For FebaForever15, hope this cheers you up :)

Mallory was pacing around his office with a rather perplexed look on his face as M glared at him with a look that could stop running water.

"M, my decision is final. I've been going over the reports from the HR department and you have accumulated a sum total of 3197 hours of unused sick leave and personal time, which amounts to 399 and a half days and at some point you are going to have to take some of it!" he said in a rather agitated tone

"Mr. Mallory, I don't need sick leave as I am rarely sick and as far as personal time..."

"Effective immediately, all personnel are required to use their allotted personal time and that includes you. Now under the circumstances, I cannot have you using all 3197 hours at one time, but I think a week isn't asking too much"

"I don't think you understand. I cannot just go flitting off to parts unknown whenever the spirit moves me, I have responsibilities and..."

"And your staff had proven on more than one occasion that they are perfectly capable of running your department in your absence..."

"That's only because I am never more than phone call away" she snapped

"Well in this case you will be!" he snapped back "I've also just been going over your semi-annual physical results..."

"And I am in perfect health" she said defensively

"Yes, your temperature is normal, you weight is normal and your reflexes are normal, however, your blood pressure...not so much" he retorted "Now either you agree to take some time off or I..."

"Or you'll what?" she asked sharply

"I will force you to take the time off, and I guarantee that if I have to force you to go, you will not enjoy my choice for a holiday destination!"

"Good luck with that" she said coolly as she stood up and stormed out of the office.

"You just think about what I said M" he called after her "I'm serious, either you choose a destination soon or I will"

"Is there a problem Sir?" asked Mallory's secretary with a rather bewildered look on her face

"No...No problem, just stubborn people" he snapped "Would you please contact Commander Bond and ask him to come to my office as soon as possible, I have a feeling that I'm going to need his assistance with this situation"

A few hours later, James sat in Mallory's office shaking his head in disbelief.

"399 and 1/2 days...are you sure?"

"That's just what she's accumulated so far, she is due to receive another 8 weeks time next month" he said in a disgusted tone

" Well, I can understand your problem, but as far as getting her to actually leave and have no contact with her staff, you would have better luck teaching a pig to walk on stilts" he said with a laugh

"That's where you come in. I will take care of getting her to her destination, one that will be completely without the advantage of technology, and you're job is to keep her there"

"Oh great, piss her off and then leave her for me to deal with, how exactly is this fair to me?"

"There is nothing in your job description that says it is to be fair, so go and pack your bags and remember no technology"

"Just where are we going? If I may ask?"

"You may, however it is my prerogative to keep the location a secret, even from you. I will have a driver pick you up. You will be waiting when she arrives and should she ask, all you were told is that your mission is to keep an eye on a difficult target"

"So let me get this straight, you're going to kidnap her, for lack of a better word, and then you want me to lie to her?"

"Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but yes"

"I'm sorry Mr. Mallory, but I simply will not lie to her"

"Then tell her whatever you want, just keep her there, understand?"

"Do I have a choice?"


"Well, since you put it that way, it will be my pleasure to babysit M for a few days" replied James as he rose to leave

"Just see to it that she relaxes a bit. I don't mean to alarm you, but her blood pressure has been a bit high lately and it is in her own best interest that she goes along with this as peacefully as possible"

"Is it that serious?"

"Not yet, but it could become a problem if we don't address it here and now, so you see, I'm not just being a bloody pain in the arse, I really do care about her"

"Enough said. Leave it to me, I'll see to it that she relaxes one way or the other"

"Thanks Bond, I knew I could count on you"

"No, what you actually mean to say is that I am the one agent she can't intimidate"

"Well, that too" replied Mallory with a laugh

"One thing, How will I get in touch with you should there be a problem?"

"My driver will have a set of instructions for you, should the need arise"

"You've thought of everything. Have you ever considered becoming a travel agent?"

"Very funny Bond. I'll be in touch"

As James left Mallory's office, the same thought kept running thru his head.

"This isn't going to end well"