AC: This is a story where the M'arrillians are protagonist...If you hate them then don't read it...If you want to give it a chance then read it. I hope you will like it.

Chaotic Changing life

Prologue: A meeting with a liquid being

A human gets out of Creylan dome and he looks on the ground. He has lost another match of Chaotic. He isn't a very lucky one and he always loses with his underworlder team. He sighs and he walks at the teleport after taking some food with him.

"I really need to think about what I can do...I'm not a bad player but they all are better than me...I should have buy the card game way sooner...But I didn't...Stupid me...Staying at the back." He grunts to himself.

His name is Remi and his online name is VictorR. It is not a good online name but he sucks at finding one. He is a 16 years boy and he is not that small.

He is a light built man see by his skin. He is a little too light. He has short black hair; Blue eyes with green lines. He has peach skin. He wears in Chaotic a Brown T-shirt and a blue short on him. He also has a small necklace around his neck with a picture of his father.

He is a man who is very kind and he helps those he meets. He is also someone who has lots of fear but he doesn't hesitate to fight them during all of his life. He can be sarcastic and tells random jokes sometime even when the situation doesn't fit. The other players know that and they don't stick with him that much which he doesn't mind. He then decides to port for now.

Overworld: Near a river

One being is sitting on the glass and he is grunting in pain. He puts his hand on one of his injuries he receives recently when he escaped an Overworlder who tries to kill him. He manages to escape him at the last second. He is exhausted from running away and he pants heavily.

"Those fools Overworlder just getting in my way...I...I have to find something to heal me...A mugic...Or anything...I...I don't want to...die." Says the being sadly and afraid to die.

He is very worried about his close future and he is right. He is an M'arrillian after all. After the M'arrillian invasion, which ends into a failure after the dead of his Oligarch, most of the M'arrillians escapes into the deep mine once gain but some of them, like him, didn't have the chance to escape. He breathes lightly for a while and he hears a sound. He panics in his heart and he looks around.

"Please be my imagination." Says the M'arrillian.

He sees that it is not his imagination, but it is a Chaotic player passing by. He knows he is in trouble if he sees him and...He sees him on the ground sadly for the M'arrillian. The Chaotic player passes closer to him.

"Hey...Are you alright?" Asks the Chaotic player.

"..." The M'arrillian says nothing.

The Chaotic player is Remi and he watches the M'arrillian in front of him.

The M'arrillian has a pale blue body which seems to be made of solid and very compact liquid for most of his body. A part of his liquid is falling on the ground and he seems to be in wear state. He also wears a dark blue armor at his upper legs and pelvis. He also has the armor on his chest and his arms. He also has it over his face and finish by 2 horns. He also has a tail on his back and he has spikes on his tail of dark blue. He can change his normal hands; he currently has, for tentacles when he wants but Remi doesn't know that.

The Chaotic player takes pity of him and he stills moves closer without trying to alert an Overworlder. The M'arrillian wonders what's in the mind of the player and he wonders if it isn't Iparu trying to kill him by passing has a Chaotic player so he'll drops his guard by thinking it is a weak being.

"Who are you?" Asks the Chaotic player.

"Hum...Gal'Drad." Says the M'arrillian unsure about the player.

The player looks at him and he realises quickly that he seems to ignore who is he. Gal'Drad looks at the human and he thinks about what he can do. The only option is to kill the human since he cannot control his mind. Gal'Drad lifted his hands but he loses his strength and it falls on the ground.

"! You shouldn't move." Warns the chaotic player. "Oh! I'm Remi by the way. Sorry...Forgot to introduce myself...Now...Don't move...I have some basic medical knowledge so I can give you first aid."

He opens his bag he has on his back and he puts his hand inside. He then takes out bandages and he looks at Gal'Drad.

He sees that he has a deep wound on his chest and he is losing green liquid a lot. It may be fatale over time and Gal'Drad may die. He puts the bandages over his chest and he rolls it, close to the M'arrillian who thinks of killing him. Remi is completely oblivious of the murdering intentions the M'arrillian is showing and Remi finishes treating his chest. He then moves to his arms which are less injured. Over time, Gal'Drad thinks it is a real Chaotic player who is foolish enough to heal a potential treat.

"Do you know who I am?" Asks Gal'Drad.

"Someone who needs help of course." Says Remi.

"Wh-What?" Asks the M'arrillian surprise.

"What do you mean by «what»?" Asks Remi.

"Why do you ignore who I am?" Asks Gal'Drad.

"Well...I'm only here recently...So I don't know that much about what's going on here?" Says Remi. "Now that you have say it...Which tribe do you come from? You are obviously not from the 4 tribes...I mean...Look at you." He says moving his hands and tries not to insult the M'arrillian.

"...True...I am a M'arrillian." Says Gal'Drad watching his reaction. Remi doesn't have a big reaction. He can only guess he starts coming here after the invasion of the other tribes...Which fail when their Oligarch die.

"Well...Gal'Drad...Looks like you need to rest and those injuries will close fast...I've done the best I can with your...Unique body." Says Remi. "So..."

The stomach of Gal'Drad grunts strongly.

"Guess you're hungry...Well good for you...You can take what I've brought...It's not healthy but it will not leave your stomach empty." Says Remi with a joyful voice so it might cheer the M'arrillian up.

He takes out some food and he gives it to the M'arrillian who looks at Remi like if the human was completely crazy.

"Take it...It's not poisoned." Says Remi.

Gal'Drad hesitates and he thinks there is a trap...But his stomach says to take it...He will die a way or another so he takes it. If it is poisoned he'll die fast and stop suffering at least. He eats it and after a while, he realises it tastes really good. He takes more and he eats everything.

"You should stay here...I'll be back tomorrow and see if you are better...I will also bring more bandage for you. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone since you are not in your territory." Says Remi when he ports out.

Gal'Drad looks at him and he realises that he lets the human go.

"I'm an idiot...He's going to warn anyone of my presence and I'll be doomed." Says Gal'Drad. He then takes the food and continues eating without letting the dark tough affection his appetite. "Dammit...What did he puts on those things to taste this good?"

AC: Short prologue but the next one will be longer. Please review.

Next: Chapter 1: A victorious duel.