I started writing this in October (of 2015), then stuff happened and I never finished it. Then a couple weeks ago I made a drunken promise to upload it in its unfinished state, notes and all. I'm not going to finish it, but the notes should provide a general gist of what was going to happen, and provide some entertainment of their own. Besides, I think the final line of the notes is a good one to go out on.

Chapter 14

The whistling whine of the tea kettle could barely be heard over the pounding rain splashing in through the open windows. Of course she had left them open, and now everything would be damp, the carpet would stain, the wood would rot, and it would all be her fault. Weiss was going to kill her when she got back. If she came back.

No, no, that train of thought was not going to do anything to help her mood, which was currently mirroring the murky grey sky and its weeping heavens. Still, she couldn't shake the idea that she should've gone after her. The thought of Weiss out there somewhere all alone was driving her insane with worry. She kept reminding herself that Weiss was just as qualified and capable a huntress as she was and more than able of taking care of herself, but if anything happened to her when she wasn't there to watch her back….

Ruby slammed the final window closed with a fervor not unlike that she showed during battle. It was mildly cathartic, but did little to ease the dull ache that had been stuck in her chest since Weiss left. It was doubtful that anything would until she was home.

Home. The idea of it was still so new. Lifting the kettle from the stove, she took a moment to take in the space that was now hers, or rather, theirs. It wasn't much, consisting of little more than the necessities, and was even smaller than the on-campus house that her team had shared at Beacon, but her girlfriend had taken to the place immensely. The lack of space was somewhat compensated by how it was just the two of them now, but it still mystified her how Weiss could be so enamored with a house that couldn't even begin to hold a candle to the mansions she was raised in. Maybe that was the very reason she was so happy; because it was the complete opposite from the part of her life she resented. She made a mental note to ask her when she got back.

Ugh, come back sooner! She glowered at the clock, the solitary adornment on their modest mantle. Its hands defiantly continued their march as steadily as ever. Ruby squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head, almost hoping all the negative thoughts would rattle around until they fell out of her ears. Arguing with the furniture was not going to speed up the inevitable crawling of time.

A faint shudder wracked her body; she wasn't doing Weiss any favors by getting so riled up over her absence. She knew that Weiss knew how it was affecting her, and she knew that Weiss didn't like being away either. Unfortunately, the bills had to get paid somehow and Weiss was only doing her part to make that happen. Thankfully, she had been given plenty of time to adjust to the more normal lifestyle of actually working to put food on the table after forsaking her family and accompanying fortune years ago. If Weiss ever had any complaints about the change, Ruby never heard them.

Just like she never heard Zwei sneak up behind her and startle her out of her quiet reverie.

The walking ball of fluff tilted his head up at her and whined, intelligence gleaming behind his beady eyes. He was clearly upset that Ruby had smacked her head on an open cupboard when she jumped.

"Don't worry about it, boy," Ruby grimaced while rubbing the tender spot on her head.

Zwei yipped happily before meandering off again.

A moment later, Ruby had the tea ready. She set her cup next to the peanut butter and jelly sandwich she had made before running around like a madwoman and took her seat at the two-person table they used for most meals. The first sip was revolting. The seven sugar packets she subsequently poured into her cup didn't help. How this stuff even made it into her house was a mystery, neither she nor Weiss liked tea in the slightest. Blake must've snuck it in during one of her visits, being neither an avid coffee drinker like herself and Weiss nor willing to indulge in Yang's exotic tastes in alcohol. It wouldn't surprise her if that was the case, Blake and Yang spent enough time here that it might as well be their second home. Unfortunately, they too were out on one adventure or another. Ruby was entirely, crushingly, alone.

Until her pocket buzzed and played a small piano melody – her hand-picked ringtone for Weiss that she had snagged while secretly recording her practicing.

Ruby nearly fell out of her seat in excitement as she scrambled to retrieve her scroll. Her heart leapt into her throat as she slid the device open, and sure enough, there it was on the screen: 1 new message from Schnugglemuffin.

A wide smile spread over her face. She quickly punched in her password and excitedly hammered her finger on the notification until the message blinked to life on the small screen:

"Thinking of you."

Ruby squeezed her eyes shut and stomped her feet with a delighted squee. After a week of hearing nothing, those three words were everything. In her elation, she instinctively started typing out a response.

"WEISS! I'm thinking about you so much too it's like I can't help it I miss you soooo much! And I just love you so so sooooo much it's crazy and I can't wait to see you again because did I mention how much I miss you?"

Ruby's finger hovered over the 'send' button while she quickly read over the message. She hesitated, and after a moment's deliberation, her finger moved over to 'delete' and held it down until the entire message was gone. As excited as she was, she didn't want to show how overwhelming it was to hear from her. It might worry Weiss, and Ruby needed her girlfriend's mind as clear as possible while she was on the job to ensure the best chance of her coming back in one piece.

So she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and opened them with a calm exhale a moment later. She refocused on the small screen in her hand and began a new message.

"Thinking about you too. How's it going out there? Staying safe?"

That was better, she thought as she hit the 'send' button and set her scroll down next to her plate. Her smile grew as she stared down at it, anxiously waiting for a reply. An eternity seemed to pass, but in actuality only it was only a minute before her scroll buzzed again. Ruby's semblance unconsciously activated with how quick she was to snatch up her scroll and read Weiss' reply.

"I'm fine, the job is coming along very smoothly. I'm just taking a quick break at the moment and was lucky enough to get a signal. I might be able to call you tonight and properly catch up, will you be available?"

Ruby quickly read over the message and replied just as fast.


She set her scroll back down, but it buzzed again almost immediately.

"Okay. Have to go now. I love you."

Her response came without even having to think.

"Love you too."

Ruby leaned back with her hands cradling the back of her head and renewed warmth in her heart. Weiss was okay. She was really, really okay. As her mind happily drifted off like it did so often when Weiss was in her thoughts, she absentmindedly took another sip of tea. Her senses snapped back to the present the instant it touched her tongue, and she spit it out all over the tablecloth.

Unlike Weiss, tea was still not okay.

She continued with her small meal, only after pushing the tea a safe distance away. While her mind continued to wander around Weiss as she ate, so did her hand as it absentmindedly made its way to her pocket and pulled out a wrinkled note for the thirty-fourth time. She could have recited it by memory now, but her eyes still flitted along with the words nonetheless.


If you're reading this, it's because I took a job while you were gone and wasn't able to make it back before you came home from yours. I know we usually talk before we take any jobs but I was getting so restless being here alone. It's a simple one, but there is a bit of travel involved. I shouldn't be longer than a few days. I'll be in touch as much as I can. Don't go worrying your head off about me. But when you do start to worry, like I know you will (I worry about you too when you go off alone), remember that I'm just as much a huntress as you are.

Oh, and we're supposed to get a lot of rain soon, so do remember to keep the windows shut.

All my love, Weiss

Below her signature was the date she wrote the note – only one day before Ruby had returned home.

Ruby sighed and re-pocketed the note.

Bubble baths had to be one of Ruby's top ten favorite things after Weiss, Crescent Rose, cookies, weapons, cuddling, being a huntress, Yang, Blake, and Weiss again.

"Oh ho ho," she guffawed, deepening her voice and scooping up some of the bubbles to make a poor imitation of a beard and moustache, "I'm Professor Port. Let me tell you about the time I saved a village from never-ending waves of Grimm with nothing more than three grapefruit and a stapler! Hurp-a-durr! You see, it all happened seventeen billion years ago when- gah!"

The loud ringing of her scroll – set to max volume to be absolutely sure she wouldn't miss Weiss' call – echoed off the tiled walls of the bathroom and made her jump, the ensuing waves splashing out of the tub and splattering onto the previously pristine floor. Her arm shot out of the water like a bullet, splashing everything else in the small room with foam as she grabbed for the device that she hadn't left out of arms reach since hearing from Weiss earlier in the day. It had finally paid off: incoming video call from Schnugglemuffin. The screen almost cracked under the subsequent pressure of her repeated mashing of the 'accept call' button.

"Hey Weiss!" she nearly shouted at the screen in excitement.

"Hello," came the soft reply. Weiss seemed to be sitting in some sort of hotel-looking room. Judging by her pearly bathrobe and damp hair, she had just gotten out of the shower. "Um, is this a bad time?" she questioned, her cheeks going slightly pink when she realized the situation she had caught Ruby in.

"Oh! Nope, good a time as any!" Ruby said quickly, although she did wipe away her bubbly facial hair. "Besides, look at you. Even with your hair all wet you're still pretty as ever!"

Weiss smiled at her through the small screen. "Not as cute as you."

"Aww," Ruby cooed, blushing and looking down bashfully. Her eyes quickly found their way back to Weiss, unable to look away for long.

"I see you haven't managed to blow up the house yet," Weiss said, her smile widening the longer she looked at her girlfriend.

"Yet," Ruby replied shiftily. "What about you? Being safe?"

"I'm doing well. No new scars, at least," Weiss replied casually, running a finger down her left cheek for emphasis.


Weiss' eyebrows knitted together. "You want me to get hurt?"

"Well, no," Ruby corrected quickly. She lowered her voice to a purr, and leaned closer to the screen like she was whispering into Weiss' ear, and continued "I just think scars are really sexy."

"Ruby!" Weiss gasped as a fiery blush exploded on her face.

Ruby winked. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to use that. But any idea when you might be back though?" she asked as her expression turned wistful.

Weiss, still recovering from her immense blush, took a moment to reply. When she did, her smile returned. "I actually have some good news about that, thanks to-"

"Thanks to ME!" a familiar voice cut her off. Ruby's view started shaking violently, and once it settled all she could see was a very close-up teal eye and a lock of bright orange hair.

"Hey Nora!" Ruby exclaimed. "Been a while!"

"What's up-aroo, Ruby-doo?" Nora sang happily as she drew the screen away from her face, allowing Ruby to see into the background where Nora had a hand planted firmly on a struggling Weiss' forehead who was frantically trying to reach her scroll. Muffled shouts of 'Nora, give it back!' made their way through the speaker, and Ruby couldn't help but laugh at her girlfriend's expense.

"Oh you know, still kicking Grimm butt with little Weissy!"

"Hey!" came another muffled yell.

"Ooh, are you sure? Cause it's been a real mustard race here with me and your snow princess!" Nora said gleefully.

"Mustard race?" Ruby asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Cause Weiss really needs to ketchup!"

Ruby burst into laughter, even as Weiss finally succeeded in snatching her scroll from Nora and sitting back down at the desk she had been using. Nora appeared a second later over her shoulder, looking at Ruby with her.

"She got one more kill than me. One. And it was only because she ran off to fight a couple of measly beowolves and left me with an adolescent deathstalker, so I hardly think it counts!"

"I don't know Weiss," Ruby laughed, "sounds like you're just sour you got beat."

"I am not!" Weiss shrilled as Nora mouthed 'she is' over her shoulder.

"Okay, okay," Ruby conceded, not wanting to piss off her girlfriend too much. Even if her girlfriend was a loser, fair and square. "So how'd you two meet up anyway?"

"Coinkeydink!" Nora chirped. "There I was, smashing things, when snowpea here comes out of nowhere and starts stealing my kills!"

"Ahem," Weiss tutted. "Actually, I think you were stealing my kills. But yes, she's right. We just happened to have taken the same job. It was nice to see a friendly face all the way out here though.

"Speaking of friendly faces," Weiss continued, her expression softening, "I'll be seeing yours tomorrow, seeing how the extra pair of hands I had really sped up the job. That's what I was going to say before being… interrupted."

Ruby's heart leapt. "Awesome! I've really been missing you!"

"I miss you too," Weiss said softly, resting her cheek on an open palm as she regarded her love with a gentle gaze.

They watched eachother thoughtfully for a few quiet moments. Nora left the frame to give them some small privacy, partly due to Ruby's bubbles becoming dangerously low and threatening indecency.

Weiss was the first to break the silence with a yawn.

"You should get some rest, sleepyhead."

"You're not my boss anymore, remember? You can't order me around," Weiss retorted, only slightly joking.

"Yes I am, and yes I can," Ruby commanded, puffing out her chest. "I'm your boss now and forever!" She deflated a second later. "But really, you look tired."

"I suppose I do feel a little drowsy. I wish you were here," Weiss started, before dropping her voice to a whisper, "I could use a little snuggle."

"You can snuggle with me!" came Nora's distant voice.

"Oh no she won't!" Ruby trilled loudly so that she would be heard. "I've seen how you cuddle, Nora! You'd manage to break most of her bones doing that! Besides, Weiss cuddles are reserved for me and only me!"

All she heard in return was a loud raspberry being blown to coincide with Weiss slapping her palm into her forehead in embarrassment. Ruby chuckled.

"Goodnight, Weiss. Sorry I'm not there to cuddle, but I can't wait to see you tomorrow! Then you can have all the cuddles and snuggles a girl could dream of!"

"I better. Goodnight, Ruby. I love you."

"I love you too," Ruby cooed. She and Weiss simultaneously leaned towards their screens and rubbed their noses together in a long-distance eskimo kiss.

"Gaaaayyyy!" Nora yelled.

Ruby watched Weiss grab the nearest object and fling it somewhere off-screen, hearing a yelp of pain before 'call ended' flashed onto the display.

BEGIN NOTES - as a forward (since the notes are very out-of-order), the sequence of events after this was going to be: airport pickup scene, short ride back, then get very slice-of-lifey as the two simply enjoy being reunited, but with an emphasis to not make every waking moment about them being all over each other. Then it would end with them cuddling, as is tradition.

nicknames thing during scene right before bed and Ruby is reading, asks Weiss why she never calls her sweetheart (when sober) and things like that, gets speech about how "Ruby" is all of those things and more, and means more to Weiss than any nickname could. "You are my sweetheart, my baby, my schnugglemuffin. But above all, you are my Ruby."

Weiss moves around couch and sits next to Ruby, Weiss cradles her shoulder and Ruby leans over and puts her head in her lap, staring at the wall but looks up to Weiss at some points during her speech (maybe?). Once speech is done, then leans over and kisses Ruby on the cheek and says not to be too long before coming to bed

Hold hands as Weiss gets up, Ruby still laying on the couch, but Ruby doesn't let go, gently tugs back, Weiss gets the message and leans down for passionate, descriptive kiss, Ruby's arms around her back. Ruby whispers "carry me"

Weiss gets Ruby to the bed, murmurs "how does a massage sound?" Ruby: "amazing."

Weiss goes to get changed, tells Ruby to get ready, Ruby lazily strips down to her underwear and slips on pajamjam pants

Weiss comments that the bra has to come off at some point

Ruby hugs pillow at night in Weiss' absence

Ruby is taking a bath when Weiss video calls hers, Weiss blushes, "is this a bad time?"

Weiss just got out of shower herself and is in bathrobe, Ruby has thought of how good she looks like that/makes comment about how she's always pretty

Weiss: "No, seriously, you don't have to worry about [having my back]."

Nora's there, grabs scroll away from Weiss

Ruby: "Hey Nora, do me a favor and get Weiss to smile as much as possible", make sure Weiss can't hear, Nora covers her ears with both hands, Weiss objects but can't move Nora's arms an inch

"You haven't blown up the house yet, have you?" – "Yet. What about you?"

"No new scars." – "Aw." – "What?" (Weiss, incredulous) – "I just think scars are really sexy." (Ruby purrs seductively) – Weiss blushes and complains that Yang is a bad influence

Weiss: rests cheek on palm and smiles; "I miss you", sincerely, expression softens after slight annoyance at Nora. "See you tomorrow"

Ruby and Weiss do eskimo-kiss-eqsue thing through screen for goodbye, Nora in background: "GAAAAYY!"

Ruby dances around bedroom with a pillow after the bath and getting off phone with Weiss, giddy she'll be back tomorrow, falls backwards onto bed clutching pillow to her chest

Good news – hunt took less time than expected, she was flying home tomorrow, Ruby giddy, brings flowers to the airport, no overly-PDA stuff, keep Weiss in-character but still relieved to be home

Long, long hug at the airport when they first see eachother again

Weiss has low ponytail, still offset to side, draped over her shoulder, more casual clothes?

Ride back home, Weiss rests/dozes against Ruby the entire time, have a little small talk

Ruby suggests going out for dinner, Weiss wants to stay in after being gone for so long, so Ruby says she'll make anything Weiss wants

Ruby washes dishes, Weiss dries, keep bumping and nudging each other affectionately

Weiss goes to bed first, Ruby is reading book ("in a little bit, few more pages") she became enamored with while Weiss was gone. Weiss hugs her from behind (sitting on couch), her eyes gloss over the text, kisses Ruby on the cheek and tells her to not take too long

Weiss doesn't actually go to sleep right away, gets changed into (different, like baby blue and with white fluff around the ends) nightgown and waits for Ruby

Massage happens, (Weiss gives Ruby, to relieve all the stress she knows Ruby had built up. Ruby gestures that Weiss is the one who had the long day, "Ah ah ah, no buts! … Because I am an amazing girlfriend")

Weiss: tracing circles with her finger across Ruby's skin "You wanna…?" Ruby: "I just wanna be close and cuddle for a while, I missed you so much." Weiss smiles, "okay" and snuggles in, sweeps Ruby's hair out of the way and kisses the back of her neck

Weiss, when asked what she wants to do tomorrow: "some nice, cuddly morning sex,"

Ruby playfully shoves her shoulder, "Weiss since when did you get so naughty? Was Nora being a bad influence?"

Mutually agree to no more solo stuff, either do it together or not at all, especially knowing how the other gets when they're separated. Only tried in first place cause they had to in Beacon, assumed it would be alright, but not in Beacon anymore and don't have to go solo. Ruby suggests it, Weiss surprised because Ruby loves being the hero, Ruby responds with "we're both heroes" or something, super gay line about being each other's hero (sounds like Weiss, that gaylord, could be Ruby too, she's pretty gay for Weiss)

"Weiss, I thought you might want to be the little spoon?" "No."

God Weiss is so gay