Bella's POV

As I sat here in my chair and looked out my window I couldn't help but think of what has happened the past 150 years.

When the Cullen's I was a broken person, a shell of my formal shelf. I was lost and needed something to bring me back. Charlie helped me with that, he told me a secret him and Renee had been keeping since I was a child. I was adopted, not even one day he opened the front door and there I was. They took me in after she had a miscarriage. I was confused and mad. My whole entire life was a lie and I never knew. I wanted to know about my real parents, why I was given up/

Renee was so upset at Charlie she refused to talk to me, after 3 months of not hearing from her, I went to Jacksonville. She proceed to tell I wasn't her daughter anymore, so I needed to get the hell out of her life and never come back. That's what I did, went back to Forks and finished high school.

Charlie accepted that if I didn't want to be with him anymore, I could leave. I was already 18 so I really didn't matter what he said or not. I got into a college in London and moved there. I kept up with talking to Charlie and Jacob whenever I could but other than that I kept to myself until, I meet Carolyn. I knew she was a vampire but what confused me more when I did tell her, she was sadden by how the spell didn't work. I was confused, I asked her what she meant but I knew got an answer. I told her about the Cullen's and she flipped, like broke my coffee table in half.

She just kept asking me if I was truly in contact with Carlisle and whenever I answered her she would call him every name in the book. I didn't understand what she meant or if she was just mad at him. What she explained to me next, shocked me to my core.

She told me of a girl names Isabella Cullen, Carlisle younger sister. She told me how her coven found young Isabella hiding in a forest scared to death. She was freshly turned and didn't understand what was going on. When her coven and her told Isabella what she was she started to calm a big and told them the story of her older brother going missing. They took her in and raised her as their own. She lived with them for almost 317 years when a newborn war in the states. Her coven went to help protect the coven that was getting attacked. During the fight, Isabella was bitten by an unknown vampire. She passed out and after the battle her coven took her back to London. She was out for three days and she started turning into a child, by the third day she was an infant about 3 days old. The coven didn't know what to do, so with the help of one of the coven mates her memory was wiped and they took her to the states where they left her.

She proceed to tell me and that girl is me. I just stared at her life she was crazy, I didn't believe her. Then I meet her coven and she even showed me pictures, she was right I am Isabella Cullen.

I spent the next 4 years learning about medical stuff at college and then learning about my past life as Isabella Cullen.

It was my 24th birthday when I was walking home and gotten attacked. The guy was in the middle attack when Carolyn must have heard me screaming and ran to help. Before she could do anything, the guy slit my throat, she had no choice but the change me.

I woke up 5 days later, a vampire. Something I had always wanted to be. We faked my death and I moved out of London and to Ireland where I stayed with the Irish coven and they helped me retrain. I stayed with them almost 20 years before finally coming back to London. Charlie was already gone by then and all I had was the London coven.

When I was turned into a vampire I changed a lot and into Isabella Cullen. My short brown hair turned into a long blonde hair that went past my waist. My brown eyes that were supposed to turn red where now a bright blue with tints of purple. I even learnt to use my gifts which I have a mental and physical shield, I can also copy other vampire's gift in which I can turn them off or on. It's pretty cool. I learnt how to fight instead of always relying on my gifts which helped me a lot.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone beating on my front door. I already knew it was one of my covens mate, Nicole.

Nicole and I had taken to each other pretty well, as we had been friends before I was turned back into a human. She reminded me of Alice so much with her short red hair and her jumpy attitude.

Matthew is Nicole's husband/mate and he and I don't get along that much. From the start he has always been a little cold to me, I never understood why until Carolyn told me that it was the fact he didn't have gift in which everyone around him did. His black hair was short and always jelled back.

Cody is like a little brother to me, he reminds me off Emmett but skinny and gay. You read that right, Cody's gay. The first ever gay vampire, but I love him anyway. His strawberry blonde hair is always spiky, I swear he spends more time in the bathroom than I do!

Nial who is like the father of the coven is Carolyn's mate. He remind me of Charlie so much I think he's a twin brother. His hair shaggy and red in which I was always trying to braid but he would never let me.

Then lastly but not least Carolyn who I quickly took as a mother. She's understand and listen and helped me so much, I won't know how to repay her. Her long strawberry blonde hair was mixed with my blonde and Nicole's red. She reminded me of Esme so much in which she loved to cook and take food to the homeless people that lived around the corner in the alleys. Here and I are a lot alike in which we put other people first and our self's last.

I had taken so well to this coven and the people I considered them my family because they were like the Cullen's so much, they ate their diet and even tried to act like a real family. I needed that. I'd always felt alone in my life and now I know why. Everyone else in the coven has the last name of Alexander by I went back to my original name, Isabella Cullen.

I stood from my chair in front of my desk and walked vampire speed down the stairs. After coming back from Ireland I built a house about 5 minutes from my coven. I opened the door and the small red head brushed past me.

"What's wrong?" I asked shutting the door behind her.

"I had a vision." She stated.

"Okay?" I was not I the mode to read her mind. She bit her lip and rocked back on her feet, she looked like a kid who just got in trouble.

"The Cullen's are in London. They will be here by tonight and they are moving next door." She said.

"Wait, what?" I was shocked, why would they come here. I had a shield over myself so no one knew I was even alive let alone in London.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I started pacing.

"Yes. I checked 3 times and they will be here by tonight." She said.

Don't get me wrong I wanted to see the Cullen's but I don't think I could face Edward. He was the rest they had to leave and I will always have a little part of me will always hate him and that confused me the most because he used to be the love of my life and now I hold hate for him in my heart. Carolyn told me over and over again my relationship with Edward will never be the same as it used to be and maybe I will never have a relationship with him again.

He broke the number 1 promise he made and that was to never leave me and he did. He broke me in the process and I could never forgive him.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't noticed Nicole already left, crazy girl. I swear she is in and out of a room with a peep. I shook my head and laughed.

It was only 10:30 in the morning so I was in my PJ's so I walked up stairs and into my room. Even though I didn't sleep I still put on PJ's in case anyone came over, human wise. I had plenty of human friends since I was one of the head doctors at the local hospital.

I walked into my closet and looked around. After picking out my outfit (On Profile) I grabbed my large tote and headed downstairs. Today was Friday and I usually spent Fridays at the center helping the homeless. I locked up my home and walked to my black Mercedes, guess Carlisle have the same taste. I drove the two blocks to the center before parking in the back.

As I entered the center I noticed our weekly visitor, Jessa Parker. I meet Jessa when she was only 9 years old when she came into the hospital because her father beat her so bad he broke her right arm. She lied and said she fell down the stairs but I knew she was lying with the help of Nicole. I took her to my house for a helped her recover but I had to send her back because the police had no proof of her father hurting her.

That was 5 years ago and I see her almost every week with a new bruise and I can't do a damn thing. I rushed over as I noticed she was holding her shoulder.

"Damn it, Jessa." I muttered. She was half asleep and looked so broken. I carried her to a room and laid her down.

"Bella? Is that Jessa?" I heard one of the male helpers, Justin ask.

'Yes." I replied. I had to cut her sweatshirt off of her because her shoulder was so swollen.

"I can't fix her here, I'll have to bring her back to my house." I carried her to my car and drove to my house. After getting her laided down on the cot in my office, I started on my work.

This time he had gone to far, broke her shoulder and bruised up her face. I was in the middle of wrapping her shoulder when Nicole and Carolyn came in.

"How bad?" Carolyn asked.

"Fucker broke her shoulder, bruised her face. I can't let her go back, I refuse to. They can arrest me but I won't let her go back." I stated as I finished wrapping her shoulder.

"I bought her some clothes." Nicole stated as she handed me a large pile of clothes. It looked like a pair of yoga pants, a long sleeve shirt and a pair of black socks.

"Thanks." We got her into the clothes, she still hadn't woken up so I knew he did a number on her. I carried her to one of the spare bedroom and covered her up. I walked out of the room and my temper was flaring.

"Now Bella, don't do anything stupid." Nicole tried to reason but she knew more than anyone, I am about to do something really stupid or something really smart.

"If she wakes up and I'm gone tell her I went out to get food." I said and walked out of the house. I got in my car and drove to Jessa's house since I once had to drop her off their.

I'm hoping I do something really smart.