Hey! Well, this is the last chapter. daddysgirl11 was the only one who got the answer to the question "Why was there 18 songs in each album?". It was because they're eighteen in total: Ally, Austin, Amanda, Andrew, Adam, Kira, Elliot, Eric, Brooke, Ethan, David, Cassidy, Dallas, Melody, Trish, Dez, Becca, and Bella. Lilyfanficlover was close to get it, but didn't get the count right :(

This is the last chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

Sorry it took a long time posting this, but I was busy with My Boyfriend's A Superstar, and writing my three-shot, which will be posted as soon as I finish it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Austin & Ally, or anything else you might recognize in this story.

Enjoy! :)

No one's P.O.V.

"Home, sweet home!" Austin shouts as the Moon family step in their house for the first time in a whole year. Ally giggles at her husband's behavior while the three kids roll their eyes.

"I agree. Now, go unpack, you kids have school, tomorrow." Ally tells the kids, earning groans in response.

"Mom! We just got home!" Amanda whines.

"So, you want to sleep surrounded by bags, tonight?" Ally raises an eyebrow.

At the thought, Amanda's eyes grow wide. "Second thoughts, I'll go unpack." She says and rushes upstairs with her first suitcase out of three.

"Boys." Ally gives the twins warning looks.

They both groan. "Fine." They both grab their first suitcase out of two and manage to get them upstairs.

"Alls, you need to relax! We just got home. Let them sleep, they'll unpack later." Austin tells his wife once the kids are out of sight.

"Austin, you know I hate it when stuff isn't in their places. It'll only take them, like... fifteen minutes max. Then, they'll be able to go to sleep, and everybody will be happy."

"I know you hate that, but you need to relax! Stop worrying. We just got back. I'm exhausted, and I'm sure as hell that you're too. So, we'll go take a nap, then we'll just order take-out for tonight. The kids may have school tomorrow, but we have all day to unpack. You know Jimmy gave us a two weeks break to relax. Now, come on, we'll go sleep."


"No!" Austin cuts her off. "No protests. Just do what I say. I'm the expert of relaxing."

She sighs. "Fine. But only an hour."

He groans. "Alls, it's two o'clock. We don't have anything to do except take a shower in hot water and eat dinner."

"Yes, I believe we do have something to do. We have to clean the house, order dinner, make the kids shower, double-check if the kids have everything for school tomorrow, cal-"

"Ally! Seriously, stop stressing! We don't need a schedule. Now, come on. We'll go in our room, take a nice nap on a real bed without feeling each bumps on the road, 'cause we're home. Alright? Relax." Austin says as he leads her to their room. They both climb on their bed and let out a sigh of happiness. "See? This is-"

Austin gets cut off by Amanda's voice. "DAD! DREW WON'T GIVE ME MY HAIRBRUSH BACK!"


The next day...

Austin's P.O.V.

We just finished unpacking. We don't need to worry about cleaning 'cause we have a maid to do that. The kids are at school, and should be back in about 30 minutes.

"Hey, Aus?" Ally asks me, breaking the silence.

"What's up?"

"Come with me." She doesn't let me respond and grabs my hand, dragging me out of the house. Well, after locking it, of course. She starts the car without saying a word.

"Alls, where are we going?" I break the silence.

"You'll see." She says, a small smirk appearing on her face.

"Should I be worried?"

She shrugs. "Maybe."


"Relax, I'm joking! Don't worry, I'm not going to prank you, or anything."

"I was more thinking about murder, but that's good too."

"I wouldn't murder you. I love you too much for that."

"Alls, you know the kids should be back in 25 minutes?"

"Don't worry, we'll be back in time." We stay silent until she parks in a parking lot. "We're here."

"Why are we at the auditorium?"

"You don't remember this place?"

Confused, I look around. Suddenly, it clicks. "Our high school." I say in shock.

She nods. "Yup. You don't remember? They changed it in a hang out spot for the teenagers when we were 22."

"And they moved the school closer to the park." I finish and she nods.


"But that doesn't answer my question. What are we doing here?"

"Follow me." She says, grabbing my hand. We walk around for a bit, until she sits down under an old looking tree. I look at her, still confused. "Do you remember that tree?" She asks me, seeing the expression on my face.

I look around, trying to remember. Then it hits me. "We got together here."

She nods. "Seems like forever, right?"

I nod. "Yeah... Yet, it seems like yesterday."

Se nods and pats the spot next to her. I do as she silently asks and grab her, making her sit between my legs.

"Much more peaceful than it was back in high school." She states.

"Well, I did go here to be in a peaceful place, but I guess it is a bit more peaceful than it was, back then." I agree.

"Everything that happened, here... You confessing your love for me... Me confessing back... Us getting together... Crashing here instead of going to the prom..."

"And me asking you to marry me." I finish.

"Yeah." She nods.

Ally's P.O.V.

"But still, that doesn't answer my question. Why did you bring me here?" He asks me.

I turn around to face him. "Austin, we agreed on no more tour, right?"

"Right. Well, only small ones. Not bigger than three months. Why?"

I take a deep breath and turn around, bitting my bottom lip. Here goes nothing. "What would you think of having another baby at home?"

"Umm... It'd be cool, wh-?" He stops talking. Something must have clicked in his mind. "Your pregnant." He states.

I nod. "We're having another baby." He stays silent for a bit and I turn around again, worried out of my mind by his silent. "Austin?"

Suddenly, he breaks into a grin. "WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!" He shouts happily and hugs me tightly. "How long did you know?"

"Since a week. I'm two weeks along."

"That's great! We're going to have a fourth kid! It's awesome!" He exclaims, smiling from ear to ear.

"Well, I'm glad you're happy. Now, come on, the kids should be back in any minute." I tell him, beginning to stand up. He pulls me back by the hand.

"We still have a few minutes." He says and crashes his lips against mine. I smile into the kiss, making him smile too. Before things get too heated I pull back.

"Come on, the kids are going to be worried if they get home and we're not there." I tell him and stand up. He groans but doesn't protest, following my lead.

When we get home, the kids aren't arrived yet (thankfully). Austin and I sit on the couch and turn the TV on, just as a door is slammed, followed by a loud groan. Austin and I share a confused look, before getting up and go to the front door.

"Ams, calm down! He's cool, you just need to get used to him!" Drew exclaims.

"I can't get used to him! He's a fucking asshole!" She shouts at him.

"Amanda, language!" Austin snaps.

"I don't care! You were talking like that when you were the twins' age! Stop treating me like a fucking baby!" She shouts at him.

"Amanda, don't talk to your dad like that!" I tell her. "Now, calm down and tell us what's going on."

She lets out an annoyed groan. "There's a new kid at school. Logan." She spits out hin name in pure disgust. "He thinks he's all that with his 'amazing voice and dancing skills'." She says, using air-quotes. "He's just a cocky, self-centered asshole! And he had the guts to tell me I was a bitch! Me!"

"Ams, he's not that bad. You just met him the wrong way. Come on, just give him a chance." Adam protests.

"No! He wants the war, he'll have the war." She tells him.

Austin and I share a look. Why does that reminds me of something? Maybe Haters & Lovers will have their next generation...

That, only time knows.

The end! How did you like this chapter? I wasn't sure how to end it but the 'Logan' part was in my mind from the beginning, so I had to write it down.

Well, that's it. I'll see you on My Boyfriend's A Superstar (hopefully). Also, look out for my three-shot Third Row. I'll do my best to post it in less than three weeks.

Until next time,

R5AAFan :)