House of Wolves
AU Rin is the son of 'Satan,' Japan's most prolific serial killer in recent history. After being caught when Rin is seven, he is sent to live with Shiro Fujimoto and is separated from Yukio. Nine years pass until they meet again at True Cross Academy, where everyone is fearful of the blue-haired teen who is nothing like Yukio remembers him to be. But, what happens when Shiemi Moriyama befriends him, a shy girl who due to her sheltered upbringing, knows nothing of his heritage? Rin/Shiemi

Genre: Angst, Romance, and a dash of Horror

A/N: Wow, I have so many plot bunnies for Blue Exorcist that it isn't even funny... Anyway, this is my first Rin/Shiemi fic so I hope you guys enjoy it! You would realize how big of a deal this is for me if you've read any of my other BE stories, which consist totally of Amaimon/Shiemi :P

Warnings: Mentions of blood and gore. His father is a serial killer, after all. Oh, and Rin may be a tiny bit OOC, given his seriously screwed up past. He'll still be fundamentally the same at heart, if not a bit more cynical and cold. So yah, beware— there will be a lot of angst.

And I'm curious; this is the first chap, so I can always change it, but do you guys still want demons to exist in this AU? I have an idea on how to still interweave them into the plot, but I'd like your opinions as I am fine with keeping them or leaving them out. Just let me know in a review, please :3

Disclaimer: I do not own Blue Exorcist.

Chapter 1- Blue Glass



Rin Okumura hated the color blue.

Every time he looked in the mirror he saw the same cobalt eyes of his father sneering back at him. And, if he stared long enough, he could see the emptiness inside them too.

You're a monster too, Rin...

The teen banged his fist against the small bathroom mirror to rid himself of the illusion, cursing loudly. The glass shattered to his feet, cutting into his palm as he let out a pain-filled hiss. Blood pooled to the tiled floor in a steady rhythm, reminding him too much of the monster— of his father.

'"Come now, Rin. It's just a little blood. I thought you were tougher than that."

"That's a good boy, Rin. You have to make sure whatever weapon you use is cleaned thoroughly. It wouldn't do you any good to walk around with a blood-stained knife!"

"How pitiful. You can't even kill a cat."

"Hahaha, you are definitely my son! Look at the disgust in your eyes! It fills my heart with joy!"'

There was the sound of shuffling feet moments after the crash, the frantic steps of Shiro Fujimoto ascending the rickety stairs. Pushing open the door, he came to the familiar sight of the blue-haired boy crumpled on the floor, staring blankly at the cuts in his palm.

"Rin..." The priest whispered gently, walking slowly to the boy. He flinched reflexively at his name, fingers digging into the bare skin of his arms. His nails created crescent-moon marks against his pale skin, standing starkly in contrast with the faint traces of scars. It was clear that the psychological scars of his upbringing ran deeper than the physical ones over his body.

"Rin... it's alright. He can't hurt you anymore." He soothed, guiding the boy towards the sink. He rinsed the wound thoroughly before placing a strip of gauze over it. The teen still seemed to be stuck in a haze, blue orbs trained to the shattered pieces of glass at his feet.

He fell down suddenly, tugging the white-haired man with him. They fell in a tangle of limbs, a shard of glass in Rin's uninjured hand. He turned the glass so he could see his damnable eyes, raising it into the air. It would be so easy to take out his eyes; then he wouldn't have to see the monster staring back at him.

Just as he brought the shard towards his eyes he caught the reflection of Shiro's face, a mix of sadness and... fear. This stilled the boy instantly, fingers loosening slightly from around the glass.

"...Are you afraid of me too?" He finally questioned, voice laden with bitterness as his gaze traveled to his adoptive father's neck. It would be so easy to cut into the older man's throat... just one little tug against the pulmonary artery and he would be gone in a flash of crimson. The thought stayed buried in his conscience even after the priest shook his head, gently prying the shard of glass from his trembling hands.

"No, Rin. I'm not afraid of you; I'm afraid for you." His tone was sincere as he brought his arms around the lithe youth. It had been two good years since Rin's last breakdown; but, this was the first time he had ever lashed out at someone other than himself. Shiro saw the way the teen's gaze drifted from the glass to his throat. It was no puzzle to realize what Rin had been planning. It seemed that no amount of time could erase the instructions his monster of a father had given him.

"Come on... today's the last day of summer. You should enjoy it." He patted the blue-haired teen on the back, picking him up by his uninjured hand. Slowly, Rin rose to his feet, cobalt eyes cast to the ground.

"...Sorry." He muttered before running down the stairs. Shiro watched as the boy left the church, grabbing a long black hoodie on his way out.

Shiro Fujimoto's biggest fear was that one night Rin would return in a police car; or worse, that he would never return at all.

The park a couple blocks from the church was his solace. He could still remember the days when he and his brother had escaped from their hell of a home to sit on the swing-sets, for a moment forgetting the horror that waited them at their return. Placing his fingers around the chain-link swing, he swung his legs lightly, listening to the groan of metal from his weight.

Tipping his head back, he stared at the stars, wondering faintly if Yukio was also looking up at them. It was a habit they had when they were younger; doing the same thing but in different locations. They had foolishly believed that in doing so their bond would strengthen, allowing them to see what the other twin was seeing. It still hadn't been enough to keep the two from splitting off into two separate foster homes, despite their vehement pleas to stay together.

He had been sent to live with Shiro Fujimoto, a kindly if not eccentric priest who had felt drawn to Rin the moment he had stepped through the church doors. Yukio, on the other hand, had been given to a relatively wealthy family who were looking to fill the paternal hole in their hearts, where even money became void and null.

Sighing, the boy took a deep breath of the cold night air. Even as a child he had never feared the dark, finding the empty shadows and silence a comforting entity in which he could curl in to when the screams became too loud to ignore. He could simply feel the cold air on his cheeks and forget all about the hushed whispers of classmates and teachers who already believed him to be damned. Who thought it was only a matter of time before he killed someone.

"He should be locked up in a cage."

"He acts just like a demon!"

"We would all be better off if he just disappeared."

The youth squeezed the chains tightly, biting his lip. Now he was being transferred to True Cross Academy, no doubt a school where he would also be feared of. He had to transfer from his public school when a fellow student said he had threatened to kill him.

Of course it was false, but none would believe the teen with Satan as a father. The man was Japan's most prolific serial killer in recent history. He had confessed to over five-hundred murders, but it was estimated that there could be over a thousand bodies. He was the embodiment of the devil; a smooth-talking, attractive man who seemed pleasant enough... until he stabbed a knife in your back. He was a classic example of a sociopath, knowing fully well what he was doing was wrong, but doing it anyway all for the thrill of killing.

And Rin had been expected to turn out like him ever since they found the boy huddled in the room where his father kept his trophies; a room of numerous body parts that hung on meat racks from the ceiling. Yukio had been found hidden under his bed, frightened by the sound of sirens and flashing cerulean lights.

The teen shook his head, memories dipping back under the surface of his conscience. It did no good to dwell on a past he couldn't change. Standing up once more, he shoved his hands in his pockets, making the short trek back to the church.

Tomorrow was the start of a new school year, and as much as he knew that nothing would change, he couldn't help but hold on to a little shard of hope that this year would be different. That he would finally make a friend.

The next morning went by in a flurry of missteps and well-placed curses. Most of Rin's belonging had already been shipped off to True Cross, leaving the teen with only the task of getting ready for school. After a quick shower and brushing his teeth, the youth came barreling down the staircase, hair damp and in disarray.

Shiro stood at the front of the door, sighing at his foster son's messy appearance. "Rin, you might want to brush your hair—"

"Sorry, old man, but I'm gonna be late! Didn't you say your friend was gonna pick me up for school?"

He nodded. "Yes, he's actually your—"

"I'll see ya later! I promise to come visit on the weekends. Tell everyone else I said bye!" He interrupted, giving the white-haired man a quick hug before running through the front doors.

The priest shook his head, smiling. That boy never changed… he was just glad that Rin had returned to his usual lazy self. Silently, he hoped that for once, Rin would be accepted at a school.

Rin was surprised to find a pink limousine waiting outside the church steps, honking at his appearance. He slowly approached the vehicle with a hint of apprehension. Opening the door, he was met with an equally pink interior, the figure of a tall man shadowed by the low lighting of the vehicle.

"Welcome, Okumura-kun~! Or should I say spawn of Satan?" A cheery voice echoed, patting the seat in front of him eagerly. Rin gave the man a sharp glare before stepping into the limousine, finally noticing the second occupant of the car.

"It's been a while, Nii-san." A familiar voice said, coming from the visage of a brown-haired boy with glasses.


"Shiemi! Don't forget your lunch!" A middle-aged woman with platinum hair called out, waving a small metal lunchbox. She waited patiently as her daughter bounded up the stone steps to the front porch, hastily grabbing the box.

"Ah, thank you mom!" She gave her a quick wave before skipping off past the stone bridge, humming a little tune to herself.

In the distance she could see the outline of True Cross Academy, the school she had been lucky enough to get in to. Most people who were invited to the prestigious school either had money, good breeding, or exceptional talents. Shiemi had none of these.

The blonde girl had been nearly shocked into a stupor at the sight of the official letter from True Cross Academy, held in a simple beige envelope. At first she thought it was a complete accident, that it was delivered to the wrong home until she opened it, revealing her name on the acceptance letter.

With little an explanation as to why she was accepted other than to balance out student ratios and
promote equality (something that Johann Faust seemed to pride himself on: the belief that every person could make something of their life, regardless of their past), the girl had accepted immediately, glad to be free of the monotony of home-schooling.

The blonde girl made it to her first class just as the tardy bell rang, taking the only free seat next to a dark-haired boy. He had his eyes cast to the window but immediately turned to her when she pulled the seat out, chair scratching dimly against the wooden floor.

A chorus of whispers encircled the pair as Shiemi gave a small smile to the boy, classmates pointing at her with a look of apprehension and awe.

"Did you see that? The girl just sat next to Satan's son like it was nothing!"

"Maybe she's mental. Look, she's even smiling at him!"

"Well... she might be one of those people, ya know, the ones who find serial killers attractive and stuff."

"How horrible…"

The dull whispers of the students were quickly hushed when the teacher walked in, followed by a man in what appeared to be a jester's outfit. The heavy bags below his eyes were painfully apparent as he chuckled, scanning the class of surprised first-years until he spotted who he was looking for. Forest green eyes bored into cobalt as he gave the smallest of grins, walking down the aisles of the classroom.

"It's a pleasure to see such lovely students~! I am especially interested in some of you." His eyes clearly lingered on the pair in the back of the classroom, white cape billowing comically behind him.

"Ah, who are you, sir?" A boy questioned, raising his hand up.

The violet-haired man laughed heartily, taking his place in the front of the class. "Well, I guess it's understandable that you wouldn't know, given my ah, secrecy. I am Johann Faust, principal of this Academy. It is a pleasure to meet all of you personally." He gave a little bow, tipping his hat.

The blue-haired teen at Shiemi's side visibly stilled at the name, a frown replacing his once neutral expression. The rest of the class erupted in a collective gasp, all unsure on how to act now that the principal of the school was standing right in front of them.

"No need to be shy~! Please, come see me if you have any questions. Anyway, I will be taking my leave now. Study hard, my darling students~!" He gave another wide grin before stepping out of the room, swinging the ice-cream adorned umbrella with him.

As the door closed the room once again erupted into chatter, topics ranging from the eccentric principal to the demon in their classroom. Even the teacher could not stop their chatting, finally resorting to giving the student's a free period. Chairs were moved to different desks, social cliques forming immediately, leaving the two awkward teenagers alone in the back of the class.

"Ah, hello…" Shiemi said shyly, a light blush dusting her cherubic features. She wouldn't back down until she made at least one friend at the school!

"Hi...?" He said almost as if it were a question, surprise apparent in his eyes.

The girl took the time to properly study the boy, her curiosity getting the better of her. He wore the school uniform loosely, not even bothering to button up the blazer. His hair was wild and looked suspiciously like bed-head, either too lazy to care about his appearance or a product of waking up late. His cobalt orbs shone brightly, reminding the girl of the ocean. He blinked at her almost stifling gaze, a light blush beginning to dust his cheeks as well.

"Is there something on my face?" He finally asked after the blonde continued to stare at him, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His question finally stirred her from her daze, emerald orbs wide and frantic as she apologized repeatedly.

"S-sorry! I'm so sorry, I was just distracted and…" She trailed off, turning away to hide her blushing face.

"It's alright. I'm Rin Okumura, by the way." The son of Satan, he added in his head, wondering faintly if the girl was pranking him. She acted like she had no idea who he was; perhaps she truly was an airhead…

Her face lightened immediately, a wide grin making its way past her lips. "It's nice to meet you, Rin! I'm Shiemi Moriyama!" She held out her hand, nearly giddy with happiness.

Maybe he can be my first friend here!

He looked down at her hand before shaking it, smiling happily. He looked much akin to a small child who was given candy. "Hi, Shiemi! It's nice to meet ya as well!" His appearance had totally changed from one of a lazy, perhaps even delinquent-like man to an excited teen with the largest grin on his face.

She couldn't help it; his smile was contagious. She let out a bell-like laugh, bringing a hand to her mouth to stifle her laughter. He stared questioningly at her, but continued to smile anyway.

Eventually, her laughs died out as she returned to a serious gaze, puffing her cheeks up stubbornly. Bewildered, the teen moved back slightly, confused yet again.

"Rin… do you want to be my friend?" She said it so seriously that he couldn't help but laugh, a bright mirth that reached his eyes as he chuckled.

Her face immediately fell, crestfallen. Of course it wouldn't be this simple; no one just became friends. You had to get to know the person and show that you were interesting and—

She jerked forward when the boy suddenly patted her roughly on the back, grinning once again. "Sure!"

He turned his gaze to the other occupants of the room who had all quieted down at the sound of his outcry. All eyes were glued to the pair as one brave voice finally spoke up.

"How could you want to be friends with the spawn of Satan?"

A/N: Well, at least Shiro's alive in this AU :3 I hope you like it so far; I swear Rin isn't this bipolar. He just has a lot of issues to deal with… We'll also get to see the twin's meeting in full detail next chapter, so stay tuned~ And, despite the grimness/ horror-ish aspects of the story, there will still be fluffy moments w/ Rin and Shiemi to balance out the angst XD Anyway, hope you enjoyed the prologue. Please let me know what you think and if I should continue it or not!

