The Pastor's Son

Disclaimer: Twilight belongs to Stephanie Meyer.

Warning: This story contains disciplinary spanking of an adult vampire, so if this offends or bothers you in any manner, then don't bother reading or flaming!

A/N: So, this takes place in 1960 a few years after Fathers and Sons: Jasper.

HEY ALL! It's been ages, I know, but like always these fics turn out to be much more complicated and much longer than I ever anticipated. This one took a turn in so many more directions than I ever planned. It was mainly meant to be a discipline fic in the beginning, exploring the idea of Esme spanking Carlisle, but the more I wrote the more it became a fic of Carlisle dealing with his demons. For those of you who have read my previous fics you know I present Carlisle's father as an abusive prick, and that will be true for this story. Carlisle will be dealing with a newly arisen memory and the fact that he has never really come to terms with the abuse he suffered at the hands of his father. But that's all I'll say. I've put a ton of time and effort into this story and I really, really hope you enjoy it. I'll admit that I'm extremely nervous about posting this. I know it's not everybodys cup of tea, and that a lot of people won't like it, but for those of you that do, please let me know. Without further ado, here is the first chapter!

Chapter 1: Rage

Carlisle's POV:

I gripped fistfuls of my hair, trying desperately to bring myself under control. I was furious with one of my coworkers, the arrogant and incompetent Dr. Leigh. That complete and utter fool had disregarded my advice, and that had resulted in the death of a young boy. I had told him, I had insisted that the boy needed immediate surgery, but the bloody bastard felt that he knew better so he had sent the boy home. If I had known I would have interfered, but I had been with an idiotic patient who could not understand why they were not getting any better. Well, if they would lay off the cigarettes like I had told them to then maybe they would not have so much trouble breathing! Humans! How could they be so damn idiotic?!

Barely an hour later the boy had been brought back to the hospital in an ambulance and put on my gurney table. Leigh had immediately offered his assistance, but I had slammed the door in his face. I had done the best I could to save the child, but he had unfortunately arrived too late and tragically ended up dying due to a ruptured appendix. I had very nearly lost my temper then when I had seen that buffoon's face. He had looked shocked before shrugging his shoulders as though it were some minor mistake he had made and nothing to be truly concerned about. I wanted nothing more at that point than to unleash my inner monster and bash his face into a wall, but before I could so much as glare at him a nurse, Nancy, grabbed hold of my arm and steered me away. I had allowed her to lead me into my office where she had sat me down with an understanding yet stern look.

"I know how you feel Dr. Cullen, but beating that wretched man up will not change anything. You will only land yourself in trouble. You know his father is head of this hospital," she spoke in a sympathetic tone.

I swallowed back venom as I gave her a stiff nod. Nancy continued to look at me in concern before then saying, "It was not your fault that boy died. You did everything you could, so do not blame yourself."

Pain coursed through me as I clenched my teeth before giving the woman another stiff nod. I wanted to thank her for her concern, but I was too angry so I said nothing as she heaved a sigh and walked out.

I should have never let that child out of my sight! I should have taken him into surgery myself. I knew Leigh was a blooming pillock, but I had thought for sure that he would not allow an innocent child to suffer because of his arrogance.

I gave a quiet growl before kicking my desk in anger. There was a loud crack as one of the legs broke and it fell to the side. I cursed before roughly shoving the broken desk into the wall to the left of me with a resounding bang. Papers and pens fluttered all over the place and I forced down a growl of frustration.

Bloody hell, how was I going to explain this? I suppose I could say it was a faulty desk and that the leg broke on its own.

I sighed heavily. This had not been my week, not at all. Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong, and I really wished it would just end.

To begin with, Esme had been gone since last week for an architect convention in New York and wasn't due back until tomorrow or the day after. I missed her something fierce and it took all my willpower not to beg her to come home every time we spoke on the phone. I really needed her, but my loving wife rarely got time to herself like this so I wanted her to enjoy it. That is why I had refrained from telling her about all the mishaps that had been happening since she had left.

The children were driving me up a wall! They were always complaining, whining, or arguing about one thing or another. Emmett did not want to go to school, Alice had nothing to wear, Jasper would not stop playing with everyone's emotions, and Rosalie and Edward were at each other's throats. I was up to my neck with all their childish antics.

This was not the first time I had to babysit my brood without Esme, but they had never acted out like this, at least not all at once. Their arguments were so petty and juvenile and I had already had to intercede before fights had broken out, and this was including the girls!

If it weren't bad enough, two days ago I had sent the boys outside to let off a little steam. They had gotten into a playful wrestling match when all of a sudden I heard a loud crash. I was outside in less than a second to see what had been broken…It had been my precious car, my beautiful, black Mercedes Benz 300SL Roadster. It was completely demolished with an Emmett sized imprint.

I had immediately demanded an explanation and my three boys offered profuse apologies before hastily explaining that they had not noticed my car. They were used to it being parked in the garage, but since Rose had been doing work in there on her car she had asked me if I could park mine outside for the day. Growl rumbling in my chest I had given the three miscreants a withering glare before scolding them for carelessness and grounding them for a week. I had truthfully wanted to wear out their behinds, but my conscience had told me that this was a complete accident. Since that day I had been stuck riding my children's cars as I waited for a time where I could go and buy a new one for myself. I did not want a new car though. I wanted my car, but there was no possibility of fixing it.

Rosalie and Alice had not been happy with me for grounding their mates as they had all been planning on attending a concert this coming weekend. They had badgered me incessantly and had even resorted to childish tantrums so I decided last night to ground both of them as well. That had not gone over well and I had come very close last night to just tanning all their hides, but I forcefully held myself back. I was too angry with the lot of them, and I promised them and myself that I would never punish them out of anger. I was not sure whether it was a vision from Alice, Edward reading my mind or divine intervention, but I was extremely thankful when they all eventually settled down, at least for a few hours.

It had been an angry bunch of teenagers that had greeted me in the morning with sullen looks and glares. I had barely resisted the urge to glare right back as I warned them all to be on their best behavior at school. I had already gotten a call on Monday from the principal informing me that Jasper had been giving threatening looks to several students and Rosalie had been disrespectful with her English teacher. I had given each child a dozen sharp swats before threatening them with much worse if I received any more complaints about them.

I did not know what had gotten into my little vampires but I was fed up with all their childish antics! I knew they were eternal teenagers and that all those trapped hormones flared up every now and then, but one would think several decades worth of life would have instilled a little bit of maturity in them.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to calm myself down. I was usually not one to anger easily, but as of late it seemed like the slightest thing could set me off. I knew part of the reason was that I had not hunted for nearly a month. I had not felt the need to at first, and then I had not had the time to. I had been planning to this past week, but the right opportunity had not presented itself. I had been working extremely long hours at work, and when I had been home I had to deal with troublesome teenagers. My throat constantly burned and because my eyes were black I had already received quite a number of curious stares. It would not be long before people started asking me questions, so no matter what I was going to have to go hunting today.

I looked up when I heard a knock on my office door, and curled my lip in disgust when I caught the scent of Dr. Leigh. Here was the other reason my week had been hell. Ever since this man had come to the hospital he had been acting as though he were Jesus himself. The man had worked in a number of hospitals before deciding to grace us with his presence at his father's hospital. He said he came so that he could teach us lesser beings a thing or two (yes, he actually said this), but I had a feeling he had been kicked out of the other hospitals for incompetence and that his father was the only one that would accept him.

Anyways, the arrogant berk roamed these halls as though he were a king and we his subjects to be commanded. He loved to target me especially due to my "apparent youth and inexperience". He said he was taking me under his wing, so I did the best I could to avoid him at all costs. Thankfully, the nurses felt the same way as me and had been of immense help in keeping us two separated.

This past week though, I had not been so lucky and he had been hovering like a mad bee criticizing everything I did. I took it all in silence at first but as the week wore on I began to argue with him and explain why I was right and he wrong. He would always become extremely offended before giving me a patronizing look as though to say, 'someday you'll realize how silly you sound'. Several times I had broken a pen or clipboard as I clenched my hands to keep from wiping those looks off his grotty face. The incident today had been too much though. I had no patience for this man at the moment, and it would be in both our best interests if he did not enter this room.

No such luck though, as even without me saying anything the blasted man opened my door and stepped in. His scent flooded my senses, and my throat burned hot as venom filled my mouth. Mmmmm. His blood smelled so sweet—Stop it! I thought in sudden alarm. I stopped breathing before fixing my gaze on Leigh.

"Carlisle, my boy," he called out with false joviality, and I gave an internal grimace. Who the hell was he to be calling me a boy? According to my driver's license he was only 11 years older than me, and according to my real age I was several centuries older than him!

"What happened to your desk?" he asked in confusion, but before I could answer his face showed comprehension as he gave me one of his patronizing looks I so abhorred.

"Tsk tsk Carlisle," he scolded with a shake of his finger at me, "there is no need for you to take out your anger on the furniture." I stared at him, my mind in shock at having just been spoken to like a disobedient five year old. "I really should write you up (did he even have that authority?) but since I know you've had a tough day I'll let this go as long as you replace it."

I stared at the idiot in silent anger before deciding to humor him and nod. Perhaps he would just turn around and leave now. No such luck I realized when he closed the door to my office and took another step forward.

"I know you're taking the loss of the boy hard, but mistakes do happen," Leigh began to lecture.

"Mistakes?" I choked out in a chilling tone as I stood up. Oh no, this bloody peacock had better not be insinuating that I had made a mistake, or that I was somehow at fault for the child's death.

Leigh's brashness faltered slightly at my tone before he continued on. "Mistakes," he repeated with a nod of his head. "It's understandable with you being so inexperienced, but you have to learn to let others help you, Carlisle. The death of that boy could have been prevented if you had just accepted my offer of assistance."

I bit back a snarl as I got in the man's face and angrily yelled, "That boy is dead because of you, Leigh! I told you the boy had appendicitis, but it was you who refused to believe me and you who sent him home! If you had done as I suggested the boy would still be alive!"

Leigh immediately took a few steps away from me, and his heart hammered away. I could see fear in his eyes and I felt a glimmer of satisfaction. You should be afraid Human, the monster inside me purred ruthlessly. I could kill you so easily right now, you have no idea. I could make it look like an accident or a heart attack and no one would ever know. No one would even care or miss you.

I quickly pinched the bridge of my nose as I took a few steps back myself. Calm Carlisle, calm! Bring yourself under control!

Leigh quickly covered his fear though by glaring right back at me in stunned outrage. "How dare you accuse me of being at fault! Just because you are feeling guilty, it doesn't give you the right to go blaming others!" he roared back with a vicious sneer. "You are a pathetic excuse for a doctor, and all I have been trying to do is help you!"

I lifted my arm and was a millisecond away from grabbing the man by the throat and shoving him into the wall when a knock once more sounded on my door. I froze while Leigh just breathed heavily from anger. His face was blotchy and he hastily wiped away the sweat with a handkerchief and smoothed his little strands of hair back before opening my office door.

The monster in me roared in outrage. This man is challenging you! Kill him! Rip out his heart and stuff it down his throat!

Stop it! I screamed at myself as I took in a huge breath. For God's sake Carlisle, calm down! Remember where you are. You cannot-you must not lose control!

Nancy stepped in cautiously and turned a nervous glance from Leigh to me. Her eyes were kind when she stared at me, but I saw the fear that entered and heard the quickening of her heart beat which immediately spurred me into relaxing my expression before I quickly flashed her a brief smile. Her heart beat settled as she gave a slight shake of her head before she returned my smile with a hesitant one of her own.

"What is it Nurse?!" Leigh snapped angrily, and my eyes flashed as I once more held back a snarl of rage.

I opened my mouth intent on yelling at Leigh when I caught Nancy's pleading look. "Don't", she mouthed to me, and with much difficulty I clamped my mouth shut.

"Dr. Cullen," she then said in a professional voice, "I received a call from Principal Dent at Wiltshire High School."

Concern immediately flooded through me as my mind raced with what could have happened. "What happened?" I asked, and she gave me a sympathetic look before answering. "One of your boys, Emmett got into an altercation with another student." I froze at those words and waited for her to continue. "Emmett is fine," she said in an attempt to reassure me no doubt, "but the other boy has a broken nose and black eye. The principal is asking you to come to the school immediately so that he can speak with you."

I closed my eyes briefly before looking at Nancy. "Thank you Nancy," I said, and she gave me one last sympathetic look before walking out.

I quickly took my lab coat off and grabbed my jacket before glancing at the papers that littered the floor. I did not need any of them and I could clean this later. I was all too aware that Leigh was watching me, but I was fine with ignoring him until he decided to give an amused chuckle.

Looking up at him coldly, he gave me a smirk as he remarked, "Well, it seems that not only are you a failure as a doctor, but as a father as well. I can't say I'm surprised though judging by the temper tantrum you just displayed. Like father, like son, I guess."

I gritted my teeth and tightly clenched my fists as I graced him with a blank expression. It was taking all my willpower not to kill this man, so before he could say another word I quickly picked up my briefcase and raced past him.

I was extremely embarrassed as I knew Leigh would think he had gotten the better of me, but I supposed I should allow my pride to suffer as long as it meant I did not kill the man. At least, that was what I was trying to tell myself. The monster inside me was snarling with fury and demanding that I kill the man for having offended me so horribly, but due to centuries of practice I was able to ignore it.

I was also extremely embarrassed by what Emmett had done; and the fact that Leigh had been there to hear about it. His words had gotten to me, and I was suddenly furious with my son for having put me in this situation. Had I not told the children to behave while at school today? Was it too much to ask for them to act like the mature adults I knew they could be? A growl rumbled in my chest as I thought, 'When I get my hands on you Emmett Cullen, you will wish you had never been born!'

A/N: As you can see, our dear patriarch is not feeling himself lately. He's had a horrible week, and I'm afraid our dear Emmett is about to bear the brunt of his father's anger. Tell me what you think so far by REVIEWING!