A/N: Here's my first Ao No Exorcist fanfic! Please tell me what you think of this, and whether this is a good idea or not! :) Please enjoy the read!

I stared at the towering monster before me, utterly confused. It was after me... It was all because of me... I watched, wide-eyed, and rather helplessly at the surrounding wreckage, my anger surfacing. The chapel was destroyed... Pews were splintered, and the beams supporting the roof were broken. The stain glass window in the back of the chapel was unceremoniously smashed open, glittering shards of glass littered the floor, and the incoming breeze blew in a foul rotten smell, from the demon before me. The pungent stench scorched my nasal cavity and esophagus, sending me in a coughing fit, as my watering eyes blurred.

My friends, the monks of the chapel monastery, were nearly all injured, thrown up against the wall by Astaroth, the King of Rot, and unable to fend for themselves. My father, or so I thought until just recently, had his eyes closed in concentration, muttering under his breath, while holding a rosary in his right hand.

Astaroth gave a nasty bellowing roar and stumbled forward in a clumsy manner after Shiro, who was rather vulnerable, while chanting the fatal verse.

"O Lord, bind a millstone around its neck so that it shall never again rise from the depths of Leviathan! Chain it in darkness eternal, where it will not hear no see!"

But before he could complete the verse, the demon king lurched forward and came to a sudden stop. Confused, everyone gazed up at Astaroth, who was found shrieking in excruciating pain, grabbing at his wounded chest, where a glowing arrow protruded from his heart. The demon disintegrated after giving one last rage-filled roar, its agonizing scream slicing through the silence in the monastery.

I gasped, stumbling to my foster father in my haste, gripping his garments with one hand, and pointing with a shaky finger at the broken window with the other. Silently cocking an eyebrow at me, he eventually averted his gaze to the shattered stain glass window. There, against the shadows, stood the silhouette of a person with wings extended, and a nocked arrow, aimed straight for my heart.

To my surprise, and everyone who was still capable of moving, kneeled, facing down, nearly prostrating, in the direction of the stained glass window.

"What the heck is going-" I started, but was immediately cut off when the person leapt from the window, and teleported to a mere feet from my still kneeling father. Now that the person was closer, it was easy to see that 'the person,' was a female, and an extremely beautiful woman at that. She was well-endowed, though her long, eloquent white robes hid the fact, and she had a perfectly sculpted face. She had slung the bow back over her shoulder again, and I sighed in relief. Somehow, I doubted she would miss my heart, even from that range. She looked 'experienced' with skewering things...

"You may rise." She spoke calmly in an even tone, blessing them as they straightened up from their position.

"We are indebted to you, my Lady!" Shiro immediately stated, when he finally locked eyes with her, with a look of awe clearly evident on his face.

Even though, I realized in retrospect, I should've been more concerned with how my foster father knew this woman, I was instead enthralled by the sultry but strangely commanding and regal tone of her voice. Who in the heck is she?!

"My Lady!" The other monks swiftly bowed again. "It of the utmost honour to be in your presence!"

The woman smiled, and I could feel my innards liquefy and I felt strangely weak. "It is my duty to protect. But I thank you for your constant and steadfast faith."

"But what brings you here, may I humbly ask?" Shiro inquired, and he realized his mistake, when she turn on her heels to fix a steely gaze on me. Although her emotions were schooled, her azure blue eyes engulfed me in the violent storm raging within confines.

"I have questions for you, Rin Okumura, son of the devil."

A/N: And that's it for the first chapter! :) Please review!