A/N OK, it's been more than a year since I've posted a chapter and nearly two years since I first posted this. Because of that I can't really remember what I wrote for the chapters I DID post. So I've gone through an re-vamped all the chapters to make them better and have some changes to make the storyline more original for me. So as there have been a few changes (for example, their surnames) it might be an idea to go through the previous chapters, as I've put up the edited ones. But if not, I doubt there will be much confusion. I hope you like this chapter, which literally has taken a year to write (because I stopped writing it completely) and please review! I really hope I can get this story updated more often! xxx

Chapter Four

Duels in Hogsmeade

A few weeks after the Quidditch try-outs, Hermione, Ginny and Luna were sitting in the Gryffindor common room by the fire along with Lily and Sara, attempting to do their Potions essay. Ginny, however, kept giggling with Sara, because they could not, and would not concentrate. In the end, Lily and Hermione got very irritated with them, and snapped, which surprised the two gigglers.

"We're sorry," Ginny said, rather sarcastically. "But some of us would rather play Quidditch than do boring things like Potions essays – or at least brew the potion we're writing about.

"Why don't you?" asked Hermione. "See if you know it from memory."

"From memory, eh?" Sara said thoughtfully. "Could it be a contest? Who can do the potion the best?"

"Whatever you want," said Lily. "But don't make it explode."

"No promises," grinned Ginny. "Now, who's in it?"

"Me," said Sara.

"I'll have a go," said Hermione.

"Fine," said Lily.

"And Luna, can you judge? By putting a feather in, to see if it dies," said Ginny, grinning.

So the five girls all trooped out of the portrait hole and down to the Potion's classroom, where Professor Slughorn was helping a pair of first-years whilst several other years used cauldrons in various tables.

"Ah! Lily m'dear!" he boomed as they walked in. "How are you? Down here for a bit of potion making?"

"Something like that," said Lily with a sly look at Ginny, who grinned in response.

"Can we use what we like?" asked Hermione.

"Yes," nodded Slughorn. "But nothing from my private stores, now! Only if you ask." He winked.

"Right," said Ginny as they crowded around two tables with their cauldrons (and successfully scaring away two second-year Hufflepuffs). "We get five minutes to read the instructions before doing it from memory. Then we have as long as it takes to make it, to remember and make it. What does the person get for winning?"

"Winning? What about the fact that you beat everyone?" Lily said.

"No, no no," Ginny shook her head. "We need a prize, m'dear. What about money?"

"No," said Hermione. "That would be betting."

"What about chocolate?" piped up Luna. A moment silence before:

"Chocolate's good."

"Can't go wrong with that."

"Everyone agree?"


"Alrighty," Ginny beamed. "Let's start reading!"


Two hours later, four very sweaty, very irritated and very ashen-faced girls looked into their potions with contempt and wished Luna would hurry up with her deliberating. Hermione and Lily were extremely annoyed with the turnout, but Professor Slughorn had wandered around saying that he had never ever seen a perfect concoction, meaning they went to all ends trying to get it right.

Luna dropped a feather into each and every cauldron: Lily's floated and turned brown, Hermione's puffed smoke, Sara's didn't do much and Ginny's turned brown and broke in half.

Slughorn came around to check too.

"My word, Miss Ettington, that's extraordinary! Well done! Hmm, yes, take twenty points to Gryffindor!"

Ginny, once he walked away, smirked smugly at the other fuming two girls and the other giggling two.

"How did you do that?" snapped Hermione, her know-it-all-ness wounded.

"I don't know," said Ginny. "But cough up with your chocolate, darlings, because I am the new champion."

And she flounced all the way back to Gryffindor tower.

"Where have you guys been off too," James grinned as they came through the portrait hole.

"Nothing," snapped Lily. "And stop butting into my life all the time!"

James looked bewildered. "But I was asking –"

"Asking what? NO, Potter! I don't want to talk to you!"

"I haven't done anything!"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah!" James said. "I was asking what Hermione, Ginny and Luna were doing, not you."

Lily flushed. "Yeah, right," she snapped instead. "I'm going to bed, I can't take anymore of you."

She stormed off. Sara glanced at the boys apologetically before hurrying off too.

Hermione, Ginny and Luna stared after her, completely and utterly confused through their minds.

"What the hell was that shit about?" Ginny demanded. "She was asking for an argument!"

"Ridiculous," said Luna. "She shouted at James for no reason."

"No reason," James repeated lamely. "Why does she hate me so much?"

"I doubt she hates you –" Hermione started, but James interrupted.

"No, she does," he said. "She's hated me since forever. She always says so, and shouts and – well, you just saw that. What did I do to make her yell at me?" he sounded so pitiful Hermione felt extremely sorry for him.

"What's the point?" James said. "I don't say anything to her and she turns that into an argument."

Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Sirius, Remus and Peter stared at each other, not knowing what on earth they could say.

James flopped onto the sofa, looking morose.

"Tell you what you need, mate," said Sirius. "You need a good snog – something to take your mind off everything. Why not take Elizabeth Stretton to Hogsmeade this weekend? I heard she's interested."

"Elizabeth Stretton!" James said in disgust, peering through his fingers at the other boy. "Definitely not!"

Sirius shrugged. "Suit yourself," he said. "She is a good snog."

"Eugh," said Remus. "We don't need to know who's good or bad, thanks, Sirius."

"Yes you do," said Sirius. "Then you'll know who to snog and who not-to-snog."

"I think I'll find out for myself, thanks," said Remus.

"Why the trauma? I'll tell you who's awful – Angelica Summers – never ever go out with her – or Heather Montgomery – she's awful too –"

"Have you gone out with every girl in the school?" asked Ginny in disgust.

"Pretty much," said Sirius, grinning. "Except third-years and below, of course. Other than that, yes."

Remus rolled his eyes at Hermione, who giggled slightly.

"He keeps a list," said James. "Under his bed, to check he hasn't gone out with the same girl more than once."

"Oops, that reminds me, Melissa Barlow is claiming my attention – good-bye saddos."

Sirius sauntered off towards the corner of the common room.

"He's gross," said James fondly.

Fifteen minutes later, Hermione, Ginny and Luna made the way back up to the dormitory, Ginny looking rather angry again. She stormed into the room, making the door bang against the wall.

The occupants (Lily and Sara) jumped.

"What the hell was that for earlier?" Ginny said loudly.

"What?" Sara said.

"Not you – Lily!" Ginny said. "You yelled at James for no reason whatsoever – he didn't do anything, he didn't say anything to you, and yet you believe it's alright to yell at him so now he's down there feeling completely sorry for himself?"

Lily flushed.

"I think it was selfish," Ginny finished. "And I'm officially pissed off with you!"

And with that, she sat on the edge of her bed, arms crossed, legs crossed and facing away from Lily.

"Ginny!" Lily said, looking upset. "I didn't mean to upset you!"

"But by hurting James, who's a close friend, you kind of are," Luna said, her hair falling in her face.

"Oh," said Lily.

"Why did you shout at him?" asked Hermione, sitting on Ginny's bed and shoving the girl over so she could face Lily as well.

"I didn't really mean to," Lily started. "It's sort of complicated," she stuttered. "I – well, before you three came to Hogwarts, we always had this sort of feud, you know? He was a right prick, you see, always hexing students for no reason, pulling pranks, being arrogant and cocky and so big-headed. He always went for this one boy, Severus Snape – have you met him? Yes, well him and I used to be best friends, see, and I always hated Potter for that, because he was so horrible to him. Sev – I mean, Snape – told me why I should hate him and I did. But last year, Snape called me a Mudblood, so we're not friends anymore, because he's kind of getting into Dark Magic and horrible stuff."

She paused and breathed. Hermione was surprised at how quickly she was telling them this information.

"But anyway, you see Potter was still a git and he was sort of the reason why me and Snape broke off our friendship. He's always been horrible and the thing is, he's always had this weird thing with me because I always say no to his invites. It's ridiculous and everything. But this year … well … you see, I've – I've always had um," Lily cast a look at Sara for help.

"Attention?" supplied Sara, with a raise of her eyebrows.

"Yeah, and I've kind of got used to it, you see? And now you three arrived and he's – he's kindofnotgivingmeasmuchanymore." She said in a rush.

"Sorry?" Ginny said.

"He's not giving me as much anymore," Lily said with her eyes squeezed shut.

Hermione, Ginny and Luna stared at her.

"But," said Ginny, relaxing her legs and arms. "But I thought you hated him? And wouldn't this be a good thing?"

Lily flushed again, Ginny knew it was the hair.

"I – well – I don't hate him …"

"You like him!" Luna said suddenly, her eyes wide. "But you didn't know it before – but now we've arrived and diverted his attention, you realised how much you missed it!"

"I – er – I don't like him like him. I just, I don't hate him, okay? I've, um, got to go to Prefect Patrols with Remus, bye!" she gabbled before sprinting out the room.

The three girls simultaneously turned to look at Sara, who was looking rather uncomfortable. She tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear.

"Um," she said. "She's jealous."

"Jealous?" Hermione said.

"Mm, you see she's used to having this attention and she's jealous that you've got it now - but please don't feel badly for her! I don't think she'd be able to deal with that."

"What d'you mean?" Ginny asked.

"Well – you know about Snape right? Well she used to be really good friends with Mary as well but she got attacked and decided it was because of Lily. So she cut off all contact with her the entire summer, so Lily literally had no one the entire time. As well, we had two other girls in our dormitory last year – Louisiana and Sophronia Fields. Both twins and Muggle-borns. Once Mary was attacked, they decided this wasn't the place for them, they transferred to Beauxbatons instead. So four of Lily's friends left her in one year, so," Sara paused. "She'd hate to lose another three."

"We are sorry," said Luna. "But it's not really our fault – she's going to have to get used to James' changing attention."

Sara nodded.

"So the other girls just left?" Ginny said. "They just suddenly went?"

"Well," said Sara. "They never really enjoyed Hogwarts, you know? I mean they liked being magic and all but, they hated the castle because they are quite high up in Muggle society. They were used to everything given to them and hated that the castle was so old. They didn't feel comfortable with Slytherins breathing down their necks the entire time. And – and they nearly turned against each other with a boy. Once Mary was sent to St Mungo's they packed up and went home. Dumbledore told us that they were going to Beauxbatons in September."

"I didn't realise you could transfer," said Hermione.

"You can't normally, but Louisiana and Sophronia literally packed up and got the Knight Bus from Hogsmeade and left because the teachers wouldn't allow it. They didn't know how much they wanted to leave until that. We never saw them again."

"Merlin," said Ginny. "You've had loads of drama!"

"You have no idea," laughed Sara. "Now, should we go down to the common room? I think James is still upset."

The four girls went back down to the common room and walked over to the group of boys by the fire.

"Where's Remus?" Hermione asked.

"Prefect Patrols," said Sirius, who had returned from his snog with Melissa.

"Oh yeah," said Hermione as they all sat down. "How're you James?"

James smiled slightly. "Never better," he said in monotone.

"Yeah ..." Hermione started but did not know how to finish.

"Hogsmeade trip is coming up this weekend," said Sirius instead. "You guys excited?"

"Sure," said Ginny. "My parents used to tell us all sorts of stories about it, it'll be great to see for ourselves."

"Well you lovely ladies obviously need strapping young tour guides to lead you," winked Sirius. "And, fortunately, we're available."

"Really?" Ginny giggled. "Well, how could we refuse?"

James and Sirius beamed and Peter smiled as well, but seemed hopeful about something.

"You coming too, Sara?" James asked the black haired girl.

"Sorry," Sara said. "I have a date with another strapping young man." She winked. Hermione saw that Peter looked devastated. The two other boys glanced worriedly at him before turning back.

"Oh," said James. "Who with?"

"I doubt he's as strapping as us," quipped Sirius.

"George Burke," said Sara, raising her eyebrows.

"Ah," said Ginny. "Yeah he's definitely strapping."

They giggled.

"Burke?" Hermione said. "That name's familiar …"

"Ever been to Knockturn Alley?


"Borgin and Burke's?"

"Oh … are they related?"

"Mmm, Great Grandfather or something like that," said Sara. "Anyway, I said I'd revise with Mary over there – see you."

"I think I'll just go to bed," mumbled Peter before heading up the stairs.

"What's up with him?" Ginny asked.

"He likes her," sighed Sirius.

"Likes Sara?"

"Yeah, he's actually in love with I think – has been since second year," James said.

"Oh dear," said Hermione. "I guess he's never told her?"

"And get rebuffed?" said James. "I'm used to it but Peter? It'll break him apart."


The Saturday of the Hogsmeade trip dawned bright, but with a slight chill to the air, considering it was now October. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter escorted them to Hogsmeade. Sara went with George Burke, and Lily had a date with a seventh-year Ravenclaw. James seemed very annoyed about this, but pretended he didn't care, even when it was announced loudly over breakfast.

The walk down to the village was pleasant enough – James and Sirius made jokes and Remus told them all about the village.

"There's loads of shops," he told them. "Honeydukes, Dervish and Bangs –"

"Zonko's!" James interrupted. "The best place there is!"

"Joke shop," said Remus, who looked rather keen himself to go inside.

"Shall we go there first, then?" Ginny grinned, eyeing Hermione's reaction. She rolled her eyes.

James and Sirius let out a whoop and dragged Ginny along. Luna was walking behind with Peter, whom Ginny ignored most of the time and Hermione tried to be nice to.

Hermione had to admit that she'd gotten used to being in the Marauders' time at Hogwarts. They were funny, loyal and friendly, but mischievous and smart all at the same time. Sirius had run away from home that very summer and was living with James. Remus was not as mature as Hermione had thought and was definitely a main part of the Marauders. She didn't know why she hadn't seen it before.

But her heart ached for Harry and Ron, and Neville and Fred, George, the other Weasley's, the other DA members … she knew she'd never see them in the same light again. And a part of her felt guilty that she was spending so much time with Harry's parents and godfather whilst Harry got nothing. It made her more determined to change the future. The problem was they had done nothing about it for the month and a bit that they'd been at Hogwarts for. Luna had not spoken to Snape or Regulus, they'd only had one other meeting in the Room of Requirement which led to nowhere and Hermione and Ginny were getting far too comfortable pretending nothing was out of the ordinary.

But it was going to be hard. They were unable to leave Hogwarts to search for the Horcruxes, let alone destroy them. They had discussed the whereabouts in the meeting they had:

"So, we know that the Diadem is lost –"

"Well it can't be lost if You-Know-Who made a Horcrux, can it?" Ginny said. "It's got to be somewhere!"

"And the diary must be at the Malfoy's house." Hermione moved on. "Because Lucius Malfoy was given it and no one else had it before that."

"And the locket?" asked Luna. "Where do you think that is?"

"I have no idea," Hermione said, biting her lip. "So that's the Diadem, Locket and Cup we don't know the whereabouts of."

"But the ring is in the Guant's house?" said Ginny. "That's where Harry said Dumbledore got it from."

Hermione nodded.

"I wonder where it is though …"

Ginny and Luna were also missing the younger generation. For Ginny, her large family was gone as well as her other friends and for Luna, she missed her father, Neville and the Quibbler.

"Er, Hermione, are you alright?"

Hermione was startled out of her daydream by Remus. She blinked and found that they were in Hogsmeade high street.

"The others have gone inside," said Remus, pointing a thumb towards Zonko's Joke Shop.

"Oh," said Hermione. "Sorry, let's go in, shall we?"

"Let's," said Remus, grinning and walking swiftly into the store.

Already James and Sirius had armloads of merchandise .

"Remus, Remus, look at these new nose-biting tea cups! We could totally use them in Divination! Didn't DeTropski say we're moving back onto those this term?"

"Definitely," said Sirius, nodding, as Remus grabbed a couple of tea-cups. Ginny had been pleased to find that James, Sirius and Remus had taken Divination just so that they could prank the lessons, but they got very good marks as they guessed everything.

Ginny was also flitting around getting whoopee cushions, trick wands and stink pellets whilst Remus stocked out on dungbombs and garlic-flavoured soap.

"We're testing it out on Peter," Sirius had told Hermione, who had tried not to giggle.

Once the boys and Ginny had paid for their goods, they decided it was a good time to go to Honeydukes sweet-shop, which Hermione had been longing to go to. So, it seemed, had Remus.

"I'm almost out of chocolate," he said as they crossed the street, more to himself than anything. "You can never run out of chocolate."

Hermione, Ginny and Luna shared amused glances as they entered the store, which was filled with students and Professor Slughorn.

They had found that Professor Slughorn wasn't a bad teacher, he was much better than Snape, but favoured him and mainly Lily because of their abilities. Professor McGonagall was strict as always but seemingly had a soft spot for James and Sirius because of how good they were at Transfiguration. Professor Flitwick was the same, but there was no Professor Sprout. Instead the Herbology Professor was a lady called Faith Fawley, who seemed to love plants just as much as Professor Sprout, and spent most of her time in the greenhouses minding her own business. Erica Dearborn and Olivia Herbert taught Ancient Runes and Arithmancy respectively and Hermione found she loved both of the classes much more. Armando Blishwick was the current Defence teacher, but Sirius had said he'd probably not last the year. Professor Kettleburn taught Luna Care of Magical Creatures, and he seemed to damage a limb almost every lesson. Valentina DeTropski, a mad witch with crackling black hair and mysterious eyes taught Divination, and hated James, Sirius, Remus and Ginny with a passion because of the disruptions every lesson.

Remus got the chocolate he wanted and everyone else stocked up on the sweets and chocolate they wanted too.

"Fancy a butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks?" James asked as they walked back out of the shop. "We can look at the other shops later."

"Sounds good to me," said Luna, smiling.

"Great, let's go," said Sirius and they walked to the newer Three Broomsticks pub.

Familiar warmth spread over the three girls as they entered and they breathed in deeply.

"We'll get the butterbeers," said James with a meaningful look at Sirius. They both sped off towards the bar and was immediately greeted by the curvy, young Madam Rosmerta. James and Sirius both seemed to chat her up at once, and make her laugh as her whole chest moved when she did.

Hermione, Ginny and Luna rolled their eyes as they went to find a table with Peter (Remus, who's neck had gone red, had slipped off towards Madam Rosmerta too).

It was a good fifteen minutes before the three boys came back with their butterbeers. In that time Hagrid had come in and said hello, Sara had wondered over and Mary had introduced some other Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

"Thanks," said Ginny, taking a sip. "Long queue?"

"Yeah," Sirius grinned. Hermione rolled her eyes again.

"Oh look, it's Alice and Frank!" James said. "FRANK!" he yelled across the pub, waving his arms.

"Frank Longbottom's going out with Alice Fortescue," Remus told the girls. "She's in the year above us, friends with Emmeline Adams? Both in Gryffindor? Frank graduated last year, he's training to be an Auror now."

"Hello James," Frank Longbottom had come over. He had brown hair and was grinning widely. Alice Fortescue, round-faced and pretty, beamed too.

"It's great to see you again!" said James. "How's Auror training?"

"You're Dad's not beating us up too badly," laughed Frank. "But it's good, did you know Alice wants to join next year?"

"Really?" asked James in interest. "I bet you'll be able to get in, if not, I'll sort Dad out."

Alice laughed. "Thanks, James. We'd better get going, Frank has to be back by two."

"Your mother?" Remus asked.

Frank nodded and groaned. "She still acts like I'm twelve and running around doing stupid things."

"Well, Aurors do do that," said James. Frank laughed.

"I missed you, Potter, how's the team going?"

"Great," said James, perking up. "I've got a great line-up – Ginny here is a new Chaser, and she's excellent."

Frank and Alice noticed the three girls.

"That's Hermione and Luna," said Sirius. "They were in the papers."

"Oh yes," said Alice, her eyes frightened. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," said Luna.

"Well, anyway, we'd better go, nice seeing you all."

Alice and Frank waved goodbye and left.

"We'd better go too if you lot want to see the other shops," said Remus, drinking the end of his butterbeer.

Sirius did the same.

"D'you think Madam Rosmerta'll give us that bottle of Firewhiskey?" he asked.

"Only one way to find out – you guys go on," said James and he grinned mischievously.

The three girls left the four boys' attempts at getting Firewhiskey and left the shop. They turned left and walked down the street, which was void of pretty much everyone.

Out of nowhere, five figures loomed around them, directing them in the direction of a side alley, where only a few crates and bottles were.

They were jostled into it and were blocked of the exit by two of the five figures. Blinking at them, the girls realised they were Slytherins. Mulciber, Avery, Nott, Harrison and Wilkes.

"Hello, ladies," said Mulciber, his eyes glinting.

"Let us through," snapped Ginny.

"Why the rush?" said Avery. "We've got all afternoon."

"Besides, we only wanted a little chat," said Mulciber. "What's wrong with that?"

"Why couldn't we have it in the street?" countered Hermione. "Why here?"

"Well, so no one unwelcome hears it," said Nott.

"The only unwelcome ones are you," said Luna.

"Feisty," said Avery. "He'd like that."

"He?" Ginny questioned, scowling.

"The Dark Lord," whispered Mulciber. "He holds a special interest in you three."

"He should've thought about that when he murdered our families," snarled Ginny.

The Slytherins scowled.

"We can do this the easy way," began Avery.

"or the hard way?" said Hermione. "Well, I choose my option, I don't know about you."

She whipped out her wand and shouted "Stupefy!"

Avery dropped to the floor unconscious as the other Slytherins began walking forwards.

"You'll pay for that one, you filthy blood-traitor!"

"Impedimenta!" Ginny shouted and Nott was blasted backwards. Luna retrieved her wand too and aimed a hex at Harrison. Hermione had taken down Wilkes with two Stupifies and Ginny hit Mulciber with a Bat Bogey Hex.

The Slytherins all lay on the floor in a heap, and the three girls returned their wands into their jackets.

"Good job we had the DA, isn't it?" said Luna, stepping carefully over Wilkes.

They all looked down at the bodies before walking off – only realising two seconds later that James, Remus, Sirius and Peter had exited the pub next door and were staring at the scene with confusion written all over their faces.

"What the hell was that?" Sirius said.

"They were annoying us," said Ginny simply.

"And so you – you – how did you learn to do that?" James said.

"Our parents are Aurors," Luna said carefully.

"So is mine! But I can't do that."

Remus turned to him.

"You know, you probably could," he said.

James stopped. "I suppose," he said, frowning. "But what you guys did was epic!"

"Don't go spreading it around, will you?" said Hermione. "We don't want anymore –ah – attention."

"Okay," said Remus, looking at them oddly, as though trying to figure them out. "Do you want to see the rest of the stores?"

The others readily agreed and when they started off again, Hermione crossed her fingers and hoped that the four boys forgot what they saw.


As the next day was Hallowe'en, there was the traditional feast in the evening. Hermione, Ginny and Luna had spent the majority of the weekend avoiding answering questions coming from Sirius. Remus seemed to be curious but did not want to ask questions; whilst James had an awful temper because he'd heard Lily's date had gone extremely well. They had found out that James had a frightening temper that they didn't want to get on the wrong side of, so they walked on eggshells around him all weekend.

In the evening, though, Hermione decided to make Sara make Lily sit with them at the Hallowe'en feast, just so that she could help move them along a bit.

James didn't even seem to notice just how close the red-head was throughout the feast. Instead, he sat and whispered to Sirius for most of the evening, which made every cast them curious looks.

"How're you enjoying Hogwarts?" Lily said, making a stab of conversation whilst pointedly ignoring the messy-haired boy.

"It's lovely," said Ginny. "I didn't realise it would be so homely."

"We just imagined a cold castle," added Luna. "But it's very nice, isn't it?"

"Of course," said Lily, smiling. "I always think it feels like a second-home to me."

Hermione felt a stab in the gut as she was reminded of Harry.

She smiled weakly.

"That's nice," she said. Lily looked horrified.

"Oh no! I didn't mean to upset you – I know you don't really have a home –"

"Lily," said Sara sharply.

"It's alright," said Ginny. "We're getting used to it."

"Must've been terrible, though," said Lily with a shudder. "If you don't mind me asking –"

"Lily," snapped Sara. "Don't be insensitive!"

"Sorry!" said Lily. "I'm useless!"

Ginny gave a short laugh.

"It's alright, but we don't really like talking about it."

Lily blushed and nodded.

Luna, meanwhile, was peering over at the Slytherin table. Severus Snape was sitting alone, pushing some food around his plate whilst staring at Lily's head, whilst Regulus Black was looking uncomfortable, surrounded with the Slytherins that they'd hexed in Hogsmeade.

"Oh, Remus I forgot to tell you," Lily called over the table. "There's a Prefect meeting on Thursday, I think we're reshuffling the rounds."

"Ah," said Remus, and Hermione swore she saw him go a shade paler. "I don't think I'll be able to make that – er – my Grandmother's ill and I have to go help her." He blushed when everyone looked at him, including James and Sirius.

"Oh dear," said Sara. "Again? The poor dear, tell her to get better from us, yeah?"

"Has she got the same thing as last time?" asked Lily.

Remus looked uncomfortable.

"No," James answered for him, apparently forgetting his anger whilst defending his friend. "It's something else –"

"The Healers are still trying to find out what it is," supplied Sirius.

Hermione raised her eyebrows but did not comment.

"Don't worry, Remus, I'll tell Charlie and Katherine," said Lily, smiling at the pale boy.

"Thanks," said Remus.

There was a lull of conversation after that, and Hermione saw that Remus and Peter had now joined in with James and Sirius' whisperings.