Unfortunately, I don't own Dan or Phil (probably for good reason) Enjoy!

Phil had always been the quiet one of the pair. Dan was the crazy, outgoing, sarcastic one. He was everything Phil could never be. The reason for this was, slowly but surely, Phil was getting anxious. Not just a-little-bit-worried but full body crippling anxiety that made him just want to run away and hide forever. Dan was getting scared about Phil's condition; he wanted to help him but he didn't know how. But then one day whilst he and Phil were on the train home after doing their radio show, he had an idea. It was silly and a bit childish but he was sure it would work. When they got back Phil went straight to their room without saying a word to Dan, like he had been doing for the past few weeks. Dan made sure Phil was going to stay in their room then grabbed some paper and pens and set to work. He giggled now and then and had many mini heart attacks as he heard Phil moving about in their bedroom, hoping he wouldn't come out and see what he was doing. But of course, Phil never left their bedroom. This would have usually made Dan upset and worried but just this once, he was happy with Phil staying out of the way. After about an hour of hard thinking, writing, and giggling Dan had finished. Now all he had to do was set it up. With another hour and a half gone, Dan was finally finished.

He smiled slightly to himself as he happily strolled up to the bedroom door and knocked. No reply came. Dan slowly opened the door and peered inside.


"What do you want?"

"Come out in thirty seconds"

With that, Dan closed the door, ran to the other side of the flat, grabbed his phone and shoes, then rushed out the door. Leaving a confused Phil sitting alone on their bed.

"Dan?" Phil called out "Dan?" Still nothing.

It had been well over thirty seconds, so Phil rolled off the bed and went into the living room. At first, he saw nothing but an empty flat. Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small slip of paper on the coffee table with Dan's handwriting on. He picked it up and read:

Dear Phil,

I know this may seem a bit silly and childish but please just go along with it. I have written a clue on the back of this bit of paper. Follow the clue and it will lead to another bit of paper. Read it very carefully. This is a bit like the treasure hunts we used to play as kids but this one is specially designed for you from me. It will make you feel better, I promise :)

~Love, Dan

Phil sighed; no matter how much he wanted to lock himself away back in his room, he just knew he had to go along with it. He flipped over the paper and read the clue on the back:

This is a special treasure hunt to make you see how special you are to me and everything I love about you.

1. Your amazing blue eyes.

Clue: You almost set fire to the flat trying to make these work (then again, so did I).

Phil didn't even have to think twice about where to go and quickly made his way to the bathroom. Sure enough, lying on the straighteners there was another piece of paper.

2. Your soft hair.

Clue: Turn around.

Confused, Phil turned around to look behind him. Taped up on the wall was a bit of paper reading:

3. Your laugh.

Clue: We used them in a YouNow once and they showed us that we probably shouldn't audition for X-Factor.

Smiling, Phil raced out the bathroom and into the living room. He scanned the room then he saw the two microphones by the TV with a piece of paper on top. He grabbed up the bit of paper.

4. Your opera singing ;)

5. Your general fail at playing most video games x

Clue: Don't break it, or you'll have seven years bad luck

Phil grinned as he walked over to the mirror.

6. Your flawless smile,

7. Your overwhelmingly cute innocence,

Clue: We locked it since you sleepwalk.

Phil stood still with a look of confusion. Suddenly, his face burst into an impossibly wide smile and he ran onto the balcony.

8. Your warm hugs.

9. Your playful but passionate kisses.

Clue: Look down.

Phil looked down at his feet.

10. Your AWESOME taste in music.

Clue: Wink, wink ;P

Phil was confused. Then his cheeks turned crimson red as he realised what the clue meant. Cheeks roaring, he made his way into their bedroom and on the outside of the door was taped another bit of paper.

11. The nights we've had in here ;)

Clue: I couldn't think of a hint for this one so I'll just tell you, your laptop

Phil smiled and turned to the coffee table with his laptop on.

12. You predicted me (I remember watching that video when I was just one of your fans).

Clue: Back to 2 and 3.

Phil guessed this meant the second and third bits of paper, so he went back to the bathroom. Taped to the other side of the shower curtain was:

13. Doing the radio show with you.

Clue: Not in front.

Phil guessed this meant behind and he pulled the curtain back. On a small bottle of raspberry dream shower gel was:

14. When you used to smell of raspberries ;)

Clue: The place we try not to set the flat on fire in.

Phil giggled and ran into the kitchen. He gasped as he walked in as he saw bits of paper stuck absolutely everywhere. There were arrows pointing to each one like a circuit which he followed.

15. Our cooking videos.

16. Philisnotonfires and AmazingDans.

17. The way you say hey guys at the start of EVERY video.

18. Your constant positive attitude.

19. Your mind-blowing (if not a bit odd) logic.

20. Your puppy dog eyes (seriously, it's adorable).

21. When you tackle hugged me in the first Philisnotonfire.

22. Building the wardrobe to Narnia.

23. Your ability to not blink.

24. Building the Christmas tree that took until 3 am to get up.

25. The way you become such a child at Christmas.

26. Starbucks (need I say any more about this one?).

27. When you laugh and your tongue pokes out :P

28. The strange animal noises you do, completely uncalled for.

29. Lions x

30. Pancakes.

31. Waffles.

Phil felt like he was about to cry with joy. Dan had gone to all this trouble, just for him. Then he noticed that there wasn't another clue. Slightly disappointed, Phil padded out of the kitchen into the living room. There was suddenly a bright light in his face. He blinked a few times then saw what was before him. A huge board covered with snippets of paper with Dan's handwriting on and pictures of them together. Phil read few of them.

Our cheesy new year kisses.

You give the best birthday presents.

Lift dancing ;)

Buffy marathons.

But in the middle of the board were three words written in big letters. Phil read them and his smile grew if that was even possible. Three simple words: I love you

"Do you feel special yet?"

Phil span around to see Dan beaming at him. Phil tried to say he loved it and he did feel special but found he was so overcome with emotion that he couldn't. So, he simply ran over to Dan, threw his arms around him.

"Thank you"

"You're very welcome" Dan smiled and buried his head in Phil's shoulder.