Well surprisingly enough, this whole story came from a dream that I had. I have no idea why I was dreaming of Grimmjow and a random girl but yeah, that is my brain and this is what happened.

The fruit of my strange mind is laid before you and I am gonna continue this into a full fanfic. The thing was just going to be a one shot when I first posted it years ago. But now I have decided to come back and rewrite this to make it better. I am happy with what has happened.

Have fun with this and enjoy.

"Dammit that fucking bastard Tosen... I'm going to kill him when I get the chance to... Same with the others..."

Grimmjow had a grip on the stub that use to be his left arm. The sleeve was gone but the jacket was soaked with blood. He stood up leaning against a wall placed just outside the throne room of Los Noches. The white wall that stood behind him held a bloodstain of trickling blood down to the ground. The blood loss that he was suffering didn't really give him any difference in his mood.

As one of the Espada, having been pardoned by Aizen was the least of his concern. It was Tosen that bugged him so much to the point that he would go cut off his head if Aizen weren't there to stop him. Oh how badly he wished to cut off the damned shinigami's head. So much so that he wouldn't exactly care about what happened in the aftermath. Though at the moment, that wasn't the way things would go for him. Tosen wouldn't have been the only potential target for Grimmjow. Trying as he might, he knew that he would have taken things out on the other Espada out of spite and anger. If he hadn't gotten away from the throne room, there would have been several dead Arrancar and Shinigami alike, him as a potential corpse as well.

What he detested even more was in how he had to act when in the presence of Aizen. Calling him 'Lord' nearly made his blood boil. He had wanted to have the supreme title of Lord, of KING! Getting away with all that and throwing away his desires for the moment, Grimmjow knew that there was nothing he could do. For now, Grimmjow served as one of Aizen's underlings, one of his top men. As one of his 'trusted' Espada. Until there could be a time that he could come out on top. For now though, he just had to cool off from the incident with Tosen and the loss of his Fraccion. A loss that seemed to barely affect him. The only feelings he had were anger and malicious intent for those who were going to opose him. Grimmjow wasn't one who would leave to let others look down on him or order him around. Even if they seemed stronger than he was, he knew that he would one day come out on top.

Taking a grip onto the remainder of his arm, which wasn't much, he stalked carelessly down the corridor, planning to head back to his room. And before he made it more than 100 feet, his thoughts began to go to work in coming up with ideas for how he could get back at them. What had happened wasn't just from what he had done, it was from that little shinigami too, in the World of the Living. He decided that as a way to take the anger away and since he couldn't get to Tosen, he would go to Ichigo instead. And with his mind made up, he went to the World of the Living.

A Garganta was open right there in the corridor, appearing on the white walls. Grimmjow took a look around to see if anyone was around to bother him in some way. Seeing that there was no one who wanted to speak with him further, Grimmjow stepped through into the darkness. It didn't take long with his walking to reach the other side which opened up to the skies in the world of the living. Specifically, he appeared back in Karakura Town, ready to go look for Ichigo and have some more fun with him.

Down in the streets of Karakura, it was early in the evening. A group of students were heading down the street, all of them were young high school students with a mix of females and males. They were all laughing and chatting away. It seemed like they were having a good time and were just heading home from after school activities as they were all still in their uniforms. One seemed to be ready to go another way and broke off from the group. Waving back to the group, she smiled to them. "Bye guys."

"Bye Kira."

"See you tomorrow."

"Don't forget about that paper you were getting for me!"

"Don't worry! I won't."

Kirameki, known as Kira by her friends, turned her way down an alley where there were not really any lights on around there, causing the darkness to almost completely consume her. Even in the darkness, her bright teal hair shone towards the crescent moon that cut through the sky and through the rooftops. Her violet coloured eyes were almost glowing within the darkness as they looked on ahead to make sure that nothing was in the way to trip on. Even in the low light, Kira always took this path every time she went home. She knew it like the back of her hand. It was something that she always seemed confident about in finding her way around.

It was quite a cold night so she was wearing a light, gray coloured jacket with a burgundy scarf wrapped around her neck. Her school uniform was on underneath with a dark orange, plaid skirt and a pair of thigh high, black stockings. Pale skin was the norm to be seen in this area so other than her hair, she looked perfectly normal when compared to everyone else, including her friends. Though it was her choice to have this bright hair colour. Something that she liked to show off. It also worked to let her be easily spotted if something were to happen to her.

Once she made it out from the alley way, she always cut her way through a park. While walking below a grove of trees, she looked to the side and saw some people around. Some looking like couples and others being just alone. Both children and adults alike. There were many, though it seemed almost like there was a festival of activity going on in the area. An odd thing to see at this time of night in a small park such as this. Lanterns were lit and several stands were placed along the route.

Even though there was plenty of activities going on, Kirameki closed her eyes and kept on walking as an attempt to ignore all those who were present around her. As a feeling of not wanting to become involved in things, she worked her way through the park, hoping that she wasn't to be bothered on this night by anyone.

But on this night luck was not really on her side as she decided to cut through such a busy area of the park. It was at this point that a young boy had come up to her and tugged on her skirt. She stopped where she was and turned around to look at him. The boy looked no older that 6 or 7 years old. He had a bright smile on his face as he tugged on her skirt again. This opted her to give a smile to the boy in return as she crouched down to be at his level so he could look at her eye to eye. "Yes?"

As she gave a verbal response, the boy's face completely lit up as he then waved at her and jumped up and down, still grasping her clothing. "Miss Kirameki, can you play with us again tonight? Please please please?!"

The little boy pointed off to a small group of young children that were all sitting down below a set of trees. He was looking at her with hopeful eyes as she placed a hand on his head. Her hand ruffled his hair and messed up what seemed to be a well combed head by a parent and reduced his hair to bed head status. Keeping this hand on his head, she got to her feet and then looked over at the group of children and then back at him.

"I'm sorry Mamoru but I can't play tonight. I have studies to attend to for school tomorrow."

"Could you maybe play for a few minutes. Please Miss Kirameki!"

She looked at the boy for a few moments to consider what he was asking and then closed her eyes, smiling. "Alright then. We can play for 10 minutes. But no longer than that. I really have to head home after this." And with that being said, Mamoru grinned and grabbed a hold of her hand, pulling her over to the group of kids. "Let's play Kemari!" Kirameki gladly agreed, knowing that it was the children's favourite game. As she was being pulled along by Mamoru, the rest of the kids got smiles on their faces and got right to their feet. One of them was holding up the mari ball that they were going to play with. Kirameki set her bag down as the child tossed the ball to her. Holding the ball up above her head, the children got into a large circle and all had eyes on her. She held the ball, getting ready to toss it.

"Ready? Let's begin this round!"

Up above Karakura town, there as still an opening in the sky as Grimmjow was just now exiting from the Garganta. Grimmjow came to look for some fun and action. His blood seemed to be on the edge of a boil. Eyes darted around as he worked to find where there was some fun to be had. The fun he had been thinking about on his walk from Hueco Mundo to The World of the Living had involved the shinigami Ichigo Kurosaki, but he was now thinking that it would have been too much work to try and get the shinigami riled up enough to fight him again.

So shrugging off his previous thoughts, Grimmjow closed down the Garganta as he walked across the skies. His remaining hand was shoved into his pocket and his eyes closed as he quietly mumbled to himself. The Sexta Espada moved off, thinking that his idea that he might come in contact with Ichigo Kurosaki and gain a fight with him would have been best was disregarded once again as he pondered it for a moment. With that regard, it had him gaining an annoyed expression on his face as he continued waltzing casually across the skies. Though the idea of fighting the stupid shinigami remained on his mind. So he decided to use minimum effort to do the easiest thing.

Using his pesquisa, Grimmjow searched for Ichigo's spiritual pressure. Surprisingly, he couldn't sense it. Something else was currently blocking it as it seemed. His mind quickly wandered to the thought of engaging in combat with any of the other shinigami who had dispatched his subordinates. He was about to search for the other shinigami but was stopped as he turned his attention to a large collection of spirit energies. It seemed quite unusual to him but he thought that if Ichigo was not around, he could have some fun there instead. With a smirk, he moved out towards the source, thinking even if it wasn't really fun, he could at least eat and slaughter a little bit.

"Looks like I might be able to have some fun with some souls around here."

And with that, he headed off for the source of the spirit energies. Excitement starting to well up inside him and overthrow his anger and annoyance. The excitement mixed in with Grimmjow's boredom and anger were a bad combination to have, especially in a world such as this where he could clash with weaklings and kill as many as he wanted, almost uninterrupted. Stopping in his walk, he jumped up a bit on his feet and then rocketed off towards the source, a crazed laugh and a grin on his face.

Down in the park, Kirameki was playing Kemari with the kids which had been almost 10 minutes now. As the time was coming down to it, she decided to finish up. Passing the ball off to Mamoru, she smiled and then stepped back from the group. "Well time's up. I have to go now. School can't wait for me while I play with you guys." Mamoru caught the ball and then gave a big 'Awww' towards her, followed by the rest of the children. They all decided to give her sad faces to try and convince her otherwise.. Kirameki smiled and waved her hand at them. "I can play more next time, alright Mamoru." Mamoru nodded and then decided to continue playing Kemari with the other kids.

Kirameki smiled as she closed her eyes and then shoved her hands into her jacket pockets as she walked away. She was only able to walk about a hundred feet when she stopped and opened her eyes. Sensing something foreboding, she turned back towards where the kids were playing and took off running towards them. This was a feeling that came quickly and made her feel like the world was about to end or something. It was a rare feeling that she got but she hated it every single time. It made her nauseous every single time.

As she was running back towards the kids, the ball was dropped and the kids began scattering before she ever managed to reach them. In the end, she never did. Hearing screams and cries of help from all around her, Kirameki stopped in her tracks and turned her head. The people were scattering, though only those that could get away. Others who weren't so lucky faced what caused Kirameki to freeze in sheer terror.

There were several large monsters with white masks that stood where the children had been playing. The ball was left on the ground, rolling towards where she was. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked at the monsters. Calling out for the kids, she couldn't see any of them now. She then looked up at the monsters and feared the worst.

Unfortunately she didn't have time to react to the potential horror that she was thinking as one of the monsters took notice of her and moved towards her. She looked up at it and than moved back from it, only managing a couple of steps before her body locked up from fear. She couldn't seem to make her legs move or make her run. Stopping against a tree, she felt like she was trapped. Kirameki seemed to just give up all at once and closed her eyes, waiting for the monster to kill her. She knew that this was the end as the monster opened it's large mouth and reached out for her with breakneck speed, ready to devour her.

This was going to be her end. But then it seemed like the end never came. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes up due to hearing a voice that prompted her to get curious and see what was happening. The voice was that of a male yelling loudly with excitement. It was so loud, even though the source of it was quite a distance away at this point.

"Whoohoo! Some fresh meat to pick off! FREE MEAL FOR ME!"

Down came a man with blue hair and wearing a white kimono with a white jacket left open. His chest was exposed and Kirameki could clearly see a scar cut across his chest, cut deep. What she also noticed was a piece of jawbone from some kind of animal pieced on his right cheek. Though she also noticed that he was holding onto the monster who had just been about to consume her in one bite. He had taken the thing up into the air and was currently attacking it almost relentlessly.

She stayed where she was as the male seemed to be having fun taking care of the monsters. Using only his fists, he easily beat through the beast, killing it and seemingly eating the thing. With some bigger ones left over, he lifted up his left hand and fired off a red beam of energy and destroyed the rest of the monsters in an instant. It was only a matter of moments, but all of the monsters had been destroyed and the blue haired male seemed to have been her saviour for the moment.

And once they were all killed and he was done with his 'meal', the man stood on the ground, inspecting the damage that he had caused. A smirk was plastered right on his face. "Well looks like those small fry were quite easy to take care of." From all that he had done, the idiot seemed outright impressed with everything that he had done. At the moment though, he didn't really feel satisfied. He felt the need for more destruction and bloodshed.

"Heh... maybe this many hollows might be enough for right now and there was even a few big ones in that batch. But I guess with all those hollows, it will probably draw out all the shinigami around here and I get to murder some more. Ha!"

Taking in all the damage and speaking as he did, he then took notice of the presence of a girl behind him as he stopped basking in his own glory at the moment, something that was showing his ego. He turned his head to look at the girl that was now sitting on the ground against the tree with what looked to be a curious expression. He then walked right up to her as that expression turned into a smirk. He seemed to think that he was still going to have some fun. Though it seemed like the girl wasn't a spirit so he thought it would be interesting to mess with this human.

And as Kirameki looked up at him, she had a short lived praise for being saved by him, then at the same time, she felt like she was in danger once more as he looked like he was going to kill her. The feeling form before the attack was still with her but stronger than ever. This was the worst day for her.

She still didn't move from where she was, even as he stood right in front of her and crouched down. He stared her right in the eye, smirking all the ever more. As he looked her right in the eye and saw her staring back at him, he knew that she could see him very clearly. Though for some more fun, he held up his only hand and held the palm facing her face and waved it in her face just to see if she would react. Though she just continued staring at him, still feeling paralyzed by fear. He just lowered his hand and grinned at her.

"Now this is interesting. A human girl that can see me. What are the chances of that?"

Kirameki didn't understand in the slightest by what he meant when he had said that. It only had her puzzled further. While looking at him, she spoke out more, then processed what he was saying. It finally dawned on her that coupled with what she had just been witnessing was just more evidence that came to her conclusion. Though she still wasn't completely familiar with this, Kirameki handled it the way a normal person would. At least someone who had seen the things she had in her lifetime. Question everything.

"So... you're a... ghost...? You are a dead person and have weird magical powers? I can see you and you are the crazy one right?"

The man simply laughed at this and stood up, laughing louder. By chance of how he found this girl, the situation seemed quite funny. "What are the chances of finding a spiritually aware human?! This is just rich!" As he laughed, he looked over the girl some more and then raised his hand up, pointing at his chest clearly proud of himself and happy to play games. "You could say I am an evil ghost that is here to eat the souls of the living and dead in order to gain strength. It's even better when they have a strong spiritual energy like you girl. I can sense it in you."

Her eyes widened as she heard his words clearly and then seemed to have gotten scared by them. At that point, she spoke to him as she felt that things were even worse than before. But at least she felt the need to voice herself a bit more. This was better than facing mindless monsters.

"You're... going to kill me... and then eat me? Do you know how crazy that sounds?! Evil spirit, sure. But eating me, don't you even think about it!"

There seemed to be some spunk from this one, which he liked. He was actually wondering if she was a shinigami but based on her vocabulary, probably not. Her actions didn't change what he was planning to do. Though the man didn't seem to speak another word as his attention was taken to something else. In the sky overhead, a large space was opening up that a large form was coming from. What Kirameki saw was a very large monster with a white mask. And the first thought on her mind at this point was 'We are so fucked'.

When she looked at the man though, he seemed slightly annoyed and that was it. There was no fear or anything else to show that she should be scared either. He was talking to himself. "So there is more being attracted here at this time. Now why is that? Is it because of Aizen? Or are more just hungry and just want to jump in on my shit." The man looked back at the girl quickly and then closed his eyes, giving a surprise to the girl that sat there at what he was about to say since it seemed so out of character for him. "Get out of here girl, before you get eaten..."

Kirameki was momentarily shocked but got to her feet as she looked at the man one more time. From all the big talk he had just been given and everything else that he had shown, she thought he was just going to kill her right there. She had been yelling a bluff at him just a minute ago to confuse him but now she was the only one who seemed confused. Giving a moment of thought, Kirameki stepped off to the side, nodding her head towards him and then running. Then she moved around the tree and took of. As she looked back, she saw the man shoot off from the ground and made his way up into the sky to face off with the big monster. She was running backwards and stopped after a short distance to watch the clash for what she thought could now become an interesting night, even though her freedom was right there and ready for her escape. She was more interested in the blue haired man.

Up in the sky, Grimmjow was moving towards the Gillian that was coming out from the Garganta. He had become quite annoyed as it had interrupted his fun. He thought though that this would be an excuse to take out the last of the anger he had for the moment. And if he found out later that this was a ploy from Aizen, he was going to show that shinigami a piece of his mind later when no one was around. For now, he was going to kill it and ruin and plans that anyone had.

"Mindless beast... tch."

Once the Gillian had half emerged from the Garganta, Grimmjow was already up in front of it's face, his blade drawn. "Now ya weakling. This is payback for interrupting my fun!" He was getting serious, though only because he wanted to get the damned thing out of his way as fast as possible. Once that would have been done, he would have totally been in the clear.

As the Gillian caught sight of him, it opened it's mouth and charged a cero before quickly firing it off. It shot right at Grimmjow who cut through the cero with his blade and then taunted it as he liked doing. "That all ya got?!" He was cocky as ever as the cero's path was diverted, shooting off in different directions into the sky, potentially acting like a signal flare to all those who resided in the town. Secretly, he was still hoping for all of this to get noticed by the shinigami around this town just so that he could have more fun after this.

The Gillian moved further out from the Garganta and moved out, reaching it's hand for Grimmjow as the thought of the shinigami was still going through his mind. Grimmjow raised his blade up to block the hand and held it off as some of the claws from the hand cut and dug into his back. His thoughts had partially distracted him from the fight for a split second and had caused his lapse in judgment. The Gillian moved slow and this attack was something he should have dodged instead of blocked. As a result, pain shot through his body from the point of contact. As that happened, Grimmjow cried out from the pain, coughing blood as he then let out a cero of his own at the Gillian with his fist held around his blade. The cero hit the Gillian's hand and easily blasted through it. Holding off the Gillian, Grimmjow used Sonido and appeared right in front of the Gillian's mask. With one fierce slash, he cut through the Gillian's mask and head, killing it. His mood had changed back to the one filled with anger from earlier.

"That's payback for those wounds ya gave me..."

He spoke those words in disgust as the pain continued to reverberate through his body. The pain was more intense than just punctures and stab wounds. As he suddenly felt drained of his energy and strength. Growling as a means to hold off the pain, Grimmjow stared at the Gillian as it then disintegrated and the Garganta closed off. Grimmjow lowered himself back to the ground as he resheathed his blade. His hand was shoved back into his pocket as his feet touched the ground. His body wobbled a little as he landed, his energy continuing to drain.

He looked around with half lidded eyes for the girl he had seen earlier and tried to sense her with his pesquisa. He was quite surprised in seeing that the girl was so close by still as he sensed her presence. His eyes opened a bit more as he stared off in the direction that she was in. Being as humans were, he thought that she would have run off by now. Though so far, he was surprised with how brazen this human had been when he confronted her and basically told her that she was going to die. It made him want to see more of this girl.

Meanwhile, Kirameki was left hiding behind a tree that was within 25 feet of where the man was now standing. She had watched the whole thing take place and was surprised by what had happened. As he was looking off in her direction as her head was peaking out from behind the tree. When both of their eye locked up with one another, she froze up completely. The feeling became intense as the fear built up inside her and she felt like she was going to be sick. The man had turned to watch her before and now was taking a few steps towards her. Though his pace was slow and his body was shaking and swaying as he walked. This showed that something was way off.

It was then that Kirameki took quick notice of the wounds that were on the man's body. His white clothing was covered in crimson by this point and she knew it meant trouble. She wasn't a doctor but she knew that wounds like what she was seeing could kill a person in a matter of moments. But even with those wounds, he didn't seem to have concern for them at the moment. Coming out from behind the tree, she walked towards him, even as he was still approaching her. In a matter of seconds, she no longer seem to be afraid as his condition showed that she probably could handle him at this point. As she approached him, he stopped and looked at her questioningly. They both seemed concerned for one another but each had different reasons. And the man was the first one to speak.

"Girl, what are you still doing out here?"

"Cause, I was wondering about you..."

"Is that so? Well I was here to kill you anyways so you staying here just makes things easier for me."

"If you were to kill me, then why save me?"

"Heh... I don't want anyone else taking my prey..."

Before Kirameki could give a response, the man collapsed as he finally lost consciousness. She was surprised when this happened but reacted quickly as she ran right to him, catching him in her arms. As a result, her clothing became drenched in his blood. Taking a better look at his wounds, she knew that he would die soon if nothing was done to treat them. Because of that, she decided to take him with her to treat the wounds. This was also the first time she took notice of his missing arm. And with that, she left, carrying him on her back. Taking him back with her would have been hard as to others, it would have appeared that she was carrying nothing.

Only a couple minutes after Kirameki had left the park with Grimmjow's unconscious body, Ichigo and Rukia showed up at the park. They were quickly followed by Toshiro, Rangiku and Renji. Ikkaku and Yumichika were currently busy with other problems in another part of the town. They had all seen the flashes of cero in the sky above Karakura town and reacted immediately. Though Ichigo had already sensed the hollows when they had first appeared. There had been cause for alarm and all the shinigami were ready for a fight. Though when they got there, they were surprised to see nothing.

As they looked around the area, they took notice of the damage that was done that showed a large fight had happened. They also sensed residual spirit energy around but couldn't place to where it had gone. It was weird that they could not pinpoint where the energy had disappeared to but their biggest concern was the hollows that had suddenly vanished. None of them has dispatched them and if any of Ichigo's friends would have had a hand in it, they would have known.

They were both puzzled by this scene and couldn't understand what happened. All the hollow signatures that had been there were no longer around and they hand't been able to find any shinigami or others that would be there to defeat them. They just couldn't understand what happened. It was a mystery that would require more investigation. Toshiro, Rangiku and Renji headed off to check out the area to see if they could find where whoever had done this disappeared to. Meanwhile, Ichigo was left with Rukia, questioning the situation.

"Rukia. All this... what could have done this much damage?"

"I don't know. But I think we should talk to the others about it."

"Right...Maybe Kisuke might know..."

With that decided, Ichigo and Rukia left to go question the others, not knowing about the girl and the man that had been there minutes before. And even with Toshiro and the others scouring the area, somehow, none of them found the young girl covered in blood who carried an arrancar on her back. She had disappeared completely from sight and senses. A mystery that would have to wait for another day.

Thanks for reading this revised version. It is for good measure.

R & R
