

Have some fluff for the New Year!

Makoto's POV~

Hope you like it~


There's something thrilling about doing something you're not supposed to.

A certain kind of liberation that, for me at least, is hard to come by.

Because responsibilities and duty.

Because of the roles I have to play and the masks I have to wear.

But, he, he with the sparkling blue eyes, soft lips and (in my opinion, unhealthy) obsession with water, was my breath of fresh air.


"Huh, oh. Sorry, I was spacing out."

"Mhm… I've always wanted to do this," I heard Haru mumble softly to himself. He then tugged my hand gently, and looked upward. A small smile touched my lips, as I felt his air of excitement, he was practically vibrating with anticipation. Unbeknown to most, but Haru has always had a bit of a wild streak.

"I'll go first," he said to me, letting go of my hand, and grasping the rusty metal bars firmly. Hoisting himself over the high ledge of the bottom rung of the ladder. I heard the whole structure creak, and my heart stopped a little.

I watched him from below, ascending the narrow vertical stair, holding in my breath, till he safely made it over the rooftop edge. Then his face popped out from over the ledge, and he stuck his tongue out at me, "Hurry up Makoto! Before someone sees us!"

"Okay, okay," I replied, grabbing the metal rungs and making quick work of the climb up to the rooftop.

It wasn't a very high rooftop, nor a rooftop of a very important building, it was just a random pick amid the various town buildings. It had been Haru's wish to see the sunrise from a rooftop. And obviously climbing rooftops at 3am wasn't exactly legal.

"Come on," Haru dragged me to the opposite edge of the flat roof, and he sat with his feet dangling dangerously over the side of the building.

"That's not saf-" I started to protest, when I was abruptly cut off by a pair of warm lips.

Haru's breath mixed with mine, as our lips moulded against each other, tongues lazily stroking, it was languid, passionate and loving. A gradual fire of desire for what was mine sparked, and it felt like we were slowly trying to devour each other whole, stoking each other's embers.

"Okay,"Haru said to me, breaking away first.

"Okay to what?" I asked quizzically, still a little dazed from our kiss with endorphins running around my system.

Haru swung his legs back in, as he scooted closer till our knees were touching "okay, to keeping my legs off the edge…don't wanna worry you…" he trailed off.

"Mhm…Come here," I murmured, crossing my legs and letting Haru use my lap as a pillow.

Haru faced outward to where the sun would soon peek over the city horizon, and I ran my fingers through the soft strands of his hair. At this point, I'll admit that I'm terribly over protective of my boyfriend.

A hand captured my own, stopping them in the middle of threading through Haru's hair. He pulled my hand closer to him, turning it around slowly, like he was admiring something valuable, then closing my fingers toward my palm, he brought my clenched fist to his lips.

Hot breath ghosted over the back of my hand, sending an undeniable spread of warmth throughout me. I felt rather than saw, a tongue tentatively darting out to lick a knuckle. It was such an endearing gesture, I pushed my hand closer to his lips, encouraging him to continue.

Reassured, my Haru continued lapping gently over each knuckle of my hand. I sighed happily, lost in thoughts over how much I love him, how much I wanted him, and how much I needed him, then a nip of teeth from Haru's attentions, made me gasp and look down sharply at him. Another shock of heat ran through my body.

"Where did you go?" Haru lazily asked me, looking very much like a sated cat.

"Nowhere," I replied, shifting slightly.

"Mmm… I don't believe that…" Haru said back, stretching out one of my fingers, nibbling at the tip then wrapping his tongue over the digit.

Haru's ministrations were quickly turning my once innocent thoughts to ones that were bordering on lust.

"Haru…" I said warningly, extracting my finger from between his lips. The small whimper that that came from the back of Haru's throat drove me slightly crazy.

I leaned downward, this time my breath was the one tickling his sensitive skin just behind his ear, "… if you continue, I afraid we might miss the sunrise due to… other activities." I gave him a pointed meaningful look. "… And the sunrise is what you wanted to see right?"

"For the sake of the sunrise…" Haru mumbled, albeit reluctantly.

We sat in comfortable silence. My hand returned to playing with Haru's hair, drawing idle circles, and really just messing up his usually well-groomed hair, as we waited for the first ray of sun.

And when the sliver of day break breached the horizon, we both stared at it awe.

As we were bathed in the creeping glow of the rising sun, my fingers unconsciously intertwining with Haru's, and everything was made even more perfect, when Haru leaned up, and offered another searing kiss to me.


Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it despite the lack of writing practice ~mmm…first things first~ A very Happy New Year to all reading his chapter again (I can't believe it's been literally a year since I updated this I wished happy new year the last chapter too…T T) :D And once again thank you for the support in 2015, and here's to another good year, and hopefully more ficlets to add to this collection eh~^^ I'm sorry, this collection ran out of feels and time in 2015

Here's to hopefully a lemon for the next chapter (this chapter bordered on going there, till my brain gave out a little halfway... maybe I'll go all the way in a re-write xD)! And that it won't take a year…

Till next time~

/slinks back to bed .-.