AN- I Had a little extra time today so I thought I'd write a bit of a chapter to tide you folks over until this weekend, I know its short but don't worry there will be another chapter on Sunday if not before, as always I own nothing you recognize and if you like it drop me a line and let me know.

Happy reading,


Draco had been pulled from his cell early that morning and placed in shackles that burned into his flesh causing red blisters and peeling skin where they touched him.

"You won't be pulling anything on me." The guard had informed him before marching him down to the courtroom. "Your defense barrister will meet you in the holding room." the guard then pushed Draco into the room with Sirius Black, hunched over a file with his glasses on the tip of his nose.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asked out of surprise standing in the corner of the room away from the lights.

"I'm your defense." Sirius replied looking up. "As the head of the house of Black I am granted the power to defend the head of another house." He explained.

"So in other words no one else would do it." Draco muttered staring blankly at the wall refusing to answer any of Sirius' questions more or less ignoring him entirely, going off into a world all his own the room around him disappearing.

The next thing the young vampire knew the Minister was barking out a question of guilt or innocence, and a hundred people were staring at him. He began to jerk against the cuffs holding him into the chair only burning himself further.

Harry frowned at the dead look in Draco's eyes that were once filled with defiance, mischief and excitement.

Sirius walked forward lifting Draco's chin to look him in the eyes, "Draco if you don't speak they will put you away for good or have you put down." He coaxed the blond who was still filthy and grimy.

"What if I want to die?" Draco asked mentally narrowing his eyes at Sirius in challenge. Sirius sighed looking him over seeing the dull gray of his eyes.

"They haven't been feeding you?" He murmured softly.

Draco looked away pulling at his wrist braces hissing at the rawness of his skin, he put off the appearance of a trapped animal almost.

Harry stayed near the back waiting to see what Draco would answer. The blonde stopped struggling as he caught eyes with Harry.

"Not guilty." Draco spoke softly. "I'm not guilty." He looked Sirius in the eyes seeming to have just a little more fight, "Well I'm guilty of two of those offenses, but they weren't my fault." he corrected.

"So you're claiming guilt to murdering those people?" The minister asked angrily.

"I didn't kill anyone!" Draco snapped starting to lose his temper once again struggling against his restraints.

Sirius walked over to Draco and looked him in the eyes. "What were you doing in the cell Mr. Malfoy?" he asked curiously.

"I was vacationing" Draco replied sarcastically"I was locked there against my will. Obviously." he rolled his eyes.

Sirius chuckled slightly. "And the people in there with you? did you kill them?" he asked.

"No,"Draco growled. "Well some of them were still breathing when they were thrown into me but they always died before I got to them." he snarled. "Call it a mercy killing if they weren't."

Harry moved forward in the crowd intrigued by what Draco was now telling the Wizengamot.

Sirius nodded and walked around fora minute then looked to Draco. "Have you ever killed anyone?" he asked.

"Are you not listening?" Draco spat. "I am not a killer nor have I ever been." He sighed in defeat slumping down. "Those people were tortured close to death before being thrown into the cage with me to feed on, they usually starved me for a while to make sure I would finish the job." he explained in a low tone. "I only attacked the first guy because I was in a blood lust from not feeding in six months."

Frank stood up still looking a little weary, he watched Draco closely as he spoke. "I'll admit I was afraid after the initial attack." he cleared his throat. "But I will admit I was partially at fault, I went into that cell without checking to make sure there was no danger. I didn't check to see if he was alive I assumed that after six months no one in there could have survived." His voice got louder as he went on carrying to the audience who were now murmuring amongst themselves. "I also believe however that because of his lack of socialization this youth is a danger to society in his current state."

After Franks speech Sirius looked to a Mediwitch in the front row.. "Ms. Franklin you examined the bodies found in that cell did you not?" He asked.

Ms. Franklin stood and nodded. "I did." She replied with a sad smile.

"And the cause of death as far as you could tell, were any of them caused by Mr. Malfoy?" Sirius questioned looking at her imploringly.

"Not that I could tell no." She shook her head. "The deaths were caused by torture."

Sirius nodded and looked to the Judge. "I submit he never intentionally harmed anyone and should be rehabilitated back into the world as he hasn't killed anyone and only harmed those people out of blood lust, which wouldn't have happened if he had been properly cared for. I submit you put him into rehabilitation and let him free, he has no mark and his vampire side can be controlled."

The Wizengamot murmured amongst themselves at the request not seeming convinced still, many of them with fear in their hearts because of attacks on their family members.

Harry bit his lip afraid of what the verdict would be he stepped forward clearing his throat. "I wasn't attacked." He announced silencing the room around him. "I volunteered, the effects of the bite frightened me after the fact but I wasn't attacked."

Draco looked at him with a scowl on his face he didn't care to owe the golden boy any favors nor did he wish for his half existence of a life to be saved. He was a monster and would always be a monster and a danger to people around him, unless he was locked away or dead.

Finally Kingsley raised his hands. "Guilty?!" he bellowed in question. Several hands around the room shot up determined to see this monster put away.

"Not Guilty?!" Kingsley questioned, far more hands went up this time and Harry let out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding.

"Lord Draco Malfoy has been found not guilty of the crimes accused on this day, He shall be placed back in holding until a suitable place of rehabilitation can be found for him. This rehabilitation will be on a year long trial basis. If in a year no improvement has been shown we will revisit his case." Kingsley announced the final decision and another auror came forward yanking Draco up out of his chair, the vampire yelped as the shackles burnt into his flesh again.

Harry rushed forward in concern. "Stop, I'll take him!" He exclaimed. "For Merlin's sake stop torturing him I'll keep him."