A/N: So, I recently began writing a prequel/sequel to UTL (you can read it on FF. It's called Nearly Witches. It has had horrible response, but should be something that UTL fans really like). It focuses on Rin's relationship with Nitori/how it fails, and as a result, has some bonus RinHaruka stuff, like how they get together. There are two non-canon features of Nearly Witches, and I wrote one of the canon versions below. Namely, how Rin first starts using drugs.

I think the next thing I'm going to post is going to be a Reigisa sex scene. Not sure. I've been thinking a lot about Haruka and Makoto's time in Europe, so I'm thinking about going more into that.


Rin groaned. It hurt, everything hurt. His Mom had been pissed at him, and he knew that this was what was going to happen, but he had moved back anyway. And yet, he found that the pain he felt was insurmountable. He had forgotten what living at home had been like. He couldn't handle it. He couldn't talk to Haruka. Haruka would think he was weak, he never showed that side of himself to Haruka. He never wanted Haruka to know that side existed. He definitely didn't want Haruka to know about what his mom did. He couldn't talk to his sister, because it only upset her. He sighed. He was laying on his back. There was practically no one for him to talk to. He was alone and he was in pain.

Finally, it hit him. He dialed the number.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I...Nitori, she…" his voice drifted off. He didn't like sounding this weak to anyone, but at least Nitori was familiar with the situation.

His voice changed, "What happened?"

"The usual, and it's fine, I just...god it hurts."

"Okay. I'm going to tell you what I want you to do. I want you to go find her stash, Rin, I want you to find it and I want you to take some of it. Not too much, but you'll feel a lot better if you kill some of the pain."

Rin groaned, "I-I can't. I can't do that to my body. If I do, I'll never be able to -"

"Stop thinking about your little competition with Haruka for one freaking second and take care of yourself. If you don't do this Rin, you're going to have to go to the hospital, and which do you think is going to be worse?"

Rin sighed, "Fine."

He went into his Mom's room. He hadn't been in there in awhile and he was a bit scared to do so. Nitori stayed on the phone with him while he searched. He was careful to put everything back where it had been. He didn't want her to know that he had been in there. Finally, he found a bag full of pills, "I think I found something."

"Send me a photo."

Rin obeyed.

"That's Molly. That'll do, Rin. Take one of them. You only need to take one, Rin, so only take one," Nitori said gently.

Rin sighed, he wasn't sure if he should do this. He didn't want to do this, he wanted to protect his body. It was one thing to get drunk with Nitori and have fun, but drugs were a whole different game. His body ached though. Finally, he slipped the pill in his mouth. He didn't listen to Nitori, who warned him to only take one. His body, his heart, it all hurt too much, and so, he bumped two.

He stashed the bag back where he had found it, and Nitori told him to just go lay on his bed and listen to music, "Rin, you should really consider coming back here."

Rin sighed. He didn't say anything, but he knew he'd pay a visit to Nitori that weekend. By the time he got back to his bed, Rin was already feeling better. He felt more connected. He felt good. He felt euphoric. He laid on his bed listening to music and relaxing.

He didn't even notice when his Mom came home. Nor did he care, when she found out that he had taken part of her stash. He called her a bitch, and he felt too damn high to care or to feel what happened. And for once, he felt like he had control over his life.

But, at the end of the night, he realized he had none, and she made sure it stayed that way.