Shut Up and Kiss Me

Pairings: Zoro x Sanji (mainly), and some Ace x OC

Warning: yaoi, smut, and swearing

Rated: M

Disclaimer: Sadly I do NOT own One Piece or anything belonging to it. The only thing I own is the plot and my OC

Chapter 1: Simple Party Games

The Straw Hat Pirates were sailing across the Grand Line again after leaving Alabasta and their nakama, Vivi. Luffy's brother, Ace, has decided to travel with the Straw Hats instead of leaving them in the desert. Of course Luffy was more than excited to allow Ace to join them. Even with Ace on board, the Straw Hats continued with their normal everyday routines. Nami was either drawing maps or relaxing on the ship, usually yelling at the others to behave themselves. Robin, still being new to the Straw Hats, continued her daily reading on the deck, and Chopper, Luffy, and Usopp were laughing and joking around as per usual while Sanji was leaning on the railing of the Going Merry, smoking a cigarette quietly. Well, it was quietly until Zoro bumped into him after a long workout, sweat smearing across Sanji's shirt.

"Oi Marimo!" Sanji shouted angrily, "Watch where you're fucking going! You got your sweat all over my good shirt!"

"You were in my way, shit cook!" Zoro retorted angrily.

"You want to fight?!" Sanji yelled furiously as he advanced, challenging the swordsman to another typical, and rather daily fight.

Zoro slid out two of his traditional three kitanas, and instantly charged at Sanji. The cook jumped back to avoid the sharp blades and whipped his foot into Zoro's side, causing the swordsman to grunt softly. Though unaffected, Zoro continued his precise strikes on the cook. Sanji knew the swordsman well enough, but was unprepared when the swordsman added his third sword to the fight. Suddenly, their fight was stopped by Nami, who knocked out them both with one hard hit to each of their heads simultaneously. The rest of the crew laughed except for Nami and Ace.

"Must the two of always fight like idiots?!" Nami shouted at them, "You guys need to really control yourselves!"

"AI-NAMI-SWAN~~~!" Sanji swooned happily, hearts floating around him, "Anything to make Nami-san happy! She's such a beautiful lady!"

Shitty ero-love cook. Zoro thought to himself as he rubbed his sore head, and returned his kitanas to the sheaths that held them securely. A fleet of Marine ships were near the Going Merry, they had their cannons prepared to fire, but the Marines weren't going to attack The Straw Hats. They were looking for someone else. Usopp widened his eyes in fear as he spotted the fleet. He quickly alerted Luffy and the others.

"If we're really quiet, we can pass by the Marines without getting noticed. They don't know we're here." Usopp whispered, hoping his captain would listen and not do anything to attract the Marines' attention.

Luffy ignored the sniper completely, his undivided attention was drawn to the person he saw sneaking around among the Marine ships. This mysterious person was a woman with medium-length black hair, she had a very beautiful figure, slim with breasts that could cause any man to die from a nosebleed, and she was effortlessly sneaking onto the Marine ship undetected. The captain pointed to the ship out to the others, calling out in awe at what he saw. The others rushed to look at whatever their captain was pointing to, but saw nothing. Luffy pouted, unhappy at the fact that they couldn't spot the mystery woman. He stretched his arm out to the Marine ship, and flung himself over on board the ship.

"LUFFY!" The Straw Hats cried out frantically, trying not to be heard by any of the Marines. Quickly, Ace jumped into the air, using his Mera Mera abilities to fly aboard the Marine ship to chase after his younger brother. Ace quietly landed effortlessly, moving quickly and quietly to look for his brother on the ship.

Ace actually ran past the mystery woman twice, trying not to see her noticing features. Could this be the woman Luffy spotted? He thought to himself when he finally found Luffy, who was eating all of the food in the Marines' pantry. Ace couldn't resist but join Luffy in eating the remainder of the Marines' food. Once they ate everything, the D brothers attempted to quickly return to the Going Merry. Unfortunately, they were spotted by a Marine trainee, who was nervous and very afraid. The trainee was ordered to arrest anyone who looked suspicious or looked like a pirate. The man nearly fainted when he spotted the brothers.

"F-Fire F-F-Fist Ace…S-Straw H-Hat L-L-Luffy, you're under arrest by the name of the Marines!" The trainee stammered, his knees buckling in fear.

"Oi, we aren't going to fight you. We're just leaving." Ace said politely, dragging Luffy away.

The trainee secretly pulled an emergency trigger that called all the Marines to his area. Suddenly, Ace and Luffy were surrounded by Marines. Luffy's excitement led to allowing the Marines to shoot at him, he easily absorbed all the bullets in his rubbery body before rebounding all the bullets back at the Marines. Ace took the opportunity to grab his brother, and got off the Marine's ship. The Straw Hat crew quickly paddled away once their captain and his brother landed on the Going Merry. After they escaped the Marines, the Straw Hat pirates were finally able to relax again…until they heard waves rushing in their direction quickly. Nami looked in the direction where the sound was coming from, and she was in shock at what she saw. The woman Luffy had seen earlier was riding the waves in a huge water wheel. The navigator quickly called the others over to show them what she saw.

"YA-HOO~~~! I was right!" Luffy cheered as the others look confused and slightly guilty for doubting their captain. Ace didn't even look because he fell asleep, and Zoro was quick to join him.

The two of them just fell asleep. It still amazes me how they can just do that… Sanji thought to himself as he sat next to Zoro's sleeping body. This is going to be a long day…

Night had taken over the once blue skies, and the Going Merry was being filled with cheers and booze along with the aromas of Sanji's cooking. Ace along with the Straw Hats were having another random celebration after escaping the Marines in the morning. Nami and Robin were laughing and talking with each other while Zoro drank to his heart's content. Sanji was in the galley, cooking constantly, trying to satisfy everyone's appetite until Nami asked him to stop cooking for a bit so he can join the others. Of course Sanji couldn't resist a request from the beautiful darling, so he finished up in the kitchen and quickly joined the others. Everyone was sitting in a large circle on the deck, laughing and getting along happily. Even Zoro and Sanji were getting along; everyone blamed the alcohol in their systems.

"Let's play a game together!" Chopper suggested happily to the others.

"Yosh! What game should we play?" Luffy asked excitedly.

"Don't know…I don't know any games." Chopper said. Robin and Nami glanced at each other and grinned. The two women knew about something very important about Sanji, and Nami planned to use that as an excuse to get the cook and a certain someone to play along.

"How about Spin the Bottle?" Nami suggested. The men on the ship quickly turned their heads and looked at her with a mix of glares and shocked expressions.

"Nami…" Usopp said cautiously, "We can't most of us are men." The navigator just glared at the sniper, before Sanji kicked him in the head for questioning Nami.

"Don't you ever question a beautiful lady such as Nami-san!" The cook barked at him.

Nami thanked Sanji nicely and grabbed an empty bottle to symbolize that everyone is playing or else she would tax them for resisting. She spun the bottle first, and once it stopped, it landed on Chopper. Chopper went into an instant blush as Nami grabbed him and kissed his blue nose gently. Chopper had begun to blush a deep shade of red as Ace spun the bottle next. The bottle had landed on Robin, and Ace leaned over to kiss Robin's lips gently. Next was Luffy, he spun the bottle too hard and Nami yelled at him for it. After a few minutes, the bottle landed on Usopp. Luffy laughed and pulled Usopp into a gentle kiss, making Usopp blush brighter than Chopper had just a few minutes ago. It was Chopper's turn now, after he too spun the bottle too hard and got yelled at by Nami as well. Another few minutes pass and the bottle had landed on Ace. Ace chuckled at the result and allowed Chopper to kiss him gently, and the reindeer blushed brightly again. Usopp spun it next, and to his dismay, it landed on Nami.

"Aww man…" Usopp complained silently. She might charge me from kissing her. He thought to himself as he gently kissed the red head. Nami had begun to blush a deep shade of red ad she returned to her seat next to Sanji.

Zoro gulped nervously as he realized it is now his turn…he took a deep breath and spun the empty glass bottle. A few seconds have passed, which felt like a life time to the swordsman, and the bottle began to slow down…slower…slower. It finally stopped, and everyone gasped on who it landed on…Sanji.

You have GOT to be fucking kidding me! Zoro screamed to himself, of all people…the shitty cook!

Oh shit…he's going to find out my secret! Focus Sanji…it's just a kiss. Sanji repeated to himself. It's just a kiss…

The two men exchanged looks before Sanji moved closer to Zoro slowly. Sanji stopped once he was face-to-face with the swordsman. The cook went to say something to try to get out of this but the swordsman noticed the attempt.

"Just shut up and kiss me…" Zoro said as he pulled Sanji into him, crashing their lips together. Both men were blushing, and the cook decided to be bold. He slid his tongue into the swordsman's mouth as the swordsman brought his hands up Sanji's slim muscular frame, adding more gentle force to their deepened kiss. Sanji wrapped his arms around the swordsman's neck, gently running his fingers through the pile of moss the other calls hair. Everyone else slowly left the two men alone, deciding to end the game early. As soon as they felt the others' presence disappear, the cook was quickly pinned down underneath the moss-head as their lips never broke contact.

The swordsman quickly unbuttoned the other man's shirt, tossed it to the side carelessly. The cook's blush brightened, and repeated Zoro's actions, his hands roaming around the other's muscular chest, abs, and his scar. Zoro broke their kiss for much needed air, and gently kissed Sanji's collarbone and neck. Sanji quickly rolled him over so he was on top and started kissing Zoro's neck, leaving a trail of gentle kisses down to the waistband of his pants. The blonde smirked and slowly unzipped the marimo's pants, using his teeth. He then removed both of their pants, and slowly licked the base of the swordsman's already hardened erection. Zoro bit his lower lip to muffle all and any moans that dared to escape as the cook put his mouth around the other's large manhood. Sanji looked up at Zoro with his blue eyes before shutting them and beginning to bob his head up and down…sucking every inch of his soon to be lover's cock…savoring the taste of the swordsman pre-cum running down his throat. Zoro felt his climax getting closer, and he pulled the blonde up into a deep kiss as he slid his cock into his now lover's entrance. Sanji blushed from the sudden penetration, but let out a shaky moan. The swordsman looked into Sanji's eyes, as if he was silently asking permission to move once he was completely inside. The cook gave a nod as a response, and the moss-head began his thrusting…in…out…in and out…over and over again. The sound of grunts and moans filled the Going Merry, and it passed through all the ears of everyone else on board. Chopper, with his natural curiosity, went to check out where the sounds were coming from and Robin stopped him quickly with her arm blooming from the ship, grabbing his arm.

"I wouldn't do that Chopper…Cook-san and Zoro are really busy and don't want to be disturbed." Robin said with a polite smile before returning to her book.

I can't believe this is actually happening… Sanji thought to himself as he cried out the swordsman's name again and again, damn Marimo…why must you make me fall in love with you?

The sun was beginning to shine on the Going Merry, and the two men were still going…but not for too much longer.

"I-I'm cumming inside…" Zoro moaned as a warning before reaching his climax. "SHIT COOK!" He screamed as he filled the blonde with his seed and essence. Sanji was close to reaching his climax, and Zoro pumped the cook's cock faster and faster.

"I-I'm cumming! Damn sexy MARIMO!" Sanji cried out in pure pleasure and ecstasy as his seed shot out all over the moss-head's calloused hand.

The two new lovers collapsed onto the deck, completely drained as they fell asleep naked out in the open. Robin was the first one awake, and she carried out a blanket to cover the lovers. Since she knew Sanji was probably too exhausted to make breakfast, Robin decided to make breakfast for everyone. Ace and the other Straw Hats eventually woke up, and saw two of their nakama naked and sleeping in each other's arms.

"At least we know they enjoyed themselves last night." Ace said, laughing quietly, making sure he didn't disturb the sleeping couple. Luffy just stood there in utter confusion.

"What were they doing last night? Why are they naked?" Luffy asked, causing everyone else to smack their foreheads. Everyone chose to ignore the rubber man's questions as Ace and Usopp gently carried the naked men into the boys' bunk so they could sleep in peace.

The peace upon the Going Merry didn't last too long because the mystery woman the Straw Hats saw yesterday flew up from the water and accidentally landed on the ship.

"P-please help me…" She panted, "I just escaped the Marines' brig…" She explained, showing the Straw Hats the handcuff prints on her wrists.

"Yosh! Of course we'll help you!" Luffy said confidently, "Chopper, can you help her?" The reindeer nodded and began to look at the unexpected guest, who mumbled 'thank you.' After the doctor examined and cleaned up the woman's numerous bullet wounds, he properly bandaged her and let her lay down in the infirmary. The entire crew went into the infirmary to question the woman; even Ace went along with them. All of them stared in horror from seeing almost the woman's entire body was bandaged, but they still had to question her and her purpose for her finding them.

"Who are you and why did you look for us?" Nami questioned. The woman struggled to sit up to give a proper answer to the group.

"I found this ship accidentally on my escape from the Marines…and my name is…Dahlia Yume or more infamously known as the Water Demon."

End of Chapter 1

This is the end of the first chapter :D This is my first Zosan fanfic; there will be more to come.

This was beta'd by the lovely DayDreamurs on

Reviews are welcomed ^.^ please enjoy (: