Charlie." And kissed his cheek.

He blushed a little bit and nodded.

Once we were in the car she looked tired and happy but a hint of sadness in her eyes.

So I asked "What happed? You know you will have to tell me sooner or later, right?" I saw a tear roll down her face and I regretted saying that.

"Later, Okay?" She whispered.

"Okay. So your Uncle Stefan fell in love." I said it like it wasn't important, her eyes winded and that is how I started telling her about everything up until the point where we are now where Klaus is now a hybrid and Elijah betrayed us.

When I finished we were almost at the house, about ten minutes.

Stefan's POV

I was talking with Elena and the Gang about the hybrid problem we have been having, but then the doors to the Grill opened. And Damon and Bella walked in Bella looking confident as ever. I smirked, like father like daughter…

When people saw Bella they wolf-whistled, while Damon and I glared at them. That was my niece they were hollering about!

Damon's POV

My daughter is getting whistled at! God damn! I knew I should have made her change.

We went right to the gang as they liked to call themselves. And I took the last seat so I made Bella sit on my lap. She blushed a bit and nodding getting my point. She knew she didn't want her getting whistled at and she knew it. I smiled proud she knew me enough to see that. Some of the staring stopped when she sat on my lap but it still went on.

The table got really silent suddenly. It was like we were waiting for someone to pop out of nowhere and say 'Marry Christmas!' or something!

"So Damon, who's your new Girl-Toy?" Blondie said. I flinched and Stefan nocked her upside the head. I smirked at that.

"So Damon, what are we going to tell them?" Bella asked and mentally said Tell them were getting married! Then we could take a pick of their faces and use it as blackmail!

I smirked and nodded a tad and said "Meet Bella Swan my fiancée" I smirked as all their mouths dropped to the floor. Except for Stefan, he knew we loved to tell them stupid stories first.

Bella got out her Camera and took a picture and said "You can tell them now. I don't want to harass them all day. I have to tell you and Uncle Stefan a story latter."

"Guys, guys, this is actually Bella Salvatore my daughter."

Their mouths dropped even more open and I saw Bella go get some alcohol, I smirked she is defiantly my daughter…

Bella's POV

I went to go get some alcohol, I would need some for telling this story.

When I got back dad had finished where I was and what he knew what happened.

"So who's the mother?" a brown haired kid asked.

My family flinched when they thought about it, then we looked down, I don't want to talk about it right now.

"Any way we are going to the bordering house to talk anyone can come but there might be tears." Dad said bluntly. I smirked always so blunt…

When we got back I went to unpack it only took about 2 minutes. When I was done I went downstairs and found all of Dads and Uncle Stefan's friends in the living room talking. I sat down waiting for questions.

"Wait first tell me what your names are?" I asked forgetting about that part.

"Well I'm Jeremy, that's Elena, Tyler, Caroline, Matt." Jeremy pointed out to me. I smiled grateful for his help.

I heard dad growl but I ignored them.

"Okay dad ask your questions."

"What happened while you were there?" Dad asked.

I signed I knew this was coming sooner or later I just preferred later.