I really need to get back to writing. It's been a long time since I last wrote a fan fiction Life has been kind of hectic. But I'm back and here to write another fanfic.

This time, I am working in collaboration with PartyTimeEmo. So basically, the credits don't belong entirely to me. We both are going to write this fanfic together. Thanks for working with me PartyTimeEmo!

Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon. I bet we all wish we did.

Without further ado, let's get to the story.

Chapter 1

It was raining.

Thunder clashed in the sky and the water poured down in endless showers. I walked along the streets of the Hearthome city, my soft paws plodding noiselessly on the streets. It was cold. The wind was blowing fiercely. The people walking along were wearing thick coats and carrying umbrellas.

But none of it mattered to me. Why? Because I couldn't feel anything. That's right I couldn't feel the soft pitter patter of rain on my face, or the hard ground beneath my feet, or the wind on my face. I was dead.

I was nothing but a walking spirit of a Pikachu. I could see people walking around me. But I was invisible to them. They couldn't see me, let alone offer me a place to stay or try to catch me. Some of them even walked through me like I wasn't there at all. But then again, to them, I really wasn't there. To them, it was just another turn in the street. No big deal.

I remember the first time it happened. That was way back in Eterna city, almost two years ago. I had been walking for hours so I was really glad to find some civilization. I ran into the streets crying out to people like mad but they didn't give me so much of a glance. I was growing frantic so I started nipping at their heels. That was when it really freaked me out. One of the tall men walked right through to me. Of course I didn't believe it instantly. I thought I was still alive. That I could still somehow warn the people about what danger their world was in. Our world was in. But no one could see me, or hear me. It was enough to drive me mad.

But as time wore on, I discovered what really happened to me. People didn't pay attention to me because to them, I simply wasn't there. That's when I learnt that I was a ghost. It was scary in the beginning but I got used to it. Hey, don't get me wrong. Being dead is no fun at all. Sure, you get all the cool stuff like floating around and scaring people but it's a total bummer. You can't eat, you can't drink, you can't breathe and most importantly, you are all alone.

That's what I miss the most: talking to people. You must be wondering how a Pikachu could talk to people. Well, I wasn't always a Pikachu. You heard right. I was actually a human. But that was a really long time ago. Now that I'm dead, humans can't see me. A few pokemon can, but most of them just freak out and run before I can explain anything. It's really boring.

I took a left to the pokemon centre and walked down an endless neighborhood. I could see the lights in their windows. Some pokemons were staring down a window, putting their paw against the glass of the closed windows, staring at the water droplets that had settled on it.

I looked up to see a Glaceon staring down a window at me. For a second there, I thought she could see me. I kept my eyes on her for a while and so did she. Could she really see me? I had to check.

I waved at her with one of my yellow paws. I was delighted to see her put a paw out on her window pane in response. Her window, unlike others, was open. I guess you don't feel cold if you're an ice pokemon huh.

"Hey, what are you doing down there?" she called out over the sound of the rain hitting the ground. I didn't answer her though. It was only a matter of time until she would realize I wasn't living and then she'd either freak out and faint or think she's seeing things and I'm not real. I kept smiling at her. She leaned down on her window to get a better look. "Do you think you could come up here?' she asked. "You look like you're soaking!"

It felt nice to be invited for once but there was no telling whether I'd be invited any more if I showed her I was dead. Anyway, I began to let myself float. My feet left the ground and I hoisted myself higher and higher until I was face-to-face with the Glaceon in front of her open window.

I was still smiling at her but her jaw was permanently fixed in the mid air, dangling down from her upper lip. "Please don't freak out," I said as calmly as possible.

"But you're a Pikachu," she stammered, clearly startled by the stunt I had pulled up. "Pikachus can't fly!" She looked like she was about to scream.

"I'm different," I said, still calm because nothing in her reaction or words was new to me, a contrast to my floating which was definitely new to her. "Can I please come in?" She nodded, still in shock. Then she moved away from the window and I floated in, landing on her room's soft carpet. It was probably her trainer's room.

"How are you different?" The Glaceon asked, getting over her shock. "I'm a ghost," I spoke in my monotone. She gasped. "Wait, does this mean you're dead?" she asked in a low tone. I guess she was trying not to offend me.

I nodded. "It's ok. It doesn't offend me," I found it necessary to tell her because she was being so careful in choosing her words before speaking to me. I wanted to keep her talking because if she didn't, I'd be lonely again and won't have anyone to talk to.

"Oh," she looked down, ashamed of herself. "So, why were you roaming in the streets? Haunting?' she asked. Whew! She didn't freak out.

"You could say that," I shrugged. "Why?" Glaceon asked me, sitting down in front of me and looking at me from head to toe. 'Well, I have to meet criteria to go on to heavens." I answered.

It was party true. I did have to meet criteria to go on to heaven. How did I know that? It was in a dream. I was standing in front of a white light which told me that I was going to pass on to my next life but to move on to the heavens, I had to meet certain conditions. I should have known better that was the light people frequently talk about. The light you see before you die. It would have made things much simpler in the initial days of my death. I am just saying!

"What kind of criteria?" Glaceon asked me. I just shrugged. "Honestly, even I don't know," I said and she nodded her head, believing it.

I knew what my criterion was. It was to spread the awareness about the danger this world was in. It was to pass on the secret I had my hands on. Or should I say my paws on. Once I could get the message across to a human, I would move on to the heavens.

"What's your name?" she asked. That was the one question I was always prepared for, "Achu," I told her.

"Achoo? As in a sneeze?" She said, tilting her head to the right in confusion. "No. Achu. Ae-chew," I said, pronouncing the two syllables my alternative name as a Pikachu consisted of. Of course it hadn't been my human name. What kind of person names their son Achu?

"Well, I am gonna get some sleep," She said, stretching her legs. "Feel free to….uhh…..haunt this room for as long as you want," she said and then she climbed into this basket in the corner, curled up and fell asleep.

I'm a ghost. I don't exactly sleep. So I just floated around the house, looking at all the furniture. I floated down a staircase and into the living room. I marveled at their trophy collectionthey had set up on a huge shelf across the couches so that any guest who were to sit there would notice the trophies first. What a show off. This family had all sorts of trophies. They had many from pokemon leagues and pokemon contests and many other pokemon related events. There was one in particular that caught my attention. It was a polo trophy.

Polo trophy reminded me of Jenna. Jenna was my childhood friend back when I was alive and a human. She loved riding and Rapidash was one of her pokemons. She played polo and I bet she'd have more polo trophies than this one. I always did have a crush on her but I died before I had my chance to tell her. She lived in Jubilife city, my hometown. But I bet she won't be able to see me now. Humans can never see me.

Which gets me wondering, how am I suppose to tell the humans about the danger their world is in if they can't even see me? It just doesn't make any sense. If I can't fulfill my purpose as a ghost, how will I get to heaven? It's just so confusing.

That's why I go around in search of a few pokemon that can see me. I can only get my message to humans through them. But most of them just freak out after seeing me. They either run or start crying out to their trainers, who of course can't see or touch me. It's just tragic.

That Glaceon didn't freak out. but there was no telling if I'd still be visible to her the next morning or not. That's my biggest problem. The pokemon that can see me always need some sort of help. And since I've got nothing better to do, I help them. Once their problems are solved, I become invisible to them. They think I was only a mirage, a figment of their imagination, a dream maybe but never a reality.

I walked down a corridor and into a dining hall. Here, I saw a huge table spread with the splendid banquet I had ever seen. There was a roasted turkey in the middle, surrounded by chicken rolls and spaghetti and ravioli. There was also a freshly baked cake decorated with cream. It looked like the banquet was going to have very choosey eaters because there seemed to all kinds of food, each looking like it was made especially for someone.

The table had humans sitting around it, chatting noisily as they ate their meal and I could only wish that I could eat too or at least smell what was in front of me. I floated up the table, looking at the giant turkey in the middle.

I wanted to dive right in and chew on it but that would be pointless. So I flew straight out of the room back to the living room, up the stair case and into the bedroom. The Glaceon was fast asleep. That was ok because I didn't really feel like talking to her. I went straight under the bed which was placed near the window in the room and sat down in the darkness.

As soon as I was seated comfortably, the flashbacks of my own miserable past began to flood my mind. I could never forget those days.

I missed my old life. The life I had as a human. I had everything I needed for a perfect life. I had the looks, the coolest pokemon, and I don't mean to brag or anything but I had already won the pokemon league of Sinnoh and Hoenn. Then those stupid, good for nothing Team Galactic took me hostage and turned me into a pokemon. And since then, life was never the same. And it won't be either because I am dead. You can't bring the dead back to life. The only thing I have is to move on to the next world by fulfilling my unfinished business. I had to get my message across to the humans that Team Galactic and Team Plasma was working on a scheme together that could mark the end of humanity.

Jenna crept into my mind. It was impossible to forget that girl. I hadn't seen or talked to her since I left for my journey as a pokemon trainer but we were really good friends back when we were kids. We used to do everything together. But as we grew up, we grew distant. I thought about talking to her to get in touch with her, but she always seemed too busy in her own life that it only felt like I would be an annoyance to her, even though others girls hardly ever thought so. Most of them hanged around me for idle reasons that I hated. All I wanted was Jenna but I lived in the certainty of the fact that she was happy without me.

She owned this beautiful Rapidash and played polo with it. I was never there to see it in case she noticed and thought I was stalking her but there were some other guys who also used to play that sport and they were always talking about it with her. They were probably on her team or something, nothing more, but it was enough to make me jealous. I wanted to play polo, just for her but I knew it would send mix signals and she might avoid me altogether so I never did.

I think I must have lost track of time because when I finally floated out from under the bed, the Glaceon was waking up and stetching herself. I flew up to her.

"Hi there," I waved to her. She looked up at me, confused. "Oh hi," she said. 'I see you're still here!" She seemed awfully calm about it. I thought she would think I was just her imagination but she seemed to remember me and was still able to see me.

"So, any plans for today?" I asked, circling her in the air. "Yeah." She answered, clearly not in a mood to talk about it. "To sulk all day like everyday!" she said, looking down.

"Anything I can help with?" I asked, stopping in the air in front of her. "No," she said. 'It's just him! He's so frustrating!" She whined. So, it was a guy problem. Here I go again.

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Next time of Guardian Ghost Pikachu: Achu is going to run into an old friends and things are going to take turns for the worst. But what can possibly be worst then death?

Thanks again PartyTimeEmo!