Emma looked up from the porch of the house they were being shown. The sun was setting over Storybrooke. Everything was relatively calm, as far as things went in this town. In her town, as it now was.

"I like it so far," Bae said, standing beside her and holding Andrew.

"It's a nice porch," Emma agreed. "What do you think, kids?"

"So far, so good," said Jessie, and Henry nodded his agreement. Kelly didn't seem to be paying much attention.

The house was nice, two stories and an attic, a pretty light blue color (though they could always change the color if they wanted to), and the porch was white and wrapped around the sides of the house.

"Well then," said the person showing them the house, "Let's head inside."

As the family walked into the doors of the house, none of them could know that not far away, something sinister was stirring.

"Why would I help you destroy this town?" Hook asked, eyebrows raised. He hated this prison cell, certainly, but he'd hate it more if it was destroyed with him inside it.

"It would get rid of your problematic crocodile."

"It would also kill me."

"Well, I suppose we could make an exception and let you live."

"Alright, sounds like a good deal. What do you need?"

"A diamond. A diamond that is currently beneath the town."

"Alright. Why do you need my help?"

"Someone needs to distract the diamond's guard."

Rumpelstiltskin walked into the hospital, hands shaking ever so slightly. He wanted Belle back more than just about anything, but he was afraid. What if it didn't work? What if it implanted false memories into her, or something of the like? He had lived long enough to know that the Blue Fairy could not always be trusted. Then again, he supposed, while she may have a reason of some sorts to mess with him, she had no logical reason to mess with Belle, at least none that he could think of. The most logical thing to conclude was that the cure was in fact going to work, and that Belle would indeed have her memories restored. The only problem, of course, was that he needed to get Belle to drink the substance out of the teacup, the same teacup she had earlier shattered. How could he get her to trust him?

As he entered the room, she smiled up at him. "Well hello there, my mysterious former employer."

"Belle, I think I have something that may restore your memory."

"Oh, do you know? Well, what might that be?"

"The teacup."

"The teacup I broke?" Distrust had appeared on her face; he really had come on too strong with the teacup.

"Yes, but I repaired."

"What, did you glue it back together bit by bit?" That was right; Belle didn't know about magic, and she would never believe him if he told her.

"Something like that," he replied. It wasn't so ridiculous a thought.

"And you want me to look at it again?" The skepticism was clear in her voice as she gave a slight snort.

"No, to drink out of it."

"Ah." She looked at him like a madman, and he tried to ignore the sensation that she had just put a bullet through him.

"Please, Belle, just try it."

She seemed to consider it for a moment. "Alright. I guess, for you, I will try it. But if it doesn't work, let me be clear, I'm not trying any more of your weird voodoo stuff."

"I understand." He took the teacup out and poured the contents of the flask-already combined with alcoholic beverage, to mask the taste-into it. "Here you are."

She rolled her eyes and took the cup from him, then took a sip from it. After a second, she frowned. "Sorry. Nothing."

"I think you have to drink all of it."

She sighed and shook her head. "Fine, then." She drank the rest of the cup's contents, and a wave of blue light seemed to pass over her. Her eyes widened, and she looked at him with renewed recognition. "Rumple?"

"Belle!" he exclaimed with a wide grin, giving her a hug. She returned it with a smile.

"Can you get me out of this hospital now?"

"Oh, yes, let me talk to a nurse about that."

"You think you're pregnant," David repeated, looking a bit dumbstruck.

"Yes, David, that would be why I said it," Snow replied, frowning slightly. "Is that... bad?"

"No, no, of course not!" David said quickly. "It's just... I guess I hadn't really thought about it... Emma's already all grown up."

"Yeah, and we missed all of that," said Snow. "I like a second chance."

"I do too," he replied with a smile. "So... you think?"

"Well, I haven't taken a test yet."

"Maybe you should, then."

"Yeah. Just... we don't have any."

"Ah. Right. Let's go buy some, then."

Snow agreed, and they rushed out to go to the store.

"Mom, guess what!" Ana said, running up to her mother as she entered the house.

"Yes, Ana?"

"Henry said he and his family are going to stay in Storybrooke!"

"Well, that's excellent news, dear."

"Yeah. Cause me and Henry are in love."

"You and Henry are eleven years old. You'd better not get carried away."

"But if we're soulmates it doesn't matter how old we are. It's destiny."

"You make your own destiny, Ana, nothing can tell you who you are meant to fall in love with. At best it tells you who you have the best chance of falling in love with. Falling in love is still messy and complicated and certainly not for children."

"Whatever you say. The point is, they're staying."

"Yes, you said that."

"So, when you said the diamond was beneath the town," Hook said slowly, "You meant beneath the library."

"Yes. There's a sort of cave down there. You need to fight a monster so I can get it."

"Oh, excellent. Why not get somebody with actual magic to do it?"

"Because none of those people would be willing to help me destroy this place. They've all become 'good' now. Even the mayor."

"But not her mother."

"Her mother?"

"She was quite a threat, but now she's not, so I can only assume that she's locked up somewhere."

"Well then, I guess you're going to help me break her out."

"It was a nice house," said Emma.

"It was pretty like a castle," Kelly agreed.

"I liked it," Jessie added.

"And me," said Henry.

"I thought it was pretty cool too," said Bae. "Andrew, what do you think?"

In response, Andrew reached out his hand and grabbed Bae's, with a smile. "Papa. Good."

"Well, I guess we're in agreement, then," said Emma. "This house it is."

The realtor smiled. "Excellent."

Snow waited anxiously for the moment of truth. After what seemed like hours, but was really only a couple of minutes, she went and checked the test, then took a deep breath. "David," she said, walking out of the bathroom.


"We're going to have a baby!" She smiled widely and ran up to him, hugging him tightly. He hugged her in return.

"That's amazing!" He chuckled a bit. "Now we just have to tell Emma that at the age of thirty and with four children already she's going to become a big sister."

"Please, David, like that's even close to the weirdest thing that's gone on in this town."

"Fine, I guess I'll help you," Cora said, examining her nails in semi-boredom. "Assuming I get to live, of course."

"You'll get to live," said Tamara, though she had no intention of keeping that promise. Magic could not be allowed to continue in this world. "Now, you two go and get the diamond, then meet me and Greg in the mines. We're going to set the thing off."

Cora sighed and transported herself and Hook to the mines. "Well, then. I guess I have to go and fight Maleficent. Not that I have a problem with that, of course."

"So where exactly is the diamond?" Hook asked.

"How should I know? Go and find it." She moved to fight the monster, and Hook began scouring the area. He ignored the blasts of Cora's magic being fired on the creature and eventually found a small bag, which did indeed have a diamond inside of it.

Walking back, he said, "I found it," and found Cora standing over the beast, which was either dead or unconscious on the floor.

"Good. Then let's go." She transported them to the mines.

"Mom, are you sure Cora couldn't get out of your vault?" Ana asked again. She had been worried for a while now; it just seemed like it had been too easy.

"Yes. The only magic that can break through there is mine." Regina was a little tired of this conversation.

"But who's to say someone used magic to get her out?" That seemed like an oversight.

"Ana, dear, it's not as though someone could just go in and open the door."

"But they could use science to get it open."

Regina's eyes widened a bit; her magic did not account for science. But she relaxed again; nobody in this town was a scientist. Except maybe Whale, but he was still an idiot, and he would have no interest in letting Cora out anyway.

"Mom, why did you look concerned?"

"I didn't, sweetie, everything is fine."

"Can we please just go and check?"

Regina rolled her eyes. "Fine, Ana, if that's what you want."

Belle smiled as they entered Rumple's shop; it was good to have her memories restored. She had been so confused while she was in that hospital... and she hadn't believed a word that he was saying to her, she hadn't trusted him. Just as she hadn't trusted him when she had first come into his employ; she supposed it did take time to learn to trust a man like that. But he really wasn't so bad.

"It's good to have you back, Belle," he said with a smile.

"It's good to be back. Thank you."

"You can thank the Blue Fairy, actually. She found the cure for you."

"Ah. Well, I will remember to do that," she said with a smile. "So, what do we do now? Are you still going to leave town?"

"No, I think Bae and I have patched things up a bit," he said. "And I could never leave you."

She smiled. "I love you, Rumpelstiltskin."

"And I love you, Belle."

"What exactly happens when this activates?" Hook asked.

"It'll destroy Storybrooke. Suck the magic of the curse right out of the air. It's basically the self-destruct."

"So everyone in town will die?"

"Yep. We'll have time to get out, though."

Cora returned from putting up defensive spells. "I think I'll be leaving now, just in case."

"No, you won't," Greg said, tasing her before she could react. He quickly tied her to one of the rocks. "You're going down with the rest of the magic filth."

"What about me?" Hook asked.

Tamara shrugged. "Non-magic?"


"You can leave with us." She turned to Greg. "Do it."

He picked up one of the dwarves' axes and slammed it down into the diamond; a bright purple light radiated out of it.

Regina gasped when they reached the crypt. A giant hole was blown out of it, seemingly with an explosive.

"See, Mom," said Ana, terrified. "She's out and she's going to kill us all." She started to cry.

Regina hugged her daughter. "She's not going to kill anybody."

They stood there for a couple of minutes, Regina unsure of what to do, when she felt a strange sensation in the air.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Ana asked.

"All the magic is getting sucked out of the air..." Regina said, eyes going wide. "Somebody has activated the fail-safe to the curse!"


"No, no, it would kill her too... it's somebody else."

"Did you feel that?" Emma asked.

"Feel what?" asked Bae.

"The ground shook," Henry said. "Like an earthquake."

"Yeah, I felt it," Jessie said.

"I did too," said Kelly.

Emma felt a strange sensation suddenly. "Oh gosh... it's like the oxygen is being removed from the air. It's hard to breathe. What is going on?"

Snow leaned on the pole as she swayed. "Pregnancy can't be making me dizzy already, can it?"

"No, no, I felt that too," said David. "Earthquake?"

"Maybe... or something magic," Snow mused. "Let's find Emma."

David nodded and they headed out.

"What was that?" asked Belle, as Rumple caught her.

"Nothing good. Somebody has activated the fail-safe to the curse."

"And what does that do?"

"Destroy the town and everybody in it."

"But you can stop it, right?" Her eyes grew wide with fear.

He grabbed her shoulders and held her a bit in front of him, looking into her eyes. "I don't know." Then he sighed. "I have to find my son."

Somehow, everybody ended up near Granny's.

"Emma!" Snow called, running up and hugging her daughter. She and David had agreed that now was not the best time to tell their daughter that she was going to have a sibling.

"Mom... Dad... are you guys alright?"

"Yes," said David.

"But they won't be for long," said Rumpelstiltskin, joining them with Belle at his side.

"Papa, what do you mean?" Bae asked.

"Someone has activated the fail-safe to the Dark Curse."

"What does that mean?" Henry asked.

"It doesn't sound good," said Jessie.

"It isn't. It's going to destroy the town."

"There has to be some way to stop it," Emma said. "I'm the savior, maybe I can."

"But we'd have to find it first," said Belle.

"I can help with that," Regina said, as she and Ana walked up. Ana and Henry hugged each other.

"You can?"

"It's my curse. I figured out a way to find where the fail-safe is."

"Where is it?" asked Emma.

"In the mines."

"Well, let's go."

They all started to move, but Regina held up her hand. "I'll go. I can stop it."

"No you can't," Rumpelstiltskin said with a frown.

"I can. I can absorb all its magic."

"That'll kill you."

"I know."

"Mom, no!" Ana exclaimed.

"I have to."

"No you don't," Henry said.

"Kid, it will destroy the town if I don't."

"But you can share the magic. Between all the magic-users here. There's three."

Emma nodded. "I'll help."

"So will I," said Rumpelstiltskin, with a nod to Bae, who smiled.

Regina pondered it. "That could work. Fine. But everyone else should get inside Granny's. It's structurally sound. This isn't an earthquake, but it will act like one."

They all nodded.

"You be safe, Emma," said Snow.

"I will, Mom. I love you both."

"We love you too," said David.

Belle kissed Rumple. "Please be safe."

"I will, Belle. I love you."

Bae turned to Emma. "I know you just heard this, but you'd better not let anything happen to you."

"I won't. You'd better not let anything happen to the kids."

"I won't."

Then they kissed, and Bae turned to his father. "Thank you for doing the right thing."

"Thank you for showing me I could."

Ana cried and hugged Regina. "Please don't, Mom."

"Ana, I have to. For the sake of the town."

"I'm really glad you're finally a hero."

"You're the reason for that, Ana. All you."

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too."

With that, Regina, Emma, and Rumpelstiltskin set of for the mines, while Snow, David, Bae, and Belle took the kids inside Granny's.

"Mother?!" Regina exclaimed, when they arrived at the mines. "You went along with this?"

"Well, they said they would let me get out of town, and I figured you would have the sense to once you realized what was happening."

"And leave everybody to die or lose their memories leaving?"

"It was the only way out of the vault you trapped me in, Regina, what was I to do?"

"Not be an idiot! Whatever. We're stopping this thing. Maybe afterwards I'll let you out. Who did this?"

"Hook and a couple of people named Greg and Tamara."

"The people from the hospital!" Emma exclaimed. "They were evil."

"More to the point, none of them have magic," Regina said. "Call the sheriff on them."

Emma nodded and quickly called Graham, who set out to find the three of them. "But can he take them alone?"

"I'll help," said Cora.

Regina snorted. "You'll help?"

"They betrayed me, I am happy to see justice done."

Regina frowned, then cast a spell. "It's a tracking spell, so I can find you after." She let Cora out of her bonds. "Go get them."

Cora left, and the other three turned to the rapidly vibrating device.

"This had better work," Rumpelstiltskin said.

"It should," said Regina.

They all placed their hands on the device, absorbing all the magic from it. After a few minutes, it stopped glowing and fell to the floor, knocking them all over.

"Ow," Emma said.

"We did it," said Regina.

The Next Day

"Here's to not dying," said Snow, and everybody raised their glasses.

"And to new life," said David with a smile at Snow, and Emma smiled awkwardly at her parents.

"Here's to loves reunited," said Belle, kissing Rumple.

Everything was alright now. Greg, Tamara, Hook, and Cora were all locked up with special restraints that guarded against magic and science; Emma and Bae had used the money from their house in Tallahassee to pay the down payment on their new one here; the town was safe and everybody had their memories; and everybody was happy.

"You know, Rumple, speaking of new life..."

"We'll see, Belle." He smiled at his son. "How would you like a sibling?"

"Well... it'd be cool, I guess. A little weird."

"Tell me about it," Emma muttered.

Ana smiled at her mom. "You saved the town, Mom."

"Not by myself."

"But you were going to. You were willing to die to save us all. You're a hero now."

"Thank you, Ana. Like I said yesterday, I am what I am because of you. You're the reason I didn't turn into my mother."

"You could never be like her," said Ana. She turned to Henry. "So, Henry, what's up?"

Emma chuckled at Henry and Ana talking. "That'll never last."

"Yeah, I'd bet not," said Bae.

"I think it might," Jessie argued.

"True love," said Kelly.

"They're just children," said Emma.

"Well, it's cute anyway," said Jessie.


"Love," said Andrew, and Emma and Bae both laughed.

"One more toast," said Regina, and everyone looked up. "To family."

They all raised their glasses. "To family."

And so they lived, happily... but not ever after, of course, because that would imply that the story was over. And the thing about good stories is that they're never really over.

A/N: Wow, that chapter was even longer than I had intended. It's weird to be ending this story; this is the first story I started on this site, in September of 2013 when I was just a silly 13-year-old. I'd like to think my writing has progressed since then, considering I've written three full-length novels in that time, but I can't really judge my own ability that well. I guess people like this story, since it's gotten so many views and favorites and follows and reviews, and I'm very grateful that so many people thought this was worthy of their time. I considered giving up fanfiction a few times, but seeing that people were actually reading my stuff (well, some of it anyway, some is really bad) made me want to continue. I hope that some of you continue to read my other stories (would you believe I still have 9 ongoing and 4 more I intend to start soon!), and I hope that you all enjoyed reading this one.

Wow, this author's note ended up going for longer than I intended it to as well.

So anyway, this is me, signing off from this story.

It was fun. Goodbye.