Okay so I really wanted to write a Catoniss story for a while now and this idea got stuck in my head and wouldn't come out. This is the first chapter making it hard to write so and my ideas are for after the games begin but I thought it was right to do this first.

Oh and also my wonderful beta (thepandagirl16) gave me advice for this.

So here it is.

Katniss' POV

After the interviews I leave last out of my group, as the elevator is about to leave he comes in with his mentor; Enrobia.

It's the closest I've been next to Cato since I last saw him when I was fourteen, it makes me uneasy.

I hate being in the tight space with him, it feels like I'm suffocating every time we're in the same room.

He was my best friend but now he's the enemy.

"Hey look its some scum from district 12," he says barking out an emotionless laugh with his mentor.

When Enrobia's not looking I utter the coldest, glare I can trying to put my hatred for him into it.

He looks at me blankly, I know his mask is on so I can't see his emotions; he's worn it so many times before.

As the elevator stops they get out and Enrobia gets off first Cato follows but stops, he looks me over for a second before grabbing my hand placing a neatly folded piece of paper in it.

Once the elevator doors shut I curiously look at it. I un-fold the note wondering what it could possibly say, I open it smoothing out the edges.

'Meet me on the roof at 12:00.'

Why does he want to meet up, I don't want to see him. But it's the only way to know what he needs to say, a part of my mind tells me.

I couldn't sleep knowing tomorrow's the hunger games and the question of I see Cato keeps me awake, I finally decide to go and see what he wants as I know I'm not going to be getting sleep tonight.

I pull myself out of bed at 11:58

And walk up to the roof, I remind myself I should do this even though, I don't want to.

When I get to the roof I look around no one's here only the noise of the excited chatter of the capitol people fills the air. The moonlight makes my surroundings look illuminous, and the howling wind blows my un-braided hair off my shoulders.

I close my eyes and clear my mind allowing myself to enjoy the moment while I can because I don't think I ever will again with the games tomorrow; I can probably count the rest of my days left to live on my fingers.

But when I turn around his pale blue eyes are staring at me, I immediately cross my arms and scowl.

"Cato," I say flatly.


"What do you want?" I question.

"A second chance." he says a tinge of hope in his voice

"No."I say immediately.

"Fine, there's something else you need to know." he says changing the subject

"And what is that?" I ask.

"You're with me and the careers so don't run at the bloodbath," he states

"Who do you think you are to make that decision, I will do whatever I want."I growl becoming infuriated.

"Katniss just-"his voice rises as he gets angrier but I couldn't care less if I make him mad.

"No I'm not joining the careers and I'm definitely not staying anywhere around you," I say firmly and turn around to leave and begin walking away.

Seconds later I am grabbed by my shoulders and pushed up against the wall by a fuming Cato.

Our bodies are so close they're lightly touching, when we were younger my head used to only come up to his neck but now I only reach his mid-chest, He looks down at me I can feel his hot breath on the top of my head.

I square my shoulders and lift my head slightly looking up at him defiantly with a glare.

"You run I'll catch you," he mutters harshly.

"Don't you dare." I hiss, forming a stronger hatred for him.

"I will and you won't stop me,"he sneers.

"I'll get away when I get the chance then," I say grinding my teeth angrily.

"Not if I don't let you." he says.

I furiously pull myself out of his grip but he grabs me roughly by my wrist.

He's enraged, he squeezes my wrist so hard I swear it's about to snap.

I struggle and try to free myself from him but it's useless, my wrist throbs in pain.

"Cato let go of my hand now," I snarl through gritted teeth.

He doesn't .We only stare at each other with anger evident on our faces.

I fight to get away and his grip but he roughly squeezes my wrist even tighter and I yelp.

His eyes widen and he immediately drops my wrist, I carefully pull my throbbing wrist up and cradle it, it hurts, and it's his fault.

I back up a few steps ready to run for the door, he looks at me remorse is all over his features and he doesn't even try to hide it.

"I hate you," I say as I clench my fists, my lips are snarled with rage as I storm out the room.

"I know," he says almost sadly before the door slams, but he couldn't have been sad heartless monsters don't feel.

I get back in bed but try to sleep but Cato won't leave my thoughts and even when I do fall asleep my mind keeps playing memories of him in my head as if it's taunting me.


13 year old Katniss' POV

I shoot a squirrel out of a tree hitting it through the eye it lands with a soft thud on the ground a few feet in front of my boots.

"Nice shot," Gale says

"Ah hey Gale you feeling better?" I say thinking that was fast for Gale to recover from being sick.

"Gale who's Gale?" the voice says, I instantly whip around flinging my braid on my back.

In front of me stands a large towering boy who casts a shadow on me, his ice blue eyes are curious and playful in his right hand he holds a spear. I don't recognize him from the district.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"I'm Cato." Huh not a district 12 name?

He holds out his left hand for me to shake.

I take a hand off my bow and slowly extend my hand and grasp his large one.

His grip is firm and warm and his hand engulfs my entire hand.

"You're not from district 12?"I wonder out loud.

"District 2,"he replies smirking watching my shocked expression.

"But how-"I begin but he cuts me off.

"Well I'm training for the hunger games like everyone else in district 2 and they decided to send a group of us to each of the districts for two years, once a month, for a week, but there's no way I'm just going to walk around this pathetic district so I found a hole in the fence and ended up enough explanation?"

"Hey what's wrong with my district?" I snap at him.

"Woah, spitfire," he says raising his hands in mock surrender.

He looks as if he just realized something "Hey I don't know your name," he says.

"Why should you know," I exclaim crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh you're feisty" he remarks with a stupid smirk on his face.

"Fine, I'm Katniss," I tell him with an annoyed look on my face.

"You know what I'm going to call you kitten," He states grinning at me.

14 year old Katniss' POV:

The sun begins to set casting an Orange glow on everything. I know tonight's the night Cato will be leaving district 12 and won't come back, part of me considered finding him and telling him goodbye but I reminded myself that he's no good and it's best if he's gone, I don't need him anymore he's not the same Cato I knew.

The trees rustle I expect Gale but gasp when I see his blonde hair and his ice blue eyes.

"Katniss," he says there's no cockiness in his voice, only seriousness.

"What do you want Cato?" I hiss.

"I need to talk to you," he says walking over to me and stopping in front of me.

I glare at him and cross my arms over my chest "Okay then talk."

"Look I know you hate me but this isn't over, I'm coming back after the games you're going to be seeing a lot more of me," he declares.

"Cato why would you even come back after you win the games there's nothing left here for you!" I say my voice slightly rising.

"You are," he says.

"Why I don't want you here," I say my voice cracks on the edge of tears, and it might just be a lie but I won't admit it to myself.

He abruptly pulls me to him by my shoulders, and before my mind can catch up with what's happening his lips are on mine and a surprised sound escapes my mouth but is muffled against his lips. He urgently moves his lips on mine before I can push him off of me.

It's a warm sensation that spreads through me.

At the blink of an eye he's gone, but not before he turns around and leaves me with his departing words.

"It's not over Kitten," his voice echoes through the wind and just like that he is gone, leaving me wide-eyed and confused.