A/N - inspired by a review comment by 20000 WPM

Five Senses – 5. Touch

Jack woke slowly to the realisation he was alone in the bed; rolling over lazily he could see Ianto staring out of the viewing port of the quarters of their small space glider, into the darkness beyond. Sliding from the bed Jack moved up behind his naked lover and wrapped his arms around him, his palm resting almost automatically on the barely perceptible lump just at the crest of the younger man's pelvis. When Jack and Ianto had married, three years to the day after their first date The Doctor had taken them to a medical facility in the 78th century as a wedding gift. By that time it was fashionable to be implanted with what Jack called a longevity chip, which significantly extended the human life span. The surgery had been quite straightforward and within 6 hours Ianto was out of the medical facility and recovering in the room he shared with Jack in the Tardis. Because he was sleeping off the surgery, Ianto never really found out what had happened, and Jack would never speak of it, but somehow Jack had, without The Doctor's knowledge or consent, convinced the Tardis to enhance the chip even further so that was linked to the time vortex that suffused Jack's cells, ensuring that their lives and their individual life forces were forever locked together. The Doctor had been furious, the row monumental, unforgivable things had been said on both sides and Jack and Ianto had not seen the Time Lord from that day forward. In the thousands of intervening years there had been children and joy, deaths and tragedies, sometimes there had been other lovers, occasionally shared, more often not; but at the end of all these things there was still, always, Jack and Ianto. For a very long time, Ianto had been devastated at being, what he perceived as, the cause of Jack losing another person that he had loved dearly but Jack had made it very clear to him that if the price of having Ianto with him until the end of time was losing The Doctor as a friend it was a price he would willingly pay a million times over.

And now the end of time was here. Somewhat sadly Jack gazed at their reflexions in the thick Plexiglas. The centuries had left their mark on them both. Ianto's curls were as abundant as ever but were now grey and distinguished looking, whilst his own hair, still thick and soft was completely white. Both of them had a tiny network of lines around their eyes – precious because they were formed from millennia of laughing together and smiling at each other Ianto always said.

'The last planet started burning about 15 minutes ago' said Ianto quietly

'Won't be long now then' replied Jack.

Ianto leant back against Jack's chest, 'it's a relief in a way,' he said, 'I'm so tired, Jack'

Jack stroked Ianto's chest and kissed him gently on the neck, 'tired of us? He asked, slowly rubbing his semi-erect cock against Ianto's arse.

Ianto laughed, 'of us? Never, Cariad' he pushed back against Jack, ' you never change do you? Not even for the end of the universe'

'Nah' said Jack, gently running his fingers over the soft skin of Ianto's belly, making him shiver at the touch, 'just takes me a bit longer these days.' He smiled, his fingers dancing over the skin he knew as well as he knew his own, sliding down to tease his lovers erection, drinking in his moans of arousal.

For a few seconds the two men stood silently watching as the last planet in the universe burned, then Jack said with a catch in his voice, 'it was good, yeah?'

Ianto turned in his arms and brushed the tears from Jack's face, 'it was the best' he said quietly, 'I never thought, when I saw you staring at me at that god awful Torchwood dinner, that I was looking at the love of my life, or how long and amazing that life would be.'

Jack smiled, 'that first kiss was something incredible – you were so fierce and passionate I knew I would never be free of wanting you ' he said capturing Ianto's mouth with a practised ease. He felt Ianto's mouth curve into a broad smile under his lips

'I have a confession' said Ianto, 'something I have never told you'

Jack chuckled, 'still surprising me, Yan? After how many thousands of years?'

Ianto grinned, 'I stopped counting after the first hundred thousand,' he said kissing Jack softly.

'Yeah' murmured Jack, 'so, what is this dreadful secret that you have kept from me, hmm?'

Ianto blushed and it thrilled Jack to see that he still did, even after all this time, 'you remember when we worked on that archive data base' he began

A broad reminiscent smile crossed Jack's handsome face, 'yeah' he said, 'Those monthly calls, I used to wank to the arousing sound of your gorgeous Welsh tones.'

'Really? Well, the day I asked you out on a date, I was touching myself and pretending it was you. I had never done that before, it was the first time I was honest with myself about how much you attracted me. It gave me the courage to ask if you would be at the Torchwood Christmas Ball'

Jack could not stop his hands roaming over Ianto's body, stroking, caressing, 'but we went to Giovanni's instead,' he recalled, 'I don't know how I got through that meal without throwing you down and fucking you until you screamed.'

Ianto bit Jack's shoulder, just where he knew Jack liked it, 'another secret for you then,' he smiled, 'I would have loved it if you had done that.'

Jack laughed loudly, 'So, we were on the same page right from out first date? Proof, if it was needed, that we were meant to be together,' he said

Ianto pulled back a little from Jack's embrace so that he could stare incredulously into his lover's face, 'you don't think being the last two people at the end of the universe is proof enough?'

'Yeah' Jack sobered as he glanced out of the viewing port again at the planetary conflagration below, 'here we are, the last two people – ever. Kinda sad. Yan, I am so sorry that you have to be here like this.'

'No!' Ianto's denial was vehement; 'please don't say that, Jack. There is nowhere else I would rather be! Besides I don't see it as sad, I see it as perfect, as right.' Jack raised a quizzical eyebrow and Ianto continued, 'I think it has to be us, Jack because that way we can be sure, we can die knowing, with absolute certainty, that the very last thing to go, at the end of all things, was love'

'Oh Yan' Jack dimmed the viewing port with his wrist strap and rested his palm against the other man's cheek, 'I don't want to waste our precious time watching this anymore' he said, making no effort to hide his tears, 'I want to feel you in my arms, just the way I have for millennia. All those years, Ianto, all that time and it's not enough. It will never be enough if I have to lose you at the end of it I love you so much'.

Tears were sparkling in Ianto's eyes now as well. "I love you Jack, I don't regret a single moment of our time together. I can never thank you enough for the love you have given me. Anyway, you aren't losing me; we are heading into the unknown, together like we always do. That's exactly how it should be'

Hands tightly clasped the two men walked back to their bed and lay down.

'What do you want to do?' whispered Ianto

'I just want to hold you' said Jack, his warm breath ghosting against Ianto's ear

'Sounds like a plan' replied Ianto wrapping his husband, his lover and his soul mate in his arms and tracing gentle patterns on the skin of his back. Jack was kissing any part of Ianto's skin he could reach, murmuring soft words of love and affection as if he was trying to implant them there. It wasn't long before they were slowly thrusting into their joined hands, stroking and squeezing, sliding their tongues together in deep kisses, just like the first time they lay together all those millennia ago

They were so lost in the touch of each other; they didn't even notice the darkness take them.