Damon's POV

We have been searching for Bella for hours now, nothing has came up. I know that if we don't find her she will die. Elijah needs to help her, we have to find her, and we have tried everything; searching for her sent it lead through the woods but then stopped, that means she went into a car.

Buzz… Buzz… Buzz my phone rang.

Tyler came back and he said he smelt Bella at the Lockwood cellar they set us up.

Damn it they set me up! I'm going to kill that bitch.

I vampire speed to the Lockwood cellar, everyone is there and they all look ready for a fight. I barge in without talking to anyone. I get in there and Bella is tied to the chair with vervain soaked ropes and pencils in her hands and two wooden stakes in her feet. I go to action trying to help her. But when I get close to Bella I fly backwards- an invisible wall! I knew this was too easy for Kathrine! Kathrine comes out next to Bella and strokes her hair and says "Oh look at my poor little baby, so defenseless. It breaks my heart."

I growl and go for her again but I'm stopped by the invisible wall again and Kathrine laughs.

"Now Kat what's the evil plan you have in store for us this time." I try to say casually so I don't seem week while I'm trying to diverse a plan.

"Oh Damon, you know me so well. But you don't get to know this plan just yet. Oh boys!" Kathrine yells and suddenly I'm out cold, without seeing the 'boys' faces.

Bella POV

I wake up by the feeling of pain and if you're in my state you know that it isn't a good thing. But I open my eyes to see my Mom pulling out the stakes and pencils that were on me and pulling off my ropes.

"Mom?" I say weakly

"Shhhh Baby, I'm going to take you with me. I'll get you out of here don't worry. Mom says while picking me up. I cough and puke up blood. I'm pretty sure that isn't a good thing. She runs to the woods and tells me what happens. "Damon, that back stabber, left you with Uncle Stefan and Elena and the rest of their group because they know you would die. They asked me to come but I said 'no' and went out to find you, Baby. I'm so sorry."

"But Elijah had the cure for the bite. What happened?" I asked with tears of blood rolling down my face.

"Elijah lied. He never had the cure, Klaus is the only one that could heal you with his blood so hurry we must take you to him." Mom said in a rushing tone.

I nodded in a daze and tired, I let mom lead me I felt really weak and I wanted to take a nap.

"Isabella Pierce! Don't you dare fall asleep, there is a chance you won't wake up, just a few more minutes and we will be there hold on." Mom said with a look of sorrow and anger on her face.

I tried to stay awake, I really did, but then everything went black again.

Haza! I'm done with a chapter! I know I haven't updated and I'm a horrible person but I did today and hopefully I got my mojo back! I have had a huge writers block and today I woke up and decided "Hey I'm going to write today!" Yeah that's how my day has gone!

So in conclusion I hoped you like it!

-Love You All, Don't Die!