My Troublesome Girl

Rated M for Violence and Sexual action.

Running. That's all she could do, run. From who? A creepy, abusive, glasses wearing psycho. Yep, Conway. They had been going out for a year, but half of that year was abusive, yelling filled and uncaring and truth to be told, she was scared. Dawn had just told Conway she was breaking up with him, something she had been terrified to do. Because he kept taking advantage of her forgiveness, her kindness and the fact that she thinks everything is her fault, because overall, Dawn was too kind for her own good.

"Dawn, get the fuck back here, now!" He hissed from behind. She was trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall down her pale, ivory cheeks. But luckily, her fear only increased her stamina. She began to run faster, but unfortunately, Conway was able to catch up.

"DAWN. STOP. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW!" Conway bellowed from behind her. Dawn let out a little squeak as she tripped over the hard cement, struggling to pick herself up again before Conway could reach her. How unlucky for her. She could hear his footsteps, trudging up from behind her. She could hear him bend down, slowly grappling a fistful of her long, midnight blue hair, yanking her up to her feet. Her eyes widened from the intense pain of her hair clutching to her scalp for dear life. He used his free hand to grab her wrist, letting go of her hair as he secured his grip around her tiny, fragile wrist. The hand that hand gripped her hair but a moment ago, was now locked roughly around her jaw, forcing her cobalt blue orbs to stare at his viridian ones. His expression was not a psycho smile, but a rather pissed off frown.

"Dawn," he began as he tightened his grip around both her wrist and jawline. "Tell me how the fuck you can talk to me like you did before. You should know that you have no right to tell me what our relationship is, you know that it wouldn't've ended well at all." Her eyes squinted shut as the tears that gathered in her eyes were now springing down her pearly skin. She couldn't do anything but squeak at the pain the felt in her arm and face. Although she couldn't see his face, she could tell this wasn't going to end well by his voice only.

"Answer me, bitch!" he screeched as his grip pulled bent her wrist down, as if he was attempting to break it. She howled in pain as he slowly bent her wrist into her arm.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing!?" A familiar voice rang in Dawn's ears, but could barely concentrate on who's, due to the amount of pain building up the her lower arm. She could feel Conway's grip stop, but never relaxing. As she heard footsteps come closer, Dawn heard the voice speak up again, more concern than anger hinted in it.

"Troublesome!? What are yo-" the deep voice, assumingly a man's, cut itself off as his eyes widened to the unsightly sight of Dawn being tortured by her supposed 'boyfriend'. She immediately recognised the deep voice, the only hint of the certain pet name given to her by a certain boy. She gasped, but immediately squeaked out through her sobs,

"Paul, please help..." She squeaked quietly as she turned to face the one and only, Paul Shinji. He took a step closer to her, his arms reaching out slightly to her, but Conway quickly tugged sharply on her wrist, pulling her towards his chest, completely shattering her wrist completely. She howled in pain as she was dragged. He quickly pulled out a knife and held it to the junction between her chin and her neck, near her jugular. Conway slowly took a step back as he spoke to the plum haired boy.

"Not another move Shinji, or little Useless here won't ever see daylight in her pretty little eyes." He tutted as Paul's eyes developed a more angry yet painful expression, not only at the dire situation Dawn was placed in, but also the fact he could ever call her such a thing. It broke his cold, stone heart. Conway, being the reincarnation of Satin as he already is, decided to toy with Paul.

"I know how much you care for Useless, or whatever pet name you gave Precious over here," He began again. Paul nearly gagged along with Dawn's pained ,but still noticeable, grimace at the sickeningly seductive way he referred Dawn as. Conway's free hand, (He was holding Dawn's collar bone area with his forearm and elbow, with the knife in the same hand) to gently reach up and caress her long, pale legs seductively. Paul's glare at that point was enough to put a Gengar to shame, he couldn't stand to see Dawn in such a pitiful and helpless state. Conway's hand moved painfully slow over to Dawn's chest area as he gripped one of her breasts in his hand roughly, stroking it slowly. The way he handled her looked excruciatingly painful where Dawn was as Paul glared at them. The way her eyes screamed 'Oh please god help me' became unbearable.

"I can see how painful this is to you, Paul" He continued, "Why don't you leave? You wouldn't have to see this whore get molested now, would you?" He continued to glare at the two, turning his head downwards to Dawn who looked as if she was going to say something.

"I-it's alright P-Paul... G-go, I-I'll B-be O-o-okay" She choked out, as she put on her best smile, as if trying to tell him everything will be okay, that this is all just a bad dream. That particular dialogue snapped him. Paul, had enough of it, how he was just able to stand by and watch her get molested by the Pedophile- Psycho boyfriend. Before Conway could react, Paul lunged at him, kicking the blade away from the two. He pinned Conway underneath him, punching him again, and again. Dawn was on the floor, curled on her side to the cold hard concrete of the narrow alleyway, crying her poor heart out as she held her immobile wrist.

The punching eventually stopped as Conway had been dragged into unconsciousness. Breathing heavily, sweat dripping from his brow as his cheeks held flush from Conway's actions before. He stood up and walked over to Dawn, kneeling beside her broken, sobbing figure. His eyes were filled with fear and concern for the pale girl, who had been robbed of her innocence. He slowly and gently lifted her upper body, gently pulling her in for a warm embrace. She eagerly hugged him, sobbing into his chest, clinging onto his shirt for dear life. He gently patted her back softly and continuously, whispering calming, sweet nothings into her ear.

"Shh shh shush shush, It's okay, that bastard can't hurt you. I won't let him go near you, I promise." He assured her, his eyes closing as he spoke. He felt her grip on his shirt loosen as she quieted down, her sobbing ceasing aside from the occasional hiccup. She pulled away slightly to look at him, her grip still present. She gazed up at him sadly, her cobalt eyes revealed to him nothing but shame and regret.

"P-Pau-aul, I-I was so s-sca-ared. I'm so sorry! I never should have been with him!" She squeaked as he looked at her with soft understanding eyes. He choked out a half laugh-half sob and pulled her to his chest again.

"You dummy... Stop apologizing, you're too nice for your own good." He chuckled slightly. She chuckled slightly with him, realizing her own mistake. She pulled back again to look at him once more, both of them locked in a moment. She leaned up towards him, placing a gentle, sweet kiss on his lips. Paul was surprised at her action, but relaxed and kissed her back. Forgetting everything around them, they were lost in the kiss. Paul gently nibbled her bottom lip, asking for entrance, but was surprised again to see that she pulled away, placing her fingertips on her lips with a pained expression. Paul realized that it was a pretty dumbass move to make cause of the dilemma before. As she moved her hand, she winced and realized her broken wrist. Tears sprung to her eyes as she moved it. He gently held her wrist to examine it, only to find that said bone had splintered through her wrist, sticking up in the air. They both grimaced as they continued to stare at it. Paul gently lifted her up bridal style and walked away from the alleyway, into the slightly safer routes of the roads.

"Paul, where are we going?" Dawn asked as she clung onto his shirt. He just simply smirked.

"Were d'you think? The hospital. You really are Troublesome, you know that." He replied simply, ending with a smirk. She was about to retort and yell at him when he spoke again.

"But... I'm just glad you're safe... Dawn." She was surprised and happy he had said her name. She snuggled into his jacket, closing her eyes. She couldn't sleep due to a certain thing nagging at her.

"Not another move Shinji, or little Useless here won't ever see daylight in her pretty little eyes."

Dawn's eyes widened as she heard Conway's voice. The insults he threw her way always left a pang in her heart.

"I know how much you care for Useless,"

"You wouldn't have to see this whore get molested now, would you?"

She felt tears fall down her cheeks as she heard each insult.

or little Useless here




"Paul?" she asked through silence. He looked at her with soft eyes.

"Paul, am I useless? A whore?" She questioned, hurt and worry evident in her voice. The question made Paul stop in his tracks, glaring at the ground. She could see he was distressed about that.

"Dawn, don't ever believe anything he says." He said suddenly. He looked at her with a serious face. "Trust me when I say this. You will never be Useless, a Whore or anything like that! He has no right to say things like that to you. I... I Love You..." Dawn's eyes softened at his show of concern. He leaned down and kissed her chastely on her lips, savoring her taste. As they parted for air, Paul began moving again.

"I...I-I Love You Too, Paul." She smiled at him, but needed to ask him another question.

"Paul?" She asked.

"What is it now, Troublesome?" She winced at the pet name, despite he had said it softly.

"A-am I really a Troublesome Girl?" She asked with hesitation. He looked at her with a smirk, but rolled his eyes. "Of course you are." He replied as she looked down. He gently cupped her chin, turning her to face him. "But," He began, gently kissing her cheek.

"You're my Troublesome Girl."

"Yours?" She questioned with a giggle. He returned a smile as they walked into the hospital.

"My Troublesome Girl."

Dawn didn't hate her nickname so much now.

"Only yours..." She said as she snuggled into his chest, before drifting off to sleep.