(A/N this is a sequel to my story Vengeance. It picks up where the other story let off so you kinda need to read that to understand what is going on in this story. I hope you enjoy the Tony emotional whump. Also I had a wonderful lady agree to be my Beta and if she is reading this could she PM me her info again. I had too long of a vacation and lost a lot of stuff on my computer. Thank you . Enjoy.)

Gibbs opened his eyes and tried to shake the fog of sleep out of his head. He looked down at Tony who was still snuggled up against his chest and he smiled. He looked at the young man and felt an overwhelming love and appreciation for his child that he almost lost multiple times.

Then he remembered that the team was here celebrating and he looked around the house for them and there was nothing. The house had been picked up and the food that people brought was neatly stored away. Gibbs then noticed a small note on the table beside him.

He took his free hand and picked up the note;

My Silver Fox,

You and Tony were sleeping so peacefully we didn't have the heart to wake you up. We picked up everything and the fridge is now stocked with lots of yummy food. We will be by after work tomorrow/today to check on you two. We love you both so much. Take care of our boy.

Love Abby

Gibbs smiled at the note and placed it beside him and began to wake Tony up to take give him his medicine and put him to bed. He began to thread his fingers through the sandy brown hair of his SFA and slowly Tony began to stir, he realized he had fallen asleep on Gibbs lap and sat up red with embarrassment.

The first words out of his mouth were, "God Gibbs, I am so sorry Boss".

Gibbs chuckled, "Tony, I loved having you sleep in my arms, it was the first peaceful sleep either of us have had for weeks. There is nothing to be sorry about to you hear me? You can fall asleep on my lap anytime you want to. That's what Fathers are for."

Tony smiled, "Fathers, I am still getting used to what a good Dad does. My old man never even hugged me growing up."

Gibbs smiled a sad smile, well you better get used to a more hands on Dad because I am going to hug you and let you know exactly how much you are loved every day. You got it!"

Tony didn't say a thing he just leaned in and gave Gibbs another one-handed hug.

Gibbs hugged the young man back then pulled away, "I better get you in bed and give you your medicine before we turn into some freaking lifetime movie here. You have PT first thing in the morning. They want to start strengthening that left side so we can get you beck on your feet again."

Tony got a quiet sad look on his face, "Yeah I guess we better hit the rack."

Gibbs noticing the change in mood put his finger under Tony's chin and directed his face to look into his blue eyes. "Listen to me son, I know that this is going to be a tough journey for you but you aren't going to be alone for one minute of the journey."

The next morning the physical therapist came at 0800 and began to work with Tony and Gibbs for their two-hour session. The thereapist put Tony through a broad spectrum of exercises. He was having more trouble that he thought he would have doing some of the simplest tasks. Gibbs could tell that he was getting really frustrated. He tried to encourage him but he could tell Tony was about to loose it. The PT asked Tony to hold a small weight in his left hand and he couldn't close his grasp enough so the weight fell out of his hands and hit Tony square on the small toe of his bare feet. Tony mumbled angrily, "Son of a Bitch."

Gibbs looked at the PT and managed to silently get across to him that Tony had enough. The PT picked up the weight and patted Tony's leg and encouraged him, "This was a great first session Tony. I am excited to see how much mobility you will get back. I will see you tomorrow okay."

Tony shook his head yes without making eye contact with the man. Gibbs walked the PT to the door thanking him. Before he left he told Gibbs, "I know he doesn't see it now but he is doing really well. A lot of people who have a stroke like his are in a lot worse shape then he is. He should count his blessings that he is as good as he is."

Gibbs saw red for a moment, "You are talking about a man who a month ago was one of the best federal agents in the business, he could out run you, out shoot you and out everthing you. Now because of some crazy whacked out terrorist group that once proud agent cant even manage to hold himself to go pee without help. He has every right to be upset and either you realize that and patiently help him work through it or don't bother coming back."

The man left in a huff. Gibbs new then that he will be meeting a new PT in the morning and that was fine with him. He went back into the living room to check on Tony and what he saw broke his heart. Tony was curled up on the couch with his back toward Gibbs and even though he was trying to hide it in the pillow Gibbs could still hear the muffled sounds of sobbing.

Gibbs sat on the coffee table in front of Tony and began to softly rub circles into his back, "SHHH, it is okay Tony, it was only your first session. It will get easier. I am so proud of you Son you are doing so well I will have you back in the office in no time. Lets see that toe now."

He reached down to help Tony sit up and then he pulled his foot into his lap. Gibbs whistled, "Geez Tony, that stupid weight must have hit just right. I think you might have broken your toe or toes."

Tony rolled his eyes and tried to stifle his crying. Gibbs wiped his tears with a tissue from the table and told Tony lets get you to the head and then get you in bed and while you nap I will call Ducky and have him come check on your toe."

Tony didn't say a word he just raised his arms so Gibbs could pull him into the seat of the waiting walker. After the bathroom and some water and medicine Gibbs tucked Tony into the bed for a nap. Gibbs straightened up to leave when a loose grasp grabbed his forearm he looked down into a pair of haunted green eyes.

The look on Tony's face scared him. He sat next to Tony on the bed and rubbed the side of his face, "You okay Son?"

Tony just smiled at the sound of Gibbs calling him son and then said, "I just wanted to thank you for loving me, I am not your flesh and blood you chose to love me and I just want you to know that I chose to love you back, I wish you could have been my Daddy growing up."

In a desperate attempt to lighten the mood Gibbs chuckled, "You as a precocious child, I bet you kept your Nannies hoping."

Tony smiled, and said, "Know that no matter what I love you Dad." And then he turned over and pretended to sleep.

Gibbs leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of his head and then left out of the room to call Ducky.

Ducky had knocked on the door about a half an hour later. Gibbs answered, "Ducky thank you for coming so quickly, I am really worried about Tony, I think he broke his toe during PT this morning but I think that is the least of his issues. I think he is depressed Duck and I don't mean drink a bottle of scotch depressed I mean eat your own gun depressed. I don't know what to do Duck."

Ducky patted his friend's arm; "It is not uncommon for someone in Anthony's position to become suicidal. Let me go and check on him and we will see what is going on."

Before they could move a gunshot went off. Gibbs took off running toward Tony's room. What he saw made his heart shatter into a million pieces, Tony was lying in a pool of blood that was gushing from a bullet would in his head and the gun was still frozen in his right hand.

Gibbs couldn't even move, Ducky ran to Tony's side and checked for a pulse and thankfully found one. He turned to Gibbs and said, "Call an ambulance NOW"