The thing you must understand about the soul is that between lives it can go anywhere; forwards, backwards, side wards and any which direction it so chooses.

Now Harry Potter was the Master of Death, and in being so he was the only soul in existence that remembered his previous life/lives. He had been 19 years old when he had been killed by and inspiring Dark Lord in the making.

He had run into someone, only two weeks before his death, what the man had said to him made no sense, until the moment he was once again standing on the platform. This time was he greeted by Death and not Albus Dumbledore.

He was made aware of his gift by death, as well as his curse to live forever to watch the turning of the centuries but Death had kept one secret from his Master the knowledge of a being in need of a kind heart and the promise of forever. It was then he was ready to be reborn.

His first memory of this life was of a young girl leaning over him and saying "your my little brother, I'm going to look after you" and she did. Tried to get him out of he house, when Tad had been drinking.

Took him and ran away a couple of time as a teenager; which lead to him having a shoplifting offence on his permanent record. His living sister the only time she left was when she fell in love with an idiot by the name of Johnny Davies.

Later after university he joined Torchwood One at Canary Wharf and then later again after the attack of cyber men and daleks. He transferred to Torchwood Three at Cardiff in Wales.

It is here on the date where 10% of the children where being rounded up that Ianto Jones died. However, in his death he realised something, they would need a child to stop the 456 this is where our story begins.

This is the tale of the immortal Master of Death and his soulmate and true love Jack Harkness.