September 8, 2017 a.t.b (Ashford Academy, Tokyo, Japan)

Ayano, Hyuga, Ryo, Yukiya and Leila were walking in the academy's hallway toward the student council room. Apparently the president text them stated that it is an emergency for all student council members to come. Kaguya was already there way ahead of them.

"This sucks, I'm suppose to be enjoying my week before starting class. Instead I'm coming here for whatever the president wants." Scowled Ryo with his hands in his pocket

"Not only you Ryo, we all are don't like it too." Said Yukiya

The others nodded; they walked silently along the long hallway until Hyuga decided to break it.

"Ayano, how do you know Kaguya?" asked Hyuga

"Well, both of us are childhood friends including Suzaku and the vice president and her sister. Not long Euphemia also, we met in the Kururugi Shrine when I was 10." Answered Ayano

"No wonder you knew that long black hair girl that like to hug the vice president. You are kind a comfortable clinging to him when were in the student council room." Smirked Ryo

"I saw the red head and orange head were giving you two a stink eye. I think they were Shirley and Kallen, both of them were pretty jealous." Said Yukiya as he nudged Ayano by the shoulder, smirked Yukiya.

"Would you prefer I spread rumours that you two are the biggest perverts in the academy or should I just mop the floor with you guys?" growled Ayano with her face blushing and her hands clenching.

"I would like to see that, you mopping us on the floor." Said Ryo

Hyuga and Leila knew when Ayano is not supposed to be provoked when they see it. Poor Ryo, he was on the floor with his face facing on the ground.

"You want also Yuki?" asked Ayano sweetly

Yukiya just zipped his mouth as if there's a zipper on it, and steady walked behind Leila and Hyuga. Ryo just grumbled about how to keep his mouth shut. Eventually, the group had reached the door that led to the council student room.

"No way! Before any of them come! I am not going to agree with this, even they agree with the idea! I'm so not coming!"

The group heard a lot of squabbling and falling objects, even a squeal. Eventually the door was open, and jumps out Suzaku who collides with Ayano. Lelouch quickly ran as fast as possible away from the student council, leaving behind a very red Ayano and a sheepish Suzaku.

"This would be your second time, eh?" chuckled Ryo

Yukiya, Hyuga and Leila stayed quiet. Apparently Ryo didn't learn from his experience beforehand, thus it led to a screaming Suzaku when he was hurled toward him. Ayano was very pissed, scratch that, very pissed until Kaguya came and hugged her.

"Ayano-nii, let's go find Lelouch-sama!" smiled Kaguya as she dragged Ayano along to find the missing vice president, ignoring the fact stepping over Suzaku and Ryo who grunted of pain.

The group looked at the two young girls then looked down at Suzaku and Ryo who were moaning of their pain.

"Well come on in, I got something to start this years academic. Don't worry, I already told Kaguya the details so Ayano wouldn't be left behind." Said Milly as she hurried them, while Hyuga dragged Suzaku (who was on top of Ryo) and Ryo in.

"What happen to those two?" asked Milly as she pointed to Suzaku and Ryo

Yukiya, Leila and Hyuga just shrugged and asked what's the emergency since they won't start their class until next week.

"We are going to have a cross dress ball in 3 days as the opening year." Smile Milly with her hands clapped together.

The new members didn't say anything, Ryo became stiff on the floor while Suzaku chuckled and the rest of the new members just have their poker face, until Leila decided to break it.

"Well that sounds fun, especially I would like to see some of the boys in the academy being discomfort. Let me help you with the dress code." Smiled Leila with a sparkled in her eyes.

"Hyuga, I think we are going to be screwed." Whispered Yukiya to Hyuga

"uhmm." Hyuga nodded

Hyuga's POV

"Knowing Leila, this could be bad for us boys. I better run like the vice president."

"That's a wonderful idea." Said the president with a huge smile.

"Sorry Yuki and Ryo, time for me to make my disappearance. Hopefully you guys would survive this, at the mean time I better find the vice president."

So I bolted stealthy, on my way I saw Ayano and Kaguya with a disappointed face. They probably couldn't find the vice president; this is going to be a challenge but then again its better being in the room with that crazy president.

Normal POV

As soon as Kaguya and Ayano came back, Mily asked where's Lelouch.

"He disappeared." Pouted Kaguya

"I'm not surprise, he tends to do that when he doesn't like to do anything." Sighed Ayano with her right hand over her forehead.

"Nether less, I will make him pay double for missing the details and… Where's Hyuga?" asked Milly with her confuse expression looking around for the other blue hair.

The new members were confused and saw where Hyuga was, disappeared. Yukiya and Ryo was very confused, how did Hyuga disappear especially he was closed with Yukiya.

"I saw he was there next to Yukiya." Said Rivalz

"Same here." Said the others

"Oh great, we have another Lelouch that likes to disappear." Thought Kallen

"He's getting better at this. Good thing I placed a tiny tracking device on him without his knowledge." Thought Leila

"I think he disappeared as soon Kaguya and Ayano came or when the president said the great idea comment." Said Leila

"Triple the pain if we don't find those two." Pout Milly

"Follow me then, I know how Hyuga thinks and where he would be along the vice president." Smirked Leila.

Hyuga's POV

The vice president and me were on top of the branches on one of the highest and bulky trees in the academy, next to the auditorium.

"You know Lelouch, I find it humorous you have five girls in the student councils have a crush on you. Another thing, it's ridiculous seeing that both of us are on top of a tree." I chuckled

"Well, would you prefer help your blonde girl friend to torture us guys or hide where we were before with that tracking device of yours." Countered Lelouch

Dang, he got me there. I didn't think Leila would put a tracking device on me; especially it was in a form of a button. She got sneakier just to look out for me, since most of the time I get myself trouble just to protect Leila from the male population… Hey! Wait a minute!

"What do you mean girlfriend? Leila and me are not dating." I glared at the vice president.

"Who says you guys are dating? I said that your friend is a girl will help with the president for the event." Smirked Lelouch

Damn it, I fell for it. Why did I think of Leila as my girlfriend? Hmm, this I better find out. I hope I'm not falling for her, and then again we've been sticking together since childhood.

"Anyway, let's just enjoy this peace before we going to do anything related to the event." yawned Lelouch

Can't argue with that, as soon as try to get a comfortable position and looking at the vice president who was already gone snoozing. Well, I will join him as well.

Leila's POV

I'm disappointed, that the tracking device has been located but no Hyuga or the vice president. I am determine to find them, especially Hyuga. So far the device was located in the auditorium, meaning they can't be that far.

"Lelouch Lamperouge!"

Yikes, I feel bad for the vice president because he is going to deal with one mad red head.

"Geez Kallen. I didn't know you are that pissed with Lelouch. It only makes it sounds that you are obsess with him." Said Rivalz

The next thing I know, I heard a scream and to find that the secretary has disappeared. Everybody was wondering where did he disappear to, even myself wonder about it. Until Kallen pointed on top of us, indicates where the secretary disappears.

"Hey guys, I think I found Lelouch and Hyuga." Said Rivalz while dangling with his right hand on a branch that was pretty much was 9 meters high from the ground.

"Where?" asked Shirley

"6 meters above me." Answered Rivalz

I looked up and did saw the blue and raven hair boys.

"Pres, is it ok for me and Kallen borrow a trampoline?" I asked

I think the president was smiling and dragged the others except for me, Kallen and Rivalz.

Normal POV

As soon as Rivalz was on the clear, meaning he was on the ground. Kallen and Leila use the trampoline to jump to the branch, where Rivalz was dangling before. Afterword they do some acrobatic tricks to the sleeping boys.

"Nice move, we should put Markal in the gymnastic club with Kallen." Suggested Rivalz

Milly ignored Rivalz suggestion, and starting her evil scheme for Lelouch and Hyuga. Shirley, Suzaku, Euphemia, Rivalz, Ryo, Ayano and Yukiya felt a bad vibe coming out from their president, while Kaguya was being oblivious about the evil scheme. Only one thought for everybody on the ground except Milly, Kaguya and those in the tree, 'we are so screwed to the next level'.


It was Kallen and Lelouch, who fell down first. Luckily, a rope saved them but it was around their foot, thus making them dangling on the same branch where Rivalz was upside down. Kallen was shrieking because of her skirt and she has to use both of her hands, while Lelouch was stoic with his eyes close and red face. Ryo and Yukiya quickly covered their eyes with their hands; sadly Rivalz didn't, thus leading him face to face with the ground from Ayano's punch. Suzaku (on the ground) and Euphemia were laughing by looking at Lelouch's face, Shirley felt irritated bout their position.

"Well, what an interesting fall. Lulu, your punishment is double along your blue eye friend." Said Milly with a glint in her eyes.

"By the way, where are Malkal and Hyuga?" asked Shirley

As on cue, same entrance like Kallen and Lelouch for Leila and Hyuga. The differences were, Leila was smirking not bother about her position and Hyuga just stare with his arms around his chest, but his face was red.

"I won't asked where the ropes come from. I have something in mind because of the trouble that Hyuga and Lelouch had caused." Smirked Milly

September 11, 2017 a.t.b. (Cross Dressing Ball, ballroom, Ashford Academy)

The dreaded day has come; the theme was a Victorian Ball but the male have to wear the dress, while the female wear the opposite (Note: I can't find the name the males use in those Victorian balls). The Student Councils were all present, well the girls are and the boys are nowhere in sight except for Suzaku and Rivalz.

"Anybody knows where the boys are? Besides Rivalz and Suzaku who are here." Asked Shirley

"The last time I saw them was in the hallway, that was 5 minutes ago. Lelouch told me they would catch up. Apparently, they just want to get out and away from the ball." Explained Suzaku and Rivalz nodded.

Everybody was thinking silently, Suzaku and Rivalz were wondering if Lelouch just ditch them to be miserable. Five minutes pass, Milly head to the middle of the middle room.

"This could be bad." Said Rivalz with both of his hand covering his face.

"You think?" muttered Suzaku.

Akito's POV

I hate wearing a dress, and I blame on Leila for the idea of a Victorian Ball. At the moment, us guys (minus Suzaku and Rivalz) are trying to reach Lelouch's room so we can get rid of the dress along the wigs we are wearing and escape the academy's ground. Sadly with the dress, we have to put it up above our knees so we can move our legs more freely.

"After I change back to my normal clothes, I'm going to burn this thing." Grumbled Ryo

All of us agree, that will be the first thing, burn the horrid thing. We were trying to be discreet but with heels that kept clicking and in an empty hallway, not helping at all.

"You know vice. You really do look like a girl, if I didn't know you are guy I would probably asked you out." Chuckled Ryo

I got to agree with Ryo. Our vice president wearing a dress and make up, then add with a long hair wig, he would be definitely an attractive girl. I wondered what does Leila look like wearing a tuxedo, hold on there buddy. You are not seriously thinking about that, I blame Lelouch for this. I need an aspirin for this and my stomach is grumbling. Wait a minute, my stomach does not growl that loud and is that a squealing? I just look behind and saw a herd of penguins? Wait, let me try to remember. Oh shoot. I grabbed Lelouch arm and ran, leaving behind Ryo and Yukiya behind.

"Hey, why are you running?" asked Yukiya

I ignored the question before I heard the scream of the two guys and the squeals of the girls. I just kept running towards the direction of our destination without caring about the dress.

Normal POV

"Lelouch! Hurry open your damn door!" yelled Hyuga

"I will if you would stop yelling so I can focus on it!"

Hyuga quickly shut his mouth but was fidgeting. Lelouch ignored and insert his key to his room. As soon the door opens, they quickly ran inside.

"That was too close." Relieved Hyuga

"Speak for yourself, Ryo and Yukiya are going to be pissed for leaving them behind." Said Lelouch

"Whatever, let's just change into our normal clothing." Said Hyuga

"Hold on, just keep the wig on so we can disguise ourselves as girls and switch to tuxedos." Suggest Lelouch

"Good idea."

Lelouch and Hyuga were trying to calm themselves in the hall filled with girls in tuxedo, so far their disguises were working. They pretend to look for somebody or in this case themselves without causing any suspicion until…

"Hi Lulu."

Oh crap, I totally forgot that Suzaku was the only one saw Hyuga and me in wigs. Thought Lelouch

"Hi, who are you?" asked Lelouch

Hyuga quickly getting ready to grab Lelouch, just in case Suzaku has any ideas.

"Nice try LELOUCH." Said Suzaku

As soon Hyuga heard that Suzaku emphasise that, he quickly grabbed Lelouch's arm and quickly ran out. He did hear the same squeal and a scream, but this time it was from a lone guy.

"Quickly take us to the gym, I have an idea." Ordered Lelouch

Hyuga normally just ignore and listen what Leila tells him, then again he wonders why does he bothered with it. With the situation they are in, he doesn't really care as long just to get away from any embarrassment.


As soon as the two reached the gym, Lelouch hurried slide through under the middle of the stage and disappeared. Hyuga followed right behind, instead he slide to the edge of the stage to his head and passed out. Lelouch poked his head out under the stage to find Hyuga passed out; he quickly grabbed his hands and dragged him in.




"They really must have been really pissed at the two especially Lelouch." Said Suzaku

"Yes they are." Said Rivalz

"Oh those two." Said Milly.

The other student council members were annoyed and pissed for Lelouch and Hyuga's escape, except for Kaguya who was skipping while dragging Ayano along to find the two missing boys. Definitely some opening that needed to repeat for next year.

Vote for Lelouch partner in the next chapter, its about biology.

-Kallen, Milly, Shirley, Ayano, Kaguya