A/N: Well, hello again guys. This is it... the end. If you don't take the time to read the ending A/N, I want you to know you're awesome!

Now, keeping this short, sweet, and to the point... Go find out what happened with that cliffie~ :3


Anger felt so good.

It was a spark, a sharp spark through her gears. The magic that gave her being was flaring with the 'emotion' as she commanded The Ball with practiced ease. The sharp stars she threw always hit their mark, and the blood that resulted splattered beautifully across the floor, the walls, her own body. She towered over the Summoner holding the amulet—Ezreal's amulet. She hadn't even known his name. Who cared about his name, anyway? It was just a word, much like 'blood,' or 'death.'

She was raising her hand to command The Ball once more when she heard it. It shattered her ecstasy with its suddeness. It made her freeze, temporarily pulling her from her rage.

What could make him shout like that?

Orianna turned slowly around, arm frozen in midair, The Ball turning its attention as well.

"Ezreal," the Dancer stated, "I found it."

Ezreal's eyes were wide with an emotion. Orianna shifted through her knowlege and marked the emotion as 'fear.'


Why was he afraid?

"Oh god, Orianna, what did you do?" Ezreal exclaimed. He stepped backward, a hand on his head, and blue eyes wide. "They aren't... they aren't dead, are they?" He sounded as if he was choking.

"Why are you afraid?"


"I found your gauntlet." Orianna turned to look at the cowering form of the Summoner below her. His face was covered in blood, a leg folded out of shape, gashes coating his torso. The other Summoner was not much better off. Well, maybe a little bit better. He had protected himself with magic. The first hadn't. What an idiot. Orianna picked up the amulet from where it lie in the Summoner's limp hand, the cord dyed red and the face of the blue gem distorted by the drying red. "It is okay now."

Ezreal had fallen into a strange trance, muttering curse words every now and then. His eyes passed over the amulet and settled on Orianna's face.

"What the hell did you do, Orianna?" Ezreal managed.

"I repaid them."

"Are they dead?"

"I do not think so. Do you want them to be?"

"For hell's sake, no!" Ezreal exclaimed. His expression darkened. "Orianna, do you know what you've done?"

Orianna cocked her head to the side. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Did you do something wr-" Ezreal broke into a choking laugher. Tears formed in his eyes as he half sobbed, half laughed. "You're in a freaking ton of trouble right now. You could be expelled from the League for this."

Orianna frowned. "Why?"

"BECAUSE KILLING IS BAD!" Ezreal shouted. Orianna flinced, and the Explorer took a deep breath, focusing on controlling his tone. "Look, Orianna, do you want to know what the most human thing in the world is?"

Orianna nodded slowly, letting the amulet fall to her side, still clenched in a blood red fist. It was a strong artifact. It had the ability to amplify magic, and it had shown in her commands.


Power felt good.

"The most human thing to be able to do is also the hardest thing." Ezreal stepped forward slowly, taking the amulet from her and carefully whiping the blood from its surface. "Being angry is fine and all, but the the thing that will make you truly human is forgiveness."


"Forgiveness," Ezreal glanced at the barely living Summoners then back at Orianna, his expression was grim. "Don't ever forget what they did, but don't be angry about it either. Hurting those who hurt you never solved anything. It only makes things worse."

Orianna glanced down at her hands, the golden plating stained red from blood. She suddenly felt the urge to wipe the blood away, to get rid of it entirely. She could not stand to look at the red any longer. She stopped looking.

"I just want... to be human," the Dancer whispered pathetically.

"I know, Ori. I know."


From the sound of it, Forgiveness did not include the vile red she was looking at.

Maybe she would give it a try.


There were sounds of the crowd from down the hall coming to find out what happened. They were close. There was not much time.


Orianna cast her gaze to the floor, shoulders hunching over in shame. If she had been able to produce them, tears would have clouded her vision.

"I'm sorry."

It had been almost two weeks since Orianna's 'incident' as Ezreal called it. All those involved had been tried by the Tribunal. Orianna had been temporarily suspended from the League, and the Unholy had been disbanded, but the Tribunal had decided Orianna's actions had punished the individual members of the Unholy enough. After the first week being in the infirmery, Seth had vanished, Kier had remained mostly away from battles, and Ethan, well it turned out Ethan wasn't such a bad kid. The young brunette had a natural aptitude for the role of ADC, and as this was the case, he had been invited by Devany to join the team Sanctity. Sanctity was only a Silver II team, but since Ethan had joined, they were steadily climbing the ranks.

Ezreal himself hadn't been summoned once in the whole two weeks, mainly because he had kept from wearing the amulet. The League had called it a 'bug,' but the truth was he simply hadn't yet replaced his missing gauntlet, and as a result had found himself spending most of his time cleaning the abandoned lounge where the whole thing had started.

He finally dragged the short coffee table (complete with newly repaired leg) across the room to cover the ugly red stain on the floor. He had tried his best to clean the spot, but it seemed the stain was as stubborn as he was, and it insisted on staying. He stood back and inspected the table's positioning with a huff. It wasn't perfect, but until the floor was completely replaced, it would have to do.

"You hid it."

Ezreal was proud that he didn't leap out of his shoes this time. Instead, he flinched, but he resisted the urge to spin around in surprise.

"Of course I did. It sorta ruins the lounge," he stated, turning once he had composed himself. "Makes it a little hard to relax in here."

Orianna chuckled. The sound was still harsh and scratch-like, but it was also enchanting somehow. A month ago, the sound would have sent shivers down Ezreal's spine. Now, though, it didn't affect him at all. "You will be needing this."

Ezreal almost gaped at the object Orianna held forward. A new gauntlet sat in her hand, made of a smoost leather. It was plain; undecorated and lacking the layers of his old one, but it seemed durable, and there was even a spot for the amulet sewn in.

"Wow, Ori, this is..." Ezreal trailed off as he took the gauntlet and carefully pulled it on. It fit perfectly, and the amulet slid right into place. "This is amazing! Did you make this?"

Orianna smiled as much as her static face would allow, which wasn't much. "I had some help from Sona. I did not know how to sew."

Ezreal laughted. "Well, it works now." He stared at the amulet for a moment. It had somehow been partly stained red by the blood that had accumulated on it. Then again, it could have been his imagination. It was almost strange to be wearing a gauntlet again after so long without it.

"Guess what?"


"We're both in the roster for this week."

Ezreal froze for a moment, calculating what had just happened. Had Orianna—Orianna!—just used a contraction while speaking?

"Do you think we might be Summoned together?"

Ezreal grinned once the amazement about the contraction wore off. "Well, there's alwaya a chan-"

He was cut off by the sing-song tone that signaled the start of the summoning spell. He glanced at Orianna and was almost excited to see the blue circle around her as well. She was looking at him with a sly glint in her eyes, like she had known this would happen. From the small, almost excited, twitches of The Ball, Ezreal supposed she had known.

"What a coincidence!" He chuckled.

Orianna laughed again. "Remember, no forgiveness in the Fields!"

Ezreal smirked. "You got it."

Ezreal felt in near complete control as he dashed up the river toward mid lane. He had been chosen as a ranged champion for this free week. Normally, he'd hate it. He had been away from his ruins and maps for over a month, and his boredom would normally be getting to him.

This week, it was not.

As he Arcane Shifted into a Mystic Shot that finished off the enemy Malzahar and turned to help Orianna finish off her turret, he couldn't have cared about ruins or maps or artifacts if he tried. He had forgotten artifacts again anyway. Oh well. He had a feeling he wouldn't be needing them this week, or the next, or the one after that. No, he figured this week would be exciting enough without their help.

He had a HUMAN to teach, after all.

A/N: Oh... my... god. We're done. We've reached the end.

...I don't want it to end, guys... but the story is complete. This is as far as this will be going.

I've decided to do some shoutouts and a bit of reflection here for those interested in learning a bit more about this story and how it came to be. In future stories, this will likely be a separate chapter altogether, but for now, it is here. This will be long, but I urge you guys to read the first bit at least, as I will start with a few important notices/questions that I have for you. Of course, if you don't want to hear me rambling, you can check my profile's 'news' section for a bit of info as well. If you aren't into reading Author's Notes, you can leave if you want. Thanks for being here!

For those of you still around, I am thinking of making a short story collection about League. It will be highly interactive, and you guys will be able to request various things for me to write! Look for that within a few weeks. I don't know the title as of now, but it should be coming around soon.

Now, I was asked to share my LoL info, so here it is:

Summoner name: Crysi102

Server: NA

So sorry about not being in EU servers... I'm not going to be changing anytime soon, seeing as my ranked team is starting its climb, but if you ARE on the NA server and you run across me, mention you've read HUMAN, and I'll like... auto friend you no matter your level. I love doing duo, trio, quadra, and penta quenes (especially troll games for fun), and I'd love to play with any of you who add me. I also play regularly, so you may have a chance to play with me on a nearly daily basis. I look forward to seeing any of you there!


I CANNOT REPLY TO GUESTS! It breaks my heart, it really does, but I just can't. So, if you are a guest please, please leave a review! I'd love to hear from you, really! I'm just really sorry that I can't reply directly to you after this chapter.

So, onto stuff about the story itself. I honestly did NOT think this little one shot I wrote in class listening to "a bland lecture somewhere" (bonus points if you find the reference) would get nearly this much attention. Guys, I love you. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love you. I love you a lot. You readers are what make writing worth doing. Seeing all of you here, knowing people are reading... it's amazing. This is my first sucessful story, and I hope some of you will stick around to help me have more like this one.

Now, for some shoutouts:

ClockworkDoll (Guest): Reviews on every chapter!

Beauty-Half-Betrayed: First follow!

Joe5: First fave!

Child of the Angel: Inspiring a part of the story and being 20th follower!

Winkleson: Being AWESOME and giving great constructive critisism!

Lazruth: For a great conversation, and for teaching me how to play Nami! XD

EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU WHO REVIEWED/FOLLOWED/FAVED! I cannot say how much you all mean to me! I love you all so much! You guys are all great!

Anyone in the future reading this, I love you too~ Don't be shy, I'll still reply to every review I get (with the exception of guest reviews...). I've said it a lot, but they mean a ton. They really do.

Now then, In case you didn't know, this story was supposed to be a one shot. A ONE SHOT! Thank you everyone who stuck around this whole time, encouraging me to continue, and all of you who joined later in the story. And to the silent stalkers out there (I know you're there. The ones who never review, but follow the story like it's the bible or something like that...) I would love to hear from you. Shoot me a PM or review. I won't bite, promise. Anyway... this note is really long. I should wrap this up.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own League of Legends or the characters existing in that game. The Summoner Devany Carter belongs to ClockworkDoll. Seth, Keir, and Ethan are my OCs, and you are not permitted to use them without my written permission.