
"I went to see Dr. Clarkson today." His mouth opened, but he closed it again when she raised her hand. "Thank you." Noticing him getting agitated, she took a deep breath. Her eyes glued on their clasped hands, she whispered the words to him. "I'm pregnant."


She kept her eyes on their hands, tracing each line on his with her eyes. Not until he pried his fingers lose to cup her face, did she look up. She made a sobbing sound at the sight of tears on his cheeks and the wide smile.

"You don't mind?" she asked in a small voice.

"Mind?" He barked and laughed. "Woman, I am happier than I ever thought possible." He pulled her to him, kissing her firmly. "I never thought that it would happen. In fact, I had made peace with the fact that I would never be the father of your children."

"I wasn't sure how you would feel about it."

"Elsie, are you happy about this?" Suddenly realizing that she might not have wanted a child, he felt the need to ask.

"Of course I am. I didn't think it possible at my age, but I'm not unhappy. Not at all, Charles. In fact, I'm very happy. So very happy, but so very, very frightened at the same time."

He nodded in understanding. "As am I, but we will do this together."


and now the continuation…


This chapter is un-betaed. Feeling guilty and tremendously embarrassed about not staying in contact with my betas I decided to not trouble them. This year has been difficult to say the least and I've not been very social online because of it. It seems like our family is founding its strength again. So, with that said, here's the next chapter. Any mistakes are entirely mine.

Oh, and the last part of this chapter is a bit steamy. NSFW! You've been warned, people ;)


Chapter 7

It only took a few days for the household to get over the shock of the Carsons' news. Thomas had of course had a few choice words to say about their age and the appropriateness off the whole ordeal, but no one seemed to pay much attention, not even O'Brien.

Upstairs was a different story. Luckily for Lord Grantham he was not present when Lady Sybil stormed into the drawing room looking for her parents. So it happened that Cora had to deal with their youngest daughter's initial fury alone. Had he known what he was about to walk in on, Lord Grantham might have thought twice about entering the drawing room that morning.

"Is it true?" Sybil demanded to know.

"Sybil, darling, you have to be a bit more specific than that. Come have a seat and tell me what's troubling you." Cora smiled gently at her daughter, accustomed to her passionate nature.

"Is it true that Mrs. Carson is pregnant and that you're making her leave Downton?" Sybil stood glaring at her mother.

"Yes, Mrs. Carson is pregnant, darling…"

"How could you, Mama?"

"Sybil!" Lord Grantham's eyes widened as he entered the room, hearing his youngest daughter all but yell at her mother. "Do not speak to your mother in that tone."

"And you," Sybil twirled around and glared at her father. "You're not any better, Papa. How can you do this to her? After all she's done for Downton, for us."

"Who are we talking about?" Robert looked flabbergasted, having missed out on the beginning of the conversation.

"Sybil is convinced that I've decided to let Mrs. Carson go."

"What?" Robert looked at his wife in surprise. "But I thought…"

"Yes, Robert," Cora quickly interjected. "Sybil, come here and please listen before you pass judgment on us, or anyone else for that matter."

Sybil gave her father a stubborn glare before reluctantly taking a seat next to her mother. Cora took her hand and smiled at her.

"Darling, no one is dismissing Mrs. Carson." She held up her hand when Sybil opened her mouth to object. "I don't know what you've heard, but I can assure you that it's not true." Cora let out a little chuckle and glanced at her husband. "I for one am delighted that the Carsons are expecting."

"Me too!" Sybil quickly added before closing her mouth again.

"Tradition demands that I dismiss her. This is true, darling, but I have no intent or desire to do so. In fact, I've given Mrs. Carson my word that she can stay until the baby is born."

"And then she will be let go," Sybil snapped, her eyes shooting daggers at her parents.

"Sybil." Robert let out a heavy sigh and ran his hand over his hair in exasperation. "It's not our decision. Usually when a woman has a child, she leaves her employment to take care of the child."

"But Mrs. Carson doesn't have to, does she?"

"As your father said, it's not our decision to make. It's up to them how they want to raise their child."

"So if…"

"Sybil," Robert said sharply. "Please stop this. We've allowed Mrs. Carson to stay as long as she can. After that we'll have to see. Whatever they decide, we'll try to accommodate."

"What does that mean?" Sybil did not look convinced, eyeing her father suspiciously.

"If Mrs. Hughes can keep on working without jeopardizing her health or that of her child, I will keep her on," Cora said softly. "Now, that's the end of it. Please let your father and me handle it."

Sybil gave a curt nod and got up. With a short word of farewell she swept out of the room. Cora let out a heavy sigh and looked up at Robert with troubled eyes.

"I doubt that's the last we'll hear of it."

"I'm sure you're right. Let me know if you want me to speak to her."

"Thank you, Robert, but I don't think that'll be necessary."

Cora held out her hand to him and he took it, giving it a gentle squeeze as he sat down next to her on the sofa. She leaned her head against his shoulder, an intimate gesture that she only allowed herself when certain they were alone.

"So I assume that you've decided against becoming Carson's nanny then, Cora?" Robert teased his wife, kissing her fingers.

"What would you say if I told you that I was considering it?"

"You can't be serious?" Robert's eyes widened and he turned his head to look at her. Cora burst out laughing and moved closer to him.

"Of course not! I don't know much about the practical aspects of raising children, as you well know." She settled in his arms, sighing happily at the warm comfort he offered. "My thought was to inquire in the village. Perhaps there's a woman who would like to make a little money looking after a young child. Or perhaps one of the tenants?"

"I hadn't thought of that. Those are excellent ideas, Cora."

"Still, Mrs. Carson might not find either of those solutions to her liking."

"That's true, but at least you could offer them an option."

"I'd like to pay for it, Robert."

"I'm not sure that Carson would allow us to. You know how proud he is."

"They don't live here anymore, and from what I've heard, they take most of their meals together at home, with the exception of luncheon and tea. Since they are saving us money by doing this, I'd like to compensate them for it by paying for the care of their child. It sounds perfectly fair to me."

Robert just stared at Cora, amazed at her skill at managing the staff and reallocating funds.

"I had no idea that they did not eat here. Of course I knew that they no longer live here, but I must admit, I've never thought about it as a financial transaction."

"To be honest with you, Robert, neither have I, but we need a logical reason in order to convince Carson that our offer is not charity." She smiled and her eyes twinkled playfully.

"No," Robert said sternly, knowing that particular look well. "Whatever you're thinking – no."

"We could simply put the baby in the nursery."

"Cora! Are you out of your mind?"

She chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Alright, no butler's child in the nursery."

"Perhaps there will be little Crawley ones there soon enough."

"If Mary would only accept Patrick," Cora said with a heavy sigh.

"One day at the time, my dear." Robert kissed her hand again and then got up. "If you will please excuse me, I have some letters to write before the gong."

"Of course. Would you like me to ring for some tea for you?"

"That would be wonderful."

Cora smiled at him, watching him head for the door before pulling the cord.

~ O ~

Lady Mary stood in the doorway to Carson's office watching the butler neatly make entries into his ledger. Once he put his pen away and blotted the page, she gently knocked on the door. His eyes widened at the sight of her and he quickly got up.

"My lady, to what do I owe the honor?"

"May I come in?"

"Of course." He quickly stepped around his desk and pulled out the chair for her. His brows furrowed when he heard the door click closed. "My lady?"

"I wonder if I might speak with you in confidence, Carson?" Mary sat down and twisted her hands a little nervously in her lap.

"Always, my lady. Is something troubling you?"

Mary just nodded, unable to meet his eyes. Carson smiled sadly at her. Lady Mary was a complicated young woman who had been pushed around since she was very young, always dutifully doing as she was told.

"When did you know that Mrs. Carson was the one? How did you know?" Mary's voice was barely more than a whisper.

"We've known each other for a long time, my lady. Over the years we've become good friends, and I suppose one day I realized that she meant even more to me."

Mary nodded in understanding. "So you think that had you actually married years ago, when you first met, that you would've ended up being happy together? Even if you only loved her as a friend?"

"I would like to say yes to your question, my lady, but it really is impossibly to answer. I suppose that I would have treated her with honor and respect, no matter what."

"I know you would." She looked up and met his kind eyes. "I only wish that all men were as kind and honorable as you, Carson."

He chuckled and shook his head. "You're too kind my lady."

Mary smiled a little hesitantly before averting her eyes. "I fear that I will never truly be happy, Carson."

Carson's shoulders slumped a little at the emptiness in Mary's voice.

"Pardon me for being forward, my lady, but are you referring to Master Patrick?"

Mary sighed and nodded. "You're correct in your assumption, Carson." She looked up and smiled ruefully. "Since I was the one seeking you out for advice, I hardly think that you're being too forward, Carson."

"Thank you for saying so, my lady." He tented his fingers as he carefully chose his words. "Master Patrick is a fine young man, and I'm sure he will be an honorable husband."

"Just a very boring one." Carson bit the inside of his cheek not to laugh at the look on Lady Mary's face. Their eyes met again and he waited for her to continue. "Still, the fact remains; Downton can only become truly mine if I marry him."

"Perhaps Downton is not everything?"

Mary let out a laugh and shook her head. "I can't believe I'm hearing you say that, Carson."

"I stand corrected, my lady. What I meant was, though Downton is where I see myself live out my days, perhaps it is not where your future lies? Perhaps there is another option? One that you've yet to discover, my lady?"

"I suppose. I just don't see it happening. His lordship and Lady Grantham are set on us marrying."

"One day at the time, my lady. No one knows what the future might hold."

Her eyes twinkled again and she smiled at him. "I suppose that if someone had told you a year ago that you were to become a father that you would have thought the person mad."

He chuckled and nodded. "Completely insane, my lady."

She giggled at the look on his face and he smiled fondly at her. "No matter what you decide on, my lady, I will stand by you."

"Thank you, Carson. That means everything to me."

Mary stood and Carson jumped to his feet coming around the desk. She smiled up at him and touched his arm. He gently covered her slender fingers with his as his kind eyes met hers.

"Always, my lady."

Carson opened the door and held it for her. She gracefully exited and then stopped looking at him over her shoulder.

"You're a wise man, Carson."

Before he could answer, she turned and headed for the stairs. He watched her until she disappeared. A sound behind him startled him and he quickly turned, only to face Elsie sporting a raised eyebrow.

"What was that all about?"

"A young lady troubled by implications of decisions about her future."

Elsie sighed and nodded. The understanding between Lady Mary and Patrick Crawley was a well-known secret at Downton. Elsie had always thought Mary to be the one using Patrick, but the look on the young woman's face and the tone of Charles' voice now made her question her assumption.

~ O ~

Elsie glared at the cook as Mrs. Patmore put a plate of vegetables in front of her.

"What's this?"


Elsie made a face and eyed the other platters on the table. "Why am I supposed to eat all this?"

"Doctor's orders," Mrs. Patmore said smugly.

"He said no such thing."

Mrs. Patmore clasped her hands in front of her, looking quite smug. "Of course he did, and I promised that you would be eating right." She pointed at Elsie who instantly leaned back to avoid getting poked. "He saw you yesterday when he was here for tea. Said you looked a little pale."

"Of course I did! It was late in the day and I had been running around carrying Mr. Carson's child."

Carson opened his mouth to object but shut it when he noticed Mrs. Patmore's warning look.

"I'm sure, Mrs. Carson that it's not an easy feat, but that proves my point. You need to take care of yourself. Now eat."

Elsie rolled her eyes and picked up her silverware. Conversation around the table picked up again and soon the incident was forgotten by everyone but Carson who knew that he would hear more about this from his wife later.

~ O ~

Elsie closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh as she sank down on the sofa. Her back hurt and her feet were sore. In fact she was aching all over. With a soft groan she eased her feet up onto the small footstool.

"Here we are."

Her husband's cheerful voice made her open her eyes and she smiled at the sight of him entering the room with two cups of tea. Handing her one, he put the other one down. Instead of sitting down next to her as he usually did, he pulled a chair close so he sat facing her. Elsie frowned, but when his large hand closed around her ankle she understood and let out a cheerful chuckle.

"You spoil me, Charles."

"Nonsense." He made quick work with her shoes and grinned up at her as she sighed happily. "You are doing all the work, Elsie. At least I can do this to help you." His eyebrows shot up when she pulled her skirt up and snapped open the garter straps holding her stockings up.

"By all means, Charles, I'm not stopping you."

He took a deep breath to calm himself and leaned forward, gently grasping the top of her stocking, rolling it down her leg. Elsie leaned back, sipping her tea. She wiggled her toes on the other foot as if getting impatient. He ran his fingers up her sole making her yelp and the tea cup clattered on the saucer.


"Sorry, love." He slowly rolled down the other stocking, caressing her soft skin on the way.

"You almost made me spill my tea."

"Perhaps you should put it aside for now…"

Elsie's face flushed at the intense look he gave her. She inhaled sharply as he moved to his usual spot next to her on the sofa. When he reached for the buttons on her dress she said nothing, only put her cup down.

It only took him a minute or two to undress her to her chemise. Elsie hummed in delight as he tugged her closer, kissing her neck.

"Mmm, that feels very nice."

He gave her a little nip and a shiver went through her. She squirmed next to him, a sign he now knew meant that she was getting aroused. Inching her chemise up, he searched for the tie on her knickers, humming against her shoulder when he found it. A gentle tug and some more squirming and shifting on her part and the flimsy thing was on the floor. He rested his hand on the bump on her stomach, cherishing the feel of it.


He quickly silenced her with a kiss. She pulled him closer, gripping his shoulders hard as his hand moved down. Her lips parted as his fingers found their mark. He cherished the reaction and stroked his tongue over hers. She mewled softly and her legs widened to accommodate him better. Easing a finger inside, he stroked his thumb over her sensitive folds.

Charles groaned when he felt her hand on him, squeezing gently. It still amazed him how adept she was at unbuttoning his trousers. When she eased her hand inside his undershorts and closed her fingers around him he lost all ability to think straight anymore. Rubbing faster he felt her start to flutter around his finger and her grip on his manhood tightened.


The way she whimpered his name made him shiver. Reluctantly releasing her he took her hand and kissed her fingers. A moment later he moved away and she chuckled at the sight of him in his shirt and trousers with his very aroused member standing at attention. When she made to get up, he shook his head and instead shifted her so she was kneeling on the sofa, facing the back. Looking at him over her shoulder Elsie's eyes widened when he raised the chemise, baring her buttocks. He smiled reassuringly at her and caressed her softly before moving closer. She gasped when he rubbed his manhood against her, now and then bumping that spot between her legs that was oh so sensitive.


"Now Charles."

She did not need to ask him twice. Steadying himself he slowly eased inside her in one long glorious stroke. She gasped and he could tell she was gripping the back of the sofa hard. With a steady, but gentle grasp on her waist he moved behind her. She pushed back, meeting him stroke for stroke. They were both breathing hard and he tried to keep his strokes steady, giving her time to reach her peak first.

"More… oh god! Mmmm… ahh!"

The sound she made sounded almost like a sob. If he had not known better, he might have been worried that he was hurting her. As it was, he knew that she was hurting in the best of ways. She wanted her release, but unless he intensified his efforts, she was bound to wait. Keeping one hand on her waist, he eased the other one down to cup her. She whimpered and gasped as he stroked and squeezed. When he moved faster behind her, aiming to go deeper, she cried out and the fluttering started again. He gritted his teeth and slammed into her as fast as he could. She was so tight around him, and the heat and feel of her was almost too good.

Charles tried to focus on her little nub, squeezing and rubbing it. Elsie whimpered and mewled, still meeting his strokes. The sight was incredible. Holding her tighter against him he squeezed deep inside her as he rubbed faster over that little nub. She let out a series of sharp yells as she spent, her body clamping down hard on him. He kept moving, riding through her release before spending deep inside her. Grabbing the back of the sofa he leaned over her, gasping for breath. She was still clamping down on him and he had no desire to move, even though his legs screamed for him to do so. Eventually she eased down on the sofa, letting out a soft gasp as he slipped out of her, clearly still very sensitive. Their eyes met and she took his hand. He almost fell down next to her, pulling her close.

"How I love you, Elsie."

"And I you, my man."

He chuckled and kissed the top of her head, delighting in how she curled into his side, placing his hand on her stomach.

To be continued…