I don't own dinosaur kind or any of its characters.

Aw... my chest, what the hell happened to me. My first sight was a fierce light, followed by white clouds, shaped like balls of cotton. I sat up, and looked around my area. It looked like literal heaven. Damn, I really did die, didn't I. Man i'm suddenly thinking that's fair, I mean I go through all that shit with The Alpha gang, then Seth, then Rico, Then Chimera, and this bastard of an author kills me off. That doesn't make any goddamn sense! Whatever, I accepted death with open arms, and i'm not turning back now. I sat up as a path, made of stone, and gleaming in lights, spread out from in front of me. Wow, automatic paths, how convenient. Wonder if they have these things in Rex's future. Just his name gave me painful memory's. Maybe, death was a bad decision.

No! It wasn't, I went down like a stupid hero, and that's how its gonna stay, whether I like it or not. Though, thoughts of Rex, and Zoe circulated my mind.

"Zoe... Rex..." I murmured my first words since entering this heavenly place. Those words left a weird taste in my mouth, yet not from hate, it was from anguish, the agony of leaving them was worse than having a full blown hole in my chest.

I finally got up and walked the lonely, bright road, and thought of my former life, as a half-blood. Weird, I thought all demons go to hell. Thank god i'm half human.

"I really miss you guys. May we meet again, in a better life." I said with a long forgotten smile.

"Don't say that Max." Came a sudden deep voice in the distance. My head whipped around, scanning the area for whoever, or whatever made all that noise. It was loud and booming, pounded into my eardrums.

"Who's their? Show yourself! I may be dead, but I can still... Uh... Do Stuff!" I yelled uncertainly. Truth be told, I had nothing but the clothes on my back. No sword, no nothing, even my black jacket was gone, and I couldn't even feel my powers, not that they would do any good here.

"I am your savior boy!" Came a figure behind me. It looked like a man, with wing's of an angel. He had long brown hair, with blue jeans, but the weird thing... no shirt. His broad, muscular chest was in full view. Man would Zoe be fawning over him right now.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked. Rude, I know, but after facing that many demons, I tend to come out with things that I wanna take back later.

"I am Jason, one of our lords may angels." He said proudly, his handsome face grinning madly. His eyes gleamed sky blue, giving his good soul away.

"What you mean god or something?" I muttered.

I don't know what happened after that, all I remember is a fierce pain in my stomach, and me waking up on the warm ground. "Never take his name in vain boy." He said, his face contorted in rage.

Not knowing what else to do, I nodded. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"To help you... your demon half was destined that day. Your human side though, god is about to give a second chance." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. To be given a second chance by the lord himself, is their a purpose to this?

"There is a condition. Some group called the alpha gang has discovered the weapons of your discarded foe. I think his name was Rico." He started.

"WHAT?!" I yelled in surprise. The Alpha gang?! Seriously! I hated those guys, even when we teamed up.

"Yes... the lords given you a second chance, for a condition. You must defeat them in a month, or you will be sent back here, but if you do defeat them, then you get another chance of a new life." He finished.

I wanted to come back, but at the same time I didn't think it was right. "And if I refuse."

"Not given you a choice kid..." He said before (This is sparta) kicking my chest, sending me flying down the clouds. All their was was open sky, leaving me flailing in the air. I closed my eyes and prayed for it to be over.

I opened them again and saw nothing but darkness. What was that? Did I really just get this is sparta kicked by a badass angel? I raised my hand to feel my hand, when it hit a solid wood ceiling... wait where the hell am I? I punched the ceiling, and dirt flew in fast. WHAT THE HELL! AM I REALLY BURIED ALIVE?!

"Bwah! agh!" I muttered, struggling through the dirt that fell on me. I swan through the darkness of the black, and brown mass. My hand finally piercing my one exit. My head burst through the dirt roof that entombed me, taking in my first breath of fresh air. Where am I, Whats going on? ... Was Jason right? Am I really back?

Well Max is back! Yay! but at an unknown cost, something jason didn't mention. By awakening his human side, he erupted his demon side, so you can expect Max's rage to be back with a vengeance!