Alrighty, the second story. I am ignoring my sleepover to upload this, so you're welcome. I love you all!

My mother was bringing me to a party being thrown by friends of the family. It must have been important, because she was sober. We were both sitting in the carriage. "Rose," she said, speaking up.

"Yes mother?" I asked, looking up from my book.

"Why do you have the book? It's rude."

I sighed. I had been reading it since we left, and it disappointed me that she hadn't noticed sooner. "Entertainment. Don't worry, I won't bring it once we get there."

"What are you reading anyway?" she asked.

"A book about magic." She raised an eyebrow. "And demons from hell."

She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Rosey, just... Don't embarrass us. Please."

"Why is it so important. I have known the Gerards for years. I doubt that they think I'm normal." Mother ignored me and handed me a necklace. It wasn't anything fancy, but it had a beautiful sun charm on it.

"Rose, you're father gave this to me when he proposed. I want you to have it." She put it around my neck and smiled. My father had been dead since I was seven. That was twelve years ago. I returned her smile.

"Finally, you've arrived. Rose, Adam is waiting to dance with you," said once we arrived. She was wearing a white dress with puffy sleeves and frills. Her hair was in a bun. Her husband was wearing a tan suit and black dress shoes. I bowed my head and went into their mansion. I heard her scold my mother on being late.

I began to feel underdressed compared to the other ladies that had attended. I was wearing a simple light purple dress with black stripes on the chest and a yellow sash around the waist. My blonde hair was too short to put into a bun, or any other type of hairstyle.

The ballroom was huge, with a breathtaking view. A golden chandelier was hanging from the ceiling. Ivory pillars surrounded the ballroom. The pattern on the floor was a swirl of diamond shaped tiles created a hypnotic vibe.

"Hello Rose. May I have this dance?" Adam Gerard asked. He was wearing a similar outfit to his father, except the suit was light red. His nose was a bit to long, as was his chin, and freckles dappled his cheeks. His curly brown hair was tied back.

"You may," I replied. He took my hand and we began dancing. Adam kept looking away. "Are you alright? You seem distant."

"Of course," he answered hastily.

I rolled my eyes and began to think. My mind drifted from one thought to another, always returning to my reoccurring dreams about the odd place called Wonderland. I had had that dream since I was a young girl. It had definantely piqued my curiosity, and I began to psychoanalyze myself. So far I came up with nothing.

While I was thinking, I stepped on Adam's foot. "Ow!" he yelped. "What was that for Rose?"

I couldn't tell him about my dream, so I came up with a random idea. "I was thinking about the women in trousers and the men in dresses," I blurted out. He gave me an odd look, and I mentally scolded myself. Usually I wasn't so silly around others.

"Rose, will you meet me at the gazebo in ten minutes?" he asked nervously, pulling me aside.

"Of course, but what for?" I asked.

"Just be there. Please excuse me," he said before I had a chance to question him. With no other reason to stay in the ballroom, I decided to head outside. Maybe I could sneak my book out and read. Before I could get through the hallway, confronted me.

"Rose. How would you like to come walk with me?" It was more of a command, so I nodded. She took my arm and we walked together towards the door. Portraits of the family were hanging on the walls. The walls and floor were white. We were alone, and our footsteps echoed through the hall.

"Now Rose, Adam has many stomach problems, so if you blah blah blah blah blah." I wasn't listening to her at all. When we got to the door, a servant opened it for us. led me to the garden, still going on about Adam's stomach problems. I wondered why that would be of any importance to me, and then it hit me. This was a party for Adam's proposal to me.

I needed time to think, and to get away from this woman. She brought me out of my thoughts by yelling, "Imbeciles!" I looked up at her, and she continued. "I told the gardeners to plant red roses but they planted the white ones instead."

"You could paint them red," I said. Apparently, she didn't understand sarcasm because she shook her head and continued. I looked around the hedges looking for anything to use as an excuse to get away.

I found the perfect excuse. A young man who looked my age was just standing in front of us. He was looking at a pocket watch that looked like a gear. His blonde hair looked like a bird. He was taller than me by a head, and thin. He was wearing a marroon suit with a black tie and black shoes. On the right side of the suit he had the same bright red gear stitched on. He looked at me, and I gasped. His eyes were red. Although, I couldn't say anything because my eyes were also an odd color of light purple.

He smirked at me and then walked casually away. "I'm sorry. This is all terribly interesting, but you must excuse me," I said to . I walked away briskly before she could tell me otherwise.

The man led me to a clearing in the garden where many people were gathered. I realized why when I saw the gazebo. I scanned the clearing for the man, but didn't find him. Two girls did walk up to me, though. They were the twins Flora and Fauna. Both had long, straight red hair, green eyes, and big mouthes. They were wearing identical dresses, except Flora's was yellow and Fauna's was blue.

"We know a secret," Flora started.

"But we can't tell," Fauna finished. This was how they always talked.

"If it's about the proposal, I don't want to hear it."

They glanced at each other.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," they said together. Before they could go on, Adam came up behind them.

"There you are. You're late," he said, taking my hand and leading me to the gazebo. Everyone flocked towards us, and I saw someone painting Adam and I. My mother, the Gerards, and Flora and Fauna were in the front of the crowd. I didn't see the young man.

Adam knelt and took my hand. "Rose Lalonde."

"Adam," I said.

"What is it?" he whispered, glancing at the crowd.

"There is a caterpillar on your shoulder." He looked at his shoulder in disgust and was about to squash it. "Don't kill it," I said, picking the caterpillar up and putting it gently on the ground where it crawled away.

"Rose Lalonde, will you marry me?" he asked smiling nervously.

I looked out at the crowd, which looked at me expectantly. "Well, I don't have a choice," I murmured. Adam glanced at the crowd. "You're a lord, and my mother needs the money. But I think I," I trailed off thinking. I was searching frantically in the crowd for an excuse. I turned my head to the side, where a path led to another section of the garden, still stuttering I like a moron. The young man was standing on the path. He smirked, took out his watch and tapped it, then casually walked away. "I need a moment," I said, running after him. Everyone looked at me, and Adam was left speechless, still on his knee.

The young man stayed ahead of me, even though I was running and he was walking without a care in the stopped at a dead tree. This part of the garden seemed forgotten, as everything was dead. The boy turned around, stared at me, and then jumped into a hole. I got to the tree and looked into the rabbit hole. "Hello?" I asked.

The man reappeared, grabbed my arm, and then pulled me in.

Alright, end of chapter 1. Love it? Hate it? Tell me. See you tomorrow guys.

Okay, I'm out.