Chapter 24

A/N: It's been a very long time since I updated this story, but I decided to post another chapter- which I started some time before but only now finished- and see whether people still how interest in this story before seriously considering continuing it. I've got other writing projects, more serious ones, so this one would be like a fun side thing. Please leave a comment and thanks for reading.

Also, if you like humorous takes on fairy tales, you can check out my story "The Fairy Godmother's Guide" in the Fairy Tales section of Fanfiction.

Chapter 24 (Fashionably late )

"I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, Lara." Alexander softly said, staring in my eyes and inside my soul with his deep blue eyes.

His arms were wrapped around my waist, keeping me standing- my feet were trembling. We were in my bedroom at Plaza Hotel, in the middle of the room with furniture turned upside down and things thrown all around the room, but the only thing I could see at the moment was the intense blue of his eyes. The fear before slowly melted in the warmth and tenderness in Alexander's feature and something else began to grow in my chest.

He draw me closer and I rested my hands against his large chest then gently slipped them around his neck as his face lowered, closing the space between us. Our noses touched and I smiled a little, and the feelings forming inside me amplified… Love warming me inside…butterflies, birds and every winged creature dwelled in my belly...tingles all over my body like it tried to scream: 'Just kiss me already!'

He tilted his head a bit and I just let myself driven by the feeling inside me: I closed my eyes and slightly parted my lips. I felt his cool and smooth lips lightly touching mine- touching them for the first time. I responded pressing my lips against his with tenderness, though I could feel excitement impatiently waiting to press harder.

His lips moved slowly and gently, even careful, letting us enjoy every moment and building anticipation. His hands moved up and down my back at the low pace of the kisses and pulled me closer and closer. I pressed my body into his signaling I was ready- not just ready, but eager- to make the kisses deeper.

His tongue slipped into my mouth and a small moan escaped my departed lips. The passion restrained at first was coming out, beating all our carefulness- he was afraid he could hurt me being so powerful? Probably, but he soon forgotten it as the movements became wilder and more fiery, losing ourselves in the kiss, in the heat of the moment.

I felt him raising me and my feet weren't touching the floor anymore, and I immediately wrapped them around his waist. Now, I was the one who had to lower her head to reach his lips.

We were both excited and fervent, and I could say he was an expert. We moved deeper and deeper, harder and harder with a wild pace, sometimes stopping so I could take breaths- being a vampire, he could go on and on, but I was gasping when we made pauses. When our lips were apart, we locked our gazes and his eyes were sparkling with enthusiasm.

And suddenly we weren't any more in the middle of the room but next to my bed and then on the bed, with him on top of me. I ran my fingers through his velvet-like blonde hair. His lips traced the line of my jaw and then went down to the nape of my neck. His hands started to pull off me my shirt and I helped him then my fingers found the buttons of his shirt and began to unbutton them. Our shirts landed somewhere on the floor but I was too preoccupied by our bare skin touching- his cool skin on my heated body. He played a little with one strap of my black bra, teasingly. He placed some soft kisses on my belly and between my clavicles. Then his lips lingered much on my neck and when he raised his head to look into my eyes, I understood the hungry and longing look- he wanted to bite me. His fangs appeared from beneath his upper lip, white and sharp. My already hasty breath became even more hurried.

"Do you want me to bite you?" he whispered, lustfully.

Everything around me became blurry and before I could answer, my eyes opened and I was in my bed, staring through low light at the unclear form of an armchair. My body was covered in sweat and my heart was beating wildly in my chest. I slowly stood up, pulling off me the blanket that tangled around my legs and waist. I rubbed my eyes then looked towards the window- from behind the white curtains grey morning light peeped in the room. I got off bed, more stumbling then walking on my sleepy feet and headed to the windows. I pulled it away a bit to gaze outside and the lazy, painted in autumn's color Central Park. I yawned and let my mind drift back to my dream and involuntary, my pulse began to rise again. The kisses and touches- they seemed so real that I wanted to go back to sleep in the hope the dream would continue. But something else was bugging me, like an alarm: it wasn't just a dream, it was a vision. So sometimes soon, my dream will become reality. I blushed at the thought but couldn't stop myself from musing and fantasizing, reviewing the dream in my mind. And then, his fangs flashing, this time seeming inviting and not that dangerous. My answer… the dream ended before I could choose whether I wanted him to bite me or not.

Well, would I have said yes? Hmm…

I wasn't really sure of my answer, but I remembered the state of my bedroom in the vision- in total disarray, like a fight took place there. Well, what fight? I couldn't put my finger on it, but I hoped it had nothing to do with an outburst from Alexander.

I shook my head; I still had to practice much more with my power before I could master it.

Running a hand through my sweaty hair, heading to the bathroom- I knew it was probably very early in the morning, but I didn't feel like sleeping anymore, so I guessed I could just take a bath, change into some day, casual clothes and wait for breakfast.

Even after I was ready with my morning routine, showered and dressed in a comfortable blouse and jeans, I knew it was quite some time till breakfast would arrive, so I went to sit in an armchair by the window, watching some thin, faded ray of the dawn sun creep through the grey clouds, slightly reflected on some buildings' windows. I nervously stretched the sleeves over my palms as my mind kept replaying the dream of Alexander kissing me. The sensations- his lips on mine, on my neck, on my belly, his soft hair through my fingers, and our hands all over each other- seemed so real, and strangely, I wanted them to be real. And something inside me told me it could be real, it was real but it just didn't happen yet. I knew it was a vision, and I didn't know whether to be scared or excited by the prospect of a make-out session with the vampire king.

Plus, the state of the room in my dream continued to bug me, as it was clearly the aftermath of a fight. What fight, I could only wonder.

As I was gazing out the window, I thought that maybe I could try to figure out what it was about the fight. I knew I could easily slip into a meditation state, so I continued staring into space, at nothing in particular, while my whole body relaxed and I slumped in the comfy armchair, and my mind slowly drifted into a trance. Then, images and sensations hit me.

Someone threw the coffee table, and I hid behind the couch, my heart wildly beating in my chest, in fear and panic.

Then, I saw the floor of the bedroom as I tried to hold onto something as the attacker dragged my foot, while my other foot desperately kicked air.

And then, adrenaline flowing through my veins, but not because of fright anymore, but because I was in Alexander's arms, with my feet around his waist and my lips on his…

I jolted out of the trance, almost slipping off the armchair, but I soon settled in a comfortable position. It wasn't much, but I was surely disturbed- by both the attack and the kisses. But I wasn't going to give up just yet, so after a couple of minutes, I tried again, and again, but I couldn't gain more information on the matter. As hard as I tried, all the vision I got were blurred, and I still couldn't see the attacker, though I'm sure he or she is a vampire.

A let out a sigh as a little migraine threatened to appear. I should better stop trying to meditate; the vision just won't get clearer. A bit disappointed, I propped my elbow on the armchair's low backrest and rested my chin on my hand. I guess I'll have to stay on alert if somebody is going to attack me, though. I let my eyes drift around the room, trying to ponder what would make some good makeshift weapons. The books on my nightstand? They are heavy enough to slow down the attacker. The coffee table is light enough for me to raise it and try to keep the attacker away, too. Maybe that lamp could be used as a weapon too. Or the pens near the notebook on the desk.

Later, around 9 o'clock, Alexander came with Mandy- which brought some very delicious smelling pancakes and fruits. After making sure I was pleased with the breakfast, she left me and Alexander alone. He nonchalantly took a seat on an armchair near me and crossed his legs.

"You look tired." He commented as I took a sip of orange juice and I grimaced, feeling his blue eyes studying me. Was it that obvious? "Have you slept well?" he continued.

"Sure." I tried to lie as convincingly as possible, waving my fork casually. "I just waked up a bit earlier this morning, and read something." It was true- I did read one of the books I borrowed from his library.

"Have you had any vision?" he asked as he did every morning, his eyes still boring holes into me.

I usually reply very sincerely to this question, but this time I hesitated, the blood rushing to my cheeks. I didn't want to tell him I dreamed of us making out and him almost biting me! He might think…I'm in love with him. (Which is actually true, not like I'm gonna tell him.)

"No, I haven't had any visions last night." I said before promptly stuffing my mouth with food.

I don't think he'd mind me lying to this question this morning… after all, it wasn't a vision concerning vampire politics, or human riots. Though the state of disarray the room was in my dream still made me uneasy. Was a vampire going to attack me soon?

I sneaked a glance at Alexander as I took a long sip from my orange juice. Was he suspicious? Was I acting suspicious? His blue eyes were carefully watching me, but I couldn't read his expression. It wasn't that strange of him, though. For some time, I'd noticed he's been watching my every move closely- not like he'd be scared I'd do something, but more in a fascinated way. Then, there was the soft kiss on the forehead he gave me, which I couldn't get out of my head.

I felt my cheeks going red again. I have to get him out of this room before I change into a tomato.

"So, uh, how was your night?" I asked, to distract myself from my thoughts, and disperse the awkwardness inside of me. But my question sounded so clumsily said I almost cringed.

"Sleepless as always." He answered casually, tilting his head to the side. "You know something, Lara?"

"Ha?" I said, munching on my breakfast.

"Sometimes I wish I could hear what's going on in your head."

I almost spilled my food. Why did he have to say this right now? Exactly when I didn't want him in my head. Did I give myself away through blushing? Is he suspecting I'm hiding something from him?

He chuckled at my troubled face and leaned forward. "Relax. Your mind is safe. I find it more interesting not knowing what you're thinking, anyway."

I gave him a small, wary smile. "Fine by me." Thank goodness.

I wiped my face with the napkin. "So, uh, any plans for today?" Hopefully making small talk will distract me enough from remembering the way his lips felt all over me and blushing like a stupid tomato.

"Actually, I do have some work to do, so unfortunately, I won't be able to keep you company." He actually looked genuinely disappointed. Nice to know I'm good company.

"Well, I guess I'll just…meditate." I set down the fork on the empty plate. And hope no vampires come in to attack me. And share those pencils, for any eventuality (they are like miniature stakes).

"What a good girl." His voice was almost a purr. His eyes flitted towards my bedside table. "Would you like me to bring you more books to read? Some Bronte maybe?"

"Sounds good. Though I haven't finished the book I'm reading right now."

"Come round to choose another one when you finish, ok?" he smiled and got up. "Let me take this." He took the empty plate and glass from the table. Before I could realize it, a chuckled escaped my lips. He stopped and stared at me, surprised. His confused icy blue gaze met mine and I instantly regretted doing it.


"Sorry it's just that…" I'm so stupid. "The vampire king, cleaning after me…a monarch cleaning after a human girl…"

A grin crept on his face. "Could I stoop lower than this?" He teased.

I giggled as he went towards the doors, gracefully carrying the plate.

"You'd make a great waiter. That could have been your job if the whole king stuff wouldn't have worked." I said as he opened the door.

He laughed. "See you later, Lara."

"Bye." I waited until he closed the door before I could sink my face in the nearest pillow. I can't lie to myself- I'm in love with this vampire, I'm even having vision-wet dreams with him. I might actually openly flirt with him, if he wasn't a vampire, and the king on top of it.

What about Steve though? This thought successfully distracted me from my flustered state and I slowly raised my face from the pillow. That's a question worth thinking of. I've been struggling over the idea that Steve might have been involved in my betrayal, I've pained over the thought that he might be in danger…but if we met, would I still want us to be a couple? Is he in love with me, even after so long? I doubted we could be together, because firstly, I couldn't really see how we could meet, seeing that I'm basically a prisoner here.

I stood on the couch thinking of it, pondering all possibilities, when I heard my door open. I expected Alexander to have returned, or Rusty to come in and annoy me as he usually does, but instead, I turned my gaze towards the door to see…Joshua Wallace, the vampire who attacked me in the dining room.