Here we go! I so hope you like this. I am so HAPPY!! Go me, go me, go me! Any way I hope you enjoyed this trip with me, barf bags in the seat in front of you and exit to the left. See ya next time!

Heero watched as Duo peeked around the corner for the hundredth time only to jump back and slump into a chair. A smile tugged at his lips, twinkling in his eyes, as the other boy puffed up his cheeks and let out a long breath of annoyance. He couldn't really blame him though, they were all getting a little bored sitting around in the small hospital room. They were currently under orders not to leave the room until further notice by Commander Une. While they might have been able to get by Noin, Rashid had already caught Duo trying to sneak out twice, carrying him back over one shoulder each time and depositing him on is butt with the rest of them. Watching his friend now Heero began to feel a little sorry for the boy. Duo wasn't one to sit around when his friends were threatened and now he couldn't do anything. Heero squeezed the slim hand in his, gently rubbing his thumb along the smooth skin. He himself was pretty comfortable at the moment he had to admit. For once he could place the responsibility in someone else's hands and be able to relax with those he had come to care about.

" Heero?" The whisper was so light he almost didn't hear it, but the voice was clear and awake.

Heero looked down at the boy laying on the hospital bed he had escaped from only hours ago. Large blue eyes no longer held the pain that they had when they had brought him in two hours ago. Quatre lay as comfortable as he could in the narrow bed swarthed in bandanges, some still tinted a light pink. His drug induce sleep over he seemed wide awake.

" How are you feeling Quatre?"

" Like I've slept way too long." He smiled at his dear friend and let his eyes search out the others who were sparwled around the room in various places. Quatre shook his head as watched a repeat of Duos actions Heero had watched moments before. Trowa was folded into a chair akwardly with his feet resting on a coffe table while Wufei leaned against a wall apparently asleep. He turned his attention back to Heero who sat, hand in his, watching over him like an over protective brother with a small relieved smile on his face. " How are you, the others?" Worry was evident on his face even though he could see that they were all alive and he was the only one currently in one the infernal hospital beds.

" We're fine, a lot thanks to you." Heero held up a restraining hand , stopping the comment from leaving Quatres mouth. " Though Trowa might look like a, what did Duo say?, a pirate for awhile." A smirk lifted the corners of Heeros mouth as he shot the supposedly sleeping pilot behind him a teasing look, he was met with a light hearted glare, eye patch indeed making him look rather roughish, and if anyone dare say, a pirate.

" Will he be alright?" Quatre watched the boy in question blink, or wink, at him and yawn his way back to sleep and he had to fend off the giggles amid his worry.

" He'll be fine in a couple weeks. Whatever clipped his eye didn't do too much damage, but the doctors wanted to make sure it healed properly." Heero could guess what was coming as Quatre suddenly turned a little more serious.

" Quinze?"

" They've pinpointed his location somewhere on L-4 and are on their way to pick him up now. Till then we are all confined to this room." The last was said with the slightest bit of irritation as he watched Duo begin to pace.

" Heero?" Quatre looked around quickly at his new found family then rested his gaze on his brother. " What about those people? Our"

Deep brown hair swayed as Heero shook his head slightly. His stormy blue eyes flickered with memories, with a family that wasn't really his, but they were real memories all the same, a lot of them with an adopted little brother, something he could keep.

" Lady Une says whatever had been done to them will be reversed, they can live their lives as they were meant too, freely." A bit of longing crept into his voice, but it wasn't overwhelming his heart this time.

" could go back." Quatre squelched any tears of fear that threatened to break his voice. As much as he didn't want Heero to go, he couldn't make him stay. " You could have that family, that childhood, that life..."

" I have the life I want, and the family." A gentle squeeze to the slim hand in his own punctuated his words and reassured Quatre that he meant it with all his heart. A happy smile flitted across Quatres face, eyelids starting to droop in sleep again.

" Go to sleep Quat, we'll be here when you wake up, I promise." Duo's unexpected voice was soft and reassuring, lulling Quatre the rest of the way into a healing sleep, the first real sleep in days. To Heero's utter surprise his friend stopped is pacing and settled down into a chair next to him, turning serious clear eyes to him. " Is it really over?"

For a moment Heero could only stare compassionately at him.

" Yeah Duo, it's really over." Duo's eyes shone brightly, true happiness in the crystal clear depths. It was the mischievous smile was what had Heero worried.

" Duo."

" Chill Heero!" A way too happy glint appeared with the smile, dancing wickedly in his bright eyes. Then, looking over all his, dare he say, brothers, a calmer smile fit perfectly onto his smooth features. " I was just thinking it was about time we took a family trip. Don't you think so Heero?" An unspoken question was in his eyes and tone, though he knew the answer to it. Heero wouldn't disappear again.

" I think that's a good idea Duo."

" Why does that scare me?" Wufeis voice was teasing, but Duo stuck his tongue out anyway. Wufei leaned against the back of Heeros chair, Trowa following to lean on Duo's chair, smacking his shin only once on the side of the bed. Swatting at Duos snickering head he pulled something from his pocket.

" I think I know just the place to go too." Trowa handed the torn, burnt paper over to Heero. " Quatre dropped this in all the confusion."

" Ain't that a kick, cyclops spots the little burnt piece of paper in a bunch of rubble, then smacks his leg against a bed that's right next to him__OW!"

A sideways kick of the mouth completed the roughish look on Trowa as he let go of the braid in his hand. They quieted down their snickers when a mumble from the bed caught their attention. Shaking his head Heero gently lay the hand still in his down on the cool sheets and turned to the crumpled paper in his hand.

" Perfect."

The day was bright, perfect for playing after all the rain that had just ended the day before. Across the street from a lovely two story house two boys stood watching as the people went about their business across the way. They were joined shortly by three others, neither turning to acknowledge them but they didn't need to. They watched for a while as a little girl pranced around her father and mother happily, life going on around them as they said goodbye.

Finally they turned and began walking away, back to the rest of their lives.

" How'd it go?" Heero spoke up softly.

" Ahh, pretty good. Mrs. Lesly hasn't changed," he laughed"never will. Old girls still crazy as a ding bat." Duo smiled fondly, then his face screwed up a little and he sniffed. " I smell like kitty litter. She just had to catch me before I could leave the church. I swear the woman zeros in on unsuspecting young men to hlp with her cats."

They walked on, content to let Duo talk about his trip back. Just before they turned the corner one of them fell behind a couple steps, but never turned back.

" I'll always watch over you Cielia, just like I know my mother and father are looking over me, love you." Somewhere he thought he heard a reply.

" Come one Quat! You gotta tell us how you got the Jamersons to adopt that kid!" Quatre sped up and walked with his friends, toward anywhere they wanted to go. He knew things were going to change. Work wasn't the first thing on his mind anymore, or theirs. His uncle had shown them, even he didn't mean too, just what they hadn't known they were missing, and know he knew. Home was with them.