I cried out in pain and stumbled, but I didn't stop running. Can't give up now, can't let my assailants win. If I did they would kill me, and I'd never see Kit or my pack again. The rest of my pack anyways. I wonder if they'll be able to tell that there are two new members to our pack, and I know these two are pack because I can see them, and not with just my eyes.

With my hand on my bleeding shoulder and two wolf dogs growling on either side of me I couldn't help wondering how the Hell these people were keeping up with me.

My feet were traveling the well beaten path towards the Bunker before my mind could really process where I was going. Moonlight turned the surrounding sandy dunes silver, and in my agony muddled brain it was truly beautiful. In some far corner of my mind I realized it might very well be the last thing I would ever see.

My flare strength was dying, and I was probably dying with it. Both of my arms were soaked and dripping the shiny red fluid that kept me alive, these people would be able to find me no problem, if not for the blood then with the one dog they still held onto.

I slipped into the Bunker, into the cool shadows and the two new dogs followed closely behind me. I scrambled up the ladder as quickly as I could and lowered a large basket for the two wolf dogs. It was nearly impossible for me to lift them up to the second level of the old place, which I think I did a very good job on. The new planks of wood were stained and scratched at, they looked nearly identical to the rest of the Bunker from the underside. On the top the wood was a pale, almost sandy white colour, but it was now stained dark crimson with my blood.

Both the dogs were heavy, and with my flare dying the pain was getting worse, much worse, and the rope kept slipping in my bloodied hands. The fact that I only really had one hand to work with did not help t all, but I got them up just as the first of my attackers reached the Bunker.

"I think she went in here!" He called to his fellows and I crawled over to a corner, leaving a harsh scarlet trail in my wake. Neither dog made a sound, but the female crept over to me with her nails clicking softly on the wood. Her tongue rasped over my wound and I clenched my teeth on a scream of agony. She draped herself over my lap instead and began cleaning blood from my hands. If I live I think I'll call her Shadow, because of her dark pelt. She has a wolfs markings and body, but I think one of her parents, probably the father, was a black lab or another dark coated dog.

The other dog who joined the group, a large male about twice the weight of Coop, stood at the entrance to the second level. Again, if I live I think I'll call him Silver, because in the moon light he looks like a breathing silver statue of my wolf dog puppy at home.

As if sensing my thoughts Cooper jolts awake, I can feel it. Feel his sudden alertness, and his panic and fear when he realizes I'm gone. I try to send over a quick message, struggle futilely with my subconscious, but it's no use. The barrier is too strong.

"There's no one here, Ma'am." A man spoke, a different one from the first one to call out to his friends.

I feel slow and useless. I hurt every where, especially where the bullets ripped through my skin, my veins and muscles. I can't help wondering if these are my final moments.

"I can see that dumb ass. Find her, I want her dead." I know that voice, I know who it is. But my pain muddled brain cant process the information, and before I can put two and two together my heart stutters.


My flare dies and the agony plunges me into blissful darkness. I can only hope they wont go after my pack, but its a false hope and I know that. A deep cold makes the ache in my body worse, but it's gone before i can really wonder what's causing it. I want to burst into tears, but I can't. I can't feel anything anymore, well, nothing but my emotions. And here, in my sadness, in my lonely death, I can only be glad the pain is gone.

I hope people read this... anyways. I love Virals to teeny tinny pieces, and this is the first chapter of what I'm hoping to make either a series or maybe about 20 chapters long. Or maybe 30... anyways, please R&R and let me know if I should continue. I think this turned out pretty well, but let me know what you think. REVIEW!
