After receiving several requests for a sequel, here it is. This story is the sequel to Potions Class Questions. This story will follow Harry through all his years at Hogwarts. It is an AU. You may want to read the first one to understand what is going on. On with the story!

Chapter 1: Professor Sinistra

There was a soft knock on the door. Not looking up from his marking, Professor Severus Snape said, "Enter, Mr. Potter."

A small, eleven year old Harry Potter quietly slipped in through the office door. He nervously approached the desk of his professor. Harry knew that he was in trouble for what he had done the day before and he didn't want to face the man's disappointment. He had just become his ward only days before and he didn't want the man to regret it. Harry knew what was coming, so he simply stood there, quietly, waiting.

Snape finished marking the last essay with a flourish of his quill. He placed it in the finished pile, placed the top back on his ink, and set the quill down. "You may have a seat, Mr. Potter."

"Thank you, sir," Harry said sitting down in one of the chairs across from the potions master.

Snape sat up in his chair and looked at his young ward. "Harry, as much as I appreciate the use of my title, you do not need to use it while we are in private. You may call me Severus if you so wish."

Harry looked at him with a grin on his face. "What else can I call you?"

"I would think that calling me Father or Dad would be very premature in this instance. What exactly do you wish to call me?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.

Harry tapped a finger on the side of his face as if thinking really hard about something. "Hmmm, hpw about Sev?"

Snape's black eyes gave him a piercing look. "I would prefer not, but if you feel you must—"

"Ok, what about Sev'vus?"

"What the—"

"No? How about Russ? You look like a Russ!"

"Have you gone mental?"

"Snaperdoodle? Do you like that one?"

"You are trying my last nerve—"

"Wait," Harry snapped his fingers together, "Your head Snakelyness. That sounds like a good one. Or maybe The Great and Powerful Potions Master, like in the 'Wizard of Oz'. I got it, what about Sevgarus. I think that—"

Snape slammed a hand down on the desk. "Potter, please stop with this incessant babbling. I have offered you a curtsey and you are just being annoying. You can either call me Severus or Professor Snape. That is final."

Harry's smiled slipped into a frown and he looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry, sir. I shouldn't have said those things."

"Harry, please look at me."

Harry shook his head. "You're angry at me aren't you? You're angry about what I said just now and what I said yesterday. You're going to send me back to the Dursley's, aren't you?"

Snape sighed and ran a hand down his face. "Harry, before we even continue to have this conversation, I want you to please look at me." Harry shook his head. "Why not, Harry?"

"Because I don't want to have to look at you when you send me back," Harry whispered.

Snape quickly got up from his seat and walked around the desk. He turned the other chair so it was facing Harry's and he also turned Harry's. He placed a hand under the young boy's chin and gently lifted his face. "Let me make this quite clear, Mr. Potter. I will never send you back to those people. Their treatment of you was wrong and no child should have grown up the way you did. Now, I don't want to hear any more of that. You watched me sign those papers, Harry. I hate to tell you this, but you and I are stuck together for a very long time."

Harry did something that surprised the man. He reached forward and wrapped his arms around the man in a hug. Snape sat there awkwardly for a few moments before slowly wrapping his arms around the small boy. After a couple of minutes, he released the boy. "Now, we need to talk about what happened yesterday."

Harry looked down at his lap. "I'm really sorry."

"It is not me you should be apologizing to. Now, I wish to hear your side of the story. I have already heard Professor Sinistra's."

"Well, we had our first Astronomy class last night," Harry started.

"Go on. I already know this."

"We-well, Professor Sinistra was giving her start of term speech. She was going on about how Astronomy is something that takes time and patience. It also takes a lot of observation. It sort of reminded me of your speech last week."

Snape nodded. "I can only imagine that it did. Continue please."

"Well, then she made some offhanded comment about the Gryffindors. She said something along the lines of 'Some of you Gryffindors may struggle in this class. I know many of you do not possess a lot, if any patience. Your observations skills are also minimal at best, and I know that if something takes more than five minutes or isn't quidditch, you'll likely want to quit. In this class, you shall either work hard or suffer my displeasure. Any questions?' So I raised my hand."

Snape shook his head. "Please tell me you didn't."

"Well I did. I asked her what she had against Gryffindors. She crossed her arms and said, 'Mr. Potter, I have nothing against Gryffindors. I have simply been a teacher too long and I understand how you Gryffindors think. You all are very similar to each other.' I then asked her what house she was in when she attended Hogwarts. She said, 'I hardly see why it matters, Mr. Potter.' I kindly pointed out that house matters because she may have been in Slytherin and that's why she doesn't like Gryffindor house."

"Harry, there's nothing wrong with being in Slytherin. I was one and I am the head of house."

Harry nodded. "I know, but I was just trying to make a point. Anyways," he continued his story, "she nodded and told me that she was indeed in Slytherin. 'A most noble house,' she said."

"Well, she's not wrong," Snape pointed out.

"Whatever. Anyways, then I said that just because she was in Slytherin didn't mean she had the right to be a bitch."

"You called her a bitch?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, I did."

Snape groaned. "Harry, why must you cause trouble for yourself?"

"I don't know. I guess I just can't stand people that act like that."

Snape gave him a small nod. "What happened after that?"

"She got angry at me and asked me to repeat what I had just said. I told her that she should stop being a bitch and she asked me to leave her class. I grabbed my bag and left."

Snape leaned back in his chair and stared at his ward. After several moments of silence, he finally said, "Harry, I ask that you try and get along with Aurora."


"Professor Sinistra. Her first name is Aurora."

"Oh. Why do I need to get along with her?"

Snape sighed before speaking. "Because I am currently seeing her and I plan on asking her to marry me."

Harry's eyes bulged out. "Are you serious?"

Snape nodded. "Never have I been more serious than I am right now, Harry."

"So, you love her then, don't you?" Harry asked quietly. "What's going to happen to me if you marry her."

"You're not going anywhere, Potter. We've been over this already tonight; I'm afraid you're stuck with me. Now, to answer your question; yes, I love Aurora very much. However, there is another woman that I loved more than her and Aurora knows that I shall always have a place in my heart for that special girl."

"What happened to her?"

"She married another man and had a child. She died about year after she had the baby, her husband as well."

"What happened to the kid?"

Snape gave him a small smile. "He's sitting right in front of me."

Green eyes looked at him in surprise. "You loved my mother."

"Yes and I always will. However, I plan on marrying Aurora and having a family with me and her and you. How does that sound?"

Harry nodded his head. "I would love it. I would like that very much."

Snape placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I'm glad. Now, I believe that you will need to apologize to Aurora. Do you agree?" Harry nodded. "I also believe that you will owe me two hundred lines saying—"

"I shall refrain from calling Professor Sinistra a bitch and in the future and if I wish to insult her I shall not do it verbally." Harry stated with a cheeky grin on his face.

"You should have been in Slytherin, Harry."

Here's the first chapter. Please a review and let me know what you think. Thanks!