Sunlight beamed and peeked through thin curtains and reached its rays down on the boy sleeping peacefully on the bed. Birds chirped noisily, joined by the sound of the alarm clock ringing to its set time, it was already pass 7:30am.

Tightly curling up into a ball together with his blanket, Eren shrank himself on the bed rejecting the idea that he needed to get up to get ready to school.

Moving his blanket away from his face for him to be able to take a peek at the time, he then realized it was pass 7:30 already, shocked by how late he was, he stumbled to get up only to entangle himself more making random knots all around his body. Emitting a small groan he called out to his brother.

"Niiiiii-saaaaaaaaaan! HEEEEEEEEELP!" he yelled as he tried to untangle the mess he made himself.

A young man probably on his 20's entered the room only to sigh as he approached the young lad trying to escape his little cocoon.

"Eren, must we do this every single day?" a low complaining groan emitted from the young man's throat

Looking down at his little brother stood Armin Jaeger, Eren's big brother who is six years older than him. Unlike Eren and the rest of the family he had blonde hair, blue eyes and a softer face. They suspected that Carla might have an affair with another man because of Armin's physical appearance which really contrasted that of the Jaeger family, but considering Eren's father Grisha's American blood, they brushed of the fact since Carla is not that kind of a woman and may have been due to the hidden genes they were carrying.

"Ugh, Shut-up! If you already know this was coming every day why even complain, you should be used to this by now" Eren said sarcastically, still struggling to unbind himself from his blanket, only to mess up his feet on the process making him fall off the bed.

Armin gave another heavy sigh and crouched down to Eren's level to help him uncoil the knots to his blankets.

"You should really calm down when you're waking up, you're always a mess. Honestly, sometimes I wonder what you've been dreaming for you to be something like… like… THIS" he pointed out as he looked at Eren, hair messy, dried up drool on the side of his cheeks, a troubled face and a pissed off mood.

"Like I said, haven't you gotten used to this yet? We were brothers for like forever, this shouldn't be a problem with you anymore" trying to make an alibi not to embarrass himself any longer than he should have

"Yeah, and you should be done with this thing by now too. But the problem is Eren, you're already 15 years old, you'll be 16 the next 3 months, you should at least try to act like an adult even if it's little by little"

"Oh, nii-san, you nag more than mom" he said as he pouted his lips towards his brother

I wish I didn't have to grow up at all though…

[ We're growing up... I guess… we can't be together forever… ]

"I'm heading out!" Eren grabbed his bag not concerning its contents and waved goodbye to his family as he hurriedly went out the door, biting in a piece of toast that he snatched away from his brother, no time to sit beside them to eat their fills for the morning.

"Oi! You forgot your bento!—" Armin trailed as his idiot brother was no longer seen, a neglected blue lidded packed lunch rested on his manly hands.

"Armin, you got it tough huh?" Carla said as she laid a cup of creamed coffee right beside Armin's plate.

Armin sighed as he propped the packed lunch on the table again, and sat on his chair to finish his breakfast.

"It's not an easy job mom…"

"haha, take it easy on your brother Armin, maybe it's just a phase, he's still growing up. His teenaged hormones are still developing, I guess"

"He's been like that for forever, even as kids, I wonder when he'll grow up? He can't seem to control his emotions that well" taking a sip of his coffee and takes a bite at his toast and continued

"I get really worried about him, you know? About his future and all"

"I know you're just worried about your brother, but let him develop, he's a good kid, I think he'll be okay" she gave Armin a reassuring smile.

"I hope so mom… but I'm more worried about his heart? If you know what I mean?" he eyes his mother gesturing the topic he wanted to talk about.

Carla gave out a little giggle, knowing for the fact what his elder son was gesturing

"Oh Armin, it'll all be okay, we'll just give him all the support we could give, despite the fact that he doesn't know that we already know, okay?" she said and patted Armin's back and headed back into the kitchen.

"Alright mom..." he replied and gulped down the very last of his coffee then proceeded to prepare for work and eyeing the packed lunch sitting on the table

"I guess I'll go give this to Eren too… Levi would be pissed if I won't…"

Labored breaths elicited from the boys lungs as he ran as quickly as he can to catch up to the closing gate which would determine if he'd be on time for school or all efforts wasted before he was locked outside the school grounds.

Having finished his small piece of breakfast toast, Eren ran through the gate barely making it, thankful that he was athletic enough to reach it in time.

Mentally relishing his triumph, he allowed himself to catch his breath, sweat trickled and gleamed on his face as he gasped rigorous huffs of air while he looked at the guards as they closed the metal bars.

"Oi, shitty bastard" a voice as cold as ice but smooth as silk was heard behind his back... he cringed at the threatening tone

Eren glanced over his shoulders, eyes gleamed teal as they found that familiar blue-gray orbs that sent his breath flying over the horizon.

"L-L-Levi…" he breathed, still catching his breath

"Keh" he huffed and threw Eren his spare towel and crossed his arms emitting an authoritative stature

Eren gave his all to avoid getting flustered at Levi's presence only to fail his attempt when a small blush had shaded its way across his face as he caught the small baby blue towel offered to him by the young man in front of him. Gasping still, he took the opportunity to hide his flustered face behind the small cloth and lightly damped it on his skin trying to recover his composure while secretly taking in small whiffs of the said fabric

Levi's towel…Levi's scent…

Realizing what he was doing a small frown curved down his lips

[ To "love" someone, to find something as beautiful as that, to be in that kind of situation, to be together with another person with their consent... but still.. at a moment like this... it's such a lonely feeling ]

"Where the fuck were you yesterday, you going on and on about wanting to go home together and here you are going home without me, you selfish bastard" he calmly said though irritation was eminent to his tone, making Eren jump and gave a sheepish smile towards Levi.

"I even texted you so many fucking times and you didn't even gave me a fucking reply, you damn shit" his glare was toxic now

"Eh?!" he realized and grabbed his backpack rummaging at the mess which was contained within, and with no luck, his phone wasn't there

"Crap! I forgot my phone!" recalling the events earlier this morning he then remembered he forgot his packed lunch too. Crap.

Eren sighed heavily and a comical tear formed at the corner of his eye as he slump, not mentioning that he also forgot to bring his packed lunch to Levi to save his ass from being scolded to oblivion.

Levi hated Eren's habits of being a total clutz and being a total idiot, and he really hated it when he constantly forgetting his belongings and looking at his expression, he figured he forgot his lunch… again…

His athletic built, being just right but not too bulky seemed to suck out his common sense and his brain enough to forget some simple necessities of brain function, and Levi is being compensated for the fact.

"You forgot your phone AND your packed Lunch, huh? Goddammit Eren, get your shit together" he said insultingly as he reached out to grab his phone and flicked it open to text Armin. His thumb danced elegantly through the buttons on the mobile device.

[ Levi: "Hey, Armin, get your sorry big brother butt over here, I know you know why, bring your idiot brother's phone here too" ]

Finishing in less than a minute, he clicked his phone close and slid it inside his pocket and looked at Eren again, waiting for Eren's reply

Eren regained his composure and was standing straight now, Levi's towel in his hands clasping it dearly

"Ah… Sorry" he smiled sheepishly as he grabbed the back of his head with his free hand trying to hide away his embarrassment as he looked up at Levi

"Shut it, it's fine, we're going home together later, try to get that in your very very thick skull, got it?"

Eren emitted a small sigh and lost the gleam in his eyes, clenching the towel tightly now

Levi noticing the teen's distress he patted Eren's shoulders lightly

"Hey, what's wrong? I'm not angry you know" raising his eyes to meet his

"Oh, haha no, it's nothing, I just got tired of running I guess" trying to mask the frown in his words, which seemed to work as Levi flashed him a small gentle smile

"What a weird guy, come on, we're gonna be late for our class"

And both of them headed out to their designated classrooms

End Note:

Holy ravioli, so it's finally the end of the first semester.. okay a bit of vacation on my hands and after a long long time without updates here you are~

Will give 3 chapters this day, hopefully, I just needed to separate this part from my original story, this is the end of the comic~

On with mine~ Hope you guys enjoy :)

My other fic will be updated first then this hope all goes well, and for those enjoying my work, seriously thank you for the wonderful comments~ 3

Hei-chan look it up