A/N: So, as I'm typing this, I think there's going to be a time jump. It may only be this chapter, it may not…we'll see by the end of this update lol. Sadly, second semester of my junior year is upon me which includes Junior seminar which equals death so as per usual I might be MIA yet again. I know, you hate me and I hate me. But Grad school is on the horizon as well as….*drum roll*…. One or two publications of my work. So, that trumps this of course. Hopefully I write a bomb ass update to make up for it and hopefully you get it before Jan 13th.

Hmmm…it's May now, so clearly I failed. But sidenote, I mistakenly mentioned Liv signing Jake's death certificate in the last chapter, disregard that little slip up.

Olivia's eyes were wide as she stared at Fitz, her lips slightly parted in shock. He really had a plan for them.

Fitz smiled at her. He'd worked out in his mind when and how he'd propose. Once they got everything squared away there'd be nothing to stop him from making her Mrs. Grant.

"You haven't forgotten about Operation: Mrs. Grant, have you?" Fitz's smile quickly turned into a smirk.

She's beautiful—so fucking beautiful. She deserves to be loved; cherished; taken care of—even though she's more than capable of taking care of herself.

These are the only thoughts running through Fitz's mind as he watches Olivia sleep. Her lashes caress her cheeks, curling up. He lightly brushes the back of his fingers down her face, relishing in the feel of her soft skin. Her hands are tucked under her head and she's curled up due to the covers slipping off of her. He was about to pull them up when he got sidetracked by his thoughts.

He leaned in slowly, gently pressing his lips against hers. His eyes shut as he smiled.

"I love you," Fitz whispered, pulling the covers up over her.

When Olivia woke up later that morning Fitz was sound asleep beside her. She picked up her phone to check the time: 8:00 a.m. She tried not to wake him as she got out of bed. She needed to use the bathroom really badly. As soon as she closed the bathroom door, Fitz began to stir. He moved one arm in her direction only to be met with space. He opened his eyes and sat up, looking over at the bathroom door—behind which he could hear Olivia peeing.

Fitz got out of bed, deciding to pick out his clothes for the day while he waited on Olivia to finish. Once he did that he turned his phone back on to check for messages. He was expecting a text from Quinn letting him know everything was ready.

Quinn: I met with Claire, she's legit. You guys should be good on the death certificate. Still working on the other thing, though.

Fitz was running his fingers through his hair when Olivia opened the bathroom door. She paused when she saw the somewhat frustrated look on his face.

"What's wrong?" she asked, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Nothing," he said. Her touch was enough to make him forget about anything that was troubling him. "Get dressed."

"Okay." She kissed his bare chest before walking off.

She grabbed a pair of jeans and a thin, Mickey Mouse sweatshirt. She'd had it since high school; it was her favorite one. She was trying to find her favorite pair of gray Converse when Fitz emerged from the bathroom. He took one look at her and laughed, shaking his head.


Olivia had just found her shoes and was putting them on her feet.

"You look like a teenager Livvie," Fitz said, putting on his clothes. "I'm liable to get arrested."

"Shut up," she said, giggling.

Fitz finished getting dressed and followed Olivia into the bathroom. Side by side, they both started to fix their hair. They effortlessly moved around one another as they made themselves look presentable. Occasionally they would bump hips, laughing, and other times one of them would catch the other's eyes in the mirror.

It was these kinds of moments that Olivia wanted with Fitz. She almost couldn't breathe thinking about it. Sure, she had fun on their little adventures since they've been in Vermont, but his presence alone was enough for her. They didn't have to be doing anything spectacular for her to cherish the time that they spent together.

"What's wrong?" Fitz asked, noticing that Olivia had stopped moving.

His voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she shook her head, letting him know it was nothing.

Breakfast was an uneventful affair, with them mainly people watching and making little comments here and there. They took their time eating, neither in a rush to leave just yet.

When Andrew spotted them he walked over and spoke. After exchanging greetings, Fitz asked Andrew if he had a minute to which Andrew said yes.

"Liv, how are you?" Andrew asked. He was concerned for her ever since their abrupt departure from dinner the other night.

"I'm fine," Olivia said, smiling. "Really, I am," she added after he continued to give her a worried look.

He nodded his head.

"Andrew I was wondering if you could maybe hold our room for us for a few days until we return," Fitz said.

"Can I ask why you guys are leaving?"

Fitz gave Andrew a pointed look, refusing to give him an answer but also not wanting to lie to him.

Andrew hesitated for a second. "Fine."

"Thanks Drew. I promise you and I will talk when we come back," Fitz said.

"Make sure you take care of Liv." He winked at her and walked off to tend to other guests that were downstairs eating.

"We're leaving," Olivia said. It was meant to be a question but it came out as a statement.

"Yeah. Is that okay?" Suddenly Fitz was worried that maybe he had been wrong about Olivia's feelings, maybe she actually wasn't ready. He held his breath waiting on her answer.

Olivia nodded, smiling. "I'm ready."

Olivia was leaning against the door, sitting sideways in her seat with her legs over the center console and her feet in Fitz's lap, as he drove. Fitz had his left hand on the steering wheel while his other was loosely gripping one of her legs.

He was startled by an unexpected flash and turned to find Olivia with her phone in her hand, laughing at his expression. He snatched her phone out of her hands.

"Fitz, give it back," Olivia said, reaching for her phone. He quickly moved it out of her grasp.

"Nope," Fitz said, smiling.

"Why are you being such a child?" she asked, pouting.

"Judging by how far your bottom lip is stuck out right now, I should be asking you that."

"Whatever." She turned the radio on and made herself comfortable, looking out the window.

"Awww, is the baby mad?" he asked, teasing her.

She rolled her eyes, trying not to smile.

Fitz grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it, before giving her phone back.

"Liv, wake up," Fitz said, shaking her shoulder. She was drooling in her sleep, her neck twisted at an angle that was sure to leave it sore for the rest of the day. "Babe."

She jumped, slightly disoriented. "Where are we?"

"At my housee. Quinn's waiting for us inside."

Fitz unbuckled her seatbelt, kissing her on the forehead before getting out of the car. He walked around to her side and opened her door but she wouldn't move. Her hands were shaking slightly.

"What if I'm not ready?" she asked, wincing as she rubbed her sore neck.

At that moment, Quinn opened the front door and stepped outside. She was trying to figure out what the hold up was.

Fitz shook his head and motioned for her to go back inside. He exhaled, suddenly looking very tired. He had been waiting on this moment. A person could only be strong for so long.

Seeing the look on his face Olivia grabbed his hands. "Look at me Fitz." She waited until his eyes rose to meet hers. "Don't take that the wrong way. I'm not having second thoughts about us. I want us. But this is a chapter of my life that I'm ending…that's scary. What if the past doesn't stay where it belongs, what if it catches up to us and you get in trouble for what you did for me? I couldn't live with myself."

"Shhh," he said, kissing her.

She had a death grip on his shirt, as though if she let him go she'd lose him forever.

"I would gladly serve a life sentence for you Liv. But we can't worry about the what-ifs. One day at a time, okay?"

She nodded. He wiped the tears off her face. "I love you Fitz."

"I love you too," he said.

She grabbed his hand and stepped out of the car. "Ready?"

As soon as they stepped inside Quinn called out to them from Fitz's kitchen. They slowly made their way to the kitchen, each lost in their own thoughts.

"So, we all know why we're here," Quinn began. "Here's the death certificate. You both can read over it if you want to."

Fitz let Olivia read it first. "So, how are things going on the Mellie end?"

"It's being handled. Don't worry."

Fitz nodded as he got up to get a glass of water.

"I found you guys a realtor like you asked," Quinn said. Liv's head popped up. "She's already found a few places on the market that you guys could move into ASAP. And she can get Olivia's place sold in no time. She's the best."

"What about Jake's things? Or my neighbors that knew us both?" Olivia asked.

"You read the death certificate. Suicide. That's the story. We don't wanna pretend he never existed, just that he wasn't murdered."

Olivia took a deep breath. This was going to take some getting used to, but then she looked over at Fitz. She could do this. She had to so she could be free to love him and build a life with him. She wanted Vermont, and two babies—maybe more, with him. Especially after their for the past week.

"Right." She finished scanning the document and placed it back in the manila envelope. "Thank you so much for helping us Quinn. I don't think you know how much this means to me."

Quinn smiled, looking over at Fitz she said, "Trust me, it was no problem."

Olivia softly cleared her throat, causing Quinn to look away quickly. Fitz didn't see Quinn smile or look over at him because he was busy looking at Olivia as he walked over to her. She wanted to be worried about the way Quinn was smiling at Fitz but him coming towards her was making it hard to focus on anyone other than him. Quinn quickly looked off, awkwardly, before dismissing herself and leaving. Neither Fitz nor Olivia heard or noticed her leave; they were too focused on each other to care.

"How do you feel?" Fitz asked, pulling Olivia up from her chair so that he could wrap his arms around her waist.

"I feel…good, almost free," she responded.

"So, how about we go pack up some of your things and make some arrangements to get rid of Jake's stuff?" he asked.

Olivia smiled at him. "Okay." As long as they were together, she knew that she could do this.

When she tried to move she realized she couldn't as Fitz tightened his hold on her to keep her from going anywhere. As soon as she opened her mouth to ask what he was doing she realized that he was staring at her lips. She smirked. "Can I help you, Mister Grant?"

He groaned. She knew what her calling him Mr. Grant did to him. "Why yes you can, Mrs. Grant."

Olivia froze, looking into his eyes questioningly. Was this it? Was he proposing?

"You may not be my wife yet, emphasis on the yet, but in my heart you are. To me, that's all that matters," he said, his voice cracking from emotion. "I love you."

Olivia started to cry as she asked herself for the millionth time what she ever did to deserve Fitz. Whatever it was, she was glad that she'd done it.

Before she could respond Fitz kissed her, stealing her breath away.

Olivia pulled back. "Take me upstairs?"

"Or…it could happen right here."

"On the kitchen table?" she asked.


Olivia giggled as Fitz picked her up and placed her on the table. Her giggles quickly turned to moans as Fitz began sucking on her neck.

Fitz and Olivia had just stepped out of his car upon arriving at Olivia and Jake's old house when Olivia's nosy neighbor came rushing over.

"Olivia dear! I haven't seen you in a while. Are you okay? Come to think of it, I haven't seen that husband of yours around either. Is he okay? And who's this?"

Olivia visibly tensed at the barrage of questions. She'd never liked Ms. Chris. She was way too inquisitive for Olivia's liking and being retired meant she had nothing but time on her hands to get in others' business.

Fitz quickly made his way to Olivia's side, grabbing her hand in his and squeezing gently. She turned and gave him a small smile.

"Hi Ms. Chris. It's good to see you," Olivia said, lying through her teeth. Now was her time to see if she could pull off their concocted story.

"Where's Jake?" asked Ms. Chris, giving Fitz a side-eyed glance.

God she's persistent, Fitz thought.

Olivia suddenly looked distraught, squeezing Fitz's hand a little tighter. She cast her eyes downward. "Actually, Ms. Chris, he—he passed away." She paused. "That's why you haven't seen either of us. My friend here was kind enough to accompany me to finally start sorting the house."

"Oh my Lord, I'm so sorry." Ms. Chris hugged Olivia tightly." How did he pass, if you don't mind my asking?"

Olivia took a deep breath. "Suicide."

Ms. Chris looked shocked. For once she was at a loss for words. "My condolences to you and your family. I'm truly sorry to hear that. If you need anything I'm here for you."

"Thank you," Olivia whispered.

Ms. Chris quickly made her way back next door to her house, most likely itching to gossip with some of the other neighbors. Fitz and Olivia quickly made their way inside where Olivia checked the blinds around the first floor of the house to make sure they were all shut before returning to the living room. When she walked in Fitz stood there watching her quietly for a moment.

"Was I believable?" Olivia asked, nervously.

"You could've fooled me. For a second I thought you were really upset and I—I started to feel guilty." He said the last part quietly.

Olivia rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Looking up into his eyes she kissed his chest. "I love you. And don't think for a second I regret a single thing that has gotten us to this moment. There's no place I'd rather be, no matter what."

Fitz released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding in and nodded.

"I just hope Ms. Chris believed it. She's so nosy," Olivia said, shaking her head. "She thought Jake hung the moon and the stars, though. I can imagine she's not going to let this go."

Fitz wrapped his arms around her. They held one another as they simultaneously prayed that Ms. Chris wouldn't be another problem to add to their list of concerns.

After a while they separated. "So, what do you want to do?" Fitz asked.

"I don't want to keep much. Everything mostly contains bad memories for me." Olivia turned to look around the living room. Her eyes fell on Jake's favorite drinking glass. It was where he always left it on the coffee table, not on a coaster even though he raised hell whenever she forgot to put her glass on a coaster. She cringed. Whenever he had too many drinks in that glass she could be sure that a yelling match would ensue. That's only when she was lucky that he was too drunk to stay conscious long enough for things to escalate to a physical nature.

Without speaking Olivia walked over to the coffee table and grabbed the glass. She stared at it intently, her grip tightening until her knuckles were nearly white. Relaxing her grip a little, she turned to the fireplace and threw the glass. She didn't move as the glass shattered and fell to the ground. Fitz walked over to her, but he didn't speak. She turned her head slightly in his direction, glancing briefly up at him before looking away.

"I'm okay."

"You're okay."

After a moment of silence Olivia spoke. "Let's just pack up my clothes and stuff in the bedroom. Everything else can stay here."

Fitz went outside to get the boxes from his car that they'd picked up on their way.

Later that evening, Fitz and Olivia were working diligently, moving the boxes of her things into his house. Both were silent as they thought about all that transpired while at Olivia and Jake's old house. It took them longer than expected; Olivia broke down a few times. She'd had a variety of emotions coursing through her: sadness and anger being the most prominent. Fitz didn't say anything. He let her cry, scream, and hit his chest.

Their eyes met as she was walking out the door and he was coming in.

"That's the last box," he told her.

Olivia averted her gaze and turned to follow him inside. Before she could make it to the stairs Fitz was walking toward her, now empty-handed.

"Liv," he called. She stopped walking but didn't turn around. "Livvie?"

Olivia was afraid to admit that she was ashamed of how she'd broken down earlier. The look of anguish on Fitz's face as she beat on his chest that he thought he was concealing haunted her. The fact that it was because of her was embarrassing.

Fitz walked up behind her and gently turned her body around to face him. "Look at me," he softly commanded. When she did, Fitz felt his heart break all over again. "Don't do that, Liv."

She remained silent.

"What happened earlier…don't be ashamed," Fitz told her.

Olivia looked away.

"Come with me," he said, grabbing her hand.

She allowed him to lead her upstairs, still silent. They entered his bedroom and made their way to the bathroom. Fitz turned on the shower, adjusting the water. Olivia looked at him as he turned around to face her again.

"I don't want you to ever feel embarrassed about how you feel. Not with me." As he told her this, he slowly peeled her clothes off until she was completely naked in front of him. "I want to be there for every emotion you feel."

He stepped back and removed his own clothing. Olivia still didn't speak but she allowed him to pull her into the shower. They took turns washing one another and then holding one another as the water hit their skin.

They were drying off when she finally decided to speak.

"It's embarrassing to me, for you to have seen me break down like that. I'm ashamed that it even happened. We're moving forward. I'm happy with you." She paused. "But being in that house again, it just did something to me."

"Liv, years down the road, when we're married and have two kids—maybe a third on the way, you're allowed to break down if that's how you feel. Today you stood in a place where you experienced some horrible things. It's normal for you to react." She gave him a small smile. "Of course years from now I would hope you feel well enough to not let this part of your life affect you, but if it does, then it does. That doesn't mean you're unhappy with me."

Olivia nodded, grateful that he was so understanding.

"Let's go to bed," Fitz said. "It's been a long day."


As they cuddled naked in bed because she wanted to feel close to him, Olivia raised her head from Fitz's chest and looked up at him. His eyes were closed. "I love you," she said, kissing his chin. "So much."

A lot happened here. You guys still there? I'd love to know your thoughts. They're making progress, slowly but surely. What do you guys think about Quinn? Does she have feelings for Fitz secretly? That'll come up later on. We get to see Olitz leaning on one another, erasing one another's doubts. How do you guys feel about that? Leave me some reviews, I'd love to hear from you!