Chapter15: Outside Walls

Last chapter. Enjoy!

It was two in the morning, sun still hadn't made its entrance from the sky, Eren were packing some important things - some shirt, her tank top and the picture frame from his cabinet, inside his bag. He sneaked out, slowly and quietly, making sure that nobody would notice and would hear his steps. He made up his mind, his decision was solid and that was to save Annie.

He went to where Annie was, in her room, sweetly sleeping under her sheets. He knocked, room 021, "Annie," he whispered. She heard his knock and his call.

"Eren?" She brushed her eyes as she was pushed her blanket out of her. She got up, opening the door and she was surprised, in the middle of the morning and night, Eren was there.

Eren reached for her cheeks, touching it using his cold hand. He shifted to her head to fix her messy hair from bed, and said, "Annie, we need to go."

"What? Wait, why?" Frustration came up from what he said and it woke her up completely. She also noticed the bag on his back.

"They will capture you, Survey Corps will." He stated. Annie widened her eyes, shocked. "They know now that you're the female titan, so they will get you no matter what happens. And I'm here to save you, let's go far away. I don't want them to get you."

"Wait Eren." She tried to stay calm, even though there was a hint of fright in her eyes. "I believe in you, but this issue is for me to settle. You shouldn't be involved in this."

"No," he insisted and gazed at her intently. "This is about you, so there's no way I should back off."


"No more buts, let's go." He pushed himself inside the room, keeping a silent steps for her roommate not to wake up. He grabbed a bag that was hanging beside her bed. He rummaged in her own cabinet to get some of her shirt, zipped it and done. Annie was just standing there, looking at him.

"Wait Eren," she said, stole his hand from the bag. "Before we go, I, I want to say," she looked away and bit her bottom lip, "sorry for keeping it to you."

But he reached for her face, cupping both of her cheeks to position it in his level. He looked directly into her eyes, "I know you have your reason for keeping it from me."

"But if you did this, you're doing a rebellion, you can't -"

"I know." He butted in and added, "and I don't care. As long as we are together, I'm okay."

Eren sacrificed everything, his name, his dream, and even his friends, he left them behind - Armin, Mikasa, everyone from 104th trainee corps, and even everyone from Survey Corps. Because in the end, he needed to choose, and among everything, he chose Annie.

No, those are not my everything, Annie is my everything.

They escaped, though in this such early hour, there were some Military Police officer who stayed to watch the walls. This was the right time to use Annie's power as a member of Military police. They didn't look suspicious. And of course, some soldiers were slacking off, because at this hour the moon was seducing them to fall asleep.

"Where are we going exactly?" Annie asked him, as they were running with their hands together.

"To your village." He smiled. "Find home for a while then, we will try to go to our house, to check the basement."

"But how?"

"Don't forget we can both transform into titan, Annie. They won't care about us if we would walk in our titan form, and if there were titans who would attack us, I'll protect you."

After they reached Wall Maria, the used their maneuver gear to climb up above the walls. They both stood there, looking far away as stars watched them. He held her hand, "Annie." He called. "I love you."

The world became quite for a while, stars seemed like twinkling and singing in unison, air drummed in beats with their hearts, and insects' squeal acting like a violin in their ears. This scenery was like an orchestra, playing for this moment. Even though Eren said I love you so many times, but this night was different from others. The 'I love you' of sacrifice, acceptance, devotion and everlasting trust, only for Annie.

She smiled, "I love you too Eren."

Comfort, gratitude, acceptance and betroth, trusting everything in him, that whatever happens, they'll stay together, forever. That was her reply, she squeezed his hand, gripping it tightly, didn't want to let him go. Once again, they locked their eyes with each other, reflecting light from the moon made it shined.

And in the middle of the dark, with moon and stars served as witness, their love bloomed more than ever before as they kissed, passionate and full of affection. He gave a signal as he nodded, ready to jump. "Let's go."

Their love cannot be broke by 'betrayal', 'quarrel' or 'choice', as though as metal chain, connected together, even rust cannot take the two pieces away. Annie's lion heart became a caring heart, and every pieces of her, made even more wonderful. It was because of this man, Eren Jaeger.

The two now are living together, away from the walls, as he discovered his true power as a titan. They hold the secret for the humanity's success but chose to stay far from everyone. They went outside the world, where oceans exist, where wonders of the world are evident.

Inside the small house where they are currently living, Annie is siting on the bed made of woods, holding her big round stomach. She is looking to Eren, standing on the counter, preparing food for her. He takes all fresh fruits, grape, apple and orange in a plate for her as he sits beside. He puts an arm around her and she rests her head into his shoulder, feeling his warmth. She reaches for grapes and takes a bite.

"Let see," he says as he moves to put his ear into her round tummy. "How are you? Are going to come out? We wanna see you, so hurry up and come out!" There's a kick in response. "Woah! You're really energetic!"

"Mama and Papa are waiting for you. Be a good boy" Annie says.

"Eh? I want a girl!" He demands then smiles at her. "Don't worry, he'll come out soon." Eren says softly, with relief and comfort, and kisses her forehead. He pulls her head carefully, to let it rest on his chest. His chin is resting on top of her head as he whispers, "Thank you Annie. I love you."

I hope Armin would also have a chance to look outside the walls. It's beautiful.

Thank you for reading! Thank you for all your support. Though I know that some people don't like this fic (of course, we have our own opinion and I respect that.) but still, some continue supporting and reading this fic. I appreciate every review, every favorite and follow, Thank you very much.