Chapter 2: Birds of Prey.

Jack: 4000/Crow: 4000. "I'll start!" Cried Jack. "Draw!" Jack placed the card in his hand and briefly looked at his hand. Crow is bound to pull out a couple of combos in this duel. So, I'll have to play smart, thought Jack. "I set two cards face down, and then I normal summon Mad Archfiend in attack mode!" A demon like clown appeared on the field. Mad Archfiend 1800/0. "Turn end!" Cried Jack.

"That's it huh, two face downs and a clown, looks like your last loss to Yusei has caused some major brain damage!" Cried Crow as he drew a card. Jack gave Crow the death stare. Crow looked down at his hand and smiled. So many ways to pluck Jack's feathers, might as well go with the most fun method, thought Crow. "I summon Black-Wing Gladius the midnight sun in attack mode!" Black-Wing

Gladius the midnight sun 800/1500. "Battle phase!" Cried Crow. "Gladius attack Mad Archfiend!"

"Mad Archfiend counter attack with Bone Splash!" Cried Jack as his monster spat pieces of bone at Crow's monster destroying it. Crow: 3000. "What was the point of that Crow? Asked Jack. Crow looked up with a wide grin n his face. "What are you smiling about?" Asked Jack.

"Oh nothing," replied Crow. "Except for the fact that I'm activating the quick play spell Fallen Descendant! Since I lost a monster in battle and I lost more than 500 life points, I can discard a monster from my hand. And the total combine level of my two lost monsters this turn allows me to special summon a monster with an equal level!" Jack gasped as Crow discarded a level five monster from his hand. The total combine of his monsters were 8, so Crow can summon a level eight monster. "Ready Jack, I special summon Black-Wing Blade Splicer!" Black-Wing Blade Splicer 2500/2500. No matter, as long as I have these two cards face down I'm untouchable, thought Jack. "I activate Blade Splicers special ability!" Cried Crow. "On the turn this bad boy is summoned, it destroys all of your face down cards! Say goodbye to your traps!" Two knives flew from Crow's monster and pierced Jack's two face down cards. "Now Blade Splicer attack Jack's clown with blade ascension!" Jacks monster exploded as ten knives struck it. Jack stumbled back slightly as his life points lowered. Jack: 3300. "I activate the spell, Card of Sanctity. Now we each draw until we have six cards in our hands," declared Crow. Jack drew 3 cards while Crow drew 4. "Turn end," said Crow.

"Then it's my move!" cried Jack as he drew a card and added it to his hand. "I summon the tuner monster Dark Resonator in attack mode! Dark Resonator 1300/300. "Next I activate the spell card Double Summon, this turn I can now normal summon again! Cried Jack. "I normal summon Level Jumper in attack mode!" Level Jumper 500/1000. "I activate Level Jumpers effect!" Cried jack. "Yu see right now he's only level 2, but he can increase his level by the amount of my other monster, so I raise his level to five! Now I tune my two monsters together to synchro summon Drake Knight Duos!" Drake Knight Duos 2800/2000. A yellow winged swordsman appeared on the field. "Now Duos attack that little birdy with aqua sword slash!" Cried Jack as Duos slammed its sword into Blade Splicer. Crow: 2700. "And thanks to Duos' ability he gains 200 attack points whenever he destroys a monster!" Declared Jack. Duos 3000/2000. "I set one card face down, turn end."

"My move!" Cried Crow as he drew a card. "I activate the spell dark hole, which means all monsters are destroyed!" Cried Crow in triumphant as he activated the spell. A dark spiral surrounded the field and began to suck in Jack's monster.

"Not so fast!" Cried Jack as he activated his face down trap. "I activate the trap New Stand, Duos is protected from destruction once this turn! Duos reappeared from the dark spiral. Crow didn't seem effected by Jack's move at all.

"Now I summon Black-Wing Dusk Crow in attack mode!" Cried Crow as he summoned a small fury black bird holding two pistols. Black-Wing Dusk Crow 1300/2000. "Now I activate this little guys effect, by discarding a synchro monster I can destroy a one of your monsters as long as my monster had a higher or equal level to yours!" Cried Crow as he discarded his level 8 Black-Winged Dragon to the graveyard. "And I think I'll add an attack as well!" Jack watched in horror as Crow's monster shot two bullets, one from each pistol. One collided with his monster, which then shattered into pieces, while the other bullet shot into his chest. Jack stumbled back and clutched his chest as his life points lowered. Jack: 2000. "I set one card face down and end my turn, said Crow as he set a card."

"Draw!" Shouted Jack as he completed his draw phase. "I summon twin shields man in defense mode and I set one card face down, turn end." A man wielding two shields appeared on the field. Twin Shields Man 0/0.

That all huh," said Crow as he drew a card. "I summon Black-Wing Kris the Crack of Dawn in attack mode!" A bird wearing a mask appeared on the field. "No I tune them together to synchro summon Black-Wing Tamer Hawk Joe!" A half Indian half bird appeared on the field. Black-Wing Tamer Hawk Joe 2600/2000. "Attack his monster with Assault Claw. Jack's monster exploded into five pieces and Crow smirked. "Now what?" Spat Crow. Jack didn't reply but looked up at Crow with a wide grin on his face.

Authors note:

Thank you for your review Mystical Aquafina. Sorry but Akiza won't make an appearance until later in the story. But don't worry, once she does, she'll play a big part in it. Also, some of the cards here are ones I've made up.