Title:Who Are They?
Author: 0idontknow0
Rating: PG
Warnings: (as per the prompt) transgendered women
Word Count: 365
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made.
Notes: So I got the Luna and the transgender!Draco part of the prompt, the coming out one is a bit of a blurred line.
Summary: At a Hogwarts reunion Harry and Dean can't quite seem to recall two very lovely ladies.

"Who are they?" Dean asked, as he cocked his head to the side to get a better look at the two mystery women.

"Not sure," Harry said distractedly.

Harry was sure he recognised them.

One was a platinum blonde, tall, slender, flat-chested and with subtle curves. Her blouse hung loosely on her body, a black long sleeved, sheer sort of thing –save for the solid black leather that covered her chest and back. The blouse stopped a little above her white lacquered fingers and gave way to tight fitting burgundy jeans and a pair of flats that Harry thought was a far better idea than those impossible heels most others wore.

The other woman was dark-skinned, with a thick and curly afro; she was only slightly taller than the first woman and had an average sized bust. She wore a long, strapless dress that bled from a deep orange into a rich yellow from the waist down. Harry thought she might have been wearing slippers.

"You'd think we'd remember two fit birds like that," Dean said.

"It looks like Luna knows who they are," he said, as Luna smiled at the two women and hugged them in turn.

"Maybe they were one of the 7th years in the graduating class, instead of 8th," Dean said.

"I feel like I'd still be able to place them," he said, frowning as he tried to remember them. "There weren't that many of us 8th year students."

"Harry, Dean," Luna called, waving them over. She smiled when they reached her. "I would say it's been a while but I think that's only true for Blaise and D."

"Blaise-" Dean started. "Oh..."

Harry eyed the two women carefully and his jaw dropped when he realised who they were.

"Careful there, Potter," Malfoy smirked, his- her lips stained a deep red.

"Godric," he breathed.

"Thought about shagging us, did you?" Zabini asked.

"Still am," Dean admitted, blatantly eyeing Zabini.

"I've still got a cock under the dress, Thomas," Zabini said.

Harry glanced at Malfoy in question.

"Same," Malfoy smirked.

"Mine doesn't quite care," Dean muttered, before realizing he had said it aloud.

"Good answer."

"So, Malfoy," Harry began. "Drink?"

"With pleasure."