Chapter 71

A/N Sorry for the long delay.

"Harvest moon" the accented words echoing in a low pitch. The words causing a panicked hush by the crickets who, just seconds ago, were providing a soft symphony to the lunar gazer.

Helena had stopped her journey up the botanical, red brick walkway, her head leaning back, eyes half closed as she stared at the moon. The cool summer breeze had slowly calmed the heated cheeks that were flush from a late afternoon meeting. The harsh sting of verbal debates over time frames and deadlines had been lulled into faint background noise by the late evening's choir.

The sudden quiet propelled her forward, locking the front door; Helena took time and extra care not to disturb the stillness of their home. She knew from the tone of her wife's voice from an earlier call that evening; 'I understand you having to work late,' Myka sighed into the phone. 'But it does not mean I have to like the idea of going to bed alone,''

Long work hours and little to no time spent with her family was beginning to take its toll. Her eyes down cast, a dark frame of black curtains covering her face as she took each rung one step at a time. Her hand clenching on the wood rail as she remembered the echo of their baby girls gurgling in the background as she spoke to Myka earlier that night.

Helena folded her arms across her chest, ignoring the harsh dig of the door frame pressing between her shoulder blades as she leaned against the ornate door casing of the locked room they had now embraced as their safe place from the world.

Helena caught her breath at the slight hitch and gasp from those bee stung lips.

"My kingdom for a flash of green," she muttered to herself. Her fingers unbuttoning her pale blue shirt of their own accord. Her mind snapping to the here and now, not wanting to wake the sleeping beauty as she toed off those 'damn' black, steel-toed boots she wore every day on the job site.

Helena's eyes followed the relaxing smile on Myka's face as the younger was encased in deep slumber.

"Morpheus be damned," Helena whispered to herself as she took extra care with each release of brass buttons from those 'damn button-fly's' Myka had cursed so many times before. Her love for the snug confines of the old, worn blue jeans notwithstanding.

Their child had been nursed into comfortable oblivion from those 'Boobies of a meal'. Helena never living down her ass half remark that day at the breakfast table as Myka nursed their child.

"Jealous?" Myka half joked as she placed their baby back into her bassinet. The faint amusement glinting in her eyes faded as her fingers buttoning up her lime colored blouse. Myka, her mind ticking away the minutes till she needed to leave before nursing Beth, knowing Helena was needed for that dusk before dawn meeting with DOT and her own on line meeting with Scotland yard for a profile.

Myka had projected the rush for the door at the last minute by Helena earlier that morning, having laid out the black steel-toed boots and Helena's blue prints near the foyer of their house. True that Beth was breast feeding less and less and was slowly moving into the Gerber phase; "Save some for Beth," Myka had remarked as she reached for the jar of baby food.

"Oi!" Helena said as she put the jar down on the counter in their kitchen that one morning. "I will have you know that nothing shall pass our child's lips before they receive my stamp of approval," Helena then leaning back, slowly pulling the small spoon between her lips, her teeth then catching the tip of the spoon after catching the quick flash of green and crimson blush.

"I am not reacting to that," Myka was saying, trying in vain to hide the warmth stirring inside her, weeks of long work hours and no intimate time was wearing thin on Myka's increasing libido.

"And how is that working out for you, love?" Helena catching her tongue just after the words slipped out.

The growing frustration of the 'no touch zone' when Myka had waved her hands over her enlarged chest before the birth caused mixed emotions in the Brit. She had never fancied herself as a 'breast' woman, opting towards 'legs for days'. But being restricted had increased her desire, thus leading to many a night chastising herself for behaving as a petulant child denied her favorite toy. She had lain in bed, her eyes drinking in the rise and fall with each breath, nipples just a faint tease under the oversized cotton Tee's Myka wore each night.

Her halfhearted smirk faded from her lips as she set the baby spoon down, her fingers tracing over the ornate silver etching gifted to her and Myka for Beth's first birthday, her eyes glossing as she felt the raised letters of her family crest on the handle; "Stop blathering on," Helena hearing her brother's voice in the background as she spoke to her sister-in-law later that night. "I, for the life of me, am amazed that you two survived adolescent without maiming one another. Anyhoo Helena, the family heirloom is now passed on to you and your family."

Helena squeezed her eyes a bit tighter, trying to erase those thoughts, knowing she needed her mind to start to unwind if there was any chance of catching a few hours reprieve.

"Goodnight, my love." her lips brushing at the soft, fine hairs at the nape of Myka's neck as she thought back to phone call.


"I understand Doctor Fredric, yes. I shall inform my better half to the dire situation." Helena holding her hand up to her mouth, trying to choke back the tears of the news she had received from the caring, albeit non emotional doctor.

Helena turned as she clicked off her cell phone, her left hand pressing against her chest as she spun around, the loving site of her daughter laid to rest against the sternum of her love as they both slumbered on their couch,

'God help us' she muttered as she placed her phone back into the charger.

"Another child!" Myka's voice causing a deep shutter to the woman standing next to her.

"My love, as I explained from Dr. Frederic , and I quote 'your last two eggs are nearing their expiration' unquote," Helena turning as she picked up their daughter, the soft cooing against her neck was a soothing balm to all the drama from the day.

"You know how I feel about kids, how women do not have to bear a child to feel …" Helena handing her daughter over to waiting arms, following them both up the stairs to the nursery as Myka ranted.

"Yes, darling." Helena speaking as she followed close behind up the stairs, the soft to and fro of her wife's perfect derriere up the rungs, caused small misfires to what few brain cells not being held in a limbo prison of lust.

"Yes, it is so clear to anyone with perfect 20/20 vision that you abhor children." Helena crossing her arms over her very visible desire straining against her blue button up as she leaned against the door jamb to the nursery.

"Dam …" Myka halting her words, then clearing her throat, determined to refrain from using curse words in front of Beth, then giving extra care to tuck the small blanket under their daughter's chin.

"Darn Skippy I can't stand rug rats," her voice fading with each word as her fingers lightly traced over the handmade baby blanket her Mother had sent her years ago along with that note still tucked between the pages of 'Joys of Motherhood'.

'Hoping you one day feel the same joy I felt when you and Tracy entered our lives' Myka sighing with an eye roll from her mother's note so many years ago.

"Babe," Myka was saying as she turned. "We both chose careers over the guzzie norm of a Rockwell family."

"I feel a 'but' coming on." Helena sighed into the soft curve of her wife's neck as she wrapped her arms around the slim, post-birth waist Myka was so proud of. That with many hours of sit-ups spent every morning since the birth of their child.

"Maybe a small time out when Liam arrives?" Helena saying, her brow matching the furrow of confusion that crossed Myka's forehead in tandem.

"My work truck is in dire need of a wash," Helena letting the salacious grin spread across her lips as Myka's hemming and narrowing eyes steadied a bead on her.

"I have let the 'second' child issues lay dormant for good reason but please …" Myka was pushing away and out Helena's embrace, then spinning around, her long fingers gripping just at the base of her wife's throat.

It was all Helena could do to not cry out in lust as she let her wife push her against the hallway wall just outside of their baby's room. "Or we could do this" Helena was saying as she felt the firm muscles of her wife's forearm under her hands.

"13 months and twenty-two days, " the hot rush of heated breath against Helena's neck caused a cascade of events: her thigh shot between Myka's long legs, eliciting a groan escaping bee stung lips pressed against her throat.

"And?" the word just an utterance as Helena's eyes rolled back in her head from the invasion of fingers between her wet lips.

"Let me and I will let you wash my car," Myka's words coming in rushed, heated skips against the nape of Helena's neck as she pressed her body and fingers forward.

"Blackmail …" came out as a shudder from Helena's lips, her fingers digging into the thickness of Myka's shoulders caused a hiss and jerk from the younger woman.

"Extortion, babe." Myka's words labored almost as much as her wrist to find that just perfect angle as she plunged deeper.

"Fuck …" Helena hissed as her knees buckled, her hips thrusting as she completely ignored the harsh pain as her head thumped against the wall. She would later plaster a smile on her face as she plastered the dent in the drywall.

But that is for another time.
