The four men sat on the bench, the only bench available in the park. All the others were taken up by either children or couples who looked like they were devouring each others' faces. The white-haired man with the red jacket and black hakama sat down at the edge, wrinkling his nose in disdain as he was joined by a man in a short green shirt that revealed his muscular chest. He had a long red scarf which he sat down on as he rest his legs, gagging momentarily before readjusting himself. He scowled at the blonde man with elegant blue clothes who sat next to him, his back stiff and his posture rigid. A more relaxed man with black hair and a white shirt held tight by three belts took a seat next to him. It was cramped, but they managed to deal with it.

"When does she plan on paying us?" The blonde man, Jin Kisaragi, asked.

"It had better be pretty damn soon. Tsubaki and Makoto were the only other people who bothered to show up. I probably got a damn hernia lifting all that crap. Why'd she have so many boxes with random papers in them?" the man with white hair, Ragna the Bloodedge, muttered angrily.

"It's her poetry. Apparently, she loves writing poems but hates showing them to people," the black haired man, Kagura Mutsuki, replied.

"Isn't helping a friend payment enough?" Asked the man in the exposing top, Bang Shishigami.

"Noel Vermillion is no friend of mine," Jin spat.

"You looked about ready to kill her when she presented us with all the boxes," Kagura noted.

"No shit," Ragna sighed.

"I guess you only came along to hit on Tsubaki, huh? I can't blame you. She's pretty hot," Kagura said to Jin, who gave him a withering glare.

"Shut up, you lecherous shit."

"Ow. That hurt. Getting a bit possessive, are we? Don't worry, she's only got eyes for you. Seriously. She was checking you out very, very thoroughly. You think she liked what she saw?" Was the reply. Jin sighed.

"Unlike you, I don't concern myself with such things."

"Sure you don't." Ragna groaned.

"Wait! Everyone, look over there! I see four young ladies with nowhere to sit! The only thing to do is to relinquish our bench!" Bang shouted exuberantly.

"Hell no! My feet are about to fall off, goddammit! We just helped Noel move, we deserve this bench!" Ragna spat.

"I gotta side with Bang. Maybe I can score some points with the blonde one," Kagura said nonchalantly. Jin sighed.

"And why would we give them the bench, exactly?"

"Because it's the polite thing to do, obviously," Bang said.

"Brother is right, we earned this bench."

"It's still creepy how you call him that."

"Shut up!" Jin spat at Kagura.

"Whatever. I guess it's a tie. Wait...they're walking over right now. How old do you think the blonde is? Please let her be 18 or older," Kagura prayed.

The four girls walked to the park, glad to have the first break of their second year at Beacon, the prestigious school for Hunters and Huntresses. They were led by a blonde girl with lilac eyes.

"There's nowhere to sit, Yang." A girl behind her said. She had a crimson cloak and hair of the same color.

"That seems to be the case...okay, Ruby. You can sit on my lap. We sit on the fountain."

"On your lap? I'm not five anymore, Yang!"

"There are people on the fountain," a girl in a light blue skirt with a small tiara in her pure white hair informed the two testily.

"That sucks. Hey, those guys took our bench!" The girl named Yang shouted. She had just realized that the bench she and her friends always sat it was taken by four men.

"It's not our bench, Yang. How about we find somewhere else to sit?" The girl named Ruby suggested innocently.

"No way! Imagine a world where people just let everyone else have their special bench! No one could ever sit in the same place again!"

"Calm down," a girl with black hair and a bow of the same color said, not bothering to look up from the book she was reading.

"I can't calm down, Blake! This is so stupid! These four jerks waltz in like they own the place and sit on our special bench!"

"You really are overreacting. Ruby's right, we should find another place to sit."

"Shut up, Weiss!" Yang shouted at the girl with white hair.

"You're causing a scene with your immaturity! I swear, I sometimes forget Ruby's the younger sister."

"Really?" Ruby asked proudly.

"I said sometimes," Weiss shot back. Ruby wilted, her back hunching over and her face looking towards the ground.

"I say we fight them for that bench!" Yang proposed. Weiss balked at the suggestion.

"That's a terrible idea! You can't just go around picking fights with people because you're too childish to accept that you can't always get what you want!"

"Put a sock in it, princess. Unlike you, my parents don't have endless amounts of money with which to buy stuff for their precious little girl. They taught me that it's the small things that matter most!"

"They didn't mean this! And just because I'm rich doesn't mean I can get whatever I ask for," Weiss said, snarling. Ruby stepped between her sister and the white-haired girl.

"Guys, people are getting angry! How about we just ask them to get off?"

"And if they refuse?"

"Then we leave." Yang clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Blake! What do you think of my idea?"

"Whatever you say, Yang," was the answer.

"Blake!" Weiss admonished. The girl still refused to lift her head out of her book. Ruby looked helplessly at her friends and then glanced back to the men on the bench.

"Say...they look tough," she said. Weiss groaned.

"Not you too, Ruby!"

"I'm just saying that it would be a nice change of pace to fight humans for a change! Besides, it would be a good way to meet new weapons-I mean people!" Ruby said, hastily covering her tracks.

"You just want to see their weapons? I should have known," Weiss sighed irritably.

"Well, we put it to vote. Let's battle!" Yang cheered.

"Why are you three always against me?" Weiss moaned.

"Maybe you're the one who's against us, Weiss," Blake said mysteriously. The white-haired girl glared at her friend.

"!" Weiss screamed, stamping her foot on the ground before reluctantly following the others.

"Hello! I couldn't help but notice you're sitting on a bench," Yang noted, a hint of anger in her voice. Kagura stepped up and looked at her. Yang was unembarrassed, but Ruby felt self-conscious for her older sister. She looked angrily at the man, and he smiled sheepishly.

"Wow. Those have to be implants," Kagura muttered to himself. No one heard him.

"Yeah, we're sitting on a damn bench. So what?" Ragna asked.

"That's our special bench."

"What are you, five?"

"We could do this one of two ways. We could fight you for the rights to that bench, or you could make our lives easier and leave," Yang said.

"I think fighting sounds nice," Kagura said, grinning in a way that made everyone but Yang feel uneasy.

"You're an idiot," Ragna sighed.

"Fight for a bench? Hm, I admire your determination! I shall show you the flaming passion of the Defender of Love and Justice, Bang Shishigami!"

"I didn't know you could defend things with no physical form," Blake said complacently. Bang turned red.

"Y-Young lady, you clearly do not share your friend's fighting spirit!"

"It's just a bench," she replied. Yang shoved her and glared defiantly at Bang.

This bench represents...something important!" Yang tried. Jin laughed harshly.

"Look, we don't have time for your childish games. We spent our day moving ridiculously heavy boxes for a girl I despise. We have more than earned this bench," he said.

"Sorry, but I'm not one to back down from a challenge. Besides, my friends and I took a vote! We're gonna kick your ass and get this bench!" Ruby waved uneasily, while Blake and Weiss did nothing. The black haired girl was still absorbed with her book.

"For the record, I didn't condone this," Weiss said.

"Join the club," Ragna said glumly.

"So you're the odd one out as well?"

"I guess so. But now that I think about it, I really could blow off some steam," he said. Weiss scowled.

"What was I expecting?" The four looked at each other. A long silence ensued.

"So...where do we fight?" Ruby asked.

"Beacon," Blake replied. Yang grinned.

"Good idea! We can just say it's, uh...a training thing! Alright, so now that that's do we fight?"

"We could do one-on-one matches," Bang suggested.

"Or we could do four-on-four, but everyone chooses one opponent!" Yang shouted. Ruby grinned.

"This is gonna be so cool! Whoever fights me, prepare to face the wrath of Crescent Rose!" She shouted excitedly.

"What the hell are you going on about?" Ragna asked rhetorically. Ruby looked at him defiantly, trying her best to look imposing.

"That's way too chaotic. We'll never know who's fighting who!" Weiss complained.

"Young lady, a true warrior is always ready for a new challenge! I agree to this proposal!" Bang exclaimed.

"I think you should just let me fight all of them," Kagura said to him.

"And why would I do that?"

" reason. Say, how old are you four?" The black-haired man asked the girls. They ignored him.

"So, it's settled. Now, who goes up against who?" Ruby asked.

"I call the blonde," Kagura said.

"I think that I'd like to fight someone with her indomitable spirit," Bang protested. Yang laughed.

"Yeah, I know I'm very desirable, but I can only fight one of you. Sometimes, my good looks can be a curse," she complained jokingly.

"They're certainly no curse to me," Kagura said. She looked at him, amused.

"So, W-ICE Schnee, who do you want to go up against?" Yang asked. Ruby high-fived her sister.

"Yang Xiao Long, queen of puns!" Weiss sighed.

"I am embarrassed to know you," she said. However, the pun caught Jin's attention.


"Yes. I wield a variety of Dust, and ice-elemental Dust is among it."

"Then I'd like to fight you. After all, I wield the power of ice myself," he said.

"Do you now? I wonder who can use it with more skill?" Weiss asked confidently, her pride beginning to get to her. She was now determined to win.

"We'll see," he said calmly.

"So, one pair down, three to go. Who wants to fight myself and Crescent Rose?" Ruby asked daringly. She was clearly issuing a challenge.

"What the hell is Crescent Rose?"

"My scythe slash sniper rifle, duh! It's totally awesome!"

"Scythe?" Ragna mused.


"I have a sword that can turn into a scythe." At this, Ruby squealed.

"Seriously? That. Is. So. Cool! I call you!" She shouted. Ragna grinned.

"I'm not holding back, kid."

"I'm not a kid! And don't expect me to go easy on you, either." Blake looked up from her book.

"I suppose I need a partner as well..." She sighed. Bang looked at Yang.

"Kagura, why not battle with this young lady over here?" He asked. Kagura, for the first time, looked at Blake. Her yellow eyes seemed to pierce into his mind, scrutinizing his every move. He could see her intelligence plainly, but her body caught his attention more than her gaze ever could.

"The blonde is hot, but...she's totally my type," he mused.

"Alright. You want the blonde, you got her. Well, not really. I'm sure she'll kick your ass," Kagura said. Bang looked insulted.

"My Shishigami-style Ninjutsu cannot be defeated! The Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan shall prevail!"

"You scream a lot. I guess I'll have to shut you up," Yang challenged.

"Go ahead and try! The Hero of Love and Justice will prevail!"

"Weren't you the Defender of Love and Justice?" Bang looked embarrassed.

"Eh...I am many things, young lady!"

"The name's Yang. Yang Xiao Long. I mean, I said it earlier, so...yeah. Remember than name, it's the name of the woman who's gonna kick your ass and take that bench."

"We shall see, young warrior." Meanwhile, Kagura tried to talk to Blake.

"So...what's your name?"


"How old are you?"

"18." Kagura smiled widely.

"Are you single?"


"Are you looking for an attractive boyfriend?"


"Are you sure?"


"You don't talk much, do you?" Blake sighed angrily.

"When someone is reading a book, they usually don't want to be interrupted."

"But we're fighting each other, and I don't want to beat up anyone I don't know well."

"That's a nice policy. Not that it works most of the time."

"You're right, but hey? What good are morals if you don't apply them all the time?" Blake looked up at the man. He had piqued her interest.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Kagura Mutsuki."

"Of the Mutsuki family?"

"Don't worry, I'm not like them."

"How so?"

"I don't kiss the NOL's ass." Blake smiled.

"I'm looking forward to our fight, Kagura."

"So, you're Ruby Rose?"

"Yep! And you're Ragna?"

"Yeah, just Ragna," the white-haired man lied. It was lucky that he was not known well in Vale, otherwise, Ruby would have called the police long ago. Well, he thought she would have when he didn't know her. After talking to the headstrong girl, he had a feeling she'd try bringing him in herself.

"So, Ragna. Where's your weapon?"

"I don't have it on me."

"Oh...I wanted to compare scythes."

"You serious?"

"Yeah! I just wanna see how yours works before the fight. You know, because during the fight, I won't have time to admire it."

"Sorry. You'll just have to wait and see."

"I can show you Crescent Rose if you want!" Ruby said eagerly, her hand already stroking the cold metal of her scythe lovingly.

"I'm good."

"You sure?"

"Maybe later."

"Oh...okay," Ruby said dejectedly. Ragna held back a laugh.

"So, you're Weiss Schnee."

"And you're Jin Kisaragi." The two looked at each other, not saying anything, regarding each other with a gaze as cold as ice and as piercing as the biting cold through a jacket on a freezing winter's day.

"You seem bogged down by idiocy," Jin noted.

"You have no idea. Two of them are immature, and the other is completely unreadable! She could either go with them or not even care. She never takes my side, though," Weiss snarled bitterly.

"So why associate yourself with them?"

"Because they're my teammates and friends, and I can't leave them because they annoy me."

"Good choice of words. I know someone who has a similar situation," Jin said. He was thinking of Tsubaki Yayoi.

"Hm. Well, good luck on the battlefield. Try to last for at least a minute...if you can," Weiss said.

"You'll be defeated in 30 seconds, heiress," Jin replied.

"Such arrogance."

"I could say the same to you."