A/N: I am so sorry everyone. It's been four months since I updated, mostly due to writer's block. I couldn't find a way to continue the story, and this is my only excuse to you readers. I apologize sincerely for stalling for so long, and after a long time, I present to you the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Black Butler.

Ciel's P.O.V.

The smell of chocolate was overpowering.

Break's breath smelled like a mix of chocolate cake and candy canes. He pulled off the handkerchief from my mouth, and I recoiled, "So, what do you want with me?"

He leaned back in his seat, stretching his arms to the sky, "Well, sir Phantomhive, you do know that you have a murderer in your mansion, correct?"

"Of course not," I scoffed, "I never saw any decapitated heads anywhere."

"That's what I thought," He grinned, shoving a lollipop in my mouth.

My tongue grazed against it's hardened shell, and I instantly spat it out. "That is disgusting!" I gagged, wrinkling my nose and scraping at my tongue with my teeth, "What sort of flavor is that?"

"It is made of Equus' animal droppings!" Break grinned in delight, "I finally found a use for them."

"What do you want," I groaned, "Why would I want to murder my own guests? They serve a purpose to me, not like you people at Pandora."

"Not you, Phantomhive," He popped his own lollipop in his mouth, and I glared noticing the red cherry flavor, "Your butler."

"Sebastian?" I scoffed, "He wouldn't do anything unless it was my order. And can you please free me from these bonds, my feet are falling asleep."

"Unless he was in another contract with someone else," Break bit at his candy, ignoring my plea for escape.

"Now that is absolutely absurd," I ridiculed, "Why in the world would he-,"

"Think about it. Has it looked like he's lost interest in you? Your soul not as desiring as usual? And plus, he wears two gloves," He threw the stem off into who knows where, "If he only made a contract with you, there would be no necessity to wear two, since your contract is only on one hand."

I thought for a moment. Sebastian, betraying his own master? That lowly dog? But what this man says is true; he hasn't seemed to listen to my orders recently. Looking away, going off into his study, definitely irregular.

That devil.

"Well then, if-," I started to say, and the sound of sharp clicks echoed through the room.

"My, young master," Sebastian said, straightening his gloves, "I would've never thought that you would be caught by Pandora's Break himself.

"It wasn't a kidnapping, my good man," Break twirled up, and patted Sebastian on his shoulders, "Let's say… a meeting."

"Of course," Sebastian said, "But since my master has called me, I need to take him back. What would you like me to do, young master?"

I called him?

Since when?

I stared at him suspiciously, "No need to kill him; we can let him off the hook this time. If you would, untie me from these bonds. Now."

"Yes," Sebastian purposely strained his voice, bending over and untying the rope from my hands and feet.

"Now, Break, let us meet up again soon," I said as Sebastian lifted me up into the air, "Hopefully."

"Yes, Phantomhive," Break grinned, "Hopefully."

As Sebastian and I headed back towards the manor, I looked up at him. "You dog, tell me everything you know."

His eyes glowed, "What do you mean?"

"I order you, to tell me everything you know about the murders in my manor!" I demanded, "And what other things you have done behind my back!" I yanked off my eyepatch, throwing it onto the ground.

The light from the contract streamed from the glove, and Sebastian set me down on the ground to pull it off. He hissed, biting at his lips with his fangs.

"Yes, my Lord."

A/N: Since it is Christmas break (well, where I live), I should be able to update more often. Unless you readers have gotten bored of the story or got bored of my very slow updates, I will try to post more chapters as fast as I can. I am already writing chapter 17 *pats self on the back*, so please, if you still like this story, leave me a comment. I appreciate everything.