
Magical Girls VS Normal Girls. An Educational Talk by Akemi Homura

"Let me show you the cons and cons of a magical girl. However, you can enjoy life if you are a normal girl. Here's the slides."

Magical Girls

You will die by the age 16. No matter what, you will die.

Normal Girls

You can live more than the age of 16. Unless you got hit by a truck by that's not my fault who cares.


Magical Girls

You will still have to fight witches even though you are in pain the first day you menstruate. And you might stain your costume and you only have one set. Anime world only have one set of clothes and you don't wash it.

Normal Girls.

You can lie on the bed and rot no one cares.


Magical Girls

You can't get a boyfriend because you wont have time for that. But if you have one, your boyfriend would think you are cheating on him when you spent so much time witch hunting. And then he cheats on you then he pregnant your best friend then you have to settle a law suit, it's very troublesome.

Normal Girls

You can spent all the time slapping the bitch that stole your boyfriend.


Magical Girls

The 14 or 15 years of your life where you were forced to study because of law is pointless.

Normal Girls

You can grow up and become a cleaner and earn some money instead of being dead.


Magical Girls

Somehow, penis won't be in your life anymore

Normal Girls

Penis forever.


Magical Girls

Your wish actually relates to your power so if you wish for big boobs it's over. Really. Your whole life is over like what's the point.

Normal Girls

Your birthday wish will not be fulfilled because no one cares but it's better because normal girls always wish for more Yaoi and it has to stop.


Magical Girls

You have to be skinny because like I mention, you only have one set of clothes

Normal Girls

You can get fat and no one cares because you won't even have a second of screen time in this show and that would be great.


Magical Girls

Virgin and dead.

Normal Girls.

You can sign up for the show "Mother at 17" at the counter just beside this lecture hall.


Magical Girls

You will cry all night filled with regrets for your friend and your life.

Normal Girls.

You will cry all night filled with regret because you ate the last slice of pizza and gained 2kg.


Magical Girls

If your hair and eyes are blackish brown, yucky yellow, vomit green or some ugly color... It's over. You can't even choose anymore.

Normal Girls

Rainbow hair and no one cares


"Stop wishing.

Stop the hurt.

Stop Kyubey.

No Magical Girls.

Thank you and have a nice day."