A/N Chapters 1 2 and 3 were accidentally deleted before I posted chap 65, so the numbers will be messed up. I reposting the first three chapter.

Helena walked into the local bar after a long day of working out the engineering mess for the new interstate highway interchange, dressed in her favorite pair of blue jeans - Levi's 501 button fly, a gray tee with a long sleeved light blue shirt, left unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up, and those dreaded black steel-toed boots she hated.

All Helena wanted to do right now was blow off some steam and have a few cold ones. She waved two long, slender fingers at Delaina, the local bartender she had befriended since moving to this sleepy beachside town.

Delaina grabbed the bottles of Harps and Guinness and a cold pint glass, setting them down along with a rock glass. Helena poured out the beers for her perfect 'half and half'. A frown crossed her lips as she saw the last of the Jameson's being poured into her rock glass.

"No worries, I have another bottle, just hang on, no frowns, its happy hour." Delaina said with a smile as she made her way to the back storage room.

A sigh was heard that made Helena turn her head. A young, curly-haired brunette woman, dressed in a black power suit, plum colored button-up blouse, spoke up.

"That's a good thing that she has more, I was worried there was none left."

Helena smiled at the woman as they both watched the bartender open the bottle. Helena covered her now empty rock glass with her hand.

"It's good luck to have the first pour from the bottle," she smiled and nodded to the woman on the other end of the bar, "Ladies first."

Myka smiled as the bartender poured the amber liquid into her glass and then into Helena's. Nodding her head, she saluted "cheers" as they both raised their glasses to one another.

Sliding over to the empty bar stool next to the older woman, "Myka," the suited woman said as she held her hand out to shake Helena's.

"A most lovely name it is. I am Helena."

When their hands touched, their eyes both averted each other but even a blind man could see the sparks fly between them as soft skin was pressed together.

As the two women sipped their libations, each took turns buying round after round, oblivious to the other patrons filing in and out of the bar, soft rock music playing over the 50's style jukebox, someone insisting on playing 'their' favorite song. They chatted about everything and nothing at all, getting to know what the other did, their likes and dislikes and the state of affairs ongoing in the world.

Helena watched as the younger woman headed to the bathroom, excusing herself with a slight blush to her cheeks.

Helena smiled to herself as she watched the younger woman make her way to the facilities, shaking her head she mumbled to herself 'take it easy old girl.'

After ordering another round for the two of them, the older woman made her way to the bathroom, washing her hands and trying to remove the remainder of the day from her face. She looked up as the stall door opened, mahogany eyes met emerald green.

The last coherent thing Helena remembered was pushing Myka back into the small stall.

Lips crashed together as the door was clicked shut. A tongue ran along kiss-reddened lips, begging for entrance.

A firm jean-clad thigh pressed between long legs, hands fumbled at soft cotton shirts, moans groaned out soft pleas as lips kissed, teeth nipping at tender skin.

"Hey ladies, your drinks are getting warm."